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Conference Session
Global and Cultural Issues in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daphene C. Koch Ph.D., Purdue University, West Lafayette
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participation in thoughtfully organized service” 5Not all see Service Learning as an academic replacement for the pencil and paper calculations orcontrolled lab experiments, but those who support these have had positive results. The Kolb(1984) model for learning aligns well with service learning because it allows for all types oflearners and it involves concrete experience.6 Broader definitions have been used to outline therelationship between the service and the learning. “a type of experiential education in which students participate in service in the community and reflect on their involvement in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content and of the discipline and its relationship
Conference Session
Innovative Course Developments in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Tingerthal P.E., Northern Arizona University
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provides stimulus for pedagogical improvement.IntroductionStudent assessment is both a necessary and a required part of any college curriculum.1,2Typically the student has little input or control over the format or content of assessments such ashomework assignments, quizzes and tests: Self-assessments, on the other hand, give a student theopportunity and power to evaluate his or her own performance. These evaluations can take theform of reflective essays, confidence ratings of conceptual understanding, and responses to open-ended questions. Self-assessment has been defined as “the evaluation or judgment of ‘the worth’of one’s performance and the identification of one’s strengths and weaknesses with a view toimproving one’s learning outcomes.”3
Conference Session
Construction Curriculum Development
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James G. Sullivan, University of Florida, Gainesville
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D903-96 – Solar Absorption, Reflectance, and Transmittance  ASTM E1918-97 – Solar Reflectance  ASTM C1371 – 04 – Solar Emittance  ASTM C1549-04 – Solar ReflectanceWater Efficiency Energy Policy Act 1992/2005Energy Efficiency  ASHRAE 90.1: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low Rise Residential  ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design
Conference Session
Global and Cultural Issues in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca N. Macdonald, East Carolina University; David L. Batie, East Carolina University; Ryan T. Goodman, East Carolina University
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goal ofthe University Writing Program is to provide instruction in the kinds of writing students canexpect to do academically and professionally and to provide support for that instruction. Manyargue for “the efficacy of writing as a valuable learning tool in content area courses.”5 TheProgram requires completion of 12 hours in writing intensive courses with at least one upperdivision course in a student’s major. The Department of Construction Management assigned asenior level course, Managing Construction Quality, to fill this requirement according to WACModel 4: Emphasizing a Combination of Writing Approaches. This model allows the instructorto combine academic, professional, and reflective (i.e., writing to learn) writing activities in
Conference Session
Capstone Courses in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
G. Bruce Gehrig, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; John Hildreth, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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analysis, a 30-minute oralpresentation to the collective CM faculty, and the presentation of a poster at the annual college-wide Senior Design Expo which is open to the general public. To help keep teams on-track andto aid in the completion of the final technical report, four interim reports are required over thecourse of the semester. Each interim report has a specific topic designed to reflect comparablesections in the final report and include the following:Interim Report No.1 – a detailed work breakdown structure and quantity takeoff for the project including documentation, evidence and discussion that demonstrate that the work breakdown structure and quantity takeoff is comprehensive and complete.Interim Report No. 2 – a narrative
Conference Session
Methods of Teaching and Learning in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Godfrey Ochieng, Liverpool John Moores University ; Andrew David Price, Loughborough University; Ximing Ruan Ruan, Robert Gordon University; Yassine Melaine, Liverpool John Moores University
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experiences with cognitive additions: abstractconceptualization, active simulations, concrete experience and reflective observation.The entry point to the circular process is not essential as learning transpires when the cycle iscompleted8. These four elements provide the foundation for teaching Construction ProjectManagement in the United Kingdom. For example, the existing Construction ProjectManagement Master‟s programme at Robert Gordon University has been operating for aboutfive years, graduating masters‟ students in Construction Project Management with MBAdegrees as well as, more recently, with corporate certificates. A good construction projectmanagement programme should have a balance of three learning domains: knowledge, skilland personal
Conference Session
Capstone Courses in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohsin K. Siddiqui, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Sulaiman Dawood Alrasheed, Saudi Aramco; Abdul Rahman Mohammed, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Azfar Amaan, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Waheed Hussain Aljaroudi P.E.; Abdullah Ahmed Al-Jughaiman, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Fayez Mohsen Alsaikhan, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals; Bahir Mohamad Alhashem
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during andat the end of project, and hidden costs associated with building green. Page 25.810.5In additional to the project management challenges, awareness about sustainability is lackingamong the general public as well as the practitioners. In a survey12 conducted to exploreawareness about sustainability, out of a sample of 693 Saudi Arabian Engineers, 52.2% of theparticipants were not aware of the issue of sustainability and had not heard of the term before.However, more than 70% of the participants agreed that sustainable housing will save energyand will reduce the bills 12. This further reflects the limited availability of local expertise
Conference Session
Innovative Course Developments in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suat Gunhan, University of Texas, San Antonio; Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu, University of Texas, San Antonio
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one ofthe major expectations in the construction industry. The author is able to include this commentbecause of his personal industry experience and working relationships with the members of theconstruction advisory council in his institution.The complex nature of MEP construction is also reflected in professional developmentopportunities including the Mechanical Electrical Academic Consortium (MEAC). MEAC isestablished under the Associated Schools of Construction structure to focus on MEP education incollaboration with academia and specialty trade associations2. The Consortium delivers a“Mechanical and Electrical Faculty Boot Camp” to address the need and provide hands onexperience in the mechanical and electrical specialties. As another
Conference Session
BIM and Virtual Construction Environments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tulio Sulbaran, University of Southern Mississippi; Lewis Frederick Jones III, University of Southern Mississippi
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published in the International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, the International Journal of Virtual Reality, the Journal of Marketing Education, the Marketing Education Review Journal, the IEEE- Frontiers in Education, and the American Society of Engineering Education Proceedings, among others. Sulbaran has contributed significantly to his discipline through his service activities. His leadership on several key organizations has reflected very favorably on the university. Sulbaran is the first and only faculty of the University to hold a Board of Trustee position in the American Council for Construction Education. He is also the first and only faculty serving as the Editor for the Associated Schools of
Conference Session
Methods of Teaching and Learning in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James G. Sullivan, University of Florida, Gainesville
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large construction and design projects.Learning FrameworksThe goals for the project were developed to touch upon several learning theories or methods.While the theoretical framework for the learning cube was based on problem-based learning theway in which the students experienced the project differed based on which cohort they were in.Experiential learning theory places an emphasis on the experience of the individual in thelearning process iv. Learning styles such as initial involvement, reflection, logical conclusion,and action were touched upon in the review of the students’ experience. The uniqueness of thefindings was the strategies the students choose when given an option in completing the projects.Outcome ObjectivesThe goals for the
Conference Session
Innovative Course Developments in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; David S. Cottrell Sr. P.E., University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Candace Mazze, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Sandra Loree Dika, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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education research methods at UNC Charlotte. She studies college access and success issues and has a particular interest in first generation and STEM students. Page 25.425.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Developing and Implementing Guided Inquiry Modules in a Construction Materials CourseIntroduction In recent years, leading engineering research and accreditation agencies have called forengineering education to become more reflective of real-world engineering practice. TheNational Academy of Engineering (NAE) suggests better alignment of
Conference Session
Global and Cultural Issues in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Whitney A. Lutey, Montana State University; Penny M. Knoll, Montana State University
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boom of 2000. Withthis boom came people, and with people came the need for more houses, buildings, and jobs.Despite challenges reflected in the recession, within a ten year span (2000 to 2009), an additional175,000 people arrived and the need for construction safety awareness has become paramount,evident by the data presented below.Facts about SafetyThere is an overwhelming problem with worker's safety in Montana. According to theDepartment of Labor and Statistics, roughly 50% more days are lost to injury or illness than thenational average. The state is number four in the number of worker fatalities per year in the US1and has the second highest injury rate in the country. This poor safety record costs businesses$4.60 per second or $145
Conference Session
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhili (Jerry) Gao, North Dakota State University; Charles McIntyre, North Dakota State University; Zhi Ge, Shandong University
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scheduling and project control as well as resource management.BIM technology can be used for subcontractor coordination. Subcontractor selection is importantfor a general contractor and will become an important parameter in the project scheduling andcontrol process. Subcontractors’ qualifications and coordination can be enhanced by applyingBIM models. The models with different levels of authority provide better coordination andupdates among subcontractors. In the classroom, instructors can simulate different parts of themodels based on the work scope of a subcontractor. They can then ask students analyze theimpact among subcontractors within models. Reflected on a scheduling chart, some adjustmentswill be automatically generated due to
Conference Session
Global and Cultural Issues in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suat Gunhan, University of Texas, San Antonio; Gulsen Senol, Gediz University İzmır Institute of Technology; Sevgi Zeynep Dogan, Gediz University İzmır Institute of Technology
