. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 An Online Course for Professional Development of Chemical Engineering COOPs and InternsAbstractAn online course was created for professional development of chemical engineering studentsparticipating in industrial cooperative education and internships. The course guides studentsthrough a series of exercises each designed to cycle through the four stages of Kolb’s learningtheory: experience, reflection, generalization, and experimentation. Students naturally acquireconcrete professional experience while practicing in an industrial setting. Instead of a traditionalapproach to coop education that concludes the industry experience with a reflective report
study also seek to establish best practices that could beimplemented more broadly in other introductory engineering courses. Therefore, the purpose ofthis paper is to explore a developmental approach to engineering success that allowsintrospection of the individual and building of community. Data were collected throughout thequarter in an attempt to answer the following research questions: • What can we learn from an emphasis on intentional activities and reflective writing to help first-generation students develop an “engineering identity” and ownership over their engineering major? • Does a course focused on relationship building, diversity, and social awareness improve first-generation students’ sense of
interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, interdisciplinary pedagogy for pervasive computing design; writing across the curriculum in Statics courses; as well as a CAREER award to explore the use of e-portfolios to promote professional identity and reflective practice. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Student Persistence Through Uncertainty Toward Successful Creative PracticeAbstract: To increase creative practice among students in engineering and other
gender. The high numbers in Mechanical Engineering reflect the overall size, relativeto Chemical Engineering (second largest), and Civil Engineering. As can be seen from the bottomof Table 2, the average school wide GPA was 2.57. The average GPA in the programs follows thesame order as the aforementioned minimum entrance requirements by program. This result is tobe expected, as those who did the best in first year would be expected to continue to achieve highresults in their second year. On the other hand, the material in Dynamics is more aligned with theinterests and strengths of Mechanical and Civil Engineers than with Chemical Engineers. Thisalignment may indicate that students are not necessarily enrolled in the program that is bestaligned
Paper ID #15770Improving Students’ Learning in Statics Skills: Using Homework and ExamWrappers to Strengthen Self-regulated LearningKai Jun Chew, Stanford University Kai Jun (KJ) Chew is a Research Data Analyst in the Mechanical Engineering department at Stanford University. He is currently working closely with Dr. Sheri Sheppard on two fronts: introducing reflec- tive activities as part of the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE) and implementing the Continuous Improvement Program as part of the ABET evaluation. Born and raised in Malaysia, KJ received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
-disciplinary courses and concepts, and providing learning opportunities for students toconnect, integrate, and synthesize knowledge (8).Two underlying assumptions are at play when considering how integrative learning takes place:(1) students do not naturally integrate, or translate, their experiences to novel complex issues orchallenges (9); (2) how a student integrates knowledge across contexts and over time takes work,and is unlikely to occur without commitment from the educational institution (8). The mostprominent pedagogies of integration include service-learning, problem-based learning,collaborative learning, and experiential learning (10). What is essential to each of thesepedagogies is the practice of reflection; “these pedagogies necessitate
interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education.Dr. David P. Crismond, City College of New York David P. Crismond is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at City College, City University of New York, 138th St. & Convent Ave. NAC 6/207b, New York, NY 10031; dcrismond@ccny.cuny.edu. His research interests relate to engineering design cognition and instruction, and helping teachers build their own design pedagogical content knowledge, create their own video-based
the Freeform environment (e.g., in-class active learning).However, the comprehensive implementation of Freeform Dynamics in the Fall 2015 courseconstituted a major change in her instructional practice. To navigate and document thistransformation process, the instructor implemented what shall be referred to here as reflectiveteaching practice, both on an individual basis and in concert with the research team.Reflective Teaching and LearningLiterature regarding the dissemination of educational innovations has previously made direct tiesbetween the dissemination of ideas and the development of reflective teaching practice16.Reflective teaching practice encourages a heightened awareness of the teaching and learningexperience, with an eye towards
