. Students also learn to program the micro:bit to display air quality statususing LED lights on the air quality board. Finally, the learning unit concludes by presenting airquality conditions in their neighborhood in collaboration with their CBOs.References[1] L. Chatzidiakou et al., “Schools’ air quality monitoring for health and education: Methodsand protocols of the SAMHE initiative and project,” Developments in the Built Environment, vol.16, 2023, 100266, ISSN 2666-1659, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2023.100266.[2] S. Miao, M. Gangolells, and B. Tejedor, “Data-driven model for predicting indoor air qualityand thermal comfort levels in naturally ventilated educational buildings using easily accessibledata for schools,” Journal of Building
program because of a betterscholarship opportunity at a different school. The 22 students currently in the program are on-track for graduation with overall average GPA of 3.51. All the 22 active students in the 2cohorts have been successfully placed in at least one internship experience and also participate ina diverse range of student activities and organizations. It is noteworthy that 3 ECS Scholars wereinvited and participated in 2023 S-STEM scholars meeting. A survey administered in Fall 2023show a high level of satisfaction with the program.Description of EAB’s Navigate PlatformNavigate is a comprehensive technology platform designed to support student success in highereducation institutions. Its primary goal is to improve outcomes for
redesigning the PCBAs' visuals, particularly thesilkscreen, to more effectively guide students in probing and component identification.References[1] S. AbuShanab, M. Winzker and R. Brück, "Teaching low-power design with an FPGA- based hands-on and remote lab," 2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tallinn, Estonia, 2015, pp. 132-140.[2] Cadence Design Systems. (2023). The role of CAD in design: Synthesizing ECAD and MCAD. Cadence Blog. https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/blog/2023-the-role-of-cad-in- design-synthesizing-ecad-and-mcad[3] Candor Industries. (2018). Breadboard vs PCB. Candor Industries Blog. https://www.candorind.com/blog/breadboard-vs-pcb/[4] Altium. (2020). The Advantages
anddirectly solve them. This results in many incorrect answers furthering the issues of LLM’s being‘confidently incorrect’. GPT-4.0 has improved its ability to solve this type of problem through amethod of double-checking results however it is still not foolproof. GPT-4’s improvements areshown through simulated test scores of the AP Calculus BC test where GPT-4 scored 43-59thpercentile instead of the 0-7th percentile that GPT-3.5 showed. This is likely to continue toimprove in future iterations of the software and will likely become less of a problem for users.Future ConsiderationsThere are two types of knowledge groups that need to be addressed for further understanding ofthe usefulness of LLM’s. Declarative and procedural (interpretive) knowledge
electricalengineering.6. AcknowledgmentThe authors greatly appreciate the support of the National Science Foundation under DUE #1915644. References[1] National Science Board, National Science Foundation, “The STEM Labor Force of Today:Scientists, Engineers and Skilled Technical Workers,” Science and Engineering Indicators 2022,NSB-2021-2, Alexandria, VA, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsb20212[2] M. Khalafalla et al., “The Role of Hands-On Engineering Technology Summer Camps inAttracting Underrepresented High School Students to STEM Majors,” in 2023 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, June 2023.[3] S. P. Jacobs, A. M. Allen, and L. W. Demoise, “Hands-On Science Activity in Digital
/Bartlett, V. (2014, July 23). A Roadmap for Federal Action on Student Mental Health. Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. https://www.casa- acae.com/a_roadmap_for_federal_action_on_student_mental_healthBest universities in Canada for engineering degrees 2024. (2023, December 1). Times Higher Education. Retrieved January 25, 2024, from https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/best-universities/best-universities- canada-engineering-degreesCarleton University. (2017, July 1). From Intention to Action (FITA). Best Practices. https://bp-net.ca/program/from-intention-to-action-fita/Drolet, V., & Grace, S. (2020, December). The Mental Health Resources Gap on Canadian University Campuses - A
