IntensificationProcess intensification was identified by the NSF as early as 1993 as a specific area in whichresearch endeavors should be concentrated to meet the needs of the chemical industry;1 almostone hundred archival articles were published on process intensification topics in 2008.2 Thenumber of such articles identified using the term "process intensification' in SciFinder Scholar in2009 and 2010 are 103 and 95, respectively.Benefits of process intensification activities include:3,4 1) novel or enhanced products; 2)improved chemistry; 3) enhanced safety; 4) improved processing; 5) energy and environmentalbenefits; 6) capital cost reduction; and 7) low inventories. Key to the endeavor is an ability toidentify the limitation(s) in a process, and knowledge
Engineers National Survey about Engineering: Are Women More or Less Likely Than Men to Be Retained in Engineering after College?” SWE Magazine 53(4): 22-25.2. Hewlett, S., Luce, C., Servon,L., Sherbin, L., Shiller, P., Sosnovich, E., Sumberg, K. (2008), The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering, and Technology, Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review.3. Foust-Cummings, H., Sabattini, L., Carter, N., 2008, Women in Technology: Maximizing Talent, Minimizing Barriers, New York: Catalyst. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from Anita Borg Institute (2009), “Recruitment, Retention and Advancement of Technical Women”, 2009 Technical Executive Forum. Retrieved January 11, 2011 from http
to trisect the entirecamp experience into pre-camp, camp and post-camp components.Pre-campAlthough making money is not the goal of most robotics camps, organizers must still collectmoney and must distribute those funds to meet the needs of the camp. This reality leads to thefirst decision. Is your summer robotic program(s) going to be operated by a not-for-profit entity,or is it being conducted to earn revenue? Revenue generating types of camps, a for-profitorganization, will include different planning, budgeting, and taxation concerns not discussed hereand our recommendation is to organize your camp within a not-for-profit structure. Either way,there are two general avenues for funds that camp organizers can pursue to assist in financing
measure these responses. Future studies should examine therecruitment policies of engineering students, in order to increase female and minorityrepresentation in the program. Also future studies can discuss if there are any differencesbetween the experiences of the international student versus domestic students in the engineeringfield. Additionally, analysis by gender can also be done to better understand specific experiencesof students in engineering majors. Page 22.288.13 References1 Zidney, A. L., Bennett, J. S., Shahid, A., & Bauer, K.W. (2002). Faculty perspective regarding theundergraduate
electronic communication, weshow clips from Frontline‟s documentary Digital Nation.13 This video explores the concept ofmultitasking and other issues associated with our digital-heavy culture. This discussion is used asa starting point to have the students think about the concept of focusing on a topic. At this point, we have spent approximately an hour-and-a-half on material leading up to the catapult. Instead of delving straight into calculations, we have the students build a catapult from plans and parts that we provide. The catapult is largely constructed from foam core; therefore, we spend 5 to 10 minutes discussing techniques for working with the
Avila, Polytechnic University, David Irwin, University of Massachusetts Amherst, “Pervasive Outlet-level Energy Data Monitoring and Archiving”, AGMUS Research Symposium, September 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico, SACNAS Conference, Anaheim, CA, 20104) Francisco Palou, Polytechnic University, David S. Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon University, “Tekkotsu Support For The Calliope Robot”, AGMUS Research Symposium, September 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico, SACNAS Conference, Anaheim, CA, 20105) Katherine Calderon, University of Puerto Rico, Humacau Campus, Devashis Dejumdar, Jackson State University, “Probing the Cation-π Interaction of Metals (Ca++, Mg++) and Ammonium (NH4+) Ions with Benzene and two Model Amino Acids”, AGMUS Research Symposium
