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option(s). For the purpose of this study, regardless of thenumber of options offered by a given program, the program was only counted once. Thisdecision was made based on an assumption that the core courses required were the same for alloptions and a precedence established by Keith and Talbott7 .In addition, there were 32 campus associated with one of the institutions. The data do notindicate which programs and program options were offered by those campus. For the purpose ofthat institution, all programs and program options were collapsed into a single institution.At a few institutions, the same CIP Code was assigned to more than one program. In thoseinstances, each program was included in the total count of ATMAE accredited 2-year
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joining SDL he worked for EDS as the Western US Regional Lead Application Engineer and prior to EDS he worked for 3D Systems, promoting rapid prototyping and rapid tooling technologies visiting 100’s of leading design and manufacturing companies around the world. He holds 3 patents developing the product from concept to market, selling the patent rights to independent investors. John enjoys writing and has published multiple articles in BYU Studies. In an earlier life he played full time as a circuit guitarist in Australia. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Creativity Enhancement via Engineering Graphics: Conceptual Design Blending
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and skills. Finally, the students gave qualitative feedback on the way in which the EWB Challenge was taughtat Colorado State University, picking up on some of the same failings in implementation due to the pilotnature of the program but also providing ideas for improvement for future course offerings. A graphicrepresentation of their feedback shown in Figure 8 below, illustrates the feedback in collated form, withthe most repeated words being the largest. It is interesting to see that design, culture, ideas, group,problem(s), learning and working were common themes rather than the technical aspects of the designproblems themselves, reflecting on the engagement with professional skills (ASEE, 2013) the instructorshoped would be focused on
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engineering texts on classical controls, linear systems, and multivariable control. Dr. Rodriguez has given over 70 invited presentations - 13 plenary - at international and national forums, conferences and corporations. Since 1994, he has directed an extensive engineering mentoring-research academic success and professional development (ASAP) program that has served over 500 students. These efforts have been supported by NSF STEP, S-STEM, and CSEM grants as well as industry. Dr. Rodriguez’ research inter- ests include: control of nonlinear distributed parameter, and sampled-data systems; modeling, simulation, animation, and real-time control (MoSART) of Flexible Autonomous Machines operating in an uncertain Environment
surveyed said they would consider implementing laptopcomputers, 68.7% said they would consider implementing tablets, and 56.7% said they wouldconsider implementing iPod or iPod touch to deliver digital instructional materials. According toApp Store Metrics, the iTunes App StoreSM currently has over 90,000 education apps10.Consequently, M-Learning continues to be a major technology trend as we move in future.Currently, for the remote laboratory applications development, more and more remote laboratorysoftware systems have selected web services technology and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)to implement the Browser-Server (B/S) architecture remote laboratory11,12. To integrate theremote laboratory application to mobile devices (e.g., PDAs
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is Professor of Education in the College of Education and Human Develop- ment at George Mason University, USA. She is an educational researcher and pedagogical scholar with signature work in self-study research methodology including co-editor of Polyvocal Professional Learn- ing through Self-Study Research (2015) and author of Self-Study Teacher Research (2011) and lead editor of Learning Communities In Practice (2008). She is recipient of the Dissertation Research Award, Uni- versity of Virginia, the Outstanding Scholar Award, University of Maryland, a Fulbright Scholar, and a Visiting Self-study Scholar. She served as chair of S-STEP from 2013-2015 and is a current Co-PI of two National Science Foundation (NSF
goal-settingexercises. In general, academic institutes do not use the human resource management practicesthat organizational behavior experts prescribe. Many administrators end up declaring a faculty‘pass’ or ‘fail’ and do not think that they can and must optimize their performances. In fact, theyhave to play a major role in optimizing performances of their faculty to increase chances ofsuccess of their organization.AcknowledgementsWe thank all the faculty colleagues who participated in the exercise. We also thank Mr. AbhayJoshi who improved the language of the paper and anonymous reviewers who reviewed andappreciated the paper.References1 L. Johnson, Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., and Freeman, A, 'The Nmc Horizon Report: 2015 K-12
refine the systemspecifications. Table 1 shows the finalized PVEPS system requirements. Table 1 PV emergency power system requirements ID Requirements 1 Power generated by solar panel(s) shall be stored in lead-acid AGM batteries 2 The batteries shall be able to power the following devices for two consecutive days: 1. Two White LED lights (continuous) 2. The suction machine (used 3 hrs. each day) 3. Two “car-charging sockets” for charging 12VDC appliances (used 3 hrs. each day) 4. One 5V DC USB charger for charging cell phones and tablets 3 The system shall contain on/off switches to individually control each appliance
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advisable to stock upon enough parts to allow time for a transition should it be necessary.Before The BitBoard, we were using IDL-800 Digital Lab instruments to support the gate-levelexperiments and the DE1 for the FPGA experiments. The IDL-800’s had served us well formany years but were showing wear and tear. Replacement costs for the IDL-800’s exceed $400per unit. So finding a lower cost option was one motivation for developing The BitBoard whichcost about $60 each for parts and assembly.Another motivation was to develop a take-home lab kit enabling students to work on theirexperiments and projects at home and at their convenience. Previously, students were given anIDL-800 solderless breadboard to take home for wiring circuits prior to coming to
engineers and non-engineers. Engineering faculty needto push for inclusion in the liberal arts core of their universities. Exposing those from otherfields of study to engineering broadens their knowledge base. The grand challenges facingengineering are going to require collaboration with those from other fields to solve. Engineeringas a liberal arts exposes others to the principles of engineering and well enable the types ofcollaborations needed to solve these problems.Bibliography[1] Abelson, Paul. The seven liberal arts: a study in mediæval culture. Vol. 11. Teachers' College, ColumbiaUniversity, 1906.[2]Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. “Innovation ecosystems and the pace of substitution: Re‐examining technology S‐curves.” Strategic Management Journal