suggested system by incorporating other programming languages suchas C++ and MS Visual Basic.AcknowledgementThis work is funded by the National Science Council in Taiwan, under the “Science Education”Program, Project No. NSC 97-2511-S-218-005-MY2.Bibliography1. Allen Tucker. (2003). A Model Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science. Final Report of the ACM K-12 Education Task Force Curriculum Committee. ACM.2. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., and Cocking, R.R.(2000). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C.:National Academy Press.3. Resnick, M. (1995). New paradigms for computing, new paradigms for thinking. In A. diSessa, Hoyles, C., & Noss, R. (Eds.), Computers and Exploratory Learning (pp. 31-43). New York
education, during his keynote speech Charles M. Vest,President of National Academy of Engineering presented data that were not only disappointing,but perhaps shocking, and urged immediate attention by all stakeholders, such as educators,parents, government and businesses1 . Vest‟s data in Table 1 clearly demonstrates our declining Page 15.76.3number of graduates compared to other three leading nations. In 2003, the fraction of collegegraduates with an engineering degree was 20% in Asia, 12% in Europe and 4% in USA. Table 1: Engineering Graduates in Four Different Nations1 Country Engineering Engineering
AC 2010-1268: LIVING WITH THE LAB: SUSTAINABLE LAB EXPERIENCESFOR FRESHMAN ENGINEERING STUDENTSKelly Crittenden, Louisiana Tech UniversityDavid Hall, Louisiana Tech UniversityPatricia Brackin, Southeast Missouri State University Page 15.846.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Living With the Lab: Sustainable Lab Experiences for Freshman Engineering StudentsAbstractIn the United States, a movement toward project-based freshman engineering curricula began inthe 1990’s due in large part to the National Science Foundation’s Engineering EducationCoalitions. This movement continues at Universities across the country. At Louisiana
willinclude the development of instruction as proposed above and assessments will be conductedbefore and after the intervention. The ultimate goal is to prepare engineering students toencounter nanotechnology education across science, technology, social sciences and humanitiesto be better equipped to participate in debates about how societies ought to be transformed.References: 1. Roco, M. C., & Bainbridge, W. S. (2001). Societal implications of nanoscience and nanotechnology: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2. National Science and Technology Council. (2000). 2000 Annual Report. Washington D.C. 3. Roco, M. C. (2003). Broader societal issues of nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 5(3), 181--189. 4. Roco, M
15 cr/30 ECTS Politècnica de Cataluña Figure 2. Program Credit Allocation ModelWe envision program mobility to be largely determined by language capability. This means thatwe will structure mobility to maximize preparatory study of the Spanish or English language(whichever is the second language) so that when students actually go for their semester (s)abroad in their second language that they will have already studied that language for at least twosemesters. The semester program model as depicted in Table 1 presents a typical study programenvisioned for Purdue University student entrants. DIT entrants would study semester 1 at DITfollowed by Semesters 2
computing (Wu& Hisa, 2004). These principal ICT directly enabling modern E-commerce include Web-basedcomputing, mobile computing, and ubiquitous computing (Banavar & Bernstenin, 2002; Kannanet al., 2001; Samaras, 2002).The Web-based computing was implemented based on a wirednetwork using the Internet until the ability to connect started approaching physical limit-mobility.The mobile computing based on wireless infrastructure gave rise to a new S curve, with the newphysical limits being a higher level of ubiquity and embeddedness (Lyytinen & Yoo, 2002).Over the past decade, we have witnessed the rapid developments in ICT which have substantiallychanged the landscape of E-commerce. The Internet has introduced a significant wave of
rising energy prices create a renewed opportunityto move U.S. public policy and engineering education in a mutually beneficial direction. Callsfor change in the way energy education occurs are certainly not new, and earlier expressions ofconcern are a good source for our current reflection. Writing in 1973, the highly respectedRepublican legislator Howard Baker pondered the then-current oil supply shortage.4 Heconcluded that well-developed education programs linking environmental attitudes with energyuse could have a strong and lasting impact on energy consumption behaviors in the country. Inthe 1970‘s, President Jimmy Carter advocated the development of energy education programs tochange students‘ perceptions of energy and alter patterns of
