, what they do know, andhow they know it. A corollary of this is that once students realize they don’t know something, Page 23.1328.4they are more receptive to instruction and are “primed” to learn. This motivation is difficult tomeasure, but appears repeatedly in student attitude surveys we have collected. These twoexamples of student comments reflect some of these ideas: • “It's good to be able to formulate an answer right away to see if you understand it. Without it, when a professor is teaching something new, you think you know how to do it until you try to work on it later and realize there was an aspect you needed clarification
required to build full sized antique artifacts.The knowledge gained from this project, whether it utilized scale models or full sized replicas,was for all intents and purposes the same. The major difference was cost. For universities withlimited budgets, the research and development of scale models makes perfect sense. Thisdiscovery, by itself, made the project worthwhile for both the students and faculty involved.Conclusions, Reflections, and the FutureThe use of scale models recreating ancient technologies has been added to the Technology inWorld Civilization course. The use of scale models has impacted the students learning process inthree ways. First, students take an active part in the construction process requiring trial and errorattempts to
of software versions, missing software or hardware components, access rights to drivers, etc. would cause many problems and shall be tested prior to the lab sessions. 2) It is important to clearly state deadlines and consequences of late submission. A lack of hard deadlines and late-submission consequences was also assumed by many students. Despite repeated reminders, a lot of students forgot to submit the model files they used in the lab. The solution was to grade late submissions much more harshly; it is fine if a student needs more time to complete a report, but the quality of the submission must reflect this extra time spent. 3) It is important to clearly specify expectations in a grading rubric
asmeasured with the Likert scale questions of Part 2 of the survey. Limitations of the survey werethat even though the survey was designed to measure conception, the respondent was limited andsomewhat guided by the options listed on the survey. These may not fully reflect therespondent’s conception of engineering design. To help address this, the survey did provide theoption for the respondent to provide additional comments and add design activities. The questions used in the survey addressed content validity in that they presented astudent’s knowledge of design; construct validity in that selection of the most and least importantdesign activities gave some insight into the student’s reasoning; and criterion validity in that wealso gained
Directorat the Center of Engineering Education and Outreach at Tufts University. Hynesreceived his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2001 and his Ph.D. inEngineering Education in 2009 (both degrees at Tufts University). Inhis current positions, Hynes serves as PI and Co-PI on a number offunded research projects investigating engineering education in theK-12 and college settings. He is particularly interested in howstudents and teachers engage in and reflect upon the engi- neering designprocess. His research includes investigating how teachers conceptualizeand teach and how students engage in engineering through in-depth case study analysis
instrument deployedby Walstrom et al. 24 Questions pertaining to demographics, parents’ education, and recollectionof desire to study engineering were added to the instrument. A combination of multiple choiceand open-ended questions were used. In addition, questions were customized to reflect thechoices available at UNH. (Refer to Appendix A for complete survey tool questions; note thatthe questions in the appendix appear numbered to facilitate analysis – the actual tool did not havequestions numbered.) The survey was approved by the University’s Institutional Review Board.The on-line application Survey Monkey® was used to deploy and collect the data. Emailinvitations with unique links were sent out to 235 full-time engineering undergraduates
”.3 In addition, faculty should make their role visible andexplicit in the classroom. Finally, UTAs should be evaluated by students and should reflect ontheir experience.3 Wallace (1974) adds to these claims by arguing that consistent and frequenttraining is necessary to ensuring the success of UTAs.2TAs unique position as both student and instructor introduces the challenge of balancingteaching responsibilities with student responsibilities. The time and grading components of theteaching responsibilities can become overwhelming. This effect has been especially observed inclassrooms where novel and experimental approaches are being used.10 In response to calls forreform in engineering programs, the course being researched implemented the use
electrical phenomena persisted fromfreshman to senior levels. Novices reported that this mental model already was created beforeentering college. The ‘product’ of such an incorrect understanding reflects the popular analogy ofelectricity and water. When learning new material about the ‘invisible’ world, students sought‘visible’ analogies in the observable world. Often the water analogy was presented by instructorsor in books or students made this assumption by themselves because it is “visible”. Althoughstudents understood that the water analogy cannot elucidate all electric properties, theyrepeatedly applied features of plumbing-systems to electrical circuits and diagrams. At thenovice level, the water analogy is widely used but does not have yet a