of class (Wednesday), anddevices were tested outside during the next class (Monday). The remaining DC class days weredevoted to the second DC, and topics generally followed the steps of the design process.The objective of the first DC was to engage students in effective teamwork through intentionaland reflective practices in the areas of communication, organization and cooperation. The firstDC asked students to design and build a device using recycled materials that could transfer 100milliliters of water from one cup to another though four different mechanisms5. The device wasrequired to be initiated by the drop of a marble six inches above the device. The fast pacednature and rigor of this challenge was intended to put students in the
department’s undergraduate Program Director and Chair of its Curriculum and Assessment Committee. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Enhanced Radio Lab Experience Using ePortfoliosAbstractHistorically, the technical writing portion of our electrical engineering program’s required corecourse RF Systems Laboratory has been fulfilled using bi-weekly memos. Now, however, the labutilizes eportfolios to fulfill the technical writing requirement. The primary goal of the decisionto switch from memos to eportfolios was to improve the learning outcomes of the students byencouraging them to use reflective writing to reinforce what they learned in the lab. Additionally,the eportfolio format allows
Calculus, which most certainly covers this topic, but the problem“feels” different to students in the later course because the notation and setting have changed andthe purpose is specific to statistics rather than the more abstract concepts of the area of a two-dimensional region and anti-derivatives.Previous WorkIn recent years the authors have been exploring ways to reframe course assignments to provide agreater variety of application and visualization avenues to enhance critical thinking and promptstudent reflection. The objective is to provide multiple levels of connections that promotestudents’ cognitive retention. Preliminary work1 presented a methodology for using large scale,Fermi-type estimation problems to try to encourage students to
students themselves reflected that theapproach presents a more “formulaic” method to leadership compared to similar offerings theyhad received. They noted that while the approach is not truly algorithmic, it has aspects that areallow more logical thinkers to implement while developing the soft skills needed to be effectiveleaders. This paper will explore both the reasons for the student’s conclusions and how otherprograms could adapt this approach in a variety of leadership development situations.IntroductionThe approach described in this paper towards engineering leadership development is a single-semester class experience for selected student leaders, all with significant previous leadershipexperiences. Therefore, while the information presented
currently leads up a team of educators and educational researchers who are exploring how to integrate science, mathematics and engineering within authentic school contexts and researching the nature of the resultant student learning c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 The Engineering Design Log: A Digital Design Journal Facilitating Learning and Assessment (RTP)AbstractStudents engaging in design and engineering processes are frequently encouraged to keep anotebook, journal, or log containing their drawings, reflections, decisions, and justifications. Inthe professional world, such a notebook is primarily for the benefit of the designer, to keep trackof important ideas
componentadditions. Tailoring activities for pre-college pedagogy and grade-level appropriateness can bereadily done3. Also, an introduction to this IC facilitates understanding of related onlinehobbyists resources and can be a good transition to other IC hardware.Modular Resources Six modular activities were developed for a two-day outreach experience – four involvingcircuit manipulation and two involving reflection. The activities are modular so that they can bedone separately, expanded or contracted (time), or tailored to available components or studentability. For example, advanced students can engage in extra challenges that involve exploringdeeper relationships. Students work in pairs during circuit manipulation activities. Two of thecircuit
means forimproving both cognitive and affective abilities.Gestsdottir and Lerner16 referred to these developmental processes as “intentional self-regulation”—actions aimed towards harmonizing personal goals in order to enhance self-development. This is relevant to our subsequent and current studies since successful intentionalchanges were entirely dependent upon the students’ learning and demonstrating increasingcontrol over their behaviors, and selecting desirable and achievable goals. Selecting such goalsand identifying desirable behaviors, according to Baltes,17 reduces the possibility of unsuccessfulresults and increases the likelihood of developing methods that lead to desired outcomes.According to Brandtstädter,12 reflective thought and