from the National Science Foundation under theCCLI program through the grant number DUE#0837747REFERENCES[1] Bonwell, C.C. and Eison, J.A., Active Learning: CErating Excitement in the Classromm” ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report Number 1, The George Washington University, School of Education and Human Development, Washington, DC. 1999[2] Davis, C. and Wilcock E. Teaching Materials using Case Studies, UK center for Materials Education, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GH[3] White, H.B., To Improve the Academy, Richlin, L. (Ed), Vol. 15, pp. 75-91, Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press and the Professional and organizational Network in Higher Education.[4] Chubin, D. E., May, G. S., and Babco, E
. Thesetags are: - bold font, - italic font, - subscript, - superscript, - paragraphbreak, and - symbol font. Up to two random variables named var1 and var2 may beinserted anywhere in the question statement. The random variable minimum value, maximumvalue, and step size dictate the range and division of the random variables and are entered in theappropriate fields of Figure 4. The axis system (2- or 3-dimensional) is determined by entering 2or 3, respectively, in the Axis field. The minimum number of the various graphical objects isthen entered into appropriate fields. Acceptable units, separated by #’s, are entered in the Unitsfield. Point deductions for major and minor errors are entered into their respective fields. Thetitle for the graphic
). Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Available online at: Graham, R., Crawley, E., & Mendelson, B. R. (2009). Engineering leadership education: A snapshot review of international good practice. Bernard M. Gordon MIT Engineering Leadership Program.7. Farr, J. V., Walesh, S. G. & Forsythe, G. B. (1997). Leadership development for engineering managers. Journal of Management in Engineering, 13(4), 38-41.8. Torr, S. R., & Ofori, G. (2008). Leadership versus management: How they are different and why. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 8(2), 61-71.9. Bowman
, J. S., & Newman, S.E. (1989). Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading, writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.), Knowing, Learning and Instruction: Essays in Honor of Robert Glaser (453 - 494). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.7. Lave, J. (1991). Situating Learning in Communities of Practice. In L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine, and S. D. Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition (63 - 84), Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.8. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.9. Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, P. (1989). Situate Cognition and the
. Benson, T., 1997, Interactive Educational Tool for Classical Airfoil Theory. AIAA-1997-849.6. Hepperle, M., 2008, JavaFoil, Allison, J., Bidaiah, S., Colwell, D., DeFranco, R., Findley, M., Hall, E., Miller, B., and Kemper, B., Universityof Colorado Design/Build/Fly 2008 - 2009: A Guide to Designing a Stable Flying Wing Aircraft. AIAA.8. Boyer, L., and Peck, C. AC 2009-1346: AIAA Design, Build, Fly Project Highlights. ASEE 2009.9. Arena, A., Experience with the Student Design/Build/Fly Contest at Oklahoma State University. 6th AIAAAviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference. AIAA 2006-783310. Broughton, A. An Approach to Integration of Academic Studies with Practical Applications
principle of operation of fuel cells and designprinciples of hybrid power systems. The topics covered include the need and benefits of AEDG,modeling of wind and PV power generation, energy storage devices, power electronicinterfacing, and principle of operation of fuel cells as well as hydrogen production7-18. The Page 15.414.4benefit of such broad coverage is to give the students a broad view of the various components ofAEDG. Each student picks one area to explore further by studying and presenting one or tworesearch paper(s) to the class as well as doing an end-of-term project developing a written reportand presenting the results of their work to
consent form at the beginning ofthe semester indicating that their answers could be used in this project.The introductory microprocessor course used in this project contains 11 laboratory exercises.Online quizzes were given after exercises 3-7 to collect information on the student understandingof the learning objectives. The following table gives the topic and order of the 11 laboratoryexercises conducted in our microprocessor course. The table shows, for each lab session, theassessment tool used and the targeted objective(s) measured. Table 1. List of laboratory experiments, targeted objectives, and assessment tools used. Laboratory Experiment Objective(s) Assessment Tool(s) 1 Introduction to