includingthe application of agile methods to safety critical system development, the relationship of agiledevelopment with user experience design and how to measure flow in lean system development.Similar research is done by Gary et al.[13] on the basis of agile development process. Procter etal.[29] used a case study of a project to create a Web 2.0-based, Virtual Research Environment(VRE) for researchers to share digital resources in order to reflect on the principles and practicesfor embedding eResearch applications within user communities using agile development. Ferreiraet al.[11] reported in detail on one observational study of a mature Agile/Scrum team in a largeorganization, and their interactions with the user-experience designers working on
challenging while having a clear goal.”One of the major concerns about introducing this ALU project into a mostly non-ECE group wasthat the students would complain about the lack of diversity or relevance of the course content.Surprisingly, there were only four student comments reflecting such a view. Other unfavorablecomments referred mostly to the amount of time provided for course projects. (There were 4projects in all for a 15-week course.) Despite those particular student concerns, the overallresponse from students regarding the course was very favorable, meaning that the introduction ofthe digital logic project did not have a significant negative impact on either student cognitive oraffective outcomes and in fact appeared to have a significant
. __ 8 (1.34) 5.5 (1.42) 8.2 (1.92) <0.01* 0.71hrs studying for this course per week21 Likert scale 1= strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3= neutral, 4= agree, 5= strongly agree2 Hours per week*Statistically significant results, p<0.05met three times a week whereas the 2010 and 2011 groups met four times a week. Anotherdifference was that the 2012 class missed a week of class due to inclement weather. Thesefactors may be reflected in the results.Second, the 2011 IC reported that the instructor better assessed their learning through exams andquizzes. This is puzzling since exams and quizzes for all three offerings were very similar. Otherresults (see Student Perceptions of the Inverted Classroom) suggest that
information, considering implicationsand reflective evaluation of assumptions displayed by the experimental group in the post-test wassimilar to the methodology covered by instruction and model eliciting activities the subjectsexperienced in APSC 100. The control group, having no explicit critical thinking instruction,displayed increased use of concepts and the beginnings of using supplemental information toinform their conclusions. But, similar to the experimental group pre-test, did not begin toconsider the credibility or quality of the supplemental information.These observed differences may also be attributed to the varying educational backgrounds thedifferent groups may posses, or the differences in individual experiences during the semester. Asa
fulltime on project advising. Furthermore, both students and advisorsapply competitively to participate. It is reasonable to expect that a great deal of the differencesbeing seen between on-campus and off-campus project impact can be attributed to those factors,rather than simply to the location of the project.The changes over time are more difficult to interpret with confidence. For example, anincreasing trend (as seen in Figure 1) could reflect changes in the program over time or decay inthe impact of the program with passing time. We expect that the positive trend for questionsrelated to cultural awareness (Figure 1) is related to the increased availability of and emphasis on
. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.IX. References[1] Koretsky, M.D., Amatore, D., Barnes, C., & Kimura, S. (2008). Enhancement of student learning in experimental design using a virtual laboratory. IEEE Transactions on Education, 51(1), 76–85.[2] Koretsky, M.D., Kelly, C. & Gummer, E. (2011). Student Perceptions of Learning in the Laboratory: Comparison of Industrially-situated Virtual Laboratories to Capstone Physical Laboratories. Journal of Engineering Education, 100(3), 540–573.[3] Koretsky, M.D., Kelly, C. & Gummer, E. (2011). Student Learning in
theory, while technology results in discoveries which lead to theories.Purpose Vincent, Bogatyreva, Bogatyreva, Bowyer, and Pahl6 suggest that there has not been anygeneral framework or method for searching the biological literature functional analogies forbiomimetics. Most biomimetic solutions have focused on a single product, without applicationcomplex global problems. For example, Qualcomm commercialized a display technology basedon the reflective properties of certain morpho butterflies, using interferometric modulation toreflect light to control the desired color for pixilation display. The Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology has incorporated the biomimetic characteristics of self-diagnosis and self-repair intheir adaptive
Steel Co. for alleged willful, repeat and serious violations ofworkplace safety standards at its Augusta production facility. The steel products fabricator facesa total of $132,000 in proposed fines for electrical, crushing, laceration and other hazardsidentified during an inspection by OSHA's Augusta Area Office begun in January."The sizable fines proposed in this case reflect the severity and recurring nature of a number ofthese hazards," said William Coffin, OSHA's area director for Maine. "For the safety of itsworkers, this employer must take effective and expeditious action to eliminate these conditionsand prevent their recurrence."OSHA found that maintenance employees were not supplied with and did not use personalprotective equipment to
group ofAmbassadors. In reflecting on the collaboration among the four universities, Al Brockettacknowledges the strategic benefits from establishing what he good-humoredly describes as a“forced marriage;” however, what grew out of this powerful union is a true sense of community,a partnership, and a genuine desire to collaborate. Each school quickly realized the benefit ofhaving three other institutions with programs at various levels of development. The partnershipwas essential to building successful programs because it allowed the four partner universities to: Page 23.496.2 Exchange best practices, from day-to-day operations to long-term