. instructor-assigned self-assigned # of students n=34 n=61 (ME, EE, CpE distribution) (22, 6, 6) (36, 13, 12) # of teams n=7 n=14 team size 4.86 ± 0.90 4.36 ± 1.01 student GPA (4.00 scale) 3.48 ± 0.44 3.39 ± 0.47 team average GPA (4.00 scale) 3.47 ± 0.23 3.38 ± 0.26 # of students abroad n=6 n=15 (% of students) (17.6%) (24.6%) # of teams with student(s) abroad n=4
and direct instruction.Educational Research Review, 100536. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100536[7] Anwar. S. (2019). Impact of Educational Technology-Based Learning Environment on Students'Achievement Goals, Motivational Constructs, and Engagement. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACMConference on International Computing Education Research (ICER '19). Association for ComputingMachinery, New York, NY, USA, 321–322. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3291279.3339441[8] Erhel, S., & Jamet, E. (2013). Digital game-based learning: Impact of instructions and feedback onmotivation and learning effectiveness. Computers & education, 67, 156-167.[9] Abdul Jabbar, A. I., & Felicia, P. (2015). Gameplay engagement and learning in
to the students on the topic of service learning.Other course activities included a class presentation by Terri Crawford, JD, a Service Learning Fellow,and instructor in Black Studies at UNO, who introduced the topic and spoke with the students about thehistory of redlining in general, as well as the specific history of redlining in Omaha. One of thesignificant impacts of redlining in Omaha was the communities and neighborhoods that were displacedduring the construction of US Highway 75. The U. S. Department of Transportation estimates more than475,000 households and more than a million people were displaced nationwide because of the federalroadway construction and the City of Omaha was no exception. In 1954 that the State of Nebraska andthe
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8,2018, https://psychcentral.com/news/2014/08/31/new-study-finds-cell-phone-addiction-increasingly-realistic-possibility/74312.html. [Accessed February 4, 2019].[3] S. Burhanli and G. Bangir-Alpan, “Why Do University Students Prefer YouTube to Learnand Study?,” Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, V16, N4, 2021.[4] S. Cook, “A comprehensive analysis of YouTube statistics in 2024,” January 11, 2024.Retrieved from https://www.comparitech.com/tv-streaming/youtube-statistics/ [Last AccessedFebruary 8, 2024].[5] C. Brame, “Effective Educational Videos: Principles and Guidelines for Maximizing StudentLearning from Video Content” CBE Life Sciences Education, 15:es6, pp. 1-6, December 1,2016.[6] A. D. Battistini, “Using Themes and Pop
Wednesday would still be accepted by the system until 11:59 pm on the Friday ofthat week. After this time, sample solutions for the problems were made available to all studentsthrough the LMS, and the LMS would not permit new submissions past this time.The source of problem sets varied through the courses – some problems were designed “fromscratch” by the instructor(s), some were assigned directly from the required textbook for thecourse, and some were recycled from previous implementations of the course. On average,roughly one third to one half of each course’s problem sets were brand new the year they wereassigned.The three years’ worth of the Introduction to Chemical Engineering and Chemical EngineeringStatistics courses were structured the same
students with homework problems. The peer student teachers would go overconcepts presented in the class and work additional problems on the white board. Although notspecifically evaluated, it’s likely that these sessions helped to achieve the observed consistencyin performance between the homework and the tests.References[1] J. M. Jenkins and F. Hussein, “Implementation of a Retake Policy: Who Benefits?” inProceedings of 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, Jun 25-28, 202315p.[2] R. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 15th edition, Pearson, 2021.[3] E. Latif and S. Miles, “The Impact of Assignments and Quizzes on Exam Grades: ADifference-in-Difference Approach”, Journal of Statistics Education, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 289
. Furthermore, the hierarchical gradingscale provides more pathways for students to successfully pass a course. Educators interestedin using this mixed course design should consider the suggestions mentioned above in orderto more effectively run a flipped classroom and ensure proficiency, if not mastery, is achievedby all across all attempted modules.ReferencesAnderson, L. W. (1975). Major assumptions of mastery learning. In Annual Meeting of the Southeast Psychological Association.Bergmann, J. and Sams, A. (2012). Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. Flipped Learning Series. International Society for Technology in Education.Deddeh, H., Main, E., and Fulkerson, S. (2010). Eight steps to meaningful grading. The Phi Delta
