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Displaying results 841 - 870 of 1292 in total
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raghu Echempati, Kettering University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
percent ofwhom say they hope to start a business one day. It also reinforces the university’s public-servicemission, encouraging students to use their entrepreneurial skills and expertise to createsustainable new companies and nonprofit organizations that address pressing societal needs. Ofparticular interest is their initiative to offer experiential education and venture to encourageWomen' s Entrepreneurship Network which offers regular discussions and networking for womenenrolled in the minor in entrepreneurship to share knowledge and experiences and connect withsuccessful female entrepreneurs and business executives.Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year (KEY) program funded Syracuse University students to acceptstudents in to their multi-year
Conference Session
Thinking Outside the Box! Innovative Curriculum Exchange for K12 Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph J. Biernacki, Tennessee Technological University; Donald P. Visco, University of Akron; Evangelynn Thurber, Cookeville High School; Ryan Thomas Pavlovsky
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
viscometer with distilled water like you did in step 1. Return the viscometer to the clamp. Page 22.1655.249. The time multiplied by the viscometer constant equals the viscosity. You can find the viscometer constant on the card on the lab table next to the viscometer.Bibliography1 Atkins, D. E., Droegemeier, K. K., Feldman, S. I., Garcia-Molina, H., Klein, M. L.,Messerschmitt, D. G., Messina, P., Ostriker, J. P., and Wright, M. H., (2003), “RevolutionizingScience and Engineering Through Cyberinfrastructure,” Report of the National ScienceFoundation Blue-Ribbon Advisory Panel on Cyberinfrastrcture.2 Biernacki J. J. and Xie, T., (2011
Conference Session
Liberal Education Revisited: Five Historical Perspectives
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, “Jail collapse[s], inmates escaped.” Others followed with,“Lucky day for the inmates!”, “need for law enforcement”, and “How do they protect peoplefrom starvation, looting, + prisoners?” These comments suggested a journey into the survivorstories that describes the event within a smaller reference timeframe. This pattern of journalingled to the research question, “What is the nature of the event and its immediate aftermath?”Student InquiryThe second stage extent was about three-quarters of the semester. The two major obstaclesconfronting educators in pursuing classroom discussions are the need for minimum topicalcontent and the lack of a controlled discussion.[10] Topical content is best managed throughinstructor-centered lectures. As
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Technical Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pavlos George Mikellides, Arizona State University; Chen-Yuan Kuo, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
interesting/meaningful data during the flight, e.g. a camera that producespictures of the flight, a thermometer that records ambient temperature as a function of altitude, etc. 3) All payload components should be easily detachable such that they can be independentlyweighed before the final competition launch. 4) The solid-propellant propulsion system’s total impulse can not exceed 30 N-s. It is each team’sresponsibility to demonstrate that the constraint is met at the day of the final competition launch. 5) The total budget for the complete design, fabrication and operation should not exceed $250. 6) Demonstration of design analysis competence. Each team should develop theoretical models thatcan predict maximum altitude and total time of
Conference Session
SE Tools and Techniques
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shane Markstrum, Bucknell University; Gary M. Haggard, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
. Haggard, J. Schlipf, S. Whitesides. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science. Brooks Cole Publ.,2007.[6] S. Hakimi. On the realizability of a set of integers as degrees of the vertices of a graph. J. SIAM Appl. Math. 10 (1962), 496-506.[7] F. Harary. Graph Theory. Addison Wesley Publ., 1969.[8] C. Mawata. Math Cove., 1998.[9] D. Medani, G. Haggard, C. Bassett, P. Koch, N. Lampert, T. Medlock, S. Pierce, R. Smith, A. Yehl. Graph works - pilot graph theory visualization tool. In SOFTVIS’10: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Software Visualization. Salt Lake City, UT, October 2010.[10] T. Naps, J. Eagan, L. Norton. JHAVE—An environment to actively engage students in web-based
Conference Session
Globalizing Engineering Education II: Best Practices
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aurenice Menezes Oliveira, Michigan Technological University; Ivan T Lima Jr., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University
Tagged Topics
ASEE Global Programs
; Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-437, 2008.[9] A. Casey, E. Bratschitsh, A. Sadler, “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Strategies for Improving International Experience and Employability Skills of Undergraduate Students of Vehicle Engineering,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-2314, 2008.[10] M. Clauss, B. Allison, M. Reuber, S. Birmingham, V. DiStasi, “A Successful Model for Engineers Stuying Abroad: A Foreign Study Center with Concurrent Instruction,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-1743, 2008.[11] M. Mariasingam, T. Smith, S. Courter, “Internationalization of Engineering Education,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, paper AC 2008-1144
Conference Session
Tablet PC use in Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leanna M. Horton, Virginia Tech; Kahyun Kim, Virginia Tech; Shreya Kothaneth, Virginia Tech; Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
., Techatassanasoontorn, A.A., and Devon, R.F., Tablet PC Use and Impact on Learning in Technology and Engineering Classrooms: A Preliminary Study, in Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology. 2008: West Lafayette, IN.4. Chambers, Z., Chidanandan, A., DeVasher, R., Merkle, A., Minster, M., Mitra-Kirtley, S., Mutchler, D., Sexton, S., Watt, A., Williams, J., and Zoetewey, M., What is beyond the laptop initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision software, in 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 2006: San Diego, CA.5. Garland, K.P., Diffusion and Adoption of Instructional Technology, in Instructional Technology: Past, present and future, G.J. Anglin, Editor. 1995, Libraries Unlimited: Englewood
Conference Session
Poster Sessions for Unit Operations Lab Bazaar and Tenure-Track Faculty
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Coon, Washington State University; Paul B. Golter, Washington State University; Derek Allen Cline, Washington State University; David B. Thiessen, Washington State University; Bernard J. Van Wie, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
correction factor, F(G) for a 1 pass shell side and 2 pass tube side exchanger applied tothe log mean temperature difference as described with the correction factor a function of the twoparameters R and S as shown below.12 Eq 5 Eq 6 Eq 7Using the modified shell and tube exchanger with thermocouples attached at the middle andeither end of the tube bundle on both first and second tube passes, experimental individual heattransfer coefficients hi and ho can be derived using the
Conference Session
Enhancing Instructional Effectiveness in Civil Engineering: Case Studies
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morgan Reese, U.S. Military Academy; Joseph P. Hanus, U.S. Military Academy; Ledlie Klosky, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
classes while not physically present are growing dramatically. Distance learningopportunities are becoming an integral part of program offerings at most universities, andproviding students access to classes through distance learning platforms affords students a widervariety of courses, increasing demand. Some students enroll in distance courses to study at nightwhile maintaining full-time jobs. Some enroll in and attend a university’s classes though theylive well outside normal commuting distances. Additionally, some students choose to take asemester(s) to study abroad and still take classes required by their home institution, enablingthem to graduate on time with their peers. In fact, today there are several universities whoseentire existence is
Conference Session
Status of CE Education: Today & Tomorrow
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen J. Ressler, U.S. Military Academy; Daniel R. Lynch, Dartmouth College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
development of the Civil Engineering BOK and associated accreditation criteriaNote that the initiation of BOK1-compliant criteria development coincided with the publicationof the BOK1 report. However, in the three years since the publication of the BOK2 report,CAP3 has chosen not to initiate the development of new BOK2-compliant accreditation criteria.Why not? Page 22.1433.8As the timeline suggests, the publication of the BOK2 did not fully account for the inevitabletime lag associated with accreditation criteria implementation. The BOK2’s publication sevenmonths ahead of the first accreditation visits under BOK1-compliant criteria
Conference Session
Persistence and Retention II: Curricular Issues
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas F. Wolff, Michigan State University; Steven M. Cramer, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Barbara A. Masi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
inEngineering Attritition.” Proceedings, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference, 2006, paper 2006-1336.[4] Ohland, M. W., Camacho, M., Layton, R., Long, R., Lord, S., and Wasburn, M., (2009). “How We MeasureSuccess Makes a Difference: Eight Semester Persistence and Graduation Rates for Female and Male EngineeringStudents.” Proceedings, 2009 ASEE Annual Conference, 2009, paper 2009-705.[5] Seymour, E. and Hewitt, N.M (1997). Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences.Boulder, CO, Westview Press.[6] Donaldson, K. M. and Sheppard, S.D., (2007). “Exploring the Not-So-Talked About Undergraduate Pathway:Migrating Into Engineering.” Proceedings for the International Conference on Research in Engineering Education,Honolulu, HI, 2007.[7] Mendez, G
