regions.ReferencesAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. (2008). Civil engineering body of knowledge for the 21stcentury : Preparing the civil engineer for the future.Anderson, K., Courter, S., McGlamery, T., Nathans-Kelly, T., Nicometo, C. (2009,June), Understanding The Current Work And Values Of Professional Engineers: ImplicationsFor Engineering Education Paper presented at 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin,Texas., S., Bill, A., van Schalkwyk, I., Bernhardt, K.L., Young, R, Nambisan, S., Turochy, R.(2010) Formulating Learning Outcomes Based on Core Concepts for the IntroductoryTransportation Engineering Course Paper presented at 2010 Transportation Research BoardAnnual Meeting, Washington, D.C.Brunhaver, S., &
with accessibility codes? 3. Will the organization provide on-site orientations for students? If yes, will the orientations include the following: a. Hours available for students to be at the learning site(s) b. Informing students where to park c. Informing students of the closest public transportation options d. Procedures for checking-in at the learning site(s) e. Procedures for students and supervisors to track students’ hours f. Organizational dress-code g. Tours of the learning site(s) h. Introduction to the students’ work areas i. Introduction to other employees/volunteers j. Confidentiality training: k. Safety and emergency
Paper ID #19425Professional Licensure: The Core of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowl-edgeDr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T, worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation, then returned to school to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech. He worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McClean, Virginia on accelerated bridge and concrete bridge research before coming to the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics
careers to solvesocietal challenges that mitigate and prepare for climate change and its global implications forsustainability. Attached below is the survey instrument developed and currently undergoing validatingand reliability testing.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesABET. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2014 - 2015. Retrieved from, B., Murphy, C., Allen, D., & Davidson, C. (2009
academic performance. Thepercentile of students from each academic program participating in the honors program isshown in Table 1.In light of the above success, a second program using a similar model was established. TheSchool of Engineering has an S-STEM grant which is currently in its final year ofadministration to support scholarships for females, minorities and economically challengedstudents. The activities produced for this cohort have been singled out by the students andthrough program assessment as being impactful for student success to aid them in maintainingthe grade point averages to keep their scholarships (> 2.5 for freshman; >3.0 all years after). Table 1. Percentage of Honors Students in Each Discipline from 2006-20161
? 4) In what sustainability related topic(s) are civil engineering students most interested? 5) What do CEE students credit as the primary source of their sustainability knowledge?The CEE Curriculum at Virginia TechThe CEE department at VT offers a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE). Unlikesome institutions, Environmental Engineering does not constitute a separate undergraduate majorfrom Civil Engineering at VT. The Myers-Lawson School of Construction is a joint venturebetween the colleges of engineering and architecture. The school offers a Bachelor of Science inConstruction Engineering and Management (CEM). The curricula for the CEE and CEM degreesare similar, but the CEM degree provides more focus in construction
Dictionary. Accessed 28 January 2017.8. Accessed 28 January 2017.9. Knowles, M. S. (1980). The Modern Practice of Adult Education: From Pedagogy to Andragogy (Revised and Updated). Cambridge, New York, NY.10. Taylor, B., and Kroth, M. (2009). Andragogy’s transition into the future: Meta-analysis of andragogy and its search for a measurable instrument. Journal of Adult Education, 38(1), 22– 42.11. Entwistle, N. J., and Peterson, E. R. (2004). Conceptions of learning and knowledge in higher education: Relationships with study behaviour and influences of learning environments. International Journal of Educational Research, 41(6), 407–428.12. Struyven, K., Dochy, F., Janssens, S
