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theCATME evaluation (13% in each year). However, all enrolled students were included in thestudy as CATME ratings from their teammates were still available.Description of teamwork assignmentsStudents were placed into teams of 4-5 members based on responses to the CATME teamformation survey. For the first team project, each team chose one of the 14 Engineering GrandChallenges [8] and were tasked with researching the challenge. The purpose of the project was toinvestigate the societal problem(s) the Challenge seeks to address and to identify recentengineering advances that address their chosen Challenge. Teams were instructed to create awritten report and a short (3-4 min) video to share their findings with the rest of the class.In Fall 2022, the
. If a car had finished several laps during its two minutes of time, then the besttiming was considered for the lap. The first team was from The Citadel with timing of 10.73 s,the second team weas from The Citadel again with timing of 11.45 seconds and third team wasfrom Military Academy with timing of 12.16 seconds. Figure 5. Amazon DeepRacer car running on the track [7]PerformanceWhen training of the model is finished in the simulator, the results can be evaluated in theevaluation section. Figure 6 shows the results of two sample models, the left one is a highperforming model, and the right one is a low performing model. These graphs have three distinctlines. The green line represents the value of the reward variable and
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Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, EDUCAUSE, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education, International Society for Technology in Education, Society for Design and Process Science, American Society for Engineering Education, Human Computer Interaction International Conference, and International Academy, Research, and Industry Association) in USA, Canada, England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Romania. Her work was also presented by co-authors at conferences in Brazil, Taiwan and S. Korea. Among Dr. Marghitu’s honors and awards are the following: 2011 AccessComputing Capacity Building Award, the 2012 Auburn University
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included letters and/or numeric for the used printer (M for MakerBotor S for PRUSA), layer height (100, 150, or 200 μm), material (P for PLA), percentage infill (20%,40%, or 70%), infill pattern (D for Diamond, L for Linear, or H for Honeycomb), and number ofshells (2, 3, or 4). The layer height and number of shells were fixed after to 200 μm and 2 early onas they were both discovered to have no significant effect on the dimensions. An example of codedspecimen is M200P70H2-2 which is the second specimens of a batch that was printed withMakerBot printer with 200 μm layer height, PLA, 70% infill, Honeycomb pattern, and 2 shells. db3 L
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members from the ECE department. This expansion aims to increase the number ofparticipants as well as to understand faculty’s perspectives, ultimately contributing to thedevelopment of comprehensive guidelines for mentoring meetings. These guidelines will beparticularly beneficial for new faculty members who are leading these sessions for the first time,enhancing the overall effectiveness of the mentoring process.References[1] M. S. Jaradat and M. B. Mustafa, “Academic advising and maintaining major: Is there a relation?” Social Sciences, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 151, 2017.[2] A. M. Lucietto, E. Dell, E. M. Cooney, L. A. Russell, and E. Schott, “Engineering technology undergraduate students: A survey of demographics and mentoring,” 2019.[3] J. K
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Design and Construction, BIM, Scheduling and Project Controls, Graphical Communication, and Virtual Design and Construction. He has been awarded the Fulbright Scholarship, the AGC Faculty Fellowship, and is currently the Microsoft Fellow for the TechSpark Immokalee in Florida.Dr. Diana Marcela Franco Duran, University of Virginia Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Director of the Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) concentration.Dr. Kenneth Stafford Sands II, Auburn University Kenneth S. Sands II is an Assistant Professor at Auburn University in Auburn, AL.David Gutierrez, University of VirginiaDeyrel Diaz, Clemson University ©American
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grasp on the world (much as I did when I was in my early 20’s, only to figure out that I was a bit brash)” “There is a curiosity for the students on what they can do with their ChemE degree, beyond the obvious heavy- industry chemical plant design or academic route like their professors” “I really learn a lot about the University, the Chemical Engineering department, and how things have changed since I graduated in 2004. It is great to stay in touch with the University and current students. I get to re-live the wonderful memories I made as a student whenever I talk with them! To the extent I can pass any of my work experiences that can help students (especially those interested in non-traditional career paths, like in law or data analytics), I
clarificationand/or ask what the students think about what a question is asking. With the remaining classtime, students work in their groups and complete their team contract, which is due at the nextclass. The team contract helps the team to reflect on past teaming experiences and setexpectations for their current team.The following week, students have work days when the instructor moves from team to team tohelp out and direct their work. During this week, the instructor invites students who have alreadycompleted HT to come back and talk with the current students. They could be a senior(s) whocompleted the class and/or a graduate(s) who indicated the value of the course structure to theirlearning. (The instructor started inviting former students after a
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