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Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Vinarcik P.E., University of Detroit Mercy
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Systems Engineering
added new content to reflect the latest advances in theengineering discipline. The author was exposed to Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)at the 2010 International Council on Systems Engineering’s International Symposium inChicago; by 2011, he had begun the first steps to integrating MBSE into the MPD curriculum.Early attempts included the use of DoDAF (the Department of Defense Architecture Framework)in addition to SysML.3 However, DoDAF did not add sufficient incremental value to warrant itsuse; it has been dropped from the courses and both Systems Architecture and SystemsEngineering now focus solely on the use of SysML. Instead of requiring students to learn, inessence, two systems engineering languages, the courses instead focus on
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steve E. Watkins, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Randall L Musselman, U.S. Air Force Academy
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Systems Engineering
could be configured to transmit when the UAV experiences loss of power orwhen an accelerometer senses an impact. The operator components are the receiving antennaand receiver. A highly discernable antenna pattern is needed for the receiving function. The on-board power needs for the transmitter are defined by the search limits. Power concerns arerelated to the maximum distance between the operator and the crashed UAV and to the desiredsearch time. The procedure for the transmitter hunt is influenced by the antenna characteristics,the supporting electronics, and the environment. For instance, direction finding is complicatedby obstacles or terrain that block line of sight and introduce multipath reflections. An appropriate frequency of
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
” [6]. Thefollowing list compiles a number of significant advances:Systems Engineering competenciesAccording to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge book (SEBoK) [6], SE compe-tencies reflect the individual’s Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Attitudes (KSAAs), whichare developed through education, training, and on-the-job experience. According to the samesource, ”For an individual, a set of KSAAs enables the fulfillment of the competencies neededto perform the tasks associated with the assigned systems engineering role”. A set of SE competencies form a SE competency model which reflects the individual’sKSAAs. The KSAAs are in turn related to different roles in the company or the project, sothat they are associated to a set of tasks. A
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dominic M. Halsmer P.E., Oral Roberts University; Robert P. Leland, Oral Roberts University; Emily Dzurilla
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
nature. The final project report includes a section where the students areencouraged to reflect on the quality of their experience as it pertains to their understanding ofsystems engineering. Student surveys are also conducted in an effort to assess the impact of thecourse and elicit feedback on how the course may be improved.Previous Design Explorations in Engineering Education via Systems EngineeringCourses involving integration and testing of complex hardware systems are not new toengineering education. In 2012, faculty at St. Louis University reported on a systems engineeringcourse where students gained hands-on experience with the development of a small satellite.They claim, “It is very important to use real hardware for practicing the
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily M Salmon, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
for brainstorming include: there are no dumb ideas; Successful: do not criticize other people’s ideas; build on other people’s Visual, hands- ideas; and reverse the thought of “quality over quantity” on-activity, qualitative meaning the more ideas the better and the quality of an idea data, is not as important at this phase. encourages new ideasPareto Analysis A Pareto analysis reflects the frequency or impact of Initially problems. The