-building outcomes.Together, prior findings that suggest support programs enhance students’ social capital and socialcapital’s relevance for persistence in CS motivate our study into whether students acquired socialcapital from CSSI, how CSSI’s design and environment influenced students’ access to socialcapital, and whether participants’ outgoing social capital impacted their persistence in CS. ● RQ1: What form(s) of social capital in CS did students acquire from CSSI? ● RQ2: What were features of CSSI that influenced students’ access to social capital in CS? ● RQ3: How did access to social capital from CSSI impact students’ persistence in CS?MethodsHosted by Google and first launched in 2008 [51], CSSI’s name recognition and maturityenabled
, or stretch, assignments are critical levers of mobility [1].Organizations and managers curate and allocate these types of assignments informally, usingthem as a means to develop leadership skills, identify people ready for promotion and the “fasttrack”, and build succession plans [2], [3]. Software engineering managers in Tobias Neely etal.’s [1] case flagged that stretch assignments need to have an element of building new skills andcapacities (stretches were routinely described as “getting out of your comfort zone”) and anelement of visibility in the organization and to managers and leaders. Career advancement forthese engineers, in other words, revolved around proving competence in novel areas that hadstrategic importance to the business
research exists on its influence on classroom practices in first-yearengineering courses. The central question driving this research is: How does instructors'pedagogical knowledge influence their pedagogical practices for first-year engineering courses?For this study, we chose the model of teacher professional knowledge and skill (TPK&S), whichincludes pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). A descriptive case study was utilized as amethodology for this work to delve into the phenomenon. The context of the study was a first-year introductory engineering course offered at a large public research institution. This is a pilotstudy for an NSF-funded project “Advancing Student-Centered Teaching for DisciplinaryKnowledge Building in Engineering
members play an integral part in creating organizational change in graduateeducation; thus, their readiness for change can greatly impact the success of the change initiative.Change readiness can be defined as an individual’s or organization’s ability and willingness tosuccessfully undertake and adapt to change [39], [40]. Change readiness has been studied at boththe individual and organizational level [41]. According to Rafferty et al.’s [40]MultilevelFramework of the Antecedents and Consequences of Readiness for Change, individuals areready for organizational change if they believe that 1) change is needed, 2) the individual ororganization can undertake the change, and 3) there will be positive outcomes from the change.Most literature is
efforts to create inclusive classrooms and programming.Dr. Melissa M. Bilec, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Bilec is an associate professor in the Swanson School of Engineeringˆa C™s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Bilecˆa C™s research program focuses on the built environment, life cycle assessment, sustainable healthcare, and energy im ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Collaborative Virtual Air Quality Learning Experience with Kakenya’s Dream (Resource Exchange, Diversity) The curriculum we developed for this collaborative project focused on introducing thestudents and instructors to the importance of air quality (AQ), its impacts on
integrating and applying this information cohesively for a specific task. This limitation is evident in Steps 8 and 9 of ChatGPT’s solution, which redundantly recapitulate prior results, ultimately culminating in Step 10’s provision of a wholly incorrect conclusion—a mere !"# *, - $% repetition of information from Step 5 𝑎 = *' . It is evident that ChatGPT failed to resolve this problem, yielding a result that appears far- )./ fetched, with 𝑎& incorrectly equated to
versus that have not. Therefore, this research compares taxi-outand taxi-in times across three hub classifications (S/M/L) and ASDE-X implementation(Yes/No). This study aims to answer the following research question: What are the effects ofimplementing ASDE-X at – Small, Medium, and Large hub airports on the taxi-in and taxi-outtimes at these airports?Accordingly, the following hypotheses are tested in this paper: Ho: Taxi-out (or taxi-in) times are the same at Small hub (or Medium hub or Large hub) airports with ASDE-X as those without ASDE-X. Ha: Taxi-out (or taxi-in) times are different at Small hub (or Medium hub or Large hub) airports with ASDE-X as those without ASDE-X.METHODOLOGYTo answer the research question