discussed in this paper: 2. Demonstrate creativity, in the context of engineering problem-solving. 6. Function effectively on multidisciplinary teams. 10. Speak effectively. 11. Incorporate knowledge of contemporary issues into the solution of engineering problems.Recognizing that the Department’s mission statement includes educating and inspiring, the civilengineering faculty have sought to develop their program appropriately along a set of commonlyaccepted educational taxonomies; that is, Bloom’s Taxonomy. These widely known taxonomiesare based on the seminar work of the 1950’s educational committee chaired by Benjamin Bloom.The committee established a set of taxonomies in three domains of learning
depth across the range ofengineering topics implied by the title of the program.The curriculum must include probability and statistics, including applications appropriate to theprogram name; mathematics through differential and integral calculus; sciences (defined asbiological, chemical, or physical science); and engineering topics (including computing science)necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systemscontaining hardware and software components.The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “electrical,” “electronic(s),”“communication(s),” or “telecommunication(s)” in the title must include advanced mathematics,such as differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, and
on the project, asthere were very few actual “low performers.” A revised grading rubric for more closely assessingstudents’ planning of the solution, as well as their discussion, validation, and interpretation oftheir results would improve the richness of data from future implementations of the project.AcknowledgementsResearch reported in this paper was supported in part by the National Science Foundation underCAREER awards #EEC 1449238 and #CMMI 1254864, and GOALI award #CMMI 1538898.The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent theofficial views of the National Science Foundation. Help from the Purdue University IMPACTprogram for course redesign is also acknowledged.References1. Brown, S. A
engineering education, 3(2), 2-16. 2. Hadim, H. A., & Esche, S. K. (2002). Enhancing the engineering curriculum through project-based learning. Frontiers in Education, IEEE. 3. Jackson, S. E. (1992). Consequences of group composition for the interpersonal dynamics of strategic issue processing. Advances in strategic management, 8(3), 345- 382. 4. Larochelle, P. (2005). Unifying assessment of freshman design teams with team project management. Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR. 5. Bannerot, R. (2005). Characteristics of good team players. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual
completing a course in engineering economy. Regardless of the pedagogical techniques, students experience significant improvement in conceptual understanding of economy concepts during the course.This research provides a necessary first step towards identifying capabilities and limitations inour capacity in teaching engineering economy and can provide important feedback with regardsto what works and what does not work for improving student’s conceptual understanding offundamental concepts.References: 1. Chappuis, J., Stiggins, R,J, Arter, J., Chappuis, S. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right - Using It Well. Pearson, 2012, ISBN: 0132685884, 9780132685887. 2. Methods of Assessment. The
problems in their communities and beyond using the Game Changers as examples of innovative solutions.• Q: If you were going to grade our infrastructure systems (at the local, state or national level), what grade(s) would you give and why? Can you justify the grade(s) using similar criteria as in the Report Card? o Activities: For older students, teachers assist in exploring why the various infrastructure categories received the grades that they did, bring in local infrastructure “experts” to assist with the discussion and assessment. Additionally, depending on the infrastructure that is being considered, teachers
• Global Citizenship • Sustainable Practices There are nine CSU GLOs each of which are developed as two levels of dimensions. The top level has three dimensions for each GLO expressing Knowledge (K) Skills (S) and Applications (A) giving a total of 27 dimensions, and some of these are further expanded to create a total of 90 dimensions. The GLO dimensions are intentionally aligned with the AQF categories and meet the requirements for the AQF Level 7, Bachelor’s degree.Course teams can choose to integrate the GLOs at the top level of 27 dimensions or thedetailed level of 90 dimensions. The CSU engineering course has chosen to integrate at thelevel of 27 dimensions. As stated above, each of the nine GLOs expands into learning outcomes for
/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/Education_Papers.html3. Felder, R. M., 2006. “Teaching Engineering in the 21st Century with a 12th-Century Teaching Model: How Bright is That?” Chemical Engineering Education, 40(2), 110-113.4. Freeman, S., S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M. Wenderoth, 2014. “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23). Svinicki, M. and W. J. McKeachie, 2011. McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers, 13th ed., Wadswoth CENGAGE Learning, USA.6. Wankat, P.C., and F.S. Oreovicz, 2015