Research Council Workshop onSuccessful STEM Education in K-12 Schools, National Academies, 2011.[3] E. Peters-Burton, S. Lynch, T. Behrend, and B. Means, “Inclusive STEM high school design:10 critical components,” in Theory into Practice, vol. 53(1), pp. 64-71, 2014.[4] R. Capraro and S. Slough, “Why PBL? Why STEM? Why now? An introduction to STEMproject-based learning: An integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)approach,” in STEM project-based learning, pp. 1-5, 2013.[5] K. Lesseig, J. Firestone, J, Morrison, D, Slavit, and T. Holmlund, “An analysis of culturalinfluences on STEM schools: Similarities and differences across K-12 contexts,” in InternationalJournal of Science and Mathematics Education, vol. 17, no. 3, pp
. Toooften, educational institutions uphold hegemonic norms and the status quo. Howard et al.describe that “education has reinforced structures of disadvantage rather than challenging suchstructures,” adding that “education appears to maintain rather than change broad social andeconomic structures” [1, p. 2]. Carpini and Keeter describe service learning as “a collaborativeeffort to address a community problem” [2, p. 635]. Building off of Gervasoni et al.’s [1] andCarpini and Keeter’s [2] social justice lens—though they use the language of service learning—we have chosen the term community engagement rather than service learning to emphasize themutual benefit of the community and the students and to avoid the more deficit-basedperspective that
fusion (not yet viable but showing promise for widespread use in the future) continue to develop, communities will have many options and choices. Practicing engineers are looking for strategies to engage community members in equitable and just ways. The model for community engagement that we are developing in this course has the potential for widespread adoption in professional contexts; this is a way to reshape energy technologies and engineering design more broadly. eferencesR[1] T. Mitchell.Rule of Experts: Egypt, Technopolitics,Modernity. 2002.[ 2] T. M. Li.The Will to Improve: Governmentality,Development, and the Practice of Politics. 2007.[ 3] D. F. Elger, S. W. Beyerlein and R. S. Budwig
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of a written reflection on their learning.Because statics is built upon physics, we used Harper et al.’s taxonomy as the basis for our own.Previously, we shared our process for creating—and subsequently modifying—a taxonomy foruse in categorizing the quality of questions students ask about statics [1]. We developed ourscheme to define a higher-quality question to be one that requires or demonstrates higher-levelthinking to answer – such as a question about understanding how or why something happens, ora question probing extension of knowledge to a new application – as opposed to a question thatcould be answered by a simple definition, or a procedural explanation of how to complete a task.Our taxonomy was approximately hierarchical, in which
partnerships for STEM education. Teachers and Curriculum, 21(2), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.15663/tandc.v21i0.367[3] Ilumoka, A., Milanovic, I., & Grant, N. (2017). An effective industry-based mentoring approach for the recruitment of women and minorities in engineering. Journal of STEM Education, 18(3), 13-19.[4] Smit, R., Robin, N., De Toffol, C., & Atanasova, S. (2021). Industry‑school projects as an aim to foster secondary school students’ interest in technology and engineering careers. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 31, 61–79[5] Penuel, W.R., Clark, T.L., & Bevan, B. (2016). Infrastructures to support equitable STEM learning across settings. Afterschool Matters, 24, 12-20.[6] Liston, M
Strengthening the STEM Workforce, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2019. Available: https://doi.org/10.17226/25257.[3] A. M. Núñez, S. Hurtado, C. E. Galdeano (Eds.), Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Advancing Research and Transformative Practice. New York: Routledge, 2015.[4] National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2019, Alexandria, VA, Special Report NSF 19-304, 2019. Available: https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/wmpd.[5] G. Crisp, A. Nora, A. Taggart, “Student characteristics, pre-college, college, and environmental factors as predictors of majoring in and earning a STEM
