Asee peer logo
Displaying results 391 - 420 of 1461 in total
Conference Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jane Andrews, Aston University; Robin Clark, Aston University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
factors relating to student attrition in engineering &applied science are debated within the literature [23,24] studies which suggest that ‘ActiveLearning’ has a positive impact on the student experience within the engineering field areperhaps the most optimistic; with evidence suggesting that hands-on, relevant active learningexperiences can do much to promote a positive student experience [25,26].2.1 The Case Study OrganisationGosta University is located in the central region of the United Kingdom. A university since the1960’s, Gosta is one of the UK’s most diverse universities, with over 60% of its studentpopulation originating from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds. In terms of ‘addedvalue’ and the promotion of social mobility
Conference Session
Predicting Student Success
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristin L. K. Koskey, University of Akron; Nicholas G. Garafolo, University of Akron; Nidaa Makki, University of Akron ; Wondimu Ahmed, University of Akron; Donald P. Visco Jr., University of Akron; Uday Samreddy
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
accepted for publication in Science Scope.4. Daugherty, J., Custer, R. L., Brockway, D., & Spake, D. A. (2012). Engineering Concept Assessment: Design and development (AC 2012-2987). American Society for Engineering Education.5. Greene, B. A. (2015). Measuring cognitive engagement with self-report scales: Reflections from over 20 years of research. Educational Psychologist, 50, 14-30. doi:10.1080/00461520.2014.9892306. Unfried, A., Faber, M., Stanhope, D. S., & Wiebe, E. (2015). The development and validation of a measure of Student Attitudes Toward Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S-STEM). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 1-18.7. American Association for the Advancement of Science (2017). Science
Conference Session
ETD Learning Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Matthew DeMonbrun, University of Michigan; Michael Geoffrey Brown, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. References 1. M. G. Brown, R. M. DeMonbrun, S. Lonn, S. J. Aguilar, and S. D. Teasley, “What and when: the role of course type and timing in students' academic performance,” in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (pp. 459-468), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2016. 2. B. J. Zimmerman, “Investigating self-regulation and motivation: Historical background, methodological developments, and future prospects,” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 45, no. 1, 2008. 3. R. J. Waddington, S. J. Nam, S. Lonn, and S. D. Teasley, “Practice (Exams) Make Perfect: Incorporating course resource use into an early warning system,” Journal of Learning Analytics, in press. 4. L. R
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Beyond the Classroom
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Antonie J. Jetter, Portland State University; Gerald W. Recktenwald, Portland State University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
pollution as a member of the engineering faculty at another institution.Kristina R. and Nick S.: Dog Safety HarnessThis team developed a harness that allows dogs to be clipped into seat belt restraintswhile they are riding in automobiles. Traditional designs of “seat belts” for dogs aim toprotect the lives of drivers and passengers by restraining the dog. In a serious accident,those restraints can do serious harm to the dog. The design created by Kristina and Nickprotects the dog’s vulnerable shoulder bones. Kristina had the idea when a friend’s dogdied in an accident and she could not find a good seat belt for her own dog. The teamreceived positive feedback that demonstrated that there may be a market, but the team didnot pursue these leads very
Conference Session
Professionalism and Preparations Developed by Graduate Study Programs—Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 7
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aaron Carpenter, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Nate Derbinsky, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Yugu Yang-Keathley, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Durga Suresh, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
. Smith, and J. Strohl. Projections of jobs and education requirements through 2018. June 2010. [2] National Science Foundation. What level of education do U.S. S&E workers have? [3] K. Luchini-Colbry, K. Wawrzynski, R. Mangiavellano, and E. McCune. Guiding them to graduate school: Professional development for undergraduates participating in engineering research programs. In 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 2012. ASEE Conferences. [4] M. Lagoudas and B. Yalvac. A model for multidisciplinary experiences for undergraduates that promotes retention and pipeline to graduate school. In 2011 ASEE
Conference Session
Investigating Instructional Strategies
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Andrew Simon Scott, Western Carolina University; Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Frederick C. Berry, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
; Education, vol. 11, pp. 609-630, 2012.[2] L. M. Braender and M. I. Naples, "Evaluating the impact and determinants of student team performance: Using LMS and CATME data," Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 24, p. 281, 2013.[3] C. P. Pung and J. Farris, "A Preliminary Assessment of the CATME Peer Evaluation Tool Effectiveness," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2011.[4] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen, "A Review of Literature on Teaching Engineering Design Through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, pp. 17-28, 1997.[5] N. M. Dixon, "Organizational learning: A review of the literature with implications for HRD
Conference Session
Student Feedback and Assessment in Design
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elissa Morris, Texas A&M University; Daniel A. McAdams, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
for teachingengineering design concepts.References[1] Torrance, H., 2007, "Assessment as learning? How the use of explicit learning objectives,assessment criteria and feedback in post‐secondary education and training can come to dominatelearning. 1," Assessment in Education, 14(3), pp. 281-294.[2] Topping, K., 1998, "Peer assessment between students in colleges and universities," Reviewof educational Research, 68(3), pp. 249-276.[3] Yoo, M. S., and Chae, S. M., 2011, "Effects of peer review on communication skills andlearning motivation among nursing students," Journal of Nursing Education, 50(4), pp. 230-233.[4] Casey, D., Burke, E., Houghton, C., Mee, L., Smith, R., Van Der Putten, D., Bradley, H., andFolan, M., 2011, "Use of peer
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara Sabine Linke, University of California, Davis; Ian C. Garretson, University of California, Davis; Fahad M. Jan, University of California, Davis; Lee Michael Martin, University of California, Davis; Mohamed M. Hafez, University of California, Davis
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
change request 10 LCA of efficient airplane Comparison between Results for water table wings experimental and experiments computational results Joint ReviewHomework and project assignments are due weekly and cover manufacturing, design andthermo-fluid dynamics. The teaching assistant/s will have office hours with access to the watertable later in the quarter so that students can access the table and conduct tests for the project.Airplanes fly because their wings cause a lift force when air flows past the wings. In addition tothe lift force, the flying airplane experiences thrust, drag, and weight forces (Anderson
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erica J. Marti, University of Nevada; Hasan Deniz, University of Nevada; Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada; Ezgi Yesilyurt, University of Nevada
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
., and Tobias, S. “Liberal Studies in Engineering”-Workshop Report, 2015.[2[ Grasso, D., Burkins, M. B., Helble, J. J., and Martinelli, D. “Dispelling the myths of holistic engineering”. In Holistic Engineering Education. Springer New York, 2010, pp. 159-165.[3] Hirsch, L. S., Berliner Heyman, S. L., and Cano, R. M. (June, 2016). “Comparisons of a Female-Only, Male-Only, and Mixed-Gender Engineering Enrichment Program for 4th Graders”. Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana.[4] NGSS Lead States. “Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states”. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2013.[5] NAS-NAE- NRC (National Academy of Sciences- National
Conference Session
Engaging Ethics in Teams and Communities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaofeng Tang, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Eduardo Mendieta, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Thomas A. Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Should Be Done? Summary of a Workshop. The NationalAcademies Press.[7] Litzinger, T. A., and Lattuca, L. R. 2014. “Translating Research to Widespread Practice in EngineeringEducation.” In A. Johri, and B. M. Olds eds. Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research.Cambridge University Press.[8] Borrego, M., Froyd, J. E., & Hall, T. S. 2010. Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations: ASurvey of Awareness and Adoption Rates in US Engineering Departments. Journal of EngineeringEducation, 99 (3), 185-207.[9] Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A., & Sullivan, W. M. 2008. Educating Engineers: Designingfor the Future of the Field. Jossey-Bass.[10] Bodilly, S. J., Glennan, T. K., Kerr, K. A., and Galegher, J. R. 2004
Conference Session
Faculty Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mel Chua, Olin College of Engineering; Lynn Andrea Stein, Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
task of learning a new curricular culture tosomehow adopt it or to change their own.References[1] King, A. (1993). From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side. College Teaching, 41(1), 30-35.[2] Smith, K. A., Sheppard, S. D., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2005). Pedagogies ofEngagement: Classroom-Based Practices. Journal of Engineering Education, 1-15.[3] Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.[4] Stake, R. E. (2005). Qualitative Case Studies. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), TheSAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed., pp. 443–466). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGEPublications, Inc.[5] Dreyfus, S. E., & Dreyfus, H. L. (1980). A Five-Stage Model of the Mental
Conference Session
Action on Diversity - Institutional Change & Perspectives on Diversity
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
Science Foundation (NSB 03-69), ed.).; 2003.3. Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century:An Agenda for American Science and Technology. Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. National Academies Press; 2007.4. National Academy of Engineering. The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press; 2004.5. Cady SH, Valentine J. Team Innovation and Perceptions of Consideration What Difference Does Diversity Make? Small Gr Res. 1999;30(6):730-750.6. Fila ND, Wertz REH, Purzer S. Does diversity in novice teams lead to greater innovation? In: Frontiers in Education
