inthe improved group reported a significant improvement in planning, monitoring, and regulatingstrategies. On the other hand, those in the declined group showed a lower awareness of all SRLskills at the end of semester. Furthermore, the findings revealed an improvement in students’conceptual understanding. This article will also discuss the potential implications for electriccircuit concepts instruction.Keywords: Electric circuit concepts, enhanced guided notes (EGN), self-regulated learning(SRL)1. IntroductionA growing body of literature suggests that classroom activity generally does not stimulatestudents to actively engage in learning1, 2. Specifically in engineering education, manyinstructors focus on writing engineering formulas and
) management in a very large class, (2)syllabus content and (3) balancing teaching and research responsibilities. In addition, Prof.Spearot worked with the Department of Mechanical Engineering staff to develop a formalevaluation survey for Mr. John Lee.In preparation for the fall 2012 semester, Prof. Spearot involved Mr. Lee in every decisionrelated to the management of the large course, including writing of the course syllabus, decisionsrelated to the weight provided to each assignment and exams in the course, week-by-weekplanning of course topics and homework problems, and determination of homework and examdates. Prof. Spearot and Mr. Lee developed a strategy to manage homework submission,homework distribution to the graders, and drill session
. The capstone senior deign project can be the vehicle to help solvingthese issues.ABET defines Engineering Design as: “The process of devising a system, component, or processto meet the desired needs. It is a decision making process, in which the basic sciences,mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet statedobjective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process are: the establishment of theobjectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing and evaluation”6. In our seniordesign classes we have placed this definition at core of electrical engineering senior designcourses. First we focus on the word objectives and criteria and ask the student to write aparagraph stating the
automatic data capture, real world prototypes, and analysis” is led by thePI, Dr. Erick C. Jones who has performed innovative research and received over $3.5 milliondollars in funding from multiple agencies including NASA EPSCOR, Department ofTransportation, and numerous industrial companies. This research has led to 1 industryhandbook, 2 textbooks on RFID, and over 60 published manuscripts. With respect toundergraduate students, over 10 students have been funded for research projects of whom 6continued to graduate school and received a masters or better; 4 students published conferenceand/or peer reviewed papers. Currently, 6 undergraduates work in the RAID labs.4.2.2. Mexican host institution (ITESM)Tecnológico de Monterrey was founded in 1943
can help to set up expectations for those that are not familiar with the delivery method. The objectives and agenda should be provided in writing, as well as described verbally.11 It is important to mention how the information that will be presented is relevant to participants to keep their attention in the environment, and also to show enthusiasm for the technology.15, 21, 22 Smile and avoid speaking in a monotone.20, 22 A background knowledge probe can be used to learn more about the audience and assess their comfort level with the content and their previous knowledge. This can be done using open discussion questions via the chat option or enabling participants’ microphones, or it can be
management, low-impact de- velopment, green infrastructure design, storm water management, flood risk modeling, vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for urban water systems, and the water-energy nexus. Steve’s research projects have been funded by National Laboratories, EPA, NSF, DOD, DOE, State Departments of Transportation, and Private Industry. His work has resulted in more than 50 authored or co-authored peer-reviewed publi- cations. Dr. Burian currently is an Associate Director of the Global Change and Sustainability Center and the Co-Director of Sustainability Curriculum Development at the University of Utah. He is actively involved with several professional societies including ASCE, AWRA, AWWA, WEF, AGU, AMS
standard problem-solving procedures, but they must also have passion,adaptability and an eagerness to learn. Successful graduates need to be innovators, effectivecollaborators in interdisciplinary and multicultural environments, excellent communicators,leaders, and lifelong learners1. Based upon research emerging from the learning sciences,Sawyer’s description of a successful college graduate (in any field) has much in common withthe National Science Board (NSB) report. Sawyer writes that to be successful in the knowledgeage, graduates will need to develop a deep and integrated understanding of complex subjects;possess excellent communication skills; be able to participate in demanding discourse inmulticultural environments; possess a capacity for
