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Conference Session
Frontiers in EM Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen A. Raper, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
AC 2011-625: MISSOURI S&T ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT CAP-STONE SENIOR DESIGN: LESSONS LEARNED AND CHALLENGES TOCOMEStephen A. Raper, Missouri University of Science & Technology Stephen A. Raper, received the B.S., (1985) M.S., (1987) and Ph.D. (1989) degrees in Engineering Man- agement from the University of Missouri-Rolla. Stephen graduated from Republic high school in 1978 and enlisted in the United States Air Force, serving 4 years and also began his higher education pursuits on a part-time basis. During his transfer enrollment visit to UMR, he met Professor Bernie Sarchet and quickly knew that he wanted to study Engineering Management. His experiences outside of the university and the military include an
Conference Session
EM Program Design
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn D. Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology; Anirban Ganguly, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
m is embracedd by engineerringmanagerss as a part off their organnizations logiistics and project managgement proceess. An effecctivepractice of o quality/prrocess managgement imprroves the efffectiveness of o a system asa a whole byyaddressinng the overalll process, raather than thhe ‘silo’ (i.e.,, the lack of collaboratioon andstandardiization betw ween businesss units) apprroach. Qualitty/process management m can controlvariationn within the system s in ordder to produuce more connsistent qualiity, in the prrocess improovingthe comppetitive edgee of an organnization
Conference Session
Tools of the Trade
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas H. Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American; Connie M. Borror, Arizona State University, West
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
activities from various sources including NASA, The National Science Foundation, The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Advanced Research Program, U. S. Department of Commerce, The Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, The U. S. Department of Education, and The U. S. Department of Labor. One of his current interests is in the area of manufacturing systems for rapid response Manufacturing. An extension of this work is the current effort that established the UTPA Rapid Response Manufacturing Center in a consortium of aca- demic institutions, economic development corporations, industry, local, state, and federal governments. This initiative is an integral component of the North American Advanced Manufacturing and
Conference Session
Frontiers in EM Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ertunga C. Ozelkan, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Agnes Galambosi, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Conference Session
Tools of the Trade
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig G. Downing, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
the survey finalized, theauthor moved on to address the deployment activities.Qualifications to participate in the study required any level of Six Sigma certifications (belt) aswell as active engagement in projects. Individuals were identified for the survey by workingwith Career Services and the Alumni Offices’ databases. Additionally, Six Sigma agents whowere not captured using the Institutional databases received a personal communication from theauthor.With the target population identified, each potential participant received an email invitationrequesting their participation in the study. If the email recipient was not an active Six Sigmapractitioner, they were asked to forward the email to the appropriate person(s) within