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, University of Oklahoma Haley Taffe is an Accelerated Masters student in Biomedical Engineering at The University of Oklahoma. She focuses on first year students and self-reflection opportunities within the classroom to enhance learning. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Examining the Engineering Self-Efficacy, Design Self-Efficacy, Intentions to Persist, and Sense of Belonging of First-Year Engineering Students through Community-Partnered ProjectsAbstractCommunity-partnered projects (CPP) have been used in education from the 1990’s and have beenshown to demonstrate effective learning by working on real-time problems which are diverse andcultural, social, and environmental
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been used in education to assessstudent understanding of specific concepts and as a tool for curricular planning [10], [11], [12].We focus on the latter purpose.Jonassen and Marra [13] advanced a theoretical perspective on concept mapping grounded in aconstructivist framework. We offer three salient items from this perspective that aim to supporteducators’ creation of concept maps as tools for curriculum design and reflection. Conceptmapping functions from a constructivist perspective in that engaging in this activity presents itscreator(s) with the task of internally negotiating their own knowledge and understanding about aparticular topic or domain [13]. As a result of this negotiating process, they argue that creating anexternal
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extend this alliance to both inside and outside the CSUsystem. In addition, we are sharing all the curriculum and research with the wider community ofCS educators.ResultsEvaluation plan Our evaluation team includes a member dedicated to evaluating the alliance andstudent related outcomes (Objectives 1, 2 and 4) led by Dr. Hubbard Cheuoua and a memberdedicated to understanding the outcomes related to the faculty learning community (Objective 3),led by Dr. Hug.Evaluation of Objectives 1, 2 and 4: Led by Dr. Hubbard Cheuoua, the evaluation has focusedon gathering formative and summative feedback on the alliance (Objective 4) and impact onstudents (Objectives 1 and 2). Using [31]’s methodology, a set of indicators for early-stagecollective impact
al.’s researcher identity scales, which aim to measure the sameconstructs as in the current research, originally contained 26 total items, but were reduced 16total items following the factor analyses of these scales and those of the related identities(scientist and engineering). One unique advantage of Perkin et al.’s approach is that many of theitems provided a more detailed reflection on the specific context of doctoral education. Forexample, the dissertation advisor is proposed as a critical external source of recognition and thusthe following item was added: “My advisor(s) see me as a RESEARCHER.”2 Similarly, thecompetence scale in Perkins et al. work focuses more on specific competencies associated withresearch, such as delivering
determine the best method of analysis and likely failure location(s). Whenfaced with more open-ended structural analysis problems, students frequently make incorrectassumptions about two-force members, action-reaction pairs, and internal loads that can lead toinappropriate or inaccurate analyses.Problem- and Project-Based Learning in StaticsPrior studies in undergraduate engineering education have introduced problem- and project-based learning (PBL) experiences for Statics courses that involve design challenges [1-8].Collectively, this body of research provides valuable exemplars about how PBL learningopportunities can advance students’ engineering knowledge and skills, yet there remain twosubstantial limitations. First, the prototyping component
task and promote self-regulation to task completion, Azevedo etal.’s research and others [19-21] have shown that the integration of adaptive, pedagogicalscaffolds catalyzes student performance, especially those with low prior knowledge or skill.Distributed scaffolds in project-based learning in the early years of postsecondary engineeringprograms has indicated positive student outcomes related to academic engagement, performanceon key assignments, and development and use of fabrication and prototyping skills necessary forthe profession. Allam et al. [22] found scaffolding in freshman engineering project-basedlearning yielded greater than normal student engagement in all phases of design and in overallproject management. Carpenter et al. [14
Phase 2 to collect data fromfive additional dis/abled STEM graduate students. After inductive analysis of the interviewtranscripts, a comparison with prior theoretical framings of dis/ability found that no single theorycaptured the experiences of the participants. Therefore the prior theoretical frameworks wereamalgamated into the paint bucket theory of dis/ability. In this paper the authors deductively mapselect conceptualizations of the participants' experiences in STEM disciplines to the paint bucketframework.The participantsThe seven participants were seeking master’s and/or doctoral degree(s) (or had previously soughta degree within one year of their interview) in STEM disciplines at institutions in the UnitedStates of America with varying
particularly thosewho participated in follow-up interviews. We believe your input will help mitigate barriers impedingequitable access to, and success within, engineering education for all students.REFERENCES[1] V. E. Díaz, S. McKeown, C. Peña, “The Collection and Use of Student Data on Race, Ethnicity, and Ancestry”, BCCAT e-publications. Available: https://www.bccat.ca/publication/reastudentdata/ [Available as of 23 Jan.2024][2] C. Verschelden, Bandwidth Recovery, Stylus Publishing, 2017[3] K.J. Cross, S. Farrell, B. Hughes (editors), Queering STEM Culture in US Higher Education, Routledge, 2022[4] J. Chen, J. M. Widmann, B.P. Self, “Intelligence Is Overrated: The Influence of Noncognitive and Affective Factors on Student Performance
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system. ● Probability of Transit (p(T)): This parameter measures the probability the student learns the skill after attempting a problem related to that skill. ● Probability of Guess (p(G)): This parameter accounts for the likelihood that the student guesses the answer correctly without actually knowing the skill. It helps distinguish between true knowledge and lucky guesses. ● Probability of Slip (p(S)): The slip parameter is the probability that the student, despite knowing the skill, incorrectly answers a problem. This could be due to mistakes, misunderstandings, or other factors unrelated to their actual knowledge level.Each of these parameters must be initially estimated for each student model variable. ForThermoVR
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2014 report indicate thatneurodiverse individuals make up only around 3% of science and engineering doctoral degreerecipients [10].Graduate students face a unique set of challenges when compared to undergraduate students,with faculty advisors playing a large role in student success. Several studies have noted specificchallenges related to advisors, including work-life balance, which may be impacted by facultyexpectations, and hierarchical faculty-student relationships [11]-[13]. Satterfield et al.’s [14]literature review focused on the experiences of graduate students during their studies andexplored how individual factors (the influence of the student’s advisor), programmatic factors(isolation and teaching assistantships), and external
majored in Civil Engineering. He has served in a variety of assignments around the world to include Iraq, Kuwait, Germany, and Eastern Europe. LTC Biggerstaff served in the department from 2014-2016 and again from 2022 to present. Along the way, he earned Master’s degrees in Environmental Engineering (Missouri S&T), Management Science (Stanford University), and Civil Engineering (Stanford University) and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Stanford University). He has taught a number of courses in C&ME ranging from structural engineering and steel design to thermal fluid systems. His research interests include topics in sustainable construction materials and systems, decision analysis, and engineering education. He
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relationshipwith your mentor (s)?” and “How has your participation in this program reinforced your identityas a Latina/o in Engineering?” Second interview responses informed and framed this study. Onaverage, interviews lasted 40 minutes. All interviews took place in the university facilities whenstudents were available. Researchers used consent forms to comply with the Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB) requirements. All interviews were recorded and transcribed; the transcriptions wereused for the analysis. Researchers used Dedoose, a qualitative tool to help in the data analysis.Researchers started with the unitization of data, that is, every piece of information that can beunderstood by itself is classified under a theme and then reclassified using