Paper ID #15175Learning to Conduct ”Team Science” through Interdisciplinary EngineeringResearchDr. Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Purdue University, West Lafayette Catherine G.P. Berdanier holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Purdue University. She earned her B.S. in Chemistry from The University of South Dakota and her M.S. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University. Her research interests include graduate-level engineering education, including engineering writing, inter- and multidisciplinary graduate education, innovative and novel grad- uate education experiences, global learning, and
framework such as the use of summerbridge programs, fall outside of the purview of instructional strategies. Furthermore, manystrategies related to peer interaction were combined into a single active learning category, andtraditional strategies such as the use of lecture or guided practice, not often touted by reformists,are not included. For the current study, Borrego and colleagues (2010) innovative instructioncategories were modified to examine student perceptions of faculty instructional strategies. Toadapt Borrego and colleagues (2010) framework, categories that were not directly related toinstructional strategies (for example, implementing summer bridge programs) were removed.Category names and descriptions were also modified to align with
peer reviewed conference proceedings articles in these areas. He has B.S. in ME, and both M.S. and Ph.D. in IE. He is a member of ASEE, INFORMS, and a senior member of IIE.Dr. Michael Johnson, Texas A&M University Dr. Michael D. Johnson is an associate professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and In- dustrial Distribution at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the faculty at Texas A&M, he was a senior product development engineer at the 3M Corporate Research Laboratory in St. Paul, Minnesota. He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University and his S.M. and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Johnson’s research focuses on design tools
submitted forinstructor grading and feedback.In addition to the requirements specified by the student teams as part of the input requirements,students had to follow these requirements and constraints: - In keeping with the machine’s University-centered task, teams were required to incorporate either some aspect of the University (University programs, culture, student life, …) or some aspect of the city of Pittsburgh into their design. - Their University theme could not be duplicated – each segment had to have a unique theme. To avoid duplication, a Google document was set up so that as student teams identified their themes, they would write it in the document, and other teams would know they could no longer
course sections and the impact of coordination on matriculation . Most relevant to this paper, in 2009, Thompson, et. al, provide details of a model of coordination that worked for their firstyear 3engineering course . This paper adds to the body of knowledge with respect to best practices for course coordination, particularly with respect to information sharing among the instructional team, common test writing, strategies for training and mentorship, and management of supplies, lab access and prototype testing. This paper focuses on recommendations based on personal experiences by four faculty, two of whom have 10
design, however, presentsengineering programs with two major challenges: placing limits on the “breadth” of eachoutcome; and clarifying the inherent vagueness in each outcome (or, defining the “specificity” ofeach outcome).1 ABET intentionally writes their student outcomes with a degree of vagueness toavoid engineering programs from adopting prescriptive curricular design and to allowengineering programs to have flexibility and freedom of interpretation. However, this vaguenessmay confuse engineering programs about how to address each outcome effectively.1 To addressthese types of issues, McGourty, Besterfield-Sacre, and Shuman called for operationaldescriptions of each outcome; although, they admitted that determining the specificity would bea
One byproduct of thiscreative opportunity, however, is the challenge faced by instructors in identifying practicalinsights and principles to apply when considering and/or developing videos.In this paper, we aim to achieve two objectives: (1) summarize the research surrounding onlineeducational videos, and (2) provide a list of seven recommendations for creating educationalvideos high in pedagogical value. We are writing this paper primarily for instructors andinstructional designers, so we focus both objectives on creating online videos that then exist inthe context of a wider educational endeavor (e.g., an online or blended course). In the firstsection, we address the issue of the best design model for educational videos. In the
development andstudy of physical models have been in the topic areas of: statics5, structural mechanics3, generalstructural engineering6,7, steel design8, and reinforced concrete design9-14.Examining the hands-on teaching tools and exercises associated only with reinforced concretedesign courses, the vast majority involve laboratory testing of beams and/or columns to helpstudents understand structural response.9-13 These activities often require students to conduct:concrete mix design, flexural/shear design, fabrication, instrumentation, testing of both materialsamples and structural specimens, data analysis, as well as report writing. While these activitiesare an outstanding way for students to apply their design knowledge, understand concrete
, relevant, immediatelyapplicable to their work, and substantiated by experiences of their own or credible peers 13,14,15,16.As the authors have taught this course over the past eight years, a shared, consistent goal andcommitment to our students has been to make the course “authentically real,” speaking directlyto the experiences and learning goals of these project-experienced professionals. Following is abrief description of a few key ways in which our teaching of effective, real project managementhas evolved.An Emphasis on Living Order“Living order” is a concept that the authors have found helpful in exploring the definition ofproject success and how to best strategize to achieve success. Alex Laufer has writtenextensively about living order and
evidence-based peer instructional approaches. Of these four intervention strategies, the one that has relevance to this paper is to provide for“guided professional experiences that would combine academic and professional components”through the vehicle of second year industrial internships 17. Early internships as detailed in thispaper are aligned with strategies 2 and 3 from above. Each student would be assigned anindustrial mentor with whom the student would work with for the tenure of the internship.Students would benefit by working with fellow interns and a cross section of companyemployees. Thereby, students pursuing internship would belong to a “community of practice”.To recap, programs that have been successful in improving the retention and
