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% 0% a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. (D) (E) Strongl y di s a gree Somewha t di s a gree Nei ther a gree nor di s a gree Somewha t a gree Strongl y a greeFigure 2. The student responses for the sub-questions of Question 2 (Table 2) for (A) CHEN 3302 (B) CHEN 4320(C) MENG 4349 (D) MENG 4312 (E) MENG 5330Next, we evaluated the responses for Q3, which gauged the students' understanding of the concepts relatedto sustainability in engineering. The descriptive statistics for each course are summarized in Table 5
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technical skills that theyhave gleaned from the program.Professional DevelopmentThe program’s leadership team disseminates best practices through presentations, social media,publications, and national workshops, including s four-day virtual Summer Teachers’ Workshop.This workshop brings high school and community college educators from throughout the UnitedStates to experience the same program that is used for the high school students. The participantsare presented with the same professional skills and technical skills modules that the studentparticipants are given. Summer Teachers’ Workshop participants are provided with stipends fortheir participation and have the opportunity to receive an additional stipend by submittingprofessional skills or
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. Such a curriculum will require the ability to acquireunderstanding in all aspects of the model shown in exhibit 1 as they relate to the personsociety, and work. A technologically literate person is, therefore, one who is able to embraceand control the technologies with which he/she is confronted.An education that creates the environment in which a person can gain the skills required tolive in a technologically created environment will be intensely personal for technology isinherently related to the person. It is not something that is apart from the person or thecommunity (systems) that a person inhabits. It impacts on relationships, and therefore ongrowth for “we come to be who we are as personal individuals only in personalrelationship(s
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contributions: this should include remodeled or new designed teaching materials, novel teaching methods, and the fulfillment of learning outcomes 2. Summarize student feedback: strength, weakness and other comments should are be consid- ered. Here is an example: Please identify what you consider to be the Please identify area(s) where you think the strengths of the course/section course/section could be improved well organized and put solution and assignments lab expectation was not clear on Canvas in a timely fashion The balance between homework, lectures and labs leave more time for students to take note are really nice and worked with the topics covered by each Professor was good at presenting strate- Homework was a
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, assess, refine and conclude the model or prototype 0 16.67 41.67% 41.67% Ave of all KPIs for SLO2 0 19.45% 41.67% 38.82% STDEV,S 0 9.504229 0.08335 0.047584 Indicate possible data collection items (i.e. lectures, assignments, quizzes, lab reports, projects, test questions) that may be used by the department in the annual assessment: Senior Design Projects; average of one initial report, one midterm report, and one final technical report.Students previously worked on this project also stated their satisfaction on preparing themselveson real-life
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the recipient of the Foundation Excellence Award, David S. Taylor Service to Students Award and Golden Apple Award from Boise State University. He was also the recipient of 2023 National Outstanding Teacher Award, ASEE PNW Outstanding Teaching Award, ASEE Mechanical Engineering division’s Outstanding New Educator Award and several course design awards. He serves as the campus representative and was the past-Chair for the ASEE PNW Section. His academic research interests include innovative teaching and learning strategies, use of emerging technologies, and mobile teaching and learning strategies.Eric Jankowski, Boise State University Dr Jankowski’s interest in efficiency underpins his research in thermodynamic self
% 72.4%I believe the ISPeL system is helping me study 110 3.6% 3.6% 31.8% 38.2% 22.7% 60.9%and prepare for my exams.The end of section quiz(s) [if present] is/arerelevant to the topic(s) involved and is helping me 107 2.8% 1.9% 36.4% 43.0% 15.9% 58.9%understand how to apply the topic.The ISPeL system layout is intuitive to understand 110 3.6% 10.0% 29.1% 35.5% 21.8% 57.3%and easy to navigate.I wish more instructors used the ISPeL system. 108 2.8% 4.6% 37.0% 32.4% 23.1% 55.5%Jupyter notebook works well with the ISPeL system. 110 2.7% 6.4
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[15].3.1. Interview ProtocolWe followed a semi-structured interview protocol with 10 initial questions about instructors’ useof SketchTivity in their teaching. Nearly all main questions had at least one probing question tofollow up with participants and gain more detail into their experiences. Table 1 contains the fulllist of interview questions.Table 1. Semi-structured interview questions and follow-up probing questions. Interview Question Probing Questions 1. Which course(s) did you implement it in? Was it an undergrad/grad course? If undergrad, what classification of students took the course
platform also invites learners to engagewith the material through conversation threads, providing valuable feedback for the author(s). This uniquetool encourages student agency and creativity in the classroom by inviting them to weave theirexperiences, understandings of sustainability issues, and acquired knowledge into a story. As described inan article online, the platform (accessible here: is continuously growing withsupport from multiple NSF grants [10]. Figure 1. Locations of case studies authored on Gala. ( study was piloted in a graduate-level engineering class at the university called Fundamentals ofRenewable Energy Processes and Electrochemical Storage. The final project
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