:// and our OWISE Graduate Student Seminars focus on re-packaging these resources for a graduate student audience( addition to the materials developed for this project, there are other excellent resources. Theseinclude the ADVANCE Portal (, which contains materials developedby and posted on ADVANCE project websites across the country, and the WEPAN KnowledgeCenter (, another excellent source of material, researchreports, initiatives and organizations pertinent to women in STEM. The National Academy ofEngineering’s Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CASEE), in conjunctionwith the Society of Women Engineers (SWE)’s
job pyramid that started with manufacturing jobs in the 80’s and 90’s. CAD/CAM graduates will increasingly have to compete with skilled and lower paid workers from countries like China, India and the developing world.• An Expansive Curriculum: A stand-alone program will need to have opportunities to expand the curriculum to allow specialization. The current curriculum through the proposed technical electives already to some extent captures alternatives. However, there is room for additional courses that would both compliment and supplement the current experience. These would be in the following areas: o Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): Exposure to the setup and use of a Product Data Management system would be
. Liebler, R. J. “The five-minute quiz.” Journal of Accounting Education 2003, 261-265.2. Mahwhinney, V.; Bostow, D.; Laws, D.; Blumenfeld, G.; Hopkins, B. “A Comparison of Students Studying-Behavior Produced by Daily, Weekly, and Three-Week Testing Schedules,” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,1971, 257-264.3. Carney, A.; Fry, S. W.; Gabriele, R. V.; Ballard, M. “Reeling in the Big Fish: Changing Pedagogy to Encouragethe Completion of Reading Assignments.” College Teaching, 2008, 56 (4), 195-200.4. Sappington, J.; Kinsey, K.; Munsayac, K. “Two Studies of Reading Compliance Among College Students.”Teaching of Psychology, 2002, 29 (4), 272-274.5. Kugel, P. “Improving Learning Without Improving Teaching,” Computer Science Education 1989, 145-152.6
meaningswith engineering, and how educational experiences may need to be designed and assessed toaddress the complete (and varying) meaning(s) of the concept.In this paper, we present portions of a larger research project motivated in part by the researchquestion: What is the set of concepts, ideas, approaches, tools, methods, and philosophies that could be included as the “necessary knowledge of sustainability” for all engineering students?Our approaches to answering the research question include three parts: (1) an in-depth collectionand analysis of published descriptions of sustainable engineering in practice, in research, and ineducational innovation; (2) a set of interviews conducted with undergraduate students at
, S., and Freeman, R., 2007, “Challenge- Based Instruction: The VaNTH Biomechanics Learning Modules,” Advances in Engineering Education, pp. 1-30. 2. McKenna, A., Walsh, J., Parsek, M., and Birol, G. , 2002, “Assessing Challenge-Based Instruction in Biomedical Engineering,” Proceeding of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference, pp. 12783-12795. 3. LaPorte, James, 1995, "Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking." Journal of Technology Education, pp. 1-7. 4. Freeman, R., & Vasquez, H., & Fuentes, A., 2010, “Development and Implementation of Challenge-based Instruction in Statics and Dynamics,”, AC 2010-2141, Proceeding of the 2010 ASEE Annual Conference 5. Hatano, G., & Inagaki, K
defined as the ability to easily be moved or carried1. A key component of manymilitary systems is their ability to be quickly assembled/disassembled, moved to differentlocations, and to use minimum manpower and equipment in order to accomplish the mission.One problem in redesigning systems to increase portability is that there is not currently anestablished rubric for measuring portability. The portability of a system is a function of severaldifferent aspects. We have developed a rubric to measure a system’s portability. The rubricincludes 18 parameters (Table 1) as discussed in detail below.In order to use the rubric, each of the 18 portability measures identified above is quantified forthe system(s) being evaluated. This information can then be
el g /1 in od Community centeredness el s /2 M pt od ce
. Table 2. Mean Scores from Common Test Items Online Course Recitation Course Significance of Difference in MeansTest #1 23.82 27.43 p<0.05(Std Deviation) (9.63) (8.19)Test #1 Adjusted 24.96 27.43 N. S.(Std Deviation) (9.74) (8.19)Test #2 24.14 17.10 p<0.001(Std Deviation) (8.81) (10.06)Test #3 9.93 24.29 p<0.0001(Std Deviation) (8.33