types of service opportunities they resonate with the most, see how toconnect with the surrounding community, and be able to reflect on their experiences and see thevalue of service. The course meets the ABET Criterion 5 by broadening of the role engineeringcan make in the world and seeing engineering as service, by planting a seed for seeingopportunities for lifelong learning and engaging the community.There are three major assignments to meet the course requirement. The first assignment is to readfirst two chapters of ‘Service Learning: Engineering In Your Community’1 by Marybeth Lima,PhD and William C. Oakes, PhD, PE. The first two chapters lay out the detailed linkage betweenengineering and service learning. After the reading assignment the
Machine Controlled By ArduinoAbstractThis paper presents an Arduino-controlled Spirographtm-style drawing machine suitable for useat a Maker event. Visitors can use the machine to make unique artwork to take home.Instructions to build the drawing machine are provided. Potential pedagogical uses of thedrawing machine range from learning hands-on construction techniques, to programming,trigonometry, and interaction with a user through sensors.OverviewThis paper provides instructions on how to build a pantograph drawing machine using anArduino UNO microcontroller, a reflectance sensor, two rc-servo motors, and a sheet of foamcore poster board. It is based on the work of Erik Brunvand, Ginger Alford, and Paul Stout [1,2]and extended by using a
learning, reflective eportfolios, and professional development of graduate students related to teaching.Maria L. Macik, Texas A&M University Maria Macik is an associate instructional consultant at the Center for Teaching Excellence at Texas A&M University. She earned a B.S. degree in psychology and sociology from Texas A&M University, an M.S. degree in educational psychology, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in educational psychology at Texas A&M. Her research interests include: curriculum (re)design, creativity and innovation in higher education, and reflection and transformative learning.James Kaihatu, Texas A&M University Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University. Have
’ stories 3. This interview approach consists of threeinterviews: focused life history, details of the experience, and reflection on the meaning3. Afocused life history interview provides an opportunity to allow the interviewee to tell theinterviewer about him or herself spanning back to past lived experiences up to the present. Adetails of the experience interview asks the interviewee what they actually do in a particularexperience in order to put their experience within a certain context. Finally, a reflection onmeaning interview asks the interviewee to reflect on an experience’s meaning by looking at “howthe factors in their lives interacted to bring them to their present situation” 3. Since Dolbeare andSchuman’s interview approach was designed
designs. Additionally, Eppes and Milanovic observe that integrativecapstone experiences feature conspicuously in many programs’ student outcome assessmentevaluations, which are so important for accreditation, like ABET, and program rankings.11 It isin the interests of the student and the higher education institution, then, to offer the best seniorintegrative engineering experience possible. Assessing students’ professional growth through near open-ended design can be difficult.Student reflections are often used to address this problem. Student reflections can serve twopurposes benefitting the student and the curriculum assessor in turn. Reflections give studentsthe opportunity to consider alternatives, understand professional practices, and
knowledge “through the transformation of experience” 1. To understand the cycle, anunderstanding of the four basic kinds of experience modes is needed: concrete experience (CE),reflective observation (RO), abstract conceptualization (AC), and active experimentation (AE).A different learning process is conducted depending on which aspect of experiences affectindividuals 12. The ideal experiential learning cycle will have a learner "touch all the bases" 12 ofthe cycle seen in Figure 1. In diverse fields, several positive effects Concreteof experiential learning have been proven. ExperienceExperiential learning benefits learners withproper exercises. For example, researchexperiences increased
program value to indicate the exceptional learningopportunities SA programs offer.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16A review of literature provides an array of assessment tools that may be used as a stand-alone orin concert with other tools (See Table 1). Each of these tools provides information that enablesresearchers and SA faculty to better determine how programs enhance student learning.The tools are designed to indicate competency development in students in areas such asincreased cultural understanding, improved communication skills, strengthened language ability,flexibility, and open-mindedness.2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 In addition, this skill development oftenresults in personal reflection and growth that changes students in terms of their