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semester.One of the local construction companies provides the contract documents for a project that wasalready built by that company. Students make up different competition teams. The constructioncompany’s project team is invited to classroom at the end of the year. The competition teamsprepare a presentation aiming to be awarded the job. The invited construction company acts asthe Owner of the project. Each student acts as a different type of construction professional eithera project engineer, superintendent, project manager, estimator, general manager, etc. Dependingon their role in their respective companies they use possible non-verbal communicationtechniques reflecting expected characteristics from a specific type of a professional. The non
Conference Session
BIM and Virtual Construction Environments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lacey Duckworth; Tulio Sulbaran, University of Southern Mississippi; Andrew Peter Strelzoff, University of Southern Mississippi
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published in the International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, the International Journal of Virtual Reality, the Journal of Marketing Education, the Marketing Education Review Journal, the IEEE- Frontiers in Education, and the American Society of Engineering Education Proceedings, among others. Sulbaran has contributed significantly to his discipline through his service activities. His leadership on several key organizations has reflected very favorably on the university. Sulbaran is the first and only faculty of the University to hold a Board of Trustee position in the American Council for Construction Education. He is also the first and only faculty serving as the Editor for the Associated Schools of
Conference Session
Current Issues in Construction Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suat Gunhan, University of Texas, San Antonio; Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu, University of Texas, San Antonio
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conditions, the revenue   generated from the registered green projects constituted 26.2% of the total construction revenueof the top 100 green contractors in 2008 which corresponds to 70% increase in one year 4. Thetop 400 contractors' total revenue grew only 11.2% in the same year 5.The increasing presence of the green building projects was also reflected in the project deliverymethod choices for such projects. Kibert (2005) groups the contemporary construction deliverymethods used in the United States as Design-Bid-Build, Construction Management at Risk (CMat Risk) and Design-Build6. The contractual relationships related to these different deliverymethods directly affect the stage of involvement for construction contractors. There is no
Conference Session
Methods of Teaching and Learning in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kirsten A. Davis, Boise State University
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study at all because they thoughtthey already knew the information well enough (inaccurate self-knowledge). We also see the Page 25.1200.2student with a similar grade who claims to have studied for hours. It is obvious to us that theyare not using a study method that works for them, yet they are not changing their methods (poorself-regulation).Students also unreasonably expect that their assignment and test grades should reflect not justtheir achievements, but also the amount of time and effort they expend4. Yet they are spendingless time studying than ever before5. Most colleges state that students should spendapproximately two hours (or
Conference Session
Current Issues in Construction Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Wayne Ford, Western Carolina University
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. This approach to instruction in the classroom has been proven effective time after time, and is reflected in positive student and peer evaluations since it has been implemented. This approach requires the instructor to be able to solicit help. The author defines getting help from outside sources, “utilizing resources”, and considers it a strong tool for qualified educators to turn to if and when they need to increase their classroom competency levels on a particular subject.  During the author’s graduate studies in training and development several controls were identified that should be addressed to secure a positive learning environment. They are: the environment itself, an instructor’s pedagogy process, the
Conference Session
Innovative Course Developments in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Kelting, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Eric A. Holt, Purdue University
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feedback for each question included a reference backto the content. “Key Points/Make a Note” prompts encouraged students to reflect andsummarize. The instructor provided a comprehensive assessment with immediate feedback at theend of each lesson. When applicable, the feedback directed the reader to the section containingthe information necessary to answering each assessment question correctly.ConclusionThis study agrees with Peterson’s (2008) conclusion that developing a strong relationship withindustry is a vital part of the project based delivery system. Industry relations have beenimportant for the continued development of current material for activities, discussions, lectures,labs, final projects and continued field trips. In light of the
Conference Session
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Namhun Lee, East Carolina University; Carrie S. Dossick, University of Washington
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in CEM education. The research scope for this paper is limited to theextensive literature review.The pursuit of these objectives generates the following questions about BIM and its potentialimpacts on CEM education:  What efforts have been made in CEM programs to reflect the BIM needs of the industry?  What issues have been found in implementing BIM in CEM curriculum? Page 25.898.3  Which topics should be introduced in CEM education?To address these questions, an extensive literature review was conducted 1) to explore BIM’simpact on the industry; 2) to study the published cases of BIM implementation in CEMcurriculum; 3) to