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to statics, specifically theHyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse. The idea behind the case study was that students willgain an understanding of why the structure failed through a reverse engineering process, and thendetermine the best way to improve it. The case study was completed in teams of 3-4. TargetEML skills for the activity included the importance of clearly communicating designs, evaluatingcustomer needs, and communication within a group and with the customer.During the first class period of the module, the students travel back in time to the 1980’s wherethey are engineers in Kansas City, Missouri, having a meeting with the management of theCrown Center Redevelopment Corporation (the course instructor, i.e. customer). In this
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either electromotive, pressure driven, or capillary force 7. Appropriate valves where needed to control flow 8. If reusable, cleaning and sterilizing approach 9. Chip must be able to plugged into a “reader” that is capable of gathering data from chip using selected detection method(s) (e.g. must have light transparent section for collecting fluorescence data or electrical connection for field effect sensing)Required constraints: 1. Appropriate processing techniques for producing nanoscale, microscale, and other features should be identified where they exist. 2. Human interaction with the device is limited to: (a) loading blood sample and reagents, and (b) inserting the chip into a reader and/or pump. If you
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