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James K. Archibald, Brigham Young University; Doran K. Wilde, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 70-75, March 2004.3. C. Archibald, E. Millar, J. D. Anderson, J. K. Archibald, and D. J. Lee, "A Simple Approach to a Vision- Guided Unmanned Vehicle", SPIE Optics East, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, 60060J, Oct. 23-26, 2005.4. B. B. Edwards, W. S. Fife, J. K. Archibald, D. J. Lee, and D. K. Wilde, "A Design Approach for Small Vision- based Autonomous Vehicles", SPIE Optics East, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXIV: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, 63840L, Oct. 2006.5. D. Wilde and J. Archibald, "The Robot Racer capstone project", 2009 ASEE Annual Conference, June 14-17, 2009.6. D. Wilde, J. Archibald, D.J. Lee
Conference Session
Manufacturing Capstone and Design Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Fleishman, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
-weekquarter system. In the early 1990’s, the individual casting course was dropped from thecurriculum, and the remaining course was adapted to cover the three major areas of content(casting, fabrication and welding). In 2007, the author acquired the course and soon discoveredthe difficulty in attempting to cover the required content areas in the allotted thirty hours oflecture and twenty hours of lab time per quarter, while providing a sufficient degree of exposureand hands-on experience for the students. Additionally, based on the author’s industrialexperience, it was noted that the majority of the ETEC students were not acquiring practicalexperience in the areas of project management and process planning. Coverage of these criticalskills was also
Conference Session
Student Entrepreneurial Skills and Mindset I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Judith Giordan, National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA); Angela Shartrand, National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA); Joseph Steig, National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) and VentureWell; Phil Weilerstein, VentureWell
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, Page 22.1547.14 Sep. 2001.[18] D. Champion and N. Carr, “Starting up in high gear: An interview with venture capitalist Vinod Khosla,” Harvard Business Review, vol. 78, 2000, p. 99.[19] D. Stangler and R. Litan, Where will the jobs come from?, Kansas City, MO: Kauffman Foundation, 2009.[20] M. Horrell and R. Litan, After inception: How enduring is job creation by startups?, Kansas City, MO: Kauffman Foundation, 2010.[21] S. Jain, G. George, and M. Maltarich, “Academics or entrepreneurs? Investigating role identity modification of university scientists involved in commercialization activity,” Research Policy, vol. 38, 2009, pp. 922–935.[22] F. Murray, “Innovation as co-evolution of scientific and technological networks
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratories
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William Graff, LeTourneau University; Paul R. Leiffer, LeTourneau University; Matthew G. Green, LeTourneau University; Joel Koblich, LeTourneau University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
stay up all night previous to theirpresentation.The Rube Goldberg project facilitates numerous teaching goals, including: (1) teamwork, (2)public presentation, (3) creativity & innovation, (4) systems thinking, (5) energy transfer andconversions, (6) Murphy ’s Law (if anything can go wrong, it probably will), and (7) learningfrom failures. The projects are also a fun highlight of the junior year for many students.2.1 TeamworkStudents work in teams of two, because experience has taught that when three people are on ateam, one is usually left out; however, by the end of the semester, when I have become familiarwith the student’s capabilities, more may be allowed on a team.This is not a competition, but a demonstration; as the time for the
Conference Session
ELOS Best Paper Nominations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Debra J. Mascaro, University of Utah; Stacy Bamberg, University of Utah; R. Roemer, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
(current) for their additional support. This work would not have been possible without thehard work of our many Teaching Assistants, in particular Eric Johnson and Adam Howell, andour colleagues Kyle Simmons, Susan Sample and April Kedrowicz.References1. Mascaro, D. J., Bamberg, S. J .M. and Roemer, R., “Integration and Reinforcement of Engineering Skills Beginning in the First-Year Design Experience,” Proc. of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.2. Bamberg, S. J .M., Mascaro, D. J. and Roemer, R., “Interactive Learning Using a SPIRAL Approach in a Large Required First-Year Mechanical Engineering Class,” Proc. of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.3. Roemer, R., Mascaro, D. J. and Bamberg, S. J .M., “A SPIRAL
Conference Session
FPD IV: Improving Student Success: Mentoring, Intervening, and Supplementing
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elora Candace Voyles, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Rhonda K. Kowalchuk, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; John W. Nicklow, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Robert Ricks
