deliverable schedule, therefore we did not want to interrupt their activities on other projects with continuous interruption of the interns for every little obstacle. In addition to project personnel discussed above, there were number of products and other resources that was available to the students to complete their project. The following are some of resources that was used for the project. • LulzBot TAZ 5 3D printer, and SOLIDWORKS D CAD software • Two RC vehicle chassis, including wheels and Lithium polymer (LiPo) batteries and charger • Three Raspberry Pi B+'s • A Ubiquiti Rocket M2 • LS20031 GPS Receiver • Electronics (PCB boards, wire of various gauges, a soldering iron, and miscellaneous electrical
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develop solutions. Consistent communication between the twocourses supports professional skill development in both upper- and lower-division studentpopulations.VI. AcknowledgmentsThis research is funded by grant DUE-1245205 from the National Science Foundation (NSF).This support is gratefully acknowledged. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this paper are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflectthe views if the NSF.VII. References [1] Hung, I. W., Choi, A. C., & Chan, J. S. (2003). An integrated problem-based learning model for engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19(5), 734-737. [2] Back, W. E. (2008). “CII Research Needs: An Academic Perspective.” RTC2008-AC1
, and soundboard as well as inharmicity in the strings. An added complication is that thesound at any moment is dependent on the recent history of key strokes as much as the key(s)being immediately struck. Figure 4 shows a spectrogram of the sound generated by Dr.Bengtson’s Walter piano as note C4 is repeatedly struck. The spectrogram shows the interactionbetween resonant modes in the soundboard. Modes are seen to exchange energy, sometimesdisappearing then reappearing at a later time. The spectrogram was created using a Blackmanwindow of length 2048, an overlap of 1792, FFT length of 8192, and sample rate of 44,100 Hz. Figure 4. C4 Audio Signal Spectrogram.Modern electric pianos rely on high-quality audio samples
program called2NAU, which allows a student to be admitted to NAU while completing an associate's degree ata partner community college. Transfer students are starting to be recognized by NAU as one withspecialized needs. To meet these needs, NAU implemented Transfer and CommuterConnections, a program committed to providing support and services for students who commuteto campus and transfer students that have switched to the Flagstaff campus, in 2014.Transfer GEMSIn 2013 NAU was awarded a National Science Foundation Scholars to Graduates in Science,Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (S-STEM) grant #1260138 to develop Transfers toGraduates in Engineering, Mathematics and Science (Transfer-GEMS), a program for incomingtransfer students with
feedback from the courseinstructors. The activities are arranged roughly in the chronological order in which they werepresented to the classes.Student Trading Cards. The work of Barker, O’Neill, & Kazim1 inspired this activity. Theinstructor has a set of cards with each student’s name on a card and when the instructor posesquestions to the class, s/he uses cards to select the student to answer. Using the cards allowsinstructors to more consistently call on all members of the class. We selected this activitybecause when the instructor looks for a response from any student it can help convey themessage that each individual possesses knowledge and personal experiences that might berelevant to an engineering problem. This activity is meant to
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above) and experimentally determined the natural frequencies and mode shapes. Theseare given in Table 2 and Figure 9. The experimental frequencies are lower than those from themodels by a margin of 22%/14% and 11%/3% for modes 1 and 2 respectively. Podium slab from beneath Timber structure on podiumFigure 6: Off-campus structure Fixed foundation model Flexible foundation modelFigure 7: Student off-campus structure models (ETABS4)Table 2: Off-campus structure Periods (s) Frequencies (Hz) Frequency % Error* Mode 1 2 1 2 1 2 Fix-fix hand calculation 0.137
)’s Navigation Data Center, which provides cargo data andvessel trip data for the Mississippi River in general as well as for several major river sections.Exhibit 1: Study Region on the Mississippi River[7]Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 display the freight amount by commodity types and the vessel trips bydraft size on the Mississippi River from Minneapolis, Minnesota to the Mouth of the MissouriRiver in 2012[8], which contains the freight data of the study region. A lock is a gate system thatallows barges to move smoothly and safely between different water levels on the inlandwaterway. A dam is a wall-like structure that reserves water for various needs. Together, the lockand dam system is used to control the water levels and provide navigation
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organization. Within thewriting pedagogy community, the advantages and disadvantages of explicit instruction have longbeen debated, with critics of direct instruction arguing that it "prevent[s] our students fromenacting what they know tacitly."14 However, in our experience, few students have any tacitknowledge of engineering workplace genres. If they are given an assignment that asks for anunfamiliar document type – such as a technical memorandum or a cover letter – they typicallysearch the internet for something with the same name. Rather than leaving them to search ontheir own, we believe it is appropriate for engineering courses to teach students about industrystandards for documents, just as it is appropriate to teach about standards for
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Paper ID #15247Fixture Design to Supplement Machining and Fuel Cell EducationProf. Yeong Ryu, State University of New York, Farmingdale YEONG S. RYU graduated from Columbia University with a Ph.D. and Master of Philosophy in Mechan- ical Engineering in 1994. He has served as an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Farmingdale State College (SUNY) since 2006. In addition, he has conducted various research projects at Xerox Corporation (1994-1995), Hyundai Motor Corporation (1995-1997), and New Jersey Institute of Technology (2001-2003). He has been teaching and conducting research in a broad range of
the need for student accountabilitymeasures to be part of the flipped classroom design. Students and faculty are used to that modelof instruction and there is evidence that a more behaviorist approach to the online content is acomponent of the flipped classroom model.4 More research and development of the flippedclassroom model is needed to determine the most effective methods and theoretical framework(s)from which to best design and implement the flipped classroom instructional model in highereducation.Conclusion It is clear that the flipped classroom instructional model is being used in engineeringgraphics education at the university level. The extent of its use and how the model isoperationalized across the field is not clear. This
in some of these gaps.Overall, the flipped classroom approach is an effective way to free up lecture time for students topractice course material and to have more time to ask questions. The added practice has in thisinstance lead to higher average test scores.ReferencesHe, S., & Zhang, Y., & Shen, F. (2015, June), Microcontrollers for Non-Electrical Engineering Students - Do WeNeed to Teach Assembly Language? Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle,Washington. 10.18260/p.24488Holdhusen, M. H. (2015, June), A “Flipped” Statics Classroom Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conferenceand Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23356Jones, B. A., & Reese, R. B., & Mohammadi-Aragh, M. J. (2014
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several SWE (Society of Women Engineers) andRobotics Club members for working with the high school students during their visit at WIT. Theauthors are also grateful to the high school administration for establishing the long-termcollaboration to advance the STEM fields, and the students' science teacher who worked as aleader of the students. References1. S. Crowe, Robotics playing a bigger role in STEM education”, May 27, 2015,2. A. Welch and D. Huffman, "The Effect of Robotics Competitions on High School Students' Attitudes Toward Science”, School Science and mathematics, Vol. 111, No. 6, 12/2011.3.
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