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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 43 in total
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart G. Walesh P.E., S. G. Walesh Consulting
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Civil Engineering
Paper ID #11644Creativity and Innovation as Part of the Civil Engineering BOKDr. Stuart G. Walesh P.E., S. G. Walesh Consulting Stuart G. Walesh, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE, D.WRE, and F.NSPE (, www.helpingyouengineeryourfuture.c is an author; teacher; and an independent consultant providing leadership, management, and engineering services. Prior to beginning his consultancy, he worked in the public, private, and academic sectors serving as a project engineer and manager, department head, discipline manager, marketer, legal expert, professor, and dean of an engineering college. Walesh’s technical specialty
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven J. Burian, University of Utah; Defne S. Apul, University of Toledo
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #12450Cross-Institution Collaborative Learning (CICL) to Connect Water ResourcesDesign with Sustainability AnalysisDr. Steven J. Burian, University of UtahDr. Defne S Apul, University of Toledo Page 26.427.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Cross-Institution Collaborative Learning (CICL) to Connect Water Resources Design with Sustainability AnalysisAbstractA common challenge in teaching sustainable design is the need to incorporate knowledge andskills from multiple areas of expertise
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rhonda K. Young, University of Wyoming; Kristen L. Sanford Bernhardt, Lafayette College; David S. Hurwitz, Oregon State University; Rod E. Turochy P.E., Auburn University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
. David S Hurwitz, Oregon State University Dr. David Hurwitz is an Assistant Professor of Transportation Engineering in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University and is the Director of the OSU Driving and Bicycling Simulator Laboratory. Dr. Hurwitz conducts research in transportation engineering, in the areas of traffic operations and safety, and in engineering education, in the areas of conceptual assessment and curriculum adoption.Dr. Rod E. Turochy P.E., Auburn University Page 26.1717.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015
Conference Session
Communication Across the Divisions II: Communication and Transdisciplinary Pedagogies
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey J. Evans, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Michael Thomas Smith; Sorin Adam Matei, Purdue University Polytechnic Institute; Esteban Garcia
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Mechanical Engineering, Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
Paper ID #12881A Transdisciplinary Approach for Developing Effective Communication Skillsin a First Year STEM SeminarDr. Jeffrey J Evans, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeffrey J. Evans received his BS from Purdue University and his MS and PhD in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology. His research interests are in artificial intelligence for music composition and performance and adaptive computing systems, focusing on the effects of subsystem interactions on application performance. He is a member of the ASEE, ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE.Prof. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allie S Peters, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Kevin Chang P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow; Katherine N Thorton; Kristen Shinohara; Kacey D Beddoes, Oregon State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #12527Refinement and Dissemination of a Digital Platform for Sharing Transporta-tion Education MaterialsAllie S Peters, Oregon State UniversityDr. Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University Shane Brown is an associate professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Oregon State University. His research interests include conceptual change and situated cognition. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2010 and is working on a study to characterize practicing engineers’ understand- ings of core engineering concepts.Dr. Kevin Chang P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow Kevin Chang, Ph.D., P.E., is an
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 9
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aatish Bhatia, Princeton University; Peter Christopher Chen
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Grant no.:1432426. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Bibliography1.# Olson,#S.#Riordan,#D.#G.#Engage&to&Excel:&Producing&One&Million&Additional&College& Graduates&with&Degrees&in&Science,&Technology,&Engineering,&and&Mathematics.&Report&to& the&President.#(Executive#Office#of#the#President,#2012).#2.# Watkins,#J.#Mazur,#E.#Retaining#students#in#science,#technology,#engineering,#and# mathematics#(STEM)#majors.#J&Coll&Sci&Teach#42,#36–41#(2013
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Fries P.E., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Brad Cross P.E., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Jianpeng Zhou, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Chad Verbais, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
not exhaustive; rather, itshows a sample of Civil Engineering programs that have published journal or conference papersabout their industry-sponsored capstone courses. Page 26.1412.3Table 1: Reviewed Industry-Sponsored Capstone Design Courses Including Civil StudentsSchool (source) Semesters Annual Engineering Student Sponsor Support Enrollment Discipline(s) Group SizeBrigham Young 2 NR Civil 3-4 Project Idea,University 13 Mentoring, and
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Kjolsing P.E., University of California, San Diego; Yael Van Den Einde, University of California, San Diego
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
studentlearning, student satisfaction, or both: in-class group problem solving[1], peer instruction[2], theuse of workbooks[3], physical demonstrations[4], interactive online textbooks[5], body-centeredtalk[6], inverted or flipped classrooms[7], etc. However, recommendations are scarce on how tobest combine these innovative activities into one class: how do we begin to assemble the partsinto a whole? In the 2000’s Steif and Dollár[8] suggested and then later showed[9] that thecombination of in-class conceptual questions and hands-on physical demonstrations in a Staticsclass resulted in high learning gains. Researchers later developed[10] and found[11] thatsupplemental web-based content was also beneficial to student learning. However, whileconceptual
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Davidson, Wentworth Institute of Technology; James Lambrechts P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology; Leonard Anderson, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Nakisa Alborz, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
) Semester Outline Week Lecture Topic(s) Laboratory Topics 1 Site & Project Design Loading Overview Criteria -Structural Subsurface Loading Exploration Program -Wind Pressure Layout -Snow Loads Page 26.1019.5 -Building Codes (Mass, IBC) 2 RISA-2D Lecture Site Geology & Truss Analysis using and Examples Soil
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire Louise Antaya Dancz, Arizona State University; Kevin J. Ketchman; Melissa M. Bilec, University of Pittsburgh; Amy E. Landis, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
)          apply design evolution concepts to analyze the office chairs from recent decades in termsof their “green” quality or design for the environment, 3) determine the feasibility of end-of-life recycling of the materials comprising the chair via disassembly, materialcategorizing and weighing and 4) examine and assess the green design properties ofchairs from mid 1900’s versus a 21st century chair touted as green13. Sustainable metricshave been left as an intentional indirect learning objective for this module in order tocompare the cognitive outcomes of explicit versus implicit module components acrossstudent test groups.In the activity portion of this module, the instructor begins class with a 10-minutepresentation to prepare students for the
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Leo Braxtan, Manhattan College; Goli Nossoni, Manhattan College
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
-known being the Myers Brigg Personality Type Indicator® (MBTI). The MBTI identifies16 different personality types founded on preferences in four major categories based on Jung’sTheory of Psychological Types. MBTI results indicate whether a person tends to be extroverted(E) or introverted (I), sensing (S) or intuitive (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or Page 26.411.2perceiving (P). Extroverted types focus energy on the outer world while introverted types focusenergy on the inner world. Sensing types process information through actual facts and detailsthat they encounter through their senses while intuitive types think more in
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen J. Ressler, U.S. Military Academy; Thomas A. Lenox , Dist.M.ASCE, F.ASEE, American Society of Civil Engineers
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, broad input fromthe professional community, and respect for the contributions of previous BOK committees.References1. Ressler, S. J., “The Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge and Accreditation Criteria: A Plan for Long-Term Management of Change.” Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Page 26.1634.5 Education, June 2011.2. Ressler, S. J. “The Sociology of Professions: Application to the Civil Engineering ‘Raise the Bar’ Initiative.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 137 (3), 151-161.3. Ressler, S. J., “Influence of the New Civil Engineering Body
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Goli Nossoni, Manhattan College; Nicole Leo Braxtan, Manhattan College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
    3. Huntzinger, D. N., Hutchins, M. J., Gierke, J. S., and Sutherland, J. W. (2007). “Enabling Sustainable Thinking in Undergraduate Engineering Education.” International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(2) 218-230. 4. Chau, K. W. "Incorporation of Sustainability Concepts into a Civil Engineering Curriculum." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, 2007: 188-191. 5. Segalas J, Ferrer-Balas D, and Mulder K. F. (2010). "What do engineering students learn in sustainability courses? The effect of the pedagogical approach". Journal of Cleaner Production. 18(3), 275-284 6. Thatcher, T. (2007). “Incorporating Active Learning into Environmental
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Virginia Sisiopiku, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Robert W. Peters, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Ossama E. M. Ramadan, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
without End: Economics, Environment, and Sustainable Development. Washington, DC: The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development.4. ASCE, (undated). Sustainability. Available at Robinson, M., and Sutterer, K. (2003). Integrating sustainability into civil engineering curricula. In Session 2615, Proc. 2003 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education.6. Allen, D., B. Allenby, M. Bridges, J. Crittenden, C. Davidson, C. Hendrickson, S. Matthews, C. Murphy, and D. Pijawka, (2009). Benchmarking sustainable engineering education: Final report. University of Texas at Austin, Carnegie Mellon University, Arizona State University, 1-155.7. Bielefeldt, A
Conference Session
Communication Across the Divisions I: Communication in Engineering Disciplines
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Ekoniak, Virginia Tech; Molly Scanlon, Virginia Tech; M. Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
author and reviewer(s) were selected for analysis. 3.3 Analytical Framework Student comments were coded using a typology based on Smith Taylor [20], [21] and Smithand Patton’s [22] work characterizing engineering instructor comments and Straub andLunsford’s [19] characterization of expert writing teacher comments. Each comment was coded Page 26.1482.10along three axes: focus, mode, and tone. The focus of a comment identifies what the commentrefers to in the original text; mode and tone refer to the qualities of the comment itself.Focus Categorizations of comment focus include form, content, and extra-textual. Form commentsrefer to the text
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. A. Karim, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
interdisciplinary learning, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 2. Thomas, J. W., Mergendoller, J. R., and Michaelson, A. (1999). Project-based learning: A handbook for middle and high school teachers, Novato, CA: The Buck Institute for Education. 3. Moursund, D. (1999). Project-based learning using information technology, Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. 4. Diehl, W., Grobe, T., Lopez, H., and Cabral, C. (1999). Project-based learning: A strategy for teaching and learning, Boston, MA: Center for Youth Development and Education, Corporation for Business, Work, and Learning. 5. Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., & Soloway, E. (1994). A collaborative model for
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald D. Carpenter, Lawrence Technological University; Janel Sutkus, Carnegie Mellon University; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan; Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University; Rod Harris; Matthew L. Cole, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
fellow in the American Society of Engineering Education, is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Education, and past chair of the Educational Research and Methods Division of ASEE.Dr. Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State University Page 26.247.1 where he teaches courses in materials design, biomedical materials, and life cycle analysis. He has pre- sented his research on engineering ethics to several universities and to the American Bar Association. He serves as Associate Editor
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 9
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William G. Rosenblatt, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Peter Laursen P.E., California Polytechnic State University; Graham C. Archer P.Eng, California Polytechnic State University; Cole C. McDaniel, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
well known in academia.Housner and his students [3] at Cal Tech in the 1940’s and 1950’s experimentally determined thecritical load of a member by means of linearly correlating the square of the frequency and theload; the extrapolated regression line at zero frequency represents the critical buckling load ofthe member. On the theoretical side, the most acknowledged achievements are traced back toTimeshenko [4] who used differential equations to show that as the loading of a columnapproached Euler buckling, the frequency of the first mode approaches zero. Recently Carpinteri[5] presented a solution using potential energy that is well-tailored to student understanding. Hisderivation uses a single degree-of-freedom system similar to that shown in
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac W. Wait, Marshall University; E. James Nelson, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Page 26.389.7same between the pre- and post-test. When a significant difference of “no” is indicated, thismeans that there is less than a 95% probability that the two groups are actually different.The significance of differences in overall student score for the six common questions of the pre-and post-test were determined using a one-tailed t-test (Equation 4). x  0 t (Equation 4) s/ nWhere: ̅ = Mean score on concept inventory, end-of-semester = Mean score on concept inventory, beginning-of-semester s = Standard deviation, end-of-semester n = Number of students, end-of-semesterThe internal consistency of the concept inventory was evaluated with the
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 8
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea L. Welker, Villanova University; Kathleen Louise Nazar; Paul Bonfanti, Villanova University
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
15.4 46.0tenured/tenure-track facultyOnce women enter an engineering program, they are likely to complete the degree, whichhighlights the importance of recruitment4. For example, Huang, et al.5 reported that female Page 26.1315.3students “were more likely than male students to complete an S&E [Science and Engineering]degree and less likely to switch to a non-S&E program." This experience is the same atVillanova University with the retention and four-year graduation rate being the same for bothmen and women. Over the past five years, the four-year graduation rate within Civil
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen L. Jones PE, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
potential corrective action(s) that will be agreed upon by consensus. 6. For subsequent evaluation cycles: a. If the value of the metric exceeds the established threshold value, then no action is necessary, b. If the value of the metric exceeds the threshold value for three consecutive evaluations, the department will consider increasing the threshold value.Evaluation RubricThe CEE departmental faculty have established evaluation metrics for the assessment of theachievement of the outcomes for each of the eleven SOs. These metrics include a multitude ofsurvey results, laboratory and course rubrics, class assignments, interviews, and results from theFundamentals of Engineering (FE
Conference Session
Communication Across the Divisions II: Communication and Transdisciplinary Pedagogies
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Valenzuela P.E., University of Evansville; Valerie A. Stein, University of Evansville
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Mechanical Engineering, Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
some assumptions. Identifies context(s) when presenting a position. May be more aware of others’ assumptions than one’s own (or vice versa).By necessity the rubrics are written such that they can be applied to the broad range of topics thatfall under the FYS umbrella. Particularly relevant to the premise of the FYS Bridge course arethe rubrics that address establishing the background, exploring ambiguity, questioningassumptions, and identifying context, but applied to challenges in engineering, technology, andscience in society. With this in mind, the authors have selected tentatively the following topicsand readings for the course:The questions that science, engineering, and the humanities can answer… and those theycan’t. Selected
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregg L. Fiegel, California Polytechnic State University; Nephi Derbidge, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
). "Models, Models, Models: The Use of Physical Models to Enhance the Structural Engineering Experience." Paper ID #1998-389, Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition. Page 26.1027.183. Saliklis, E. (2008). "Arch Building for Kids. What did they learn? What did we learn?" Paper ID #2008- 571, Proceedings, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition.4. Gifford, M.P, Cervo, E.G., Savelski, M.J., Farrell, S., Hesketh, R.P., and Slater, C.S. (2003). "Non- traditional Laboratory Experiments: Olive Oil
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Paul Smith-Pardo, Seattle University; Katie Kuder P.E., Seattle University; Nirmala Gnanapragasam P.E., Seattle University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Description Comments ASCE31-03 C Load path N/A Mezzanines The strength of the lateral-force 79% x resisting system shall not be less direction (N- Tier 2: than 80% of the strength in an C Weak story S), only 1% adjacent story, above or below for
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 9
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Annette Sustersic, Pennsylvania State University; Caroline June Klatman, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
are exacerbated by general fatigue experiencedby students enrolled in rigorous engineering programs, where there are high expectations forstudent work completed outside of instructional contact hours. Educators must thus be vigilantin monitoring the level of interest they engender in their students during lectures4.One solution as to how to maintain interest is to develop demonstrations to accompanytraditional lecture materials, thereby encouraging students to interact and engage in hands-onlearning. Hong5 noticed that many structural engineering students are too focused on “problem-solving procedure[s]” with limited attention to developing true understanding. In response,Hong proposes active learning techniques with emphasis on “visual
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 9
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Harry G. Cooke, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); M.D. Abdullah Al Faruque, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
, plotting ofgraphs (when needed), and evaluation of the results associated with the lab.The mean and median lab scores of Control Group 2 and Experimental Group 2 are given inTable 5, along with values that assess the statistical significance of any improvement from 2013to 2014. As seen from the table, the mean and median scores for both groups are mostly in themiddle 90’s. The only exception is Experimental Group 2 scored in the middle 80’s for thetension test and Control Group 2 scored in the high 80’s for the beam deflection lab. There wasno improvement in the lab scores from 2013 to 2014, with the exception of the beam deflectionlab where the median score of Experimental Group 2 was statistically higher than Control Group2. Complete lab score
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shawn P. Gross, Villanova University; Eric Musselman P.E., Villanova University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
addressed modern structural analysis techniques covered in an introductorygraduate level course that qualified students may still take. The change also effectively reducedthe required track in structural engineering by one credit hour (from seven to six).The evolution of the junior structural design course that is the focus of this paper is summarizedin Table 1. Specific details regarding course structure such as enrollment, number of sections,and class meeting times are given to provide context for the discussions on specific componentsof the inverted classroom format that follow.Table 1 – Evolution of Structural Design Course Format(s) at Villanova University Semester < Spring Spring 2012 Spring 2013 Spring 2014
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Katherine Watson, The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina; Amber Renee Mills, The Citadel; Kevin C. Bower, The Citadel; Kenneth Brannan, The Citadel; Michael H. Woo, The Citadel; Ronald W. Welch P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas G Schmucker, University of Utah; Steven J. Burian, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
interactionsof society and engineering.Since its inception in the early 2000’s, CvEEN 1000 has consistently used the history andheritage of the profession as a vehicle for course delivery. In recent years, the course has moredeeply integrated contemporary issues and history and heritage via two primary class activities:an instructor-guided study of an historic civil engineering project or event (the Example Project),and a team-based student research project of a different historic or significant contemporaryproject. The instructor-guided project introduces the students to a large variety of civilengineering related topics. It also provides a role model and example by which student groupsthen research and present (orally and in written form) an assigned
Conference Session
Communication Across the Divisions I: Communication in Engineering Disciplines
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyssa Catherine Taylor, University of Washington; Stephanie Pulford, Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
of their qualitative experiences and translate that meaning intodesign. Future work will include designing a larger constellation of these communication designlearning experiences for students during their senior capstone.Bibliography1. Sheridan, K. M. Envision and Observe: Using the Studio Thinking Framework for Learning and Teaching in Digital Arts. Mind, Brain, Educ. 5, 19–26 (2011).2. Hetland, L., Winner, E., Veenema, S. & Sheridan, K. M. Studio Thinking 2: The Real Benefits Of Studio Art Education. 164 (Teachers College Press, 2013).3. Sandell, R., Education, A., Burton, J. M. & Beudert, L. What Excellent Visual Arts Teaching Looks Like. Advocacy White Pap. Art Educ. (2009).4. Percy, C. critical