freeindividual use, we select the Corporate option at a monthly premium to accommodate asufficient number of projects and adequate online storage space. Logbook21 instructionsspecify for students to clearly identify personal contact information in case of loss, dividethe composition book into logical sections, and bring to all project related meetings andclass sessions. Besides these basic expectations for its use, the logbook is graded oncontent, organization and neatness. The Adjustment Factor allows a student’s grade to beincreased or decreased based on self, peer and faculty evaluation of that student’s overallcontribution and growth during the semester. Thus, we believe the portfolio approachworks best with other forms of assessment, as indicated
intervention theory. Psychological Bulletin, 119(2), 254–284.11. Bangert-Drowns, R.L., C.C. Kulik, J.A. Kulik, & M.T. Morgan. (1991). The instruction effect of feedback in test-like events. Review of Educational Research, 61(2), 218–238.12. Kulhavy, R.W., & W.A. Stock. (1989). Feedback in written instruction: The place of response certitude. Educational Psychology Review, 1(4), 279–308.13. Nelson, M.M. & C.D. Schunn. (2009). The nature of feedback: how different types of peer feedback affect writing performance. Instructional Science, 37(4), 375–401.14. Bjorklund, S.A., J.M. Parente, & D. Sathianathan. (2002). Effects of faculty interaction and feedback on gains in student skills. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(2
instructional methods and classroom conditions. Moreover, writing competitivegrant proposals requires assessment of envisioned project impacts to obtain initial funding and toargue for subsequent funding. A major obstacle to each of these assessment challenges islocating the correct instruments for the situation at hand and the outcomes to be measured. Thispaper describes the development of a web-based aid for locating desired instruments while alsogrowing the assessment capacity of engineering educators using an online search tool: theAppraisal System for Superior Engineering Education Evaluation-Instrument Sharing andScholarship (ASSESS).ASSESSThe ASSESS project is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Transforming UndergraduateEducation in STEM (TUES
research interests lie in the areas of educational scholarship, including teaching and advising effectiveness, academic integrity, process design instruction, and the integration of writing, speaking, and computing within the curriculum.Dr. Warren D. Seider, University of Pennsylvania Dr. Warren D. Seider is a professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Penn- sylvania. He received a B.S. from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan. For many years, he has contributed to the fields of process analysis, simula- tion, design, and control. In process design, he co-authored FLOWTRAN Simulation—An Introduction and Product, and Process Design
South Dakota State University (SDSU); both degrees are in Agricultural Engineering. He holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Chittagong in Bangladesh. Dr. Latif has authored/co-authored numerous refereed journal articles and peer reviewed conference proceedings articles and has made national and interna- tional conference presentations. His publication record includes articles related to academic program development and assessment of academic programs. Dr. Latif was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering Technology.Dr. Mohammad A. Zahraee, Purdue University, Calumet (Tech) Mohammad A. Zahraee became Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies at School of Technology in 2010. He holds
appropriate input/output (I/O) devices and LEGO components; construct a physical model; and write a software program that integrates the NXT brick for the computer-assisted surgery. 3. Illustrate the science, technology, and mathematics principles that are integrated into mock computer-assisted medical procedures and select the appropriate student performance indicators from the state content standards. 4. Apply an engineering design process to research, design, construct, computer program, and communicate robot designs for mock surgical procedures. 5. Prepare one or more lesson plans that integrate mock surgical procedures into the school/district curriculum, and propose instructional strategies or practices such
Paper ID #7448Course-Related Undergraduate Projects for DynamicsDr. B. S. Sridhara, Middle Tennessee State University B. S. SRIDHARA Dr. B. S. Sridhara is a professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He received his B.S.M.E. and M.S.M.E. degrees from Bangalore University and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He received his M.S.M.E. and Ph. D. degrees from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Auburn University, Alabama. Dr. Sridhara has published several peer-reviewed articles in the areas of Acoustics, Vibration, finite element methods
modules begin with a 1 – 2 page written overview by the course instructor. This overviewoutlines the key topics, the expected learning outcomes and provides a brief introduction to thesubject matter. Next, each module contains 1 or 2 reading assignments – usually peer reviewedjournal articles, published technical reports or book chapters covering the subject matter of themodule. To ensure that the students read and comprehend the assignment, they are required tosubmit a 1 – 2 page memo summarizing each reading assignment. Next, the modules contain anopen ended assignment, which usually involved exploring a web-based resource on the topic.For example, for the module on Energy Systems Sustainability Metrics the students are asked toexplore the Dow
