SDGs in light ofBiblical principles. Finally, students work in small groups to research one or several SDGs todetermine the importance of each topic, current progress toward each topic’s achievement, andprogress yet needed. As a follow-up assignment, students are asked to write a short paper orcreate a poster highlighting the SDG(s) they studied.Discipline-Specific Systems Thinking ModulesWith the final three topic areas (systems thinking, design, and communication & teamwork),multiple learning modules were developed for each relating the topics to specific applicationswithin the field of civil engineering. The first five modules of the SaS framework wereconstructed was to allow them to remain the same for any design discipline, while
themes/concepts table to fill in with evidence and brief narrative Concept Name Instructions Mindset If possible, be more descriptive than just “problem- solving,” e.g., “growth mindset,” “problem identifi- cation,” etc. If relevant, particular problems could be mentioned here. Illustrative Add 1-3 quotes that illustrate this mindset. Include Quote(s) page numbers. Prevalence 1-5 scale (with 5 high) and very brief description Narrative Write a short paragraph (3-6 sentences) summariz- ing the concept and its
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2023,shortly after they completed their respective interventions.SurveysTo understand the interventions’ impact on sense of belonging and engineering identity, programparticipants responded to a retrospective pre- and post-questionnaire that combined two validatedsurvey instruments: Godwin’s [9] engineering identity scale and Hanauer et al.’s [11] measure ofpersistence in the sciences (PITS). The PITS combines five other validated instruments thatmeasure project ownership-emotion, project ownership-content, science identity, self-efficacy,scientific community values, and networking on a five-factor scale. These variables have beenshown to predict psychological factors that influence students’ intent to stay in science andengineering
response) question was also asked to the survey participants: “Can you tellabout the impact of attending one or both of the Summer (Re)Orientation program(s) on youracademic performance and social experience at FSC since then.” Responses from Year 2 EoSsurveys provided further insights about positive impact of summer orientation program on theattending women such as “I made more friends, connections, and help for studying andhomework”, “I made more friends, connections, and help for studying and homework.”,“Attending the re-orientation meetings has helped me learn how to come out of my comfort zoneand to speak up confidently”, and “I felt less alone being a minority in the computer scienceprogram”Responses also provided insights about the
when responding to an interview questionabout how they fit in their computer science departments. It illuminates what students view asimportant when they describe their sense of belonging in that we can see what they choose to tellabout and what they view as important aspects of their departmental fit.The first component named in Allen et al.’s [1] framework is competencies. These are social,emotional, and cultural competencies, which help a person relate to others in the targetcommunity (in the case of our study, the computer science department). Essentially,competencies are skills and abilities that enable relating and connecting. They are what allowrelationships to form and people to interact. Without competencies, one would miss social
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