both because it was thickerand heavier than a traditional Frisbee. This suggests that in future competitions it may be anadvantage for students to construct multiple Frisbees. One Frisbee will be used for the competitionand the students can use the others for practice throws to get accustomed to throwing a concreteFrisbee. Group #10’s first Frisbee broke apart while it was being thrown; as a result the distancethrown was recorded as 0 ft. Table 1: Concrete Frisbee Specifications Group Weight Diameter Density Throw #1 Throw #2 Average Throw # (lbs) (inch) (pcf) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 1.3 8.5 82 51.7 56.5
their satisfaction with course outcomes and the UGTF(s) they worked with. For the studentsin courses with UGTF resources, the survey questions focused on their interactions withUGTFs (how often and what type), if they felt there were enough UGTFs in the classroom,and if they perceived their learning to be better supported in courses with UGTFs. Finally, thesurvey questions for UGTFs focused on their interactions with students and faculty, thepreparation and communication with the instructional team, the impact of the experience ontheir own understanding and confidence in the course material, on their connection toother students and faculty in their department, and on the development of professional skills. Inaddition, on all surveys, open-ended
revolutionary) approach to e-learning. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.Aldrich, C. (2009). The complete guide to simulations and serious games: How the most valuable content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.Barab, S., Thomas, M., Dodge, T., Carteaux, R., & Tuzun, H. (2005). Making learning fun: Quest Atlantis, a game without guns. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(1), 86- 107.Clark, D. B., Nelson, B., Chang, H., D’Angelo, C. M., Slack, K., & Martinez-Garza, M. (2011). Exploring Newtonian mechanics in a conceptually-integrated digital game: Comparison of learning and affective outcomes for students in Taiwan and the United States. Computers
also extend to the mentors.ReferencesAmaral, K. E., & Vala, M. (2009). What teaching teaches: Mentoring and the performance gains of mentors. J. Chem. Educ, 86(5), 630.Collings, R., Swanson, V., & Watkins, R. (2014). The impact of peer mentoring on levels of student wellbeing, integration and retention: a controlled comparative evaluation of residential students in UK higher education. Higher Education, 68(6), 927-942.Gafney, L., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2008). Peer-led team learning: evaluation, dissemination, and institutionalization of a college level initiative (Vol. 16): Springer Science & Business Media.Hug, S., Thiry, H., & Tedford, P. (2011). Learning to love computer science: peer leaders
specifically, responses from Question 2 of the firstand second activities were qualitatively evaluated using the rubric presented in Table 4. Thisparticular question, which was repeated in both activities, prompts the students with “Whatinformation do you think you need to know to answer the driving question? List all of the factorsand/or variables that are needed and identify which ones are the most important. For eachfactor/variable listed, offer a rationale for why it is needed. For example, through whatmechanism/s does it affect strength enhancement?” The rubric was designed to gain an overviewof the general state of student understanding of nanomaterials at the nanoscale and theirrelevance in the context of cement mortar. Scores of Poor, Good
be more directly comparable with Senior Exit Survey responses and FE Exam scores. 3. Expand course-based Embedded Indicator results to include sample standard deviation allowing analysis of sample variance and evaluation of standards with regard to acceptable lower distribution limits for student performance, rather than merely a comparison of a student average.References 1. Little, D. L., Quardokus Fisher, K., Brown, S. A., Koretsky, M., Bouwma-Gearhart, J., “Measuring Student Perceptions of Engineering Classroom Activities and the Use of Such Measures by STEM Faculty: The Development of the Student Class Activity and Engagement Instrument,” Proceedings of the 122nd American Society for Engineering