Paper ID #41485Curriculum and Teaching Load in Top-Ranked U.S. Chemical EngineeringDepartmentsZachary Rasmussen, University of Utah Zachary Rasmussen is a sophomore in chemical engineering at the University of Utah. He’s an undergraduate researcher with an interest in the application of machine learning networks in chemical engineering processes.Prof. Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah Anthony Butterfield is an Associate Chair and Professor (Lecturer) in the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Utah. He received his B. S. and Ph. D. from the University of Utah and a M. S. from the University of
Michigan State University and MIT. Her research interests include pre-college engineering education, teacher education, and equity in education. She is currently on NSF S-STEM, RET, and Noyce grants.Donna Taylor, STEM Education Center at WPI Donna serves as the Associate Director of Professional Development (PD) with the STEM Education Center at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). In her role, she develops PD experiences for STEM educators on topics such as high-quality integrated STEM and the storyline model of teaching and learning science. She has been involved in education for more than 20 years, including 15 years of classroom experience, teaching science and STEM to students in grades 5-12. She holds National
Glass Science in the Materials Engineering Curriculum. National Science Foundation.https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2120156&HistoricalAwards=false[2] Donovan, Katrina J., et al. "Investigating Creativity, Confidence, and an Entrepreneurial Mindset through CurricularModification and Community Engagement." 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2023.[3] Donovan, K., & Kellar, J., & West, M., & Birrenkott, C., & Kellogg, S., & Mitchell, D., & Whitehead, M. (2022,August), Investigating the Impact of Arts on Student Learning by Introducing Glass Science in the Materials EngineeringCurriculum Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. https://peer.asee.org/42059
research plan that examines (a) potential changes instudents’ educational and career plans, (b) which elements of the APEX program most stronglyrelate to student outcomes, and (c) factors influencing instructor satisfaction with FLCs.The APEX program aims to deliver computing education to diverse community college students,better preparing them for today’s increasingly digital workplace. Continued expansion andassessment of the program will allow us to improve the experience of both students andinstructors, and to encourage nationwide adoption of embedding computing experiences intointroductory community college courses.References[1] R. W. Lent, S. Brown, and G. Hackett, “Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic
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) Did the cart help you develop more prototypes? 4) Did your final design benefit from using the cart? 5) Did the cart motivate you to engage with your project? 6) How confident are you in developing controls for mechanical systems? 7) How confident are you in your understanding of basic fluids concepts including pressure, force, and compressibility?References[1] H. Ali and M. Lande, “Understanding the Roles of Low-fidelity Prototypes in Engineering Design Activity Understanding Practical Ingenuity Through the Roles of Low-Fidelity Prototyping in Engineering Design Activity.”[2] K. T. Ulrich and S. D. Eppinger, Product Design and Development, 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw
expansion of technical elective offerings that advancethe concepts introduced in the mandatory courses. The development of a continual improvementprocess is on-going and will continue to be shared with the software engineering educationcommunity.References[1] B. Tenbergen, S. Krusche, R. Hanna, M. Bano, “Software Engineering Education andTraining: Industry Demands, Curriculum Deficits, and Pedagogy Direction”, Focus: GuestEditors’ Introduction in IEEE Software, IEEE Computer Society, Nov/Dec 2023, pp. 36 – 39.DOI: 10.1109/MS.2023.3328465[2] K. A. Gary, R. Acuna, A. Mehlhase, R. Heinrichs, S. Sohoni, “Scaling to Meet the OnlineDemand in Software Engineering”, International Journal on Innovations in Online Education,vol. 4(1), pp. 1-26, 2020.[3
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