a two-part initiative where students willhave the opportunity to receive mentoring from an industry-based or academia-based leader oftheir choosing. This way, students may engage proactively with individuals who may or may notbe in their current professional networks. This may then reinforce the knowledge and skillsstudents learn from their mentors and allow students to serve as peer mentors to otherengineering students.The mentoring system is a personal development relationship between students and their chosenmentors and mentees, which involves routine activities and interactions. Students' activities withtheir mentors and mentees are expected to be in-person, or as direct as possible, and will befacilitated by technological means such as
century, an engineer must havemultiple skills and be able to multi task and produce good quality products. With today’stechnology there is a rise in many cross functional engineering discipline needs. A powerengineer of the future must be a well-rounded engineer who understands broader fundamentalsof cross engineering disciplines and is also has the proficiency to manage projects, write reportsand have good communication skills. The industry is seeking power engineering education tobroaden in a cross function of engineering studies such as networking, control systems andpower electronics in order to transition to the smart grid[13].III.3 What Industry and Workforce is seeking in Power Engineering Education.With the innovation of technology and
Page 23.1078.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Sophomore-Level Curriculum Innovation in Electrical and Computer EngineeringAbstractHistorically, the early years within an electrical and computer engineering (ECE) curriculumhave largely focused on electrical circuits. A new sophomore level ECE course and laboratorywhich provides students with a breadth of foundational ECE concepts, frequent opportunities toengage with the instructor and peers in a problem solving learning environment, and bothformative and summative assessment approaches was introduced by Prof. Peroulis and acommittee at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue
to those of their peers on campus11.They also address the needs of students with motion disability. Simulated experiments are moreaccessible to learners who often find it difficult or unsafe to use a real laboratory.An issue of major concern is the recruitment of female and minority students12. Being portable,recruiting professors will be able to take the VL with them when going on recruiting trips.Steps in the Development of Virtual LaboratoryThe virtual laboratory development is composed of several phases as described in Figure 1. Theseare: I. Development of lab modules II. Instructor training III. Dissemination IV. AssessmentThese tasks are interrelated and feedback was used regularly to improve the lab
Software DesignTypically, development tools needed for the microcontroller can be divided into two differentgroups: software and hardware. Software tools include assemblers, compilers, program editors,debuggers, simulators, communication programs, and systems integration environments toimplement solutions. In the wireless robot project, the BASIC Stamp2 microcontroller isinterfaced to the BASIC Stamp2 Editor software, which is used to write programs that theBASIC Stamp2 module will run. The software is also used to communicate with Easy BluetoothModule. The BASIC Stamp2 Editor is free software, and the two easiest ways to get it are:• Download from the Internet. Search for “BASIC Stamp2 Windows Editor Version 2.0”, the Parallax
has published over 55 peer-reviewed or invited papers and is the recipient of numerous teaching and advising awards including the WPI Trustees’ Awards for Outstanding Teaching and for Outstanding Advising. From 2004 to 2010 he served as a Senior Science Fellow of the Association of American Colleges and Universities.Prof. Kent J Rissmiller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Associate Dean, Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Associate Professor, Social Science and Policy Stud- ies Page 23.874.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Long-Term
expected roles and competencies—a key factor in becoming a successfulprofessional.5 Professional identity development can be influenced by interactive, intellectual, Page 23.1058.3and concrete experiences during professional training, and often relies on verification fromrelevant others. 5 Through interactions with faculty, mentors, and peers, both in and out of the classroom, students begin to engage in professional behavior as they start to master technicalknowledge and practical competencies and learn to develop a confident demeanor. 5