. Distributed systems: concepts and design. Addison-Wesley,second edition, 1994.[7] J. Farley. Java: distributed computing. O’Reilly and Associates, 1998.[8] S. P. Amarasinghe. Multicores from the compiler's perspective: a blessing or a curse? Keynote Speech,International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), San Jose, CA, March 2005.[9] S. Carr, J. Mayo and C-K Shene. ThreadMentor: a pedagogical tool for multithreaded programming. InACM Journal on Educational Resourses in Computing, Vol. 3, Issue 1, March 2003.[10] C. Shene and S. Carr. The Design of a multithreaded programming course and its accompanyingsoftware tools. The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Vol. 14 (1998), No. 1 (November), pp. 12 - 24.[11] Homepage of MIT 6.189
15.690.9Students expressed that they would have really liked to be able to use the calculator that isdesigned in the final class project earlier in the quarter to learn about unsigned and signednumbers and 2’s complement arithmetic. While we have previously included a first experiencewith the FPGA board, based on student recommendations we are replacing the ping-pong gamewith the binary calculator. The ping-pong game and other designs will be available for studentsto download and experiment with outside of class.As we have continually evolved the experiments some quarters we included a project related toDeMorgan’s theorem and in other quarters we did not. In the quarters it was included studentsdemonstrated a much better understanding of DeMorgan’s
Page 15.1020.121. A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators 2004, National Science Foundation Report., Retrieved on March 2005.2. National Science Foundation Statistics on Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science & Engineering,, accessed on Jan 2010.3. Freeman, C. E., Trends in Educational Equity of Girl s and Women: 2004. Retrieved from Bentz, N. E., & Hackett, G. (1986). Applications of Self-Efficacy Theory to Understanding Career Choice Behavior. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4, 279-289, 1986.5. Beyer, S., Rynes, K., Perrault, J., Hay, K
, extracurricularactivities, and recommendations by school officials.”In the mid 1990’s the Ujima Program was impacted by the University’s emphasis on “smallerand better” campus recruitment and the overall size of the student body. As a result, the criteriafor admissions was modified for the Ujima Scholars Program by the Admissions Office in 2000in direct response to the University’s call for Colleges to raise the SAT threshold. The minimumSAT was increased from 750-800. Students with SATs between 750 and 800 with a strong highschool GPA were considered. Also students with a GPA below 2.0 and a SAT score of 950 orhigher would receive consideration if extenuating circumstances could be substantiated. TheUjima Scholars enrollment pattern remained steady until 1996
+ I2 = 2.74 mA 12V R2 R3 V3 V1 = 4.59 V — Find: R1, R2, and R3 Is Figure 7: Series-Parallel Circuit The design proceeds as follows: V1 4.59 V Ohm's Law (R1): R1 = = = 389 I s 11.8 mA Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (Outer Loop): V3 = 12 V − V1 = 12 V − 4.59 V = 7.41 V V3 7.41 V Ohm's Law (R2): R2 = = = 2.70 k
-DSPTonalityDue to the presence of a large amount of noise in the signal, the original tone of the signal mightget masked. Tonality is a measure of the signal‟s tone-like or noise-like characteristic. TheSpectral Flatness Measure (SFM), defined as the ratio of the geometric mean to the arithmeticmean of the power spectrum, is used to compute the tonality for each frame 4. P(k ) Re2[ X (k )] Im2[ X (k )] (2) GM {P(k)} (3) SFM (dB) 10 log10 AM {P(k)} SFMdB
8 6 4 2 0 t t m s t s
environment, where issues specific to each individual team member can beaddressed. Next, teams create a working agreement and submit it for feedback regarding clarity,expectations, consequences, etc. The agreement is assessed and returned with comments,suggestions, and encouragements. At the end of the term, each team member assesses both theworking agreement and the team’s ability to abide by (and, if necessary, revise) the document.To facilitate application of teamwork skills in the classroom, students participate in a role-playexercise. The roles relate to different interpersonal styles and the goal is to encourage students tothink about their own role(s) within the team process. Finally, in an effort to keep in contact witheach team and to