InformationPseudonym Racial Gender Disability(s) Engineering Major Year-in-School International Identity Identity Student (Y/N)Susan White Woman Multiple physical disabilities Mechanical Third-year NLucy Black Woman Cognitive, learning Civil Third-year YAria White Woman Cognitive Industrial Ph.D. NClaire White Woman Cognitive, learning, physical Computer Science Fourth-year N Co-researcher Recruitment and Data Collection This
. decontextualized. Energy is a showcase the number of topic that can be difficult to projects in operation on campus. connect from conceptual to contextual.These main takeaways from our community stakeholder research will inform the design of thisnew course. We offer this paper as a way to provide a different example of curricular design, onethat pushes against the siloed nature of universities through local and interconnected examples ofcampus activity and documents a labor process that often is undervalued in reimaginingengineering curricula.References[1] G. D. Hoople, D. A. Chen, S. M. Lord, Gelles, L. A., F. Bilow, J. A. Mejia. “An Integrated Approach to Energy Education in Engineering,” Sustainability
anticipates testing these advancements in future endeavorsthrough a subsequent research study.5. References[1] J. H. Mathewson, “Visual-Spatial Thinking: An Aspect of Science Overlooked by Educators,” Sci. Educ., vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 1098–237, 1999, doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1098- 237X(199901)83:1.[2] G. Duffy, S. Sorby, and B. Bowe, “An investigation of the role of spatial ability in representing and solving word problems among engineering students,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 424–442, Jul. 2020, doi: 10.1002/JEE.20349.[3] M. Kozhevnikov, M. A. Motes, and M. Hegarty, “Spatial Visualization in Physics Problem Solving,” Cogn. Sci., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 549–579, Jul. 2007, doi: 10.1080/15326900701399897.[4
PIECES: AN INFORMAL FRAMEWORK TO ENCOURAGE MULTIFACETED ENGAGEMENT a b c d a. Aerospace Engineering Department. CU Boulder J. Rush Leeker, L. MacDonald, S. Roudbari, L. Ruane, M. Palomar b. Global Engineering, CU Boulder c. Architecture, Sustainable Planning &
Education, 2024 PALAR IN PIECES: AN INFORMAL FRAMEWORK TO ENCOURAGE MULTIFACETED ENGAGEMENT J. Rush Leeker, L. MacDonald, S. Roudbari, L. Ruane, M. Palomar INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 Action Learning (AL): METHODOLOGY Centers on a 'learning by
checkpoints were met with time to spare. Student 16 indicatesthat they advocated for splitting the workload, which likely means that some of their earlycommunications to student 115 would have made suggestions as to splitting up tasks. However,student 115 wrote that they felt the splitting of the workload was not as balanced as they wouldhave liked. From these entries, it seems that student 16 may have delegated tasks or aspects ofthe project to student 115, which could have included the template selection. This would suggestthat student 16’s experience in project #2 may have led them to select the same template inproject #3. Indeed, in project #1, student 16 worked in the group of three, which also selected theWord template. The team reflections for
to help practitioners navigate their careers, help practitioners betterunderstand their students and colleagues, and help administrators/mentors develop an asset-basedand systemic-based understanding of neurodivergence.References[1] H. B. Rosqvist, N. Chown, and A. Stenning, Neurodiversity Studies: A New Critical Paradigm. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.[2] A. Cuellar, B. Webster, S. Solanki, C. Spence, and M. A. Tsugawa, “Examination of Ableist Educational Systems and Structures that Limit Access to Engineering Education through Narratives,” presented at the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, 2022.[3] T. Sorg, “Where are We, and Where to Next? ‘Neurodiversity’ in
Teachers Association (NSTA), 2016. https://ngss.nsta.org/About.aspx (accessed Aug. 12, 2023).[2] Next Generation Science Standards Lead States, Next generation science standards: For states, by states. Washington DC: The National Academies Press, 2013.[3] W. Aminger et al., “Preservice secondary science teachers’ implementation of an NGSS practice: Using mathematics and computational thinking,” J. Sci. Teacher Educ., vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 188–209, Feb. 2021.[4] R. S. N. Lindberg, T. H. Laine, and L. Haaranen, “Gamifying programming education in K‐ 12: A review of programming curricula in seven countries and programming games,” Br. J. Educ. Technol., vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 1979–1995, Jul. 2019.[5] Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S
Significance of Scholarship Programs in STEMIntroductionIn this Work-in-Progress paper, we share our ongoing work with an NSF Scholarships in STEM(S-STEM) program related to an iteration of analysis that looked across specific aspects in amore summative manner than our typical analyses during the five years of the project that aremore formative. As the project will soon enter an extension into a sixth year to use existingscholarship funds, we took this opportunity to begin to reflect on overarching goals toward thedevelopment and submission of a new S-STEM proposal to continue this work. The StudentPathways in Engineering and Computing for Transfers (SPECTRA) program in the ClemsonUniversity College of Computing, Engineering