career.Predominant Engineering Influences for GirlsAnother important factor in ensuring STEM gender diversity is emphasizing positive influencesto take part in engineering. Family, the media, and female role models are all substantially stronginfluences for girls. Similarly, strong social support among peers is important for students to feelaccepted in school environments, and contributes to the level of their achievement choices(Jacobs, 2005; EWEP, 2005). Often, family support is focused only on graduation, not careerplans. However, girls with parents in STEM careers are often more inspired to follow this paththemselves (Kekelis et all, 2005). Women appointed to senior roles in engineering continue tomake headlines because this is still a rare occurrence
design, the modified courses include those in our general educationcore curriculum, such as calculus, history, literature, communication, and the sciences. As such,this course modification process involves more than 50 faculty members from multipledepartments and colleges. The process entails intensive week-long workshops, report-backaccountability sessions, closing-the-loop sessions, support teams of faculty from related contentareas, coordinators, peer-reviewers, and a leadership team of university administrators, facultyand staff.This paper will explain the reason and objectives for the course modifications and will detail theprocess to modify many diverse courses including faculty evaluation of the program. The paperwill discuss the impact
supervisors, peers, subordinates, clients, and others. With support from National ScienceFoundation grant EEC #1158728, the present study used a newly developed online deliverysystem to provide personalized multisource feedback to a sample of 206 undergraduate STEMstudents in a science and technology problem-solving course. is anautomated multisource feedback platform that allows users to generate their own personalizedmultisource feedback. This process incorporates prevalent 360-degree feedback strategies and“best practices” for effective feedback administration. A longitudinal experiment within aninterventional framework evaluated the hypothesis that multisource conscientiousness feedbackwould provoke goal-directedness and
Formulas. This iswhen students believe they should follow the plans that have been laid out for them by externalvoices of authority. They allow others to define who they are, including parents, teachers, socialnorms and expectations, peers, etc. The second phase is Crossroads. This is when studentsrealize that following the plans others have set before them may not necessarily match their owninterests and desires and they become discontented with allowing others to define who they are,and they begin to create their own sense of self that is preferably more authentic. Yet, whilestudents want to become more true to themselves, at this phase, they are exceedingly concernedwith how others will react to their decisions and the effects on their
students to the NCBI databasePlease download the power point slide for class meetings 8 and 9.Open another browser.Open MATLAB. and look at direct links to some of the organisms commonly used in molecular researchprojects.1) Search for an organism of interest to you. For example, search for “oryza sativa”. Get theaccession number and write it down, as you will need it later.2) Click on “nucleotide direct links” along the right hand side of the screen.3) Click on “GenBank” in the first entry listed. Study this page.4) Click on “FASTA”. Study this page.5) Click on “Graphics”. Seek help from the biology students or professor in the class to interpretthis graph!6) Click on “GenBank”. We are
. Page 23.689.2As stated by Turner and Lapan, youth begin the formation of their career identities as early as 3rdgrade, according to their understanding of gender-appropriateness of certain occupations. 1,2Therefore, the need exists to create a solid foundation for understanding the benefits and rewardsof an engineering career before students, particularly young girls, become misinformed by publicperceptions. Recent research found that K-12 students and teachers have a poor perception ofwhat engineers do.3 Whose responsibility is it to properly inform the public?Despite continuous improvement between 1990-2006 in math and science performance, U.S.students still fall short in these subjects as compared to their peers in other nations.4 In someK
opportunity to think about and discuss the challenges and benefits of engineeringin science pedagogy, 71% of teachers said they found it very interesting, and all teachers found itat least somewhat interesting. Page 23.797.10 Teachers also expressed confidence in their ability to explain, teach, and meet newscience standards using engineering pedagogy. Approximately 62% of teachers felt at leastsomewhat confident in their ability to explain to a peer how engineering can support scienceinstruction. Additionally, over 71% of teachers felt at least somewhat confident in their ability toteach a lesson with added engineering components, and
Technical Committee on Healthcare and Medical Systems. She has co-authored more than 30 peer reviewed articles, is a senior member in IEEE, and received the NSF CAREER award in 2009. Page 23.434.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Development of Verification and Validation Engineering Design Skills through a Multi-year Cognitive Apprenticeship Laboratory ExperienceAbstract:In this study, a sophomore-level Biomaterials and Biomechanics laboratory, junior-levelBiotransport laboratory, and senior-level Professional Elements of Design