semester. The case study includes the description of the accident and thesequence of events that caused the explosion, a brief history of safety violations at BP Page 22.764.4and other companies involved, and the role of government. This case is presented inAppendix B.For the assignment, students were required to study the case and determine the mainreason(s) for the Deep Water Horizon disaster. Students were provided with thefollowing potential list: • Company’s greed (BP) • Lack of oversight from government • Company’s work environment • Not paying attention to heath and safety regulations • Lobbying efforts by the company
-bordercollaboration has been made possible due to the availability of a larger pool of researchers, thispresents challenges to U.S. competitiveness in high technology areas and to its position as aworld leader in critical S&E fields. Within the US the proportion of Natural Sciences andEngineering (NS&E) degrees as a share of total degrees conferred in US has declined byapproximately eight percent from 2002 to 2007 [1]. There is evidence to suggest that some of thisdecline can be attributed to the student attrition during their first one or two years from thescience and engineering programs.Previous studies have indicated that significant student attrition or “switching” from science andengineering educational programs to other fields occurs during
USB connection, which is rated at maximum of 5 volts at500 mA. The calculated maximum current draw over the USB connection is about 114.71mA, sothat the microcontroller and all attached components are well within the limits of the USBconnection. This project is utilizing three of the digital outputs and two of the analog inputs.Each of the 14 digital pins can sink or source a maximum of 40mA. Each of the digital pins willsource about 11.5mA to the connected devices. This is well within the limits of the ATmega 328with plenty of room to spare. The analog inputs provide ten bits of resolution through theATmega328’s analog to digital converter. This allows the five volt reference to be divided into1024 steps. Figure 2 shows the Ardunio board
) Page 22.816.5 64-bit PowerPC 32 KB Instr/Data L1 Cache, 512 KB L2 Cache SMP (2 threads) 3.2 GHz (SP: 25.6 GFlops DP: 6.4 GFlops) o 8 SPEs (Synergistic Processing Element) 256 KB Local Store 3.2 GHz (SP: 25.6 GFlops DP: 1.83 GFlops ) 128-bit Vector Registers o EIB (Element Interconnect Bus) Interconnects PPE, SPEs, Memory, I/O Simultaneous Read/Write o MIC (Memory Interface Controller) Interfaces to XDR Memory Theoretical B/W of 25.6 GB/s o 218 GFLOPS of total floating point performance
fun to attend a PK style presentation than a traditional one.Student’s commentsThe survey included a section with open-ended questions. This section was optional for thestudents. Here are some of the comments: 1. Please write any issues encountered using the PechaKucha style. ⋅ “No issues, just more preparation.” ⋅ “The biggest issue was trying to decide what info was most important to put in the presentation.” ⋅ “Keeping time with the 20 s slides.” ⋅ “I don’t believe PK style works well for groups.” ⋅ “I thought PK was really cool.” 2. Was it helpful for you? How? ⋅ “Yes. It really forces you to really know the material since you have no bullets, just images. It made me
: Beyond Cultures by Hall. When the Ak-47s Fall Silent: Revolutionaries, Guerrillas, and the Dangers of Peace by Timothy C. BrownAssessments: Student’s grade will be based upon a number of assignments. At the discretion of the instructor, assessments may include, but are not limited to: Exams Journal Research Project(s) Attendance and ParticipationFinal Grade: Total points will be divided by total possible points and the final grade will be assigned according to the following schedule. A 93.0 - 100% C+ 77.0 - 79.9% A- 90.0 - 92.9% C 73.0 - 76.9% B
standard grading scale: • A: best 10% of students • B: next 25% • C: next 30% • D: next 25% • E: next 10% • FX and F: failIn this scheme FX means “fail-some more work required to pass” and F means “fail-considerablefurther work required”.To compare the 1500-1800 hours “of study” expected for the 60 credits in one year, consider anapproximate comparison with a two-semester year at a U.S. institution (your mileage may vary).If a U.S. student in a technical discipline registers for 16 credit hours each semester, s/he mayhave a semester load similar to this:• One 4-credit course with 3 lecture hours and 2 lab hours/week• Two 3-credit courses with 2 lecture hours and 2 lab hours/week• Two 3-credit courses with 3 lecture hours/week