EXCHANGE it w hDr. Rachelle Pedersen Texas A&M UniversityDr. Justin Wilkerson wilkerson@tamu.eduLESSON DESCRIPTIONThis lesson is a mix of demonstrations and inquiry experiences intended to guide students throughconcepts of energy transformations (e.g., kinetic, elastic) and engineering concepts of snap-throughtransitions in both the natural and engineered world. Students will develop foundational understandingsof energy conservation with a simple ball bouncing demonstration and build to more complex conceptsof spring/elastic energy using the classic 90’s rubber popper toys to investigate the energytransformations in the system. Depending on the age of the students, we will extend this lesson
identified by the other model. The GPT-4 model tended to identifymore basic relationships, while manual analysis identified more nuanced relationships.Our results do not currently support using GPT-4 to automatically generate graphicalrepresentations of faculty’s mental models of assessments. However, using a human-in-the-loopprocess could help offset GPT-4’s limitations. In this paper, we will discuss plans for our futurework to improve upon GPT-4’s current performance.IntroductionAssessments are found in every engineering classroom and are an important part of our educationsystem [1]-[3]. Assessments play many different roles, including understanding studentimprovements in learning [4], acting as a tool to assist students with learning [5], [6
Number [EEC-1849430 & EEC-2120746]. Any opinions, findings andconclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect those of the NSF. The authors acknowledge the support of the entire e4usaproject team.References[1] “The Standards | Next Generation Science Standards.” Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.nextgenscience.org/standards[2] “Employment in STEM occupations : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/stem-employment.htm[3] “Motivational factors predicting STEM and engineering career intentions for high school students | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
each type, and strategies forunderstanding team members’ preferences and tailoring communication and collaborationstrategies. This model offers users insights into their personality preferences and psychologicaltype and incorporates an additional letter to accommodate five scales instead of four [12]. Themodel evaluates five personality dimensions, each representing opposite ends of a spectrum: (1)Energy: the interaction with the surrounding environment (Extraverted(E)/Introverted(I)); (2)Mind: the perception and processing of the world (Intuitive(N)/Observant(S)); (3) The processof making decisions and reacting to emotions (Thinking(T)/Feeling(F)); (4) Tactics: theapproach to work, planning, and decision-making (Judging(J)/Prospecting(P
(DE-NA0004115) , MSIPP-I AM EMPOWERED funded by the Department of Energy (DE-NA0004004), NSF-RISEfunded by the National Science Foundation (1646897), CREST Center funded by the National Science Foundation (1735968),RETREAT: Retaining Engineers through Research Entrepreneurship and Advanced Materials Training funded by the NationalScience Foundation (1950500), DREAM: Diversity in Research and Engineering of Advanced Materials Training. Funded by AirForce Research Laboratory (FA8651-18-1-0003) and Catalyst Project: A Two-Semester Driven Conceptualization Training ofManufacturing Intelligence in Materials Engineering (MIME) - A Froshmore FUTURES Program (2011853).References[1] M. L. Espino, S. L. Rodriguez, and B. D. Le, "A Systematic
high school female students andcounselors.Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of addressing gender imbalance in CEMprograms and offers actionable insights to promote gender diversity and inclusion in theconstruction industry. By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions canwork towards creating more inclusive and diverse learning environments in CEM education andultimately contribute to a more equitable representation of women in the construction industry.Bibliography1. Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J. F., Dillon, J. S., Wong, B., & Willis, B. (2013). ASPIRES Report: Young People’s Science and Career Aspirations, Age 10 –14. King's College London2. Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Shanmugam, M., Lee, A. J
importance of creating theseopportunities for college retention.VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. The authors would like to acknowledge Jason Osei-Tutu, Dr. RuzicaTodorovic and Bridget O’ Connell for supporting our research and facilitating the Center ofExcellence for Engineering and Computer Science at Wilbur Wright College, City Colleges ofChicago. This research is derived from the research “Building Bridges into Engineering andComputer Science” that is approved by the City