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Venkata Rama Chaitra Thota, University of Cincinnati; Nan Niu, University of Cincinnati; Wentao Wang, University of Cincinnati; Carla C. Purdy, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
stakeholders, evaluating thealternatives for satisfying the win conditions, managing the risks that stem from the selectedalternative(s), and obtaining the stakeholder approvals and commitments to pursuing the nextcycle are the four basic steps of the spiral model2. For example, if sensitive information is storedand accessed but the end user is not invited to participate in the trade-off analysis andprioritization of the requirements, then the software project is at risk of failing to satisfy thesecurity needs of the user.Having key stakeholders such as user and customer representatives involved is a hallmark ofagile software development3, which is considered to not only inherent the iterative andincremental natures embedded in the spiral model but
Conference Session
Experiences of Diverse Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joel Alejandro Mejia, Angelo State University; Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University, Department of Teacher Education and Leadership; Andrea L. Robledo, Angelo State University; Renata A. Revelo, University of Illinois, Chicago
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
, & W. Pinar (Eds.), How we work (pp. 242–261). New York: Peter Lang.6. Mora, P. (2008). Nepantla: Essays from the Land in the Middle. UNM Press.7. Kasun, G. S. (2014). Hidden knowing of working-class transnational Mexican families in schools: Bridge- building, Nepantlera knowers. Ethnography and Education, 9(3), 313-327.8. Anzaldúa, G., & Keating, A. (2013). This bridge we call home: Radical visions for transformation. New York: Routledge.9. Aguilar-Valdez, J. R., López Leiva, C. A., Roberts-Harris, D., Torres-Velásquez, D., Lobo, G., & Westby, C. (2013). Ciencia en Nepantla: the journey of Nepantler@s in science learning and teaching. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 8(4), 821-858.10. Foor, C. E
Conference Session
Investigating Instructional Strategies
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Mehrnaz Mostafapour, University of Waterloo; Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Andrea Prier, University of Waterloo; Erin Jobidon, University of Waterloo; Carol Hulls P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Jason Grove P.E., University of Waterloo; Eugene Li, University of Waterloo; Sanjeev Bedi P.Eng., University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
as conflict. We believe thisexperience helps us better relate to student needs and enables us to enrich our teaching ofteamwork concepts with our own real examples of team experiences, overall increasing theauthenticity of the instruction.ReferencesAl-Hammoud, R., Hurst, A., Prier, A., Mostafapour, M., Rennick, C., Hulls, C., Jobidon, E., Li, E., Grove, J. & Bedi, S. (2017) Teamwork for engineering students: Improving skills through experiential teaching modules. Proceedings of the 2017 CEEA Annual Conference, Toronto, OntarioBandow, D. (2001). Time to create sound teamwork. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 24(2), 41.Campion, M. A., Medsker, G. J., & Higgs, A. C. (1993). Relations between work group characteristics
Conference Session
Mechanics, Music, Meaning, and Mohr
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig M. Shillaber, Northeastern University; Joseph E Dove P.E., Virginia Tech; James K. Mitchell, Virginia Tech; Cristopher D. Moen; Victoria A Mouras P.E., Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
? 4) In what sustainability related topic(s) are civil engineering students most interested? 5) What do CEE students credit as the primary source of their sustainability knowledge?The CEE Curriculum at Virginia TechThe CEE department at VT offers a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE). Unlikesome institutions, Environmental Engineering does not constitute a separate undergraduate majorfrom Civil Engineering at VT. The Myers-Lawson School of Construction is a joint venturebetween the colleges of engineering and architecture. The school offers a Bachelor of Science inConstruction Engineering and Management (CEM). The curricula for the CEE and CEM degreesare similar, but the CEM degree provides more focus in construction
Conference Session
Thermodynamics, Fluids and Heat Transfer II
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yeow Siow, University of Illinois, Chicago
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
: 100,000×0.6 m= =0.765 kg 287×273.15The specific heat cv is a function of temperature, and is evaluated at the target temperature of0oC, i.e., cv = 0.717 kJ/kg-K. The equation for Qopening can then be simplified as j Q opening=mc v ∑ ,.T -k k=1An assumed door-use behavior is given in Table 2 below (j = 5): Table 2. Pattern of Refrigerator Door Opening. Duration of Air Exchange, Δt Ti = 0.1xΔt ΔT = Ti - 0 (s
Conference Session
Pre-College: Working with Teachers to Improve K-12 Engineering Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Ann Jacobs Ed.D., Manhattan College; Zahra Shahbazi, Manhattan College; Anthony Scotti, Manhattan College; Kathleen Christal Mancuso, Manhattan College; Alexandra Emma Lehnes, Manhattan College
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
: What is DNA? How is genetic information transferred?Hands on Activity #1: DNA to ProteinsQuestion(s): What are the different macromolecules involved in genetic informationtransfer? What are the differences between DNA and RNA? How does RNA becomeprotein?Materials: genetic code chart, index cards (four different colors would be ideal, if not twocolors, worst case all white), scissorsHands on Activity #2: Banana DNAWebsite link: DNA is the genetic code in all living things. Where does the DNA reside inthe banana? How do you get the DNA out? Why does DNA separate in the final step?Materials: banana, isopropyl alcohol, dish soap, salt, Ziploc bag, sieve, water
Conference Session
Engineering Identity
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anita Patrick, University of Texas, Austin; Nathan Hyungsok Choe, The University of Texas, Austin; Luis L. Martins, University of Texas, Austin; Maura J. Borrego, University of Texas, Austin; Meagan R. Kendall, University of Texas, El Paso; Carolyn Conner Seepersad, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
0.40 0.59 (α = 0.86) involving technology (q) Identifying technical solutions that are as 0.40 0.50 simple as possible (s) Designing and conducting experiments to 0.55 0.55 test an idea (y) Searching for innovative ways to do things 0.38 0.50 (v) Improving a design to make it more efficient 0.46 0.47 (faster, better, cheaper) (z) Using technology to solve environmental 0.41 0.68 problems (aa) Creating prototypes to test an idea 0.78 0.36 (cc) Designing a system, a part/component of a 0.68
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Assessment
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Kerrie A Douglas, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Jill Anne Folkerts, Purdue University; Taylor V. Williams, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
students’ understanding of a mathematical topic.20,21 Theexamples in engineering education target interpretation and feedback processes that takes intoaccount student cognition. Diefes-Dux et al.’s framework is on feedback in model-elicitingactivities.22 In engineering design, Beyerlein and colleagues present an assessment frameworkfor capstone design courses23 building on the assessment triangle model by Pellegrino,Chudowsky, and Glaser.18 To our knowledge, there are no assessment frameworks thatspecifically target first-year introductory engineering courses.Competencies and Learning ObjectivesHigher-level skills encompass multiple distinct components (i.e., core competencies) associatedwith each skill. Table 1 presents five competencies among a
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jumoke Oluwakemi Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University; LaDawn Partlow, Morgan State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
of this effort in 2014. Partnering with Minority serving institutions, The VerizonFoundation has funded 12 programs to address the gap in engineering and computing programsfor low-income minority males in grades 6 - 8, living in urban and rural areas. This paperprovides preliminary results from the first year of the program at a single institution.Table 1: 2014 US Population and Employment Statistics in Science and Engineering (S&E), by gender and race (NSF, 2015) [4] Female Female Female Male Male Male population S&E Engineering population S&E Engineering White
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Murad Musa Mahmoud, Utah State University; Kurt Henry Becker, Utah State University; Max L. Longhurst, Utah State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
hard the student worked. I would not recommendslowing it down at all.” Additionally, the researchers will collect data to determine students’interest and motivation in STEM during the coming summer workshop. Additional qualitativeand quantitative data will be analyzed in a future publication as we collect more data from futureworkshops. This years’ workshop was the first and a pilot for many similar summer workshopsto take place over the seven years of the project.AcknowledgementSupport for this research was provided by the STARS! GEAR UP Partnership grant#P334A150032 at Utah State University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Danielle Newley, Sonoran Schools; Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada; Ezgi Yesilyurt, University of Nevada; Hasan Deniz, University of Nevada
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
based on scheduling of the co-author of this paper, time constraints onour study existed. While interviews would have provided a deeper look at students’ views ofengineering, the time for interviews was not available. Another limitation in the consistency ofthe data was the fact that many of the students were English Language Learners or below gradelevel. Many discrepancies involving vocabulary in Questions 1-3 may be the result of a lack ofwriting ability or vocabulary. For future work, vocabulary, writing, and reading will have greaterinfluence during the units.References[1] Cerinsek, G., Hribar, T., Glodez, N., and Dolinsek, S. “Which are my future career priorities and what influenced my choice of studying science, technology
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret E. Beier, Rice University; Ann Saterbak, Rice University; Megan McSpedon; Michael Wolf, Rice University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
examining predictivevalidity of the RESP diagnostic exam for an array of outcomes including success within theRESP program itself.AcknowledgementsThis RESP program is partially supported by an NSF S-STEM program grant (#1565023). Othersignificant funding comes from Rice University. The research component of this program ispartially funded by the S-STEM grant, and partially funded by Rice University and the ChaoFoundation.References[1] Ackerman, P. L., Kanfer, R., & Beier, M. E. (2013). Trait complex, cognitive ability, and domain knowledge predictors of baccalaureate success, STEM persistence, and gender differences. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(3), 911–927.[2] Richardson, M
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin G. Tuchscherer, Northern Arizona University; Ron Gray, Northern Arizona University; Christine Allison Gray, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
education research, Cambridge University Press, pp. 267–282.[3] B. W. McNeill, L. Bellamy, and V. A. Burrows. 2000. “Team Norms and Communication,” in Introduction to Engineering Design, 9th ed., McGraw Hill Higher Education, pp. 1–13.[4] S. Gorman. 2014. Peering into the Culture of a Civil Engineering Discipline and Finding the White Rabbit, PhD Dissertation, Northern Arizona University. 285 pp.[5] R. Stevens, A. Johri, and K. O’Connor. 2014. “Professional engineering work,” in Cambridge handbook of engineering education research, Cambridge University Press, pp. 119–137.[6] E. Godfrey. 2007. “Cultures within cultures : Welcoming or unwelcoming for women ?,” ASEE, 19 pp.[7] S. J. Spencer, C
Conference Session
Make It!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge A. Piña, Baltimore City Community College; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Light.Challenges of the Smart PLC Traffic Light Controller: This project intentionally leaves a marginfor students to go farther with their work. Student teams can modify or expand the projectconsidering the pedestrian crossing the intersection, and also thinking in drivers who want to doa left turn in any of the streets.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis material is based upon work supported by the Research Experiences for Teachers Program(RET) under the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1300779. Any opinion, findings,and conclusion or recommendation expressed in this material are from the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the view or opinion of the National Science Foundation.REFERENCES1. Hsieh, S. and Hsieh, P.Y., “Web-based Modules for Programmable
Conference Session
Make It!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Song, Alamo Colleges District; Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Daniel M. Sherry, Alamo College
Tagged Divisions
work supported by the National Science Foundation’s AdvancedTechnology Education Program under Grant No. 1304843. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] The San Antonio Economic Development Foundation (SAEDF) Industrial Sectors at SanAntonio. Available online at:[2] The San Antonio Manufacturers Association (SAMA) Alamo Region Manufacturing IndustryWorkforce Assessment Report (November 2015). Available online at:[3
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne W. Dietrich, Arizona State University; Don Goelman, Villanova University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
score.ReferencesBlack, P. & Wiliam, D. (1998) Assessment and Classroom Learning, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5:1, 7-74, DOI:10.1080/0969595980050102Boud, D. (2005), Enhancing learning through self-assessment, Kogan Page, London.Burton, S., Sudweeks, R., Merrill, P., & Wood, B. (1991), How to Prepare Better Multiple- Choice Test Items: Guidelines for University Faculty, Brigham Young University Testing Services,, C. A., & Wilkinson, K. (2014). Recurrent Online Quizzes: Ubiquitous Tools for Promoting Student Presence, Participation and Performance, International Journal of E- Learning and Learning Objects 10, https
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lesley Cremeans, Texas Tech University; Audra N. Morse P.E., Texas Tech University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
research andprograms continue to foster innovation and discovery in science and engineer (S&E) academics.Moreover, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) released the publication, “Changing theConversation” in 2011 to strongly encourage engineering communities to alter the messagingpresented to underrepresented populations to increase and attract more diversity (NAE, 2011).According to Dzombak et al. (2016), the NAE describes the work of an engineer as, “Engineersmake a world of difference, are creative problem-solvers, help shape the future, connect scienceto the real world, and engineering is essential to health, happiness, and safety” (p. 5).Broader Impacts of Entrepreneurship EducationEntrepreneurship education provides students with
Conference Session
Teaming & Collaborative Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Soo Jeoung Han, Texas A&M University; Michael Beyerlein, Texas A&M University; Jill Zarestky, Colorado State Univeristy; Lei Xie, Texas A&M University; Khalil M. Dirani, Texas A&M University; Rodney Boehm, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
asperspective, experience, and specialized knowledge, which, combined, may match thecomplexity of their joint challenge (Beyerlein, M., Han, S. J., & Prasad, M, 2017). Teameffectiveness emerges when the interaction process enables those unique qualities to blend into awhole, with each member engaged. However, few teams have the skills or process habits thatenable a high level of blending to occur. Therefore, this study’s focus is to identify themicro-level patterns of behavior (habits) in student teams that enable full realization of the valueof member diversity.Diversity is commonly defined as a characteristic of groups of two or more people and usuallyindicates demographic differences among group members. By leveraging diversity, teams mayachieve