building customers’ needs into product designs. This paperdiscussed the implementation of QFD in an educational scenario, where the principles ofQFD are applied to systematically improve the design of Manufacturing Engineeringcurriculum in a Midwest private institution. The incorporation of QFD is aimed atintegrating the voices of various stake holders into curriculum development; the voices ofacademicians, students and companies that hire students are recognized and reflected inthe curriculum quality improvement process. Fifty companies, current students, alumni,and all departmental faculty members become customers in the construction of QFDhouse. The outcome and process roadmap of this QFD-based curriculum improvementproject may serve as an
projects and how they relate tothe course syllabusRelated ResearchThis section briefly reviews related work on learning styles, industrial automation and theeconomy, education on automation and control, and project-based learning.Learning Styles. As described in Felder and Silverman1, there are different student learningstyles including (1) active/reflective, (2) sequential/global, (3) sensing/intuitive, and (4)visual/verbal. It has been suggested that different teaching styles can be adapted accordingly.Litzinger et al.2 extend the application of learning styles not only to engineering but also toliberal arts and education. Their analysis revealed that the engineering students are significantlymore sequential and more sensing than the liberal
) guarantyfor throughput cannot be provided by wireless systems. In industrial environments, the radioconditions can be especially difficult because metal walls have a significant impact on thetransmission. Metal shields causing more reflections during radio transmission is well known.Security dependent systems requiring stringent data rate throughput within strict time windowconditions should not be wireless.In addition to the parameters discussed above — factors like unit density, traffic demand,mobility, environmental changes during deployment, interference, frequency range, etc.,determine how well a technology satisfies the requirements. Thus, both the individual linkperformance and the overall network capacity should be optimized.One of the main
was a theme that was used in development of courses. These objectiveswere reflected in the design of the syllabi of the courses and were served through well- definedoutlines.Just- in- time math and science ideas and self- paced learning were introduced in these programsto help interrelations between engineering courses and the math and science prerequisites.The nontraditional approach to education was borrowed by some universities, were self- pacedand one- room math schoolhouse type of classes was introduced.The program incurred many challenges but opened up many opportunities for success forstudents. Despite the success, the program still faced considerable administrative challenges.The experience proved that the collaboration could benefit
collaboration, communication, informed decision making, and design of investigationsperform higher in both educational as well as the workforce than peers who have not had a LBDexperience11. As a result, Koldner et al. advocates deliberate reflective practice of targeted skills,such as learning in the context of doing that includes monitoring one’s doing and learning andone’s experience of learning, coupled with frequent, timely, and interpretable feedback. (note:Deliberate, in this instance, means that the skills are practiced in a context that promoteslearning; reflective means that their practice is discussed and lessons drawn out from thatdiscussion12). Figure 2 below summarizes the Learning by Design model
quality, student-centered, industry-oriented engineering curriculum.• To attract students and prepare them with the knowledge, practical skills, and abilities to perform as highly competent engineers in the global marketplace and/or in graduate studies.• To produce graduates skilled in materials and manufacturing processes; process, assembly and product engineering; manufacturing competitiveness and systems design.There are several tenets expressed in the mission statement which indicate the desired directionfor the program. Texas State University has a century-long tradition as the pre-eminenteducators’ university in Texas. This tradition of student-centered education reflected in theuniversity-wide mission statement is
accordingly. Teachers then teach their module and write a reflection outlining (a)successful/unsuccessful aspects of their module and (b) students’ performance, reactions, andlearning resulting from the module.Follow-Up:Three follow-up sessions are planned, equivalent to 30 hours of participants’ time. These arerequired for the teacher participants. Research Study CommunicationsThis function focuses on feedback from research drafts written at the end of the summer researchinstitute with mentors providing advice on the revision process. It allows continued access toresearch facilities and offers technical presentation guidelines focusing on visual aids, such asposters. TTU Annual Research DayThe RET teachers participate in the annual TTU
programming languages differ. Recently, it was noticed that the laboratory itself was inneed of restructuring and the laboratory curriculum improved to reflect the updates. With therecent updates to the laboratory and the laboratory curriculum, the students, in theory, shouldperform better in the classroom and in the laboratory. This complete redesign of the classroomitself has also influenced the soundness and professionalism of the student reports. Because theassignments were clearly laid out in logical and coherent order, the students were more able toobjectify their deliverables which made grading their reports easier. Standardization throughoutthe entirety of the laboratory assignment sheets was a must.A recent (October 2010) ABET accreditation
. From the utilization of machine vision,images of the workpieces are shown on the programming software. Six different surfaceroughness pieces are discussed here. Their average surface roughness is 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4,0.8, and 1.6 micro meters. The properties and the intensity distributions of these imagehistograms are corresponding to six different surface roughness parameters. It can beseen that the histogram tends to move rightward and the standard deviation of PercentPixels increases as the average of surface roughness increases. The rougher surfaces seemto reflect more of the projected light which consequently increases the intensity levelcaptured by the machine vision camera. This can be supported by the fact that roughersurfaces contain
manufacturing with the flexibility of apure fabrication process.ConclusionAlthough injection molding appears to be the lowest cost process to make the housing, it is notnecessarily the best method for the product in question. The question of market sales has yet tobe answered. Further, the agile nature of the fabrication and forming methods to making slightproduct design changes throughout the product's history might prove valuable to the companydeveloping the product. The final decision will be made after the company's team of designersand marketing representatives have reviewed the summary of the design alternatives presented inFigure 40. This team will review again the unit cost data and reflect upon the pros and cons ofeach design option to arrive