an accessible and reliable assessmentsystem for assessing conceptual STEM understanding for colleges and universities that aligns withSTEM curriculum and uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) based assessment methods. Table 1: Operational Definition of Terms Term Operational Definition Example(s) Proficiency The proficiency of a person reflects the probability • Percentage correct on of answering test items correctly. The higher the static exams. individual’s proficiency, the higher the probability • Theta estimate on CATs. of a correct response. Different fields refer to proficiency as ability, latent trait, theta. Content
(Instructor 1: M = 4.79, SD = 1.64; Instructor2: M = 6.12, SD = 1.30). On average for both sections, students’ lowest ratings were for thebenefits that videos would have had during their sophomore year (M = 5.22, SD = 1.77).Figure 1 shows the distribution of student ratings for each question in the survey. Distributionsfor Questions 1, 2, and 4 were negatively skewed as students rated these aspects highly. For bothsections, distributions were similar for Question 1, “Helped in being knowledgeable aboutcurrent ethical issues in computing” and Question 4, “Picking your own ethics topics.” Instructor2’s section gave higher ratings to the importance of analyzing ethical implications of capstoneprojects. The two sections were somewhat opposite in rating
pedagogical strategies that harness the strengths of agile frameworks to enrich the educational experience of students. References[1] D. Lopatto, “Undergraduate research as a high-impact student experience,” Peer Rev., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 27–31, Mar. 2010.[2] J. O. Shanahan, E. Ackley-Holbrook, E. Hall, K. Stewart, and H. Walkington, “Ten Salient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentors: A Review of the Literature,” Mentor. Tutoring Partnersh. Learn., vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 359–376, Oct. 2015, doi: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126162.[3] G. D. Kuh, “High-Impact educational practices.,” Peer Rev., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 30–31, Sep. 2008.[4] S. Aggrawal and A. J. Magana, “Undergraduate Student Experience with Research Facilitated by Project
defined as a limit of Riemann sums. White down the limit form and then decide 𝑏on the units of ∫𝑎 𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 .Fancier version: assume g(s,t) is a function of two variables, where s is measured in v units and tis measured in w units and g is measured in o units (for output) .Write down the limit and difference quotient that is used to find ∂g/∂s.What does that make the units of ∂g/∂s ? 𝑏 𝑑What would be the units for the double integral ∫𝑎 ∫𝑐 𝑔(𝑠, 𝑡)𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ?Reflection: 1. Did you remember how to obtain units on derivatives and integrals? (Please elaborate) 2. Does this exercise refresh your understanding of calculating units from Calculus I or Linear Algebra
Murzi, H., 2023, “Board 2A: WIP: Opportunities in Cultural Dimensions between Architecture and Civil Engineering Students in Ecuador,” 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.[10] Shaaban, K., 2013, “Practical Teaching and Its Importance in Teaching Civil Engineering,” Global Innovators Conference 2013, Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press), College of the North Atlantic-Qatar, Doha, Qatar,.[11] Cai, H., “A Practical Teaching Model in a Civil Engineering Course.”[12] Emzain, Z., Qosim, N., Mufarrih, A., and Hadi, S., 2022, “Finite Element Analysis and Fabrication of Voronoi Perforated Wrist Hand Orthosis Based on Reverse Engineering Modelling Method,” J. Appl. Eng. Technol. Sci. JAETS, 4
, has gained attention from the computingeducation community over the last few years [1]. The focus in PI is active student engagementthrough discussion, involving students in the answering and discussion of multiple-choicequestions. This is typically accomplished by obtaining real-time student feedback through theuse of student response systems in class as the students learn the topic.SOLID is an acronym that denotes five basic principles widely used in designing software builton the .NET platform. S stands for SRP (Single Responsibility Principle), O for OCP (OpenClosed Principle) L for LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle), I for ISP (Interface SegregationPrinciple) D for DI (Dependency Inversion Principle). The main purpose of these
Paper ID #44107Whistle While You Work: Drivers and Impacts of Happiness at Work forEngineersMr. Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University Seth Sullivan is the Director of the Zachry Leadership Program in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the university, he worked in consulting in the private sector and as an analyst in the U.S. Government. Heˆa C™s earned ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Whistle While You Work: Antecedents and Impacts of Happiness at Work for EngineersAbstract This research explores the