conclusion of the course. Interviews were semi-structuredwith questions focused on students sharing the experience of intercultural growth. Students wereasked to recount and interpret specific experiences of intercultural growth. Phenomenologicalhermeneutic analysis is underway with discussion to be provided at a future date.The students’ responses on the pre-trip survey indicate not only a strong desire to learn aboutdifferent cultures, but also an awareness of a lack of intercultural competence in their lives. Forexample, one student states, “I hope that this experience continues to expand my horizons andhelp[s] me develop a better worldview.” Another student states, “I like to think that I amproficient at nonverbal communication, but I now
Civil Engineer for the Future, First Edition. (2004) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA.30 Levels of Achievement Applicable to the Body of Knowledge Required for Entry into the Practice of Civil Engineering at the Professional Level. (2005) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA.31 Bloom, B. S., M. D. Englehart, E. J. Furst, W. H. Hill, and D. Krathwohl. 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, the Classification of Educational Goals, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain. David McKay Company, New York, NY.32 Krathwohl, D. R., B. S. Bloom, and B. B. Masia. 1964. The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II: Affective Domain, David McKay
., Usher, E. L., Li, C. R., Economy, D. R. and Kennedy, M. S. (2016), Measuring UndergraduateStudents' Engineering Self-Efficacy: A Validation Study. J. Eng. Educ., 105: 366–395.8 Burton, J. D. and White, D. M. (1999), Selecting a Model for Freshman Engineering Design. Journal ofEngineering Education, 88: 327–332.9 Gunn, C., & Somerton, C., An Engineering Laboratory Experience For A Freshman Engineering Class Paperpresented at 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2014 Salt Lake City, Utah.10 Alava, J.D. and Gardiner, K.M. The Development of the First Year Engineering Experience. Proceedings of Fall2010 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, October 15-16, 2010, Villanova University. (
quality of life B5: Identifies and addresses future community needs B6: Reflects social responsibility C1: Considers economic impacts of environmental design criterion C2: Considers economic impacts of a social design criterion C3: Considers trade-offs between social and environmental criteria Economic C4: Evaluates economic lifecycle costs and benefits C5: Considers affordability or demonstrates cost competitiveness or cost reduction X1: Uses and/or creates innovation(s) in its specific field to achieve
., Uhomoibhi J. (eds) Interactive Collaborative Learning. ICL 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 544. Springer, ChamGary, K. (2015). Project-Based Learning. Computer, 48(9), 98-100.Giralt, F., Herrero, J., Grau, F. X., Alabart, J. R., & Medir, M. (2000). Two way integration of engineering education through a design project. Journal of Engineering Education, (April), 219.Hassan, S. (2013). Concepts of vertical and horizontal integration as an approach to integrated curriculum. Education in Medicine Journal, 5, 5.Heer, R. (2012). A model of learning objectives. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University.Knight, D. W., Carlson, L. E., & Sullivan, J. J. (2007). Improving Engineering
SDGs “… seek tobuild on the [previous] Millennium Development Goals and complete what they did not achieve(United Nations General Assembly 2015).” In launching the SDGs in 2015, the GeneralAssembly of the United Nations “recognize[s] that eradicating poverty in all its forms anddimensions (including extreme poverty) is the greatest global challenge and an indispensablerequirement for sustainable development (United Nations General Assembly 2015).” To thatend, the SDGs represent “a plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity,” which in additionto peace and partnership, define the five “P’s” of the mission of the SDGs. To accomplish thatmission, there needs to be a “balance [between] the three dimensions of sustainabledevelopment: the
Confirm international partner(s) and conduct first conference call September Distribute advertising material and Discuss potential research theme and application form to students project topics October Create a database to collect all student Agree on a research theme. Draft research applications topics November Draft a budget and discuss with partner Finalize research project topics institutions Identify research mentors
Paper ID #20398Horizontal Integration of the Same Design Project in Multiple Structural En-gineering CoursesDr. Benjamin Z. Dymond, University of Minnesota Duluth Ben Dymond obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech before obtaining his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Ben is currently an assistant professor of structural engineering at the University of Minnesota Duluth.Dr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matt Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T then worked as a bridge designer at