experiences to solve real-world problems. Preparing K–12 teachers to provideauthentic engineering activities in their classrooms required integrated mathematics and scienceapplications, along with exposure to engineering design.3 Learning engineering related activities Page 23.505.4and collaborating with other STEM teachers allowed teachers to think more like an engineer —analytically, critically, and reflectively.3 Professional development resulted in secondary teachersgaining knowledge and skills to transfer this new learning into the classroom and school setting.Teachers identified effective professional development as including hands-on activities
, safety, and a community of belonging. The Tlingit dugout canoedesign of the structure has become a landmark in our state. Students meet in the ANSEPBuilding to study and form the relationships that bring them success. The impact will endure forgenerations.The ANSEP partners provided the funding necessary for construction. The students drove thedesign process and were adamant that the building overtly reflect Native culture and values. Thebuilding opened in October 2006. Having dedicated space provides an excellent venue for eachof the ANSEP programmatic components. Photo 1: The Alaska Native Science & Engineering Building on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus.Students, industrial partners, and university faculty and staff gather
teaching the engineering design courses have workedcollaboratively to develop these courses so that the content will be developmental with seamlessintegration and transitions over the seven semester sequence. This was achieved by havingweekly or biweekly meetings to discuss the execution of these courses as well as many meetingsduring summers, before the start and after the completion of each semester to reflect and identifyareas of improvement in content, delivery, and assessment.Our pedagogical vision in teaching these engineering design courses is to enable masterylearning through directed and non-directed, group-based and independent, simple and complex,structured and unstructured, problem-based learning experiences that incrementally expose
reflects the overall lowrepresentation of minorities and women in the mechanical engineering profession. Workshopattendees develop crucial skills to help them negotiate, network, navigate and lead change, andcommunicate. In addition, connecting attendees within the design community early in theircareers, will give them opportunities to support each other throughout their careers. Ourhypothesis is that building a community that provides networking and support, opportunities forcollaboration, and professional development, will lead to greater career success, personalfulfillment and professional happiness, retention, and greater participation/contribution fromwomen and minorities, as suggested in the literature.Literature ReviewAlthough the
Exit Surveys: The goal of the survey is to determine the impact of hands-on learning asstudents reflect on their academic experiences. Student input also reveals the expected value ofthese experiences in their professional careers as they have, typically, completed their job searchand have an understanding of the knowledge and skill sets that will employ in the near future.4.0 ComparisonThe three models of implementation of the hands-on activities can be compared against severalcriteria as shown in the table below. The model described in Section 2.1, Small In-ClassActivities in Lecture-Based Courses, is abbreviated as “Small In-Class Labs.” The modeldescribed in Section 2.2, Student-Owned Equipment in Lab Courses, is abbreviated as“Ubiquitous
together. There may be a severe lack of consistency inhow the data is measured from one institution to the next. For example, each institution maydefine what constitutes appropriate AP (Advanced Placement) or transfer credit differently thananother.Also, it has long been known that the selectivity of an institution influences its retention statisticsin a positive way. For example, Astin’s work20 shows conclusively that an institution’sgraduation rate is primarily a reflection of its entering student characteristics. That is, selectiveinstitutions tend to have higher than average retention rates because they tend to have superiorresources and because of the motivating effect, for students, of a peer group with high aspirationsand superior academic
,clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know whatthey need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the realworld, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college andcareers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be bestpositioned to compete successfully in the global economy.” 32In contrast to the Common Core Initiative’s Mission, our students like straightforward mathassignments. Most of them would be able to solve problems that are in the forms ofmathematical expressions or equations. When students encounter a problem of the sort (simplifythe expressions or solve for x for example) they
of work they would be doing post-graduation, as well as the kind ofwork they would not be expected to do, and how the work related to and reflected what theywere currently learning in coursework. Further, they appreciated having the opportunity to applywhat they were learning in classes to real-life situations and problems. This provided them withgenuine problem-solving experiences that allowed them to develop additional skills that wouldbe useful in the professional realm, such as communication and collaboration skills.Stayers, in particular, described internships and/or co-ops as providing them with variousnetworking opportunities. In some cases, these relationships took the form of mentorships, wherethe engineering professionals advised