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, beginningwith the works of Eli Whitney and the standardization of parts in the 1860’s, Fredrick Taylor’sstudies on workplace efficiency, standardized work and scientific management in the 1890’s, andthe Ford Production System’s novel concepts of the assembly line, manufacturing strategysequence, conveyor systems, and flow style production in 1910 (Shternberg, 2011). The lecturethen covered the background of the Toyota Motor Company and its early pioneers, Eiji Toyoda,Taiichi Ohno, and Sakichi & Kiichiro Toyoda.The presentation then discussed the basic ideas of the Toyota Production System, including anexplanation of its process and underlying philosophy. The lecture described the Toyota House ofQuality, including Just-In-Time and Jidoka, as well as
enough, withthe appropriate knowledge and skills.In the early 1960’s, Purdue University began by successfully in training high achievingtechnicians for the aviation through a maintenance based aviation program. By the 1970’s thegraduates were beginning to find more and more success with aerospace companies inmanufacturing and maintenance management positions. By the 1990’s over half of the graduateswere finding careers with major aerospace design companies and performing duties inengineering support. By 2010, the graduates were finding leadership positions across aviationand aerospace in positions ranging from maintenance development to program management ofengineering programs. Also by 2010, graduates had begun finding opportunities in
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the facility to select, by the teacher, the 2-input gate under study and the method to excite the logic gate inputs. It was desired to make the learning tool fun with an innovative method, to change the gate input logic level, which would mimic a “magic show”. Figure 1 shows the typical usage of the device. As seen in Figure 1, top-left image, the light falling on two photo-resistors is translated, using an electronic circuit, into logic 0, which is then applied to the gate-under-test housed in a separate digital circuit unit. Blocking the light, by using hands, one can apply logic 1 to either one or both, the gate input/s. Depending on the gate-under-test, the LED matrix will light up for one of the four possible
PowellElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of VirginiaCharlottesville, Virginia 22904hcp7ad@virginia.eduBackgroundTransformer based power supply laboratories have been a staple of electrical engineeringlaboratory exercises for decades, and many have remained unchanged since the 1970's. Suchexperiments are typically found in curricula at both 4-year universities and 2-year colleges andare sometimes performed as part of an experimental sequence in physics courses as well. Inmany cases, they are part of a first or second course in electrical and computer engineering andall too frequently are presented in a somewhat superficial manner. Furthermore, the transformeris often assembled in an ad hoc fashion, and students are advised to be aware of safety
Reviews, IJAMT, CIT, ASEE, and other conferences and journals. He is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in South Carolina and ETAC of ABET reviewer for Electrical Engineering Technology and Computer Engineering Technology.Dr. Shambhu Shastry, Excelsior CollegeMr. Shou-Bang Jian, Excelsior College c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017Capstone project scheme, implementation, and results of an online BS EET program Nikunja Swain, Anthony Benson, Jianxin Tang, Sohail Anwar, Shou-Bang Jian, Jessica Lamendola, and S. K. Shastry, Excelsior College, 7 Columbia Circle, Albany NY 12203 IntroductionCapstone Design Experience (CDE) exposes students
learning communities, and courseintegration (Gardner, 2013; Smith, R. 2011; Wilcox, P., Winn, S., & Fyvie- Gauld, M. 2005;Tinto & Goodsell, 1994; Enke, 2011). These methods of managing and enhancing first-yearundergraduate experience have been well-researched and seem generally successful; however,large-scale partnered-teaching efforts that span more than one institutional department arerelatively uncommon in the context of large public research universities. At a large publicresearch university, a new Integrated First-Year Experience among 3 introductory freshmancourses—Introductory Composition, Fundamentals of Speech Communication, and DesignThinking in Technology, has been implemented. In total, the integration involved over 500 first
of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville. Dr. Ralston teaches undergraduate engineering mathematics and is currently involved in educational research on the effective use of technology in engineering education, the incorpo- ration of critical thinking in undergraduate engineering education, and retention of engineering students. She leads a research group whose goal is to foster active interdisciplinary research which investigates learning and motivation and whose findings will inform the development of
/showAward?AWD_ID=1449489Cech, E. (2014). Culture of Disengagement in Engineering Education. Science, Technology & Human Values, 39(1), 42-72.Cech, E. A. (2010). Trained to Disengage? A Longitudinal Study of Social Consciousness and Public Engagement Among Engineering Students. American Society for Engineering Education.Cruz, J., & Frey, W. (2003). An Effective Strategy for Integrating Ethics Across the Curriculum in Engineering: An ABET 2000 Challenge. Science and Engineering Ethics, 9, 543-568.Deneulin, S. (2014). Wellbeing, Justice and Development Ethics. New York and London: Taylor and Francis.Dunlap, J. C. (2005). Changes in students' use of lifelong learning skills during a problem
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learningare collaborative learning, co-operative learning, and problem-based learning. Various studies,from using interactive, hands-on lessons and activities designed to teach research process toundergraduate engineering students 1 , to preparing manufacturing engineering students throughcompetitions, projects sponsored by industry, capstone projects, laboratory exercises or projectssimulating real-life scenarios 2 , have shown that active learning increases student performance inSTEM subjects.Critical thinking, identified by The U. S. Department of Labor as the raw material of a number ofkey workplace skills such as problem solving, decision making, organizational planning, and riskmanagement, is highly coveted by employers of engineering graduates
summary of the “Do Not Know” responses at the start vs. the end of thesemester. The results of the ttests were statistically significant for each question; note that thevalues were 1’s for “Do not Know” and 0’s for another response (fewer “Do Not Know”responses at the end of the semester than at the start). There were no statistically significantdifferences by gender, graduation year, or engineering discipline. Table 2. Summary of “Do Not Know” Responses for Content Questions start of end of Question semester semester ttest start
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learning: Faculty and student perceptions. Journal of Nursing Education, 40(3), 116-123.10. Stepien, W. J., Gallagher, S. A., & Workman, D. (1993). Problem-based learning for traditional and interdisciplinary classrooms. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 16(4), 338-357.11. Gallagher, S. A., Stepien, W. J., & Rosenthal, H. (1992). The effects of problem-based learning on problem solving. Gifted Child Quarterly, 36(4), 195-200.12. Hmelo, C. E., & Ferrari, M. (1997). The problem-based learning tutorial: Cultivating higher order thinking skills. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 20(4), 401-422.13. Torrey, L. (2012, July). Teaching problem-solving in algorithms and AI. Third Symposium on
/or intellectual property, you can expect the contract(s) to be more involved, include restrictions, and significant penalties. There is a real danger of inadvertent disclosure and access to project information must be controlled. Most tier 2+ schools are not initially prepared to accommodate the restrictions and provide the security required. The only way these can be safely done is at a separately controlled area. Additionally, there are usually restrictions on presentation, publication and review.Projects done at the sponsoring company’s facilities. These projects can range from the benign to the really cool high tech. If benign, contracts can be similar to a university sited project. A general
study could develop statistically significant data which would validate these correlations.Appendix AAppendix BBibliographyAmmