department’s undergraduate Program Director and Chair of its Curriculum and Assessment Committee. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Enhanced Radio Lab Experience Using ePortfoliosAbstractHistorically, the technical writing portion of our electrical engineering program’s required corecourse RF Systems Laboratory has been fulfilled using bi-weekly memos. Now, however, the labutilizes eportfolios to fulfill the technical writing requirement. The primary goal of the decisionto switch from memos to eportfolios was to improve the learning outcomes of the students byencouraging them to use reflective writing to reinforce what they learned in the lab. Additionally,the eportfolio format allows
there must be a forward transmitted and backward reflected wave at adiscontinuity in the characteristic impedance in order to conserve energy. We exploit thisconsequence to calculate the attributes of the transmission line. This project can be conductedunder the pretext of a power company or communications company who want to locate faults intheir transmission lines.CharacteristicsStudents are asked to find: 1. velocity of propagation in the transmission line, 2. length of the transmission line, 3. attenuation coefficient of the transmission line, 4. impedance of an unknown termination.Initial ConditionsThis project is best presented a laboratory project. In other words, the only equipment need is anoscilloscope, function generator
competitiveness of the US economy. This endeavor has become a national priority1.However, the ECE enrollment and attrition trends in recent years are sources for concern.Enrollment in U.S. institutions of higher education has grown steadily at all levels rising from14.5 million students in 1994 to 20.7 million in 2009, but such a growth is not fully reflected inscience and engineering. Institutions of higher education in the United States granted engineeringdegrees in the mid-2000s at a lower rate than in the mid-1980s. The number of Americanstudents earning bachelor’s degrees increased by 16% over the past 10 years, however, thenumber of bachelor’s degrees earned in engineering decreased by 15%. Nationally, less than50% of the students who enrolled in
have produced, piloted, and internally distributed 64 curriculum modules and/or labs.The purpose of this paper is to provide preliminary results of an investigation of the relationshipof learning setting and instructional use of experimental centric learning, especially for students ofcolor. Learning settings studied include: 1) traditional classrooms, 2) lab settings and 3)homework. Variations by instructional use included: 1) instructor demonstration, 2) cooperativeand 3) independent student use. Student outcomes reflect gains in: 1) pre-requisites to learning; 2)immediate short-term learning; 3) long-term and transferable outcomes and 4) selected ABETcharacteristics (importance and preparedness). Findings indicate that both setting and
put emphasis on the importance of understanding students andfaculty perceptions of engineering education. It also mentions the importance of curriculumorganization and impact of curriculum organization on instructors. Need for student reflection,exposure, and discussion. It also supported the theme of industry cooperation to help professors.In nearby Canada, McGill University, University of Sherbrooke, Hydro-Quebec, ALSTOM havepartnered together to create a joint Institute of Electrical Power Engineering based on theperceived need for more power engineer who are optimally trained.11Finally in recent years there are those who have addressed ways to optimize the introductorypower engineering classes at the university. This can apply not only to
as an Assistant Professor in 2004. From 2008 to 2011, he was a Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute where he fabricated scalable multiplexed ion traps for quantum computing applications. Prof. Geddis returned to NSU as an Associate Professor in 2011. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 2016 ASEE ConferenceAbstractThis paper presents the initial pilot findings from a multi-year project that is initiating experimentalcentric approaches to learning in electrical engineering courses via the use of an Analog DiscoveryBoard (ADB). The specific audience emphasized in the paper reflects participants in circuits-content courses; the majority
in computational electronics, electromagnetics, energy storage devices, and large scale systems.Dr. Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 2016 ASEE ConferenceAbstractThis paper presents findings from a multi-year project that is initiating experimental centricapproaches to learning in electrical engineering courses at 13 Historically Black Colleges andUniversities. The tool supporting to experimental student-centered learning at these institutionswas an Analog Discovery Board (ADB). The content or setting of use reflect introductory,circuits, and supporting electrical engineering courses. The students were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
homework. Under this model, which was independently developed but bearssimilarities to one very recent work 14 , students submit homework twice: the initial submissionwhere there is no penalty for wrong but complete attempts, and a second submission after detailedsolutions are provided by the instructor where students grade and correct their own homework.The recorded grade they ultimately earn for the assignment is based on how well they grade andcorrect their homework, encouraging a self-reflective analysis of their own learning.The first question we attempt to verify in this study is how well students in engineering coursesgrade their own homework when a self-graded homework model is in place. This is a questionthat has been addressed previously
approach has also been implemented in core circuits andelectronics courses, design and project courses and similar courses serving engineering and sciencestudents both inside and outside of ECE.Purpose of the Paper: The purpose of this paper is to present results from a series of pilot studies. Data sourcesincluded post surveys from 86 students at 4 selected institutions, reviews of curriculum modulesused in classes, and interviews with faculty/instructors and students at 5 institutions. Outcomesstudied included a series of variables that reflected both precursors to learning, immediateoutcomes, and initial long term outcomes.Background of the Study In 2013, Howard University, in collaboration with Alabama A&M University, FloridaA
survey. Since the pre survey wasconducted during the first 1-2 months of the term, they likely reflect both a messaging differencebetween the alternative and the traditional course, as well as incoming beliefs prior to engagingwith the course.When performing a 2-sample independent t-test, only the contrast between impressions ofprofessional programming practice from the subsequent semester interview showed statisticallysignificant differences between alternative and traditional populations, at a 2-tailed alpha level of0.05 (p=.03)When performing a matched pairs t-test on the students in the alternative class who took the preand post survey, only the survey item “This class consisted of” showed a statistically significantdifference between pre
, there is general agreement that students learn by doing. This is reflected inthe aphorism “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”10[which is often misappropriated to Benjamin Franklin, but likely derived from writing of theChinese Confucian philosopher Xunzi (312–230 BC)]. While it is true that information andequations can be learned by reading, memorization, or listening to someone else speak, these arenot the best methods to build intuition. Intuition is built through experience, learned by doing,and reinforced through practice. The processes of learning and doing are inseparable.6 Thecomplexity of topics taught limits the ability for students to “learn by doing” within the time-restricted classroom setting
.--- referencing established and credible information for applications and analyses Reflecting Reflecting for restatement I don’t know. I’m getting 94. It’s Understand (RL) probably a calculation error.--- I’m Analyze saying one of us did something Evaluate mathematically wrong. Soliciting Inviting for collaborations From that can’t you figure out the Understand (SO) frequency
2incorrectly deciding enclosed current were common mistakes reflected from students’quantitative written responses15.Students’ Difficulties with Mathematical Problem Solving in EM contextsResearch studies discussed in the previous section have provided insights on students’ commonmisconceptions of EM phenomena. However, conceptual understanding of EM phenomena is notindependent of sophisticated mathematical analysis, especially in upper level EM courses13. Inthese situations, the vector nature of the EM fields and the use of abstract operators can make thestudy of EM phenomena significantly more challenging. The mathematical formalism used tomodel EM phenomena can be much different than straightforward but abstract application ofmathematical rules
objectives, mini-projects, midterm, and final projectand how they related to the various electrical and computer engineering concepts. There will be asummary of some of the assignments used to encourage reflective learning as well as teamworksuch as journals, memos, reports, code, demonstrations and presentations. The course was taughtfor the first time in Fall 2015 quarter and again in Winter 2015 quarter. There will be a qualitativeand quantitative analysis of the learning artifacts in order to identify trends and lessons learned tocontinue improving the course. There will also be a comparison of the student course evaluationsbefore and after the change to the Arduino Uno microcontroller. These results will be presentedin the paper along with
continuously improving the program. Directassessment methods require students to demonstrate theirknowledge and skills, and provide data that directly measureachievement of expected outcomes. Indirect assessment methods,such as surveys and interviews, gather reflection about learning.These methods are likely to suffer from validity and reliabilityproblems as individual perception of their actual performance maybe difficult to candidly or accurately report. Therefore, it isimportant to use a mix of both direct and indirect assessmentmethods in the assessment and evaluation of Student Outcomes.The three direct assessment methods we use are course-embeddedassessment, senior design course assessment, and nationallystandardized examinations (Fundamentals
“green screen”; developing a threestep iterative process for videos based on story boards; and changing how concepts wereidentified. In the first year students selected from a list of relevant concepts, in the second yearconcepts were represented mathematically. During both years the videos were scored usingrubrics on both accuracy of conceptual understanding and production values, and were also peer-evaluated. Comparisons of video scores to performance on standard exams and the results ofconcept inventories are presented. We also reflect on the value of videos for self-explanationand for engaging with conceptually difficult material. Example student videos will be used toillustrate both correct and incorrect conceptual explanations.Introduction
the online enrollment. A clearly underserved constituency is active military and veterans whoconstitute about a third of the online enrollment (and less than one tenth of the face-to-faceenrollment). Another difference is that only about 15% of the online enrollment consists ofstudents from Arizona, whereas about 75% of our face-to-face students are eligible for “in-state”tuition. This relative lack of online “in-state” students is by design. We believe that thetraditional on-campus face-to-face experience is especially valuable for recent high-schoolgraduates from our state and the tuition is structured to reflect this; online students are noteligible for “in-state” tuition.Figure 0: Enrollment in the BSE Electrical Engineering
enough rise time, so a simple switch is constructed from touching the W1 wire to theRS lead to create a step excitation. A long coaxial cable was utilized to allow the voltage ringing,which is due to the low oscilloscope bandwidth, to die out and reach steady state in betweenroundtrips of a transient. Figure 2a shows the oscilloscope capture of a transient on an open-circuit load ( RL ). An input voltage divider is apparent (2.5V transient launched on thecable), and the cable is shown to have a roundtrip delay of approximately 200ns, after which thereflected wave reaches the source and changes the input conditions. Calculations from themeasured voltages indicate an impedance of Zin Zo 50 before the reflected wave reachesthe source, and
mesh.window is synchronized to reflect the current state of the entire network. The internal frames inENoCS show various levels of detail: • Network Topology: Illustrates the routers and links and shows the movement of packets/flits through the chosen topology. • Router Information: Shows the microarchitecture of the router. The buffers in the router fill with color-coded packets (colors match the packets/flits in the topology window). The router stages are also shown and color-coded appropriately. • Network Flow: Tracks each packet from injection to ejection in a text window. • Statistics: Gives run-time statistical analysis of network behavior. This includes per hop latency, total latency, network bandwidth, and bi-section
experience Active Experimentation Reflective Observation planning/trying what has been learned reviewing/reflecting on the exprience Abstract Conceptualization concluding/learning from the experience Fig. 1. Kolb’s cycle of experiential learning [7]. However, practically there are many obstacles in applying Experiential Learning methods. Thefirst problem comes from the limitation of students’ knowledge and experience, as wells as the © American
Michael R. Levineand Last Best Chance, LLC, for the continuous support. 6. References[1] Online.[2] Dewitt, Tyler (2013) Ted Talks: Hey Science Teachers Make it FUN. , .[3] 2014 Reflections on Gamification for Learning., . [Online; Acessed in 23-Jan-2015].[4] Gartner Reveals Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users for 2013 and Beyond. [Online; Acessed in 23-Jan-2015 ].[5] Anany Levitin and Maria Levitin. Algorithmic Puzzles. Oxford University Press, Great Britain. ISBN 978 019974044 4.[6] Understanding Poles and Zeros
, in lumens, the amount of light indirectly reflected into Earth’s atmosphere.”This project relied on the operation of both a thermistor and photoresistor. Since thephotoresistor has a varying sensitivity due to temperature, the thermistor data are used to correctfor this, but not transmitted to the ground station. This team was able to participate in both thetethered launch and the rescheduled high-altitude launch. During the tethered launch the balloonnot travelling a great enough distance to produce a significant variance in the sensor output, ascan be seen in Figure 5. This team also discovered problems with some of their circuitcomponents becoming loose or damaged during the flight. As the flight travelled no appreciabledistance, the data
use inboth course and student outcomes assessment. The most recent FCAR methodology consists ofthe FCAR which is generated by faculty members at the end of the semester. The FCARprovides one or two pages of summative information related to the courses taught by eachfaculty member during that semester. The FCAR generally contain the following information: • Course Description • Course Outcomes • Class Grade Distribution • Course Outcomes Assessment • Student Outcomes Assessment • Reflection • Proposed Action ItemsThe main idea is to capture the reflection and proposed action items for improvement of coursestaught at the grass-roots by the responsible instructors. Hence, the assessment information isprocessed by the
learn about functions, procedures and test-benches. Theyspecifically develop a test-bench to verify the 4-bit ripple carry adder functionality using the ripplecarry design (and its associated full adder module) that they developed in lab 2. This latter lab isimportant because it allows the students to reflect back on a previous lab exercise and enables thereinforcement of previously acquired knowledge. In all of the above mentioned labs, the studentsnot only simulate the design, but also synthesize and implement the design, generate the bit stream,and download it onto the board in order to demonstrate its functionalities.The second laboratory module also consists of four structured labs starting with lab 5. This modulefocuses on sequential
the proposed course model was reflected intheir final course evaluation administered towards the end of the semester. Samples of theseresponses are as follows:“I loved the examples and class work. Definitely made the content more understandable.”“I liked best in this course the in-class homework where the instructor was there to answerquestions this helped me understand the concepts a lot better.”ConclusionsIn this paper, a novel hybrid lecture-based/problem-based classroom model for acceleratedsummer courses was presented. A typical summer teaching week using this model consists offive 2-hours lectures, two 2-hours classwork sessions, and two 2-hours lab, with classwork andlab sessions offered in an alternating fashion. The classwork
1734 $o&! WBYZ 6289 n%pqT4 $BCD W234 6%&! nXYZ A789 1opq* Time 0 represents member’s original teams. Each team at any given time point after Time 0was composed of three original or “core” members and one guest member. No team had morethan one guest member from the same team throughout the duration of the course. The onlyindividuals a member had contact with on more than one occasion were those individuals whowere apart of that member’s core team.Materials All scales were framed in order to have members reflect on the most recent project theycompleted with that specific team, whether it be the members home team or a guest team.Behavioral integration
began to improve.There is some fluctuation in these rates due to the small sample size (freshman class again onlyabout 30 students), however the trend has shown overall improvements. The 2014 low retentionrate is seen as an aberration due to a well below average freshman class the previous year (23students of whom 13 continued to sophomore year). Figure 3: Computer Engineering Graduates at CNUConsequently, the graduation rate for Computer Engineering majors has also increasedsignificantly. Although we will not get our 6-year graduation rates for a few months, we areestimating that it has risen to over 45%. This would be over a 15% increase since we redesignedthe freshman engineering course in 2010. This is also reflected in
more than that provided by the EE for MEs course. However, selection of a suitablecourse text is somewhat problematic and is certainly a reflection of the scarcity of this courseoffering in EE programs. If such an ME for EEs course was widely required in the EE program,then the number of suitable texts available would certainly be seen to be greater.Some of the available texts that span the material are intended for an introductory course for MEstudents in their first or second year and have sections on the profession, the design process,standards and technical communication5. These texts also often have a minimal requirement forprerequisite calculus and physics. There are texts used for upper division ME courses but severalwould be necessary
, electrical torque, electrical power and energy,resistances, capacitances, KVL / KCL, and inductors. The mechanical / hydraulic systemhas also transient performance. Likewise, the analogous electrical system with RLCsecond order electrical circuit exhibits transient behavior. Figure 4 reflects the analogiesof the various components.The transient performance and steady state perfomance of the first order circuits is coveredas part of the course. The transient behavior of the electrical circuit could be translatedinto the mechanical parameters. In figure 4c below, the spring is analogous to the capacitor,and the mechanical damper to the resistor.The analogous system brings attached learning from the ME knowledge that is frequentlycovered at the ME
shown in Figure 2. In addition, students were instructed to configure a MailServer templatethat sent out an email notification anytime a desired vibration threshold was reached. At thisstage, students have encountered a data acquisition device; a vibration sensor/accelerometerembedded in the android phone, networking protocols such as SMTP (Simple Mail TransferProtocol) and POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), and modified a simple JavaScript code to set thevibration threshold. Finally, students were required to integrate a Google Maps widget to theMashup, using which the location of the phone would be reflected on the map, as illustrated inFigure 3. Figure 1: Screenshot of the ThingWorx Android phone application