Page 22.951.912. Peitzmeier J., Kapturoswski S. and Wang, X., “Optimizing Bio-inspired Flow Channel Design on Bipolar Plates of PEM Fuel Cells, ” 2011 Comsol User Conference, Boston, MA. Page 22.951.10
Page 22.868.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Industry Based Projects and Preparing Engineers for the 21st Century WorkforceIntroductionAt the October 2005 National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education (NSF-ATE)Annual Meeting, Dr. Renee S. Lerche, an executive at The Ford Motor Company and a nationalauthority on global leadership and workforce development, said that, “employers need workerswith deep experience with scientific inquiry, design and problem solving solutions.” Studentsmust be able to apply what they learn to real world problems that are relevant and meaningful. Inparticular, research has documented that contextual learning
available at: 6. Hacking Roomba: 7. Build your own Rootooth: bluetooth-adapter/comment-page-1/#comment-66964 8. Rootooth can be purchased from 9. RealTerm Terminal Software: Page 22.955.10
and graduate programs inengineering, sciences, mathematics, computational science and engineering, and technology byoffering an attractive alternative graduate program for the graduates of those programs in thisexciting and evolving field of the future. As new industries and technologies evolve so are theneeds for new educational programs. Historically, new educational programs have evolved tomeet the related needs and opportunities; for example, computer engineering in 1970’s, computerscience in 1980, bioengineering in 1990s, computational science and engineering in 2000s andthe nanoengineering programs of the 21st century. The committee does not believe the proposedprogram will stretch existing resources. Rather we feel it will further
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.3. Cleveland, C. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. December 5, 2010. Retrieved December 10, 2010 from Munson, B., Young, D., Okiishi, T., Huebsch, W. (2009) Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (6th edition). New Jersey. John Wiley and Sons.5. Mourtos, N. 2003. “Defining, Teaching and Assessing Lifelong Learning Skills.” Proceeding so the ASEE/ISEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder CO.6. Hanus, J., Hamilton, S., Russell, J. 2008. “The Cognitive and Affective Domain in Assessing Life-Long Learning”. Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.7. Raltson, P. and Bays, C. 2010. “Refining a Critical Thinking
- shots instead of desktop video captures of this navigation because they allowed the instructor to better focus students¶ attention to each of the major tools in these toolbars. In addition, this strategy significantly reduced the demand on the instructor¶s time to produce these materials. Once the
-MARC) NIH Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (NIH-RISE) NSF S-STEM projects in industrial engineering and computer scienceAt this point we are early in the process but several events have occurred. There has been a setof joint workshops to teach MATLAB to biologists but these workshops were also attended byengineering faculty and students. While biology students and faculty learned the modelingcapabilities of MATLAB, engineering students and faculty were exposed to the SIMBIOLOGYtoolbox..Recognizing that research into new biomaterials is a significant area of emphasis for modernmaterials research and therefore is an area worthy of study, the mechanical engineeringdepartment faculty has upgraded the course entitled Modern
Application of a Pedagogical Framework to Improve Existing Instruction”. IEEE Medical Biology. July/August 2003, pp. 71-79. 6. Nelson, J.K., “Work in Progress: Project-Based Assignments for a Graduate-Level Digital Signal Processing Course”. ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference No. 36, October, 2006, Session M4D. 7. Fink, F.K., Enemark S., and Moesby E., “UICEE Center for Problem-Based Learning (UCPBL) at Aalborg University”. Presented at the 6th Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education, Wismar, Germany, September, 2002. 8. Sheppard.K. and Gallois, B. “Implementation of Technogenesis in the Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum”. Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE/SEFI/TUB Colloquium, American Society for Engineering