; Ultrasonic sensor; sound sensor - when you talk the robot moves.S2: Q4 - Sense heat Q5 - MotorsStudent 1’s (S1) response to question 5 received a high score for listing a majority of thecomponents needed from the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kits to simulate a desert tortoise,while Student 2’s (S2) response to question 5 received a very low score. In both cases, S1 and S2make references to actions performed by a desert tortoise that cannot be simulated by thecomponents listed in question 5. The lack of a relationship between questions 4 and 5 couldindicate that these students are separating the natural sciences of the desert tortoise and thetechnology of the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kits
TOTAL xx STUDENTS # A B C . . . X Y Z THE CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC RUBRIC COURTESY OF W. S. U. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WA. 99164. LIKERT SCALE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION : (1 : Strongly Disagree; 5 : Strongly Agree) 1 Environment: Fundamental Knowledge and Concepts 4 5 3 . . . 4 4 4 4 2 Ability to Address the Consequences Pertaining to Environment 3 4 4 . . . 4 3 3 2 3 Integration with Relevant, Contemporary Environmental Issues 5 4 3 . . . 3 4 5 2 4 Depth of Understanding of the Importance of Environment 4 3 4 . . . 3 3 4 4
issues.An analytic induction approach will be used for data analysis. In general, this entails comparingindividual case studies with existing definitions and hypotheses of a phenomenon (Taylor andBogdan, 1998). Each case is used to either confirm the existing model(s) or serve to reformulatethem.Currently, the first stage of data collection has been conducted. The next section presents resultsfrom this stage, which includes analysis of the first set of individual interviews with teammembers.RESULTSFor the first stage of the study, interviews were conducted with twelve members from the twoparticipating teams. These interviews were analyzed for congruence with the models listed inTable 2. Three representative interviews are presented and discussed
weremultiple misconceptions for each student's response to each question. After reading through andmaking note of student misconceptions, similar misconceptions were grouped into categories.These categories were developed through emergent themes from student misconceptions asdisplayed on each Topical Module Assessment. For example, many student misconceptions ofcrystal structure included addition or deletion of atoms in the unit cell. Not all misconceptionsinvolved adding or removing the same atom, but because these were similar misconceptions,hinting at an emergent theme, they were grouped into one category referencing extra or missingatom(s). Each student conception was then assigned categories based on these emergent themes.This categorization
two prior fundamentalchemistry competences needing reinforcement. More importantly, the methods adopted in thepresent study may illustrate an approach to connect industrial demand and academicinstruction.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial supports provided by the National ScienceCouncil of the Republic of China under grant NSC 97-2511-S-262-008-MY3. Page 15.1327.11REFERENCESCuhls, K. (2003). Delphi method. Technical report, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research.Faherty, V. (1979), Continuing Social Work Education: Results of a Delphi Survey, Journal of Education for Social Work, 15(1), 12
holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Nebraska, an M.S. in Environmental Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and a B. S. in Civil Engineering from Assam Engineering College in India.Bruce Schumacher, North Dakota State University Bruce Schumacher is an ABD doctoral student in education at North Dakota State University. Schumacher holds an M.S. Ed. from Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota, an M.A.T in Education and B. A. in History from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Page 15.367.1© American Society for Engineering
disaster. In defense of their entity, the students createdan opening statement for the defense, called up to three defense witnesses/experts and composeda defense closing summary statement. In addition to defense, students were allowed to cross-examine witnesses called by other defendants and prepared questions in advance. The aim of thecross-examination was for the students to identify and clarify weaknesses in the arguments andpositions presented by other entities and to make sure information given was complete andaccurate.The overall purpose of this mock hearing was to engage the students in critical thinking andanalysis in a fun and relevant manner. The first objective was to identify what technical error(s)occurred and then dig deeper and try