conducted on the CSEQ to consider inputand output measures. Existing programs were analyzed. Strayhorn concluded student learningwas the result of inputs and environment, as outlined by Astin’s model. Findings indicated apositive correlation with interventions that enhanced student learning outcomes and institutionsshould consider programs which brought students together and supported learning such as peerstudy groups, peer mentors, and social outreach. Academic advisors guide students to becomeinvolved with those specific activities which increase engagement in the academic environment.Mindset is a concept explored by Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology5. Dweck hasidentified two types of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed
roles in their colleges anduniversities, and face the same challenges to increase the number of women in their fields. TheSociety of Women Engineers provides copious resources to assist women in all of these areas.Regional and Society conferences offer workshops directed at career development for femalefaculty and for those aspiring towards a faculty position including the following topics from themost recent Society conference in 2015: ● How to Choose your Academic Service Obligations Wisely ● Reviewing Academic Papers: How to Give Useful, Effective Feedback as a Peer Reviewer ● Pedagogy 101 - Introduction to Teaching ● Tips on Grant Proposal Writing for NSF CAREER Grants and Other Programs ● Alternative Pathways to an Engineering
engineering instruction, and the pedagogical aspects of writing computer games. John has held a variety of leadership positions, including currently serving as an ABET Commissioner and as Vice President of The Pledge of the Computing Professional; within ASEE, he previously served as Chair of the Computers in Education Division. He is a past recipient of Best Paper awards from the Computers in Education, First-Year Programs, and Design in Engineering Education Divisions, and has also been recognized for his contributions to the ABET Symposium. Dr. Estell is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM, ASEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.Mr. David Reeping, Ohio Northern University
Fruit Harvester System IME X X 27. Stokes Drifter ECE X X Efficient 28. Electric Bike Charging System X X System, LLC 29. Strength Assisting Robot COE X XIn the capstone senior design course the students are expected to work as a cohesive teammember with a given opportunity to become team leader, learn how to communicate effectivelyand efficiently among the team members, peers, and sponsors. The course also
of program elements (via testing/tuning) Develop artifacts to be populated with simulation output to provide learner insight into current and previous program status Develop non-player characters and state-based dialog whereby the learner can query the NPCs to discover additional information (or be distracted by inconsequential minutia). Embed challenges and landmines into simulation models and NPC dialog. Develop/write desired artifacts (e.g., program background material, learner decision/recommendation forms, etc.). Write scripted feedback to learner based on alternate learner decisions, linked to program outcomes Integrate artifacts, simulation models, NPC dialogs, and learner
limited level of teamwork instruction is achieved passively inthe form of team peer evaluations, usually in capstone design courses and more rarely in othercourses. Given the currently limited and fragmented opportunities to learn about why and how towork in teams, engineering students may not know: (1) why teams exist and why good teamworkis important, (2) how individuals can be effective team members, and, (3) how to structure workwithin the team, track progress, and deal with issues along the way.In response to this identified weakness, a committee of representatives from various departmentsin the Faculty of Engineering and other teaching and support units are developing a series of sixworkshops that will be delivered to engineering students
findings and continued their analysisthrough collaborative writing interactions of the paper (e.g., commenting, editing, askingquestions to broaden/deepen the findings).Quantitative findings Of the faculty surveyed (n=49), 29 faculty stated that they participated in the NFLCprogramming, conversely, 20 of the participants stated that they did not participate. RegardingRQ-1 about reasons faculty reported about their attendance of NFLC, 12 out of 20 non-participant faculty noted that they had not heard of the NFLC; however, the other eightparticipants stated that they had heard of the NFLC or were invited but could not attend due toschedule conflicts, teaching commitments, overall busy-ness, or the programming did not meettheir specific needs
data collection. The format ofdemographic items can influence data whether researchers collect demographic data verbally, ona paper form, or electronically. A good strategy is to collect demographic information that isconsistent with a theoretical framing of social identities. Optimally, survey items arecomprehensive of all potential choices; however, the individualized nature of demographicvariables necessitates the collection of self-described identities as well.Speaking pragmatically, a good approach is to structure such questions not as either/or questionsbut as “select all that apply” questions. Another approach is to provide open-ended “write-in”responses that allow for students who do not fit within the predefined choices to document
], and thusheightens engagement and learning [16]. Experiments should therefore be tuned to their specificaudience, such that the lab becomes an enjoyable experience instead of merely a hoop needing tobe jumped through to progress.2.4 Appeal to different types of learning stylesBalchen et al. [2] said that experiments should “give visual and acoustic sensation”.namely Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) modalities [17].2.5 Provide a reasonable return on investment (ROI)It is not enough to say that an experiment should be low cost, because low is relative to theinstitution. Additionally, a low cost experiment that needs repurchase every year or two is notnecessarily lower cost than specialty hardware that is purchased once then
sectors. Back- ground in engineering, program and project management, managed manufacturing and industrial engi- neering departments and teams in the aerospace, electronics and telecom industries. Educator, with ex- perience managing departments, programs, research and teaching undergraduate and graduate, business administration and general education courses. Authored, published and presented research papers in con- ferences, peer reviewed journals, with multidisciplinary interests in technology, business, quality systems, organizational leadership and education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 AN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER STARTUP KIT FOR FUNDAMENTALS OF
The Engineering Economist, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Engineering Education, and other peer-reviewed journals. He has been serving as an ABET program evaluator for EAC and ETAC and as a reviewer for various NSF engineering education panels.Dr. John Jackman, Iowa State University John Jackman is an associate professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering at Iowa State University. His research interests include engineering problem solving, computer simulation, web-based immersive learning environments, and data acquisition and control.Michelle Zugg, Iowa State University Michelle Zugg is a Masters of Science
the first term,students work with a customer to identify the engineering specifications and design validationtest procedures. Throughout the semester capstone teams give three formal project presentationsto peers, clients, and faculty. Presentations include a project design proposal, preliminary designreview, and final design review. The final design presentation includes a completed budget, billof material, CAD models, wiring schematics, and custom fabrication needs, among otherrequirements. The second term focuses primarily on fabrication, testing, and design validationwith the required hardware deliverable showcased during the end of the term.WorkshopsA just-in-time approach was adopted for delivering content to students in the form of
), funded under the US-Brazil Higher Education Program of the U.S. Department of Education, at VT. He has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.Prof. Gopalkrishna H. Joshi, KLE Technological University Dr.Gopalkrishna H Joshi has his PhD in Computer Science & Engineering. He is currently working as a Professor of Computer Science & Engineering and is also leading Engineering Education initiatives in KLE TECH as Director of Centre for Engineering Education Research. He research areas of interest include Data Engineering and Engineering Education.Prof. Ashok S. Shettar, KLE Technological University Dr. Ashok S. Shettar is Vice-Chancellor of KLE Technological University, Hubli India. He
them to teach mathematics for conceptual understanding. She currently coaches graduate students in the College of Education at Texas Tech University in their dissertation research and writing. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Exploration of Hands-on/Minds-on Learning in an Active STEM Outreach ProgramAbstractThe importance of encouraging interest in science, technology, engineering, andmathematics (STEM) in students from underrepresented groups is well recognized.Summer outreach programs are a common means of accomplishing this goal, butbalancing program content between information and entertainment can be a challengingissue. Typically, programs include hands-on
for all freshmen in the College of Engineering at LTU. This committee is currently designing a new sophomore-level Engineering Entrepreneurship Studio that will also be required for all students as a continuation of the ”Foundations Studio.” He has published 33 peer-reviewed journal and conference proceeding articles. At LTU, Meyer offers a number of outreach programs for high school students and advises many projects for undergraduate students.Dr. Brent L Ulrey , Western New England University Brent Ulrey has worked as an engineer in the medical device and heavy industries. He holds a PhD in Biological Systems Engineering and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineer- ing from the University of
corporatesponsor and was heavily tied to real industry needs. By working with corporate mentors studentsbecame better acclimated to the engineering profession through the use of engineering acumen,and problem solving techniques. This opportunity allowed students meaningful early exposure tothe engineering discipline and helped to shape their understanding of the field. This engagementprovided a basis for future skills needed for project based learning such as capstone coursework[7].Among the major University partners for the Summer Bridge Program are the Math and ChemistryDepartments, the Learning Center, University Library, Career Services and the Writing Center.Each of these provide unique services that benefit the program. For instance, the Math
the most relevant resultsfor a given query(14). While these approaches may have brought success in high school, thisquickly creates difficulty in successfully completing academic writing and research assignments.It is broadly agreed upon that there is a “significant skills gap in information competencies” ofincoming university students(15), such as identifying the type of information needed, findingjournal articles, and developing advanced search strategies(16). This does not necessarily renderincoming students information illiterate, for they are demonstrating a capacity to findinformation that can be further expanded. In the case of engineering students, the incomingcohorts are initially unaware of the vast information resources and
Engineering programs. A review of the top ten Mechanical Engineeringundergraduate programs, according to U.S. New and World Report, indicates that only oneschool offered an integrated Thermal-Fluids sequence.4 That school offered the traditionalThermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics courses as well thus not fully switching the curriculum toan integrated method. The authors also examined the curriculum of the two peer serviceacademies’ ME programs and found that only the U.S. Naval Academy offered an integratedThermal-Fluids sequence, while retaining the traditional Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanicscourses in their offerings. The limited availability of integrated thermal-fluids textbooks,compared to the wide availability of Thermodynamics and Fluid
thermodynamics instructions by someresearchers. This method trains students to tackle ill-defined, ill-structured problems as found inthe real world.4 Studies have shown that this learning method results in more positive students’attitudes, a deeper conceptual understanding and improved retention of knowledge.12 Thesuccess of problem-based learning depends to some extent on students’ self-efficacy and thedegree of collaboration among peers. In problem-based environments, learners practice higherorder cognitive skills (analysis, synthesis and evaluation), and constantly engage in reflectivethinking.34 Lape35 presented tiered scaffolding techniques to bridge the gaps in high-cognitive-load problem-based learning in thermodynamics. In a problem-based