justice in the United States (750-1250 words). ENGR 195A Reflection Paper 2: In his essay, Dyson gives some historical examples of technological innovations that he claims have increased social justice. Considering the technological innovations in your discipline, please describe another example and indicate how it has increased social justice in the U.S. (250- 500 words) Aerospace Engr 171A – Reflection Paper 3 (250-500 words): Consider the technological innovations in aerospace engineering in general and aircraft design in particular, describe a historical example and indicate how it has increased social justice in the U.S. and the world. Aerospace Engr 172A – Reflection Paper 3 (250-500 words
electronically using an electronic portfolio system. Both notebooks were completed as part of a 10week communitybased engineering design course in different quarters. An assessment method was developed to quantify the quality and frequency of particular types of artifacts including visuals, steps of the engineering design process, and reflective elements. Overall, the implementation of the electronic portfolio has largely been successful with clearly visible benefits. In this paper, we report on the results of the assessment process from both types of notebooks, the results from a survey on changes in student skills, and our conclusions. Introduction An engineering notebook is simply any notebook an engineer uses to record design thoughts and
demonstrates thecompetency and also if the pass/fail bar has been set appropriately.The course syllabus for ENCN470 states: “Much of a professional engineer’s work relies less onthe “technical” skills and knowledge developed at university and more on the “professional”competencies in which that technical knowledge is applied. This is reflected in the CompetencyProfiles developed by IPENZ for graduate engineers; it includes the following items: Investigation and Research Risk Management Teamwork Communication The Engineer and Society”The IPENZ Competency Profiles map well with some of the ABET Criterion 3 a – k StudentOutcomes as well as with the ASCE 2nd Edition Body of Knowledge (BOK) outcomes withrespect to professional
freshman or capstone engineering classes that have a fairly broad scope of learningobjectives. This paper describes the design and assessment of a service-learning module in arequired junior-level course in probability and statistics for engineering students at a large publicuniversity, which typically enrolls 90-100 students. This course is ideal for service learningbecause students struggle with the material, complaining it is “too theoretical”, and can feelanonymous in a large lecture course. Yet, there are few examples of how to successfullyintegrate service-learning ideas, including reflection activities, into a high-enrollment course thattraditionally focuses heavily on quantitative fundamentals.This paper details the design, student work
building near engineering class at the same time, weekly meetings between instructors ensures common message 3 5-7 4-5:1-2 Tissue Primary literature to guide club topics improves engineering w/ connection to biomedical engineering, weekly 3D printers, reflection questions on virtual community may be cardiovascular excessive, in-class work time is helpful, don’t mechanics neglect weekly instructor meeting!Year OneUndergraduate students worked on cross-disciplinary teams of ten to sixteen
question to assess understanding of the relation between form and forces in a suspension bridge. Image: Maria Garlock 4. To encourage experiential learning. Here we use a sequence of polling questions to guide students through an interactive lecture demonstration or handson activity. Encouraging experiential learning through lecture demonstrations and handson activities We typically implement an interactive lecture demonstration in three stages: predict experience , , reflectand [3]. In the first step, students make their predictions about the outcome of an experiment or
, whichbounces off a reflective surface and returns to the sensor. Then, using the amount of time it takesfor the wave to return to the sensor, the distance to the object can be computed.The ultrasonic range finder emits a high-frequency sound wave that alerts the robot to things inits path. A Programming Kit is needed to change the program in the VEX Controller. These arespecific behaviors achieved by the ultrasonic range finder: measure distances from 1.5in to115in; detect obstacles using high frequency sound waves; create more autonomous functions.The sensor can be used to determine distances to objects. It can be used as a tool to determine ifany objects are in the robot’s path at all. To increase the sensing range, the sensor can bemounted to a
-specific self-efficacy revolves around social support in the sense ofencouragement and constructive feedback – elements of a community of practice supported by the situatedlearning framework and PBL. This process can be guided by “cognitive apprenticeship,” which is a means oflearning-by-doing where the thinking process underlying complex, problem-solving skills is made visiblethrough teaching methods such as modeling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, and reflection 10-11.CPBL vs PBLCollaborative Project-based Learning (CPBL) is a revised PBL model developed by Dong and Warter-Perez 12to address the specific learning needs of under-prepared minority students. It has been implemented in severalengineering courses and a positive impact on