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Page 22.1244.13 all students.” • “To a slight degree, it help[s] freshmen succeed and stay in engineering. I've also noticed that I can't think of a single mentor who has not continued in engineering.”Peer mentors’ cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) at the end of the fall 2010 semester wereobtained through the COE to examine academic performance by classification status (see Table11). It is worth noting that students serving as mentors were able to maintain an averagecumulative GPA above 3.0.Table 11Peer Mentors’ Cumulative Grade Point Average Cohort 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010
Conference Session
Green Renewable Energy
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deepak Gupta, Southeast Missouri State University; Ragu Athinarayanan, Southeast Missouri State University; Bradley J. Deken, Southeast Missouri State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
pipeline, employer satisfaction and preparedness of graduates to transition into thegreen workforce of Southeast Missouri after completion of their academic program. The othermeasures of success will include the number of industry/business personnel who will subscribeto and use the certification based training modules, number of workshop attendees who obtainthe industry recognized certification(s) and a follow-up conducted for all attendees of thetrainings to obtain green technology measures implemented within their respective organizations.Personnel involved in this project included six faculty members and two consultants who arecontent area experts. The role of the faculty member was to work with the two consultants todevelop certification based
Conference Session
Sustainability and Humanitarian Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seamus F. Freyne, Mississippi State University; James P Abulencia, Manhattan College; Powell Draper, Manhattan College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
                                                                                                               1 Harris, Jr., C. E., Davis, M., Pritchard, M. S., Rabins, M. J., “Engineering Ethics: What? Why? How? And When?” Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE, 4/19962 Abraham, S., Knies, A. D., Kukral, K. L., and Willis, T. E., “Experiences in Discussing Ethics with Undergraduate Engineers,” Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE, 10/19973 Freyne, S. F. and Hale, W. M., “A Preliminary Survey of Engineering Ethics Courses Nationwide,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 20094 Hole, L. D., Radebaugh, D. W., and Soschinske, K. A., “Strategies for Industry and University Cooperation in Engineering Ethics Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 20055 Davis, M. and
Conference Session
Innovations in Computing Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas J. Hacker, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
AC 2011-1231: EXPLORING THE USE OF VIRTUAL MACHINES ANDVIRTUAL CLUSTERS FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING EDU-CATION.Thomas J. Hacker, Purdue University, West Lafayette Page 22.690.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Exploring the Use of Virtual Machines and Virtual Clusters for High Performance Computing Education.AbstractHigh performance computing systems have been based on commodity computing hardware sincethe introduction of Beowulf systems in the mid-1990’s. The emergence of virtualization andcloud computing technologies now make it possible to build high performance computing
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Budny P.E., University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Topics
Council of Sections
options and must make efficient choices in order to solve the problem(s) at hand.These projects are intended to challenge students' judgment and creativity as well as theirproblem-solving abilities. In addition, this course continues the writing component byrequiring students to write a research paper.Design and Implementation of the Second Semester Writing ProjectsThe ENGR0012 writing assignment is preparing a formal written paper for publication andpresentation at a freshman conference scheduled at the end of the term. The theme of studentpapers must relate to topics covered in their physics, chemistry, calculus, or engineeringclasses. Thus, students relate their papers to their chosen field of engineering with a focus onthe design, development
Conference Session
Core Concepts, Standards, and Policy in K-12 Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Ryan, Georgia Institute of Technology; Brian D. Gane, Georgia Institute of Technology; Marion Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. TheNational Academies Press.6 National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. (2009). Engineering in K-12 Education:Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.7 National Academy of Engineering (2010). Standards for K-12 Engineering Education? Washington, DC. TheNational Academies Press.8 Ibid. Pg. 289 Collins, A, J.S. Brown, & S. E. Newman (1989). Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading,writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.), Knowing, Learning, and Instruction: Essays in Honor of RobertGlaser. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Pp. 453 – 494.10 Barrows, H. S. (1986). How to design a problem-based curriculum for the preclinical years. NY: Springer.11 Hmelo
Conference Session
Curriculum Innovations in Architectural Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University
Tagged Divisions
interface was based on atrace-paper overlay mechanism in which designers could use drawing tools that created line-work modeled after traditional markers and pencils. It could also merge sketches into 3-Dmodels, thus bridging the gap between 2-D and 3-D graphics. However, its limited adoption hasbeen attributed to the lack of wide-scale adoption of pen-based input devices [10]. Many othersketch based 2-D to 3-D have been proposed or developed by researchers over the past decades.These include seminal applications such as Sutherlands SketchPad, a constraint-based drawingenvironment developed in the 1960’s, and STRAIT, a program developed in the 1970’s thatinterpreted sketch geometry as straight lines [11]. Recent developments in the interface
Conference Session
Certifying Teachers in Engineering or Integrated STEM
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
AnnMarie Thomas, University of Saint Thomas; Jan B Hansen, University of Saint Thomas; Sarah H. Cohn, Science Museum of Minnesota; Brian Phillip Jensen, University of St. Thomas
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
Outreach Projects: Promoting Energy Efficiency and Education in General
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shiyoung Lee, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
Reference Sine Input + Voltage Sensing Active IPFC Circuit V/Hz Controller T* s* fn* *m 1 Vsqr Va
Conference Session
FPD II: Increasing Engagement and Motivation of First-Year Students
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George Roesch Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Engineering Professional Development
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
and speaking improved from this course. I received good feedback onmy work that helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses.” And finally this comment from an email reflection: “This week was a wonderfulexperience for me because I learned how to summarize an article and provide evidence for anargument. I learned that using quotes in my writing can help me back up my thoughts. I loved thereading material from this week because it kept me interested the whole week…I enjoy comingto this class twice a week and I look forward to riding my bike to class. I think you have a funway of relaying important information, and I admire that you want to learn from students.”Bibliography1. Astin, Alexander W. and Astin, Helen S. (1992
Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Energy Education I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert W. Fletcher, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
alternative energy engineeringconcentration. The school has created an energy engineering minor, and two graduatecertificates in energy.2) Establishing CurriculumIn the late 1990’s and early 2000’s the price of oil, both real and nominal, and correspondingprice of natural gas and coal had stopped declining and the real prices of these fuels began toincrease.1 In the early 2000’s fuel cells and hydrogen were garnering a major share of theAlternative Energy stage.2-4 The belief in the popular press at that time was that fuel cells wouldbe the primary energy generator by the end of the decade, and because of that belief a major pushhad to be made to assure there was a technically educated work force to support suchtechnology.5 Because of this skewed
Conference Session
Project-Based Education in Energy Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Youakim Kalaani, Georgia Southern University; William Trotter Nichols
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
7 7 6 6 Cost per month in $10,000 kWh/Month in 100,000's 5 5 4
Conference Session
Two Year-to-Four Year Transfer Topics Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie A. Rursch, Iowa State University; Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
students design, implement and defend a network runningreal world services against a team of “hackers” on the ISEAGE Internet testbed. This testbed isnon-portable and requires the college students to remotely connect into the environment to setupand configure their servers and services for approximately one month prior to the competition.Then, the students and their faculty member(s) travel to Ames to compete for two days defendingtheir network from attacks. The CCCDC was created to challenge the community collegestudents to solidify concepts learned in their classroom and laboratory exercises, as well as keepthem interested and engaged in their chosen career track.10 The fourth annual CCCDC was heldDecember 3 & 4, 2010. While a blizzard
Conference Session
FPD X: First-Year Design with Projects, Modeling, and Simulation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ani Ural, Villanova University; Joseph Robert Yost, Villanova University; David W Dinehart, Villanova University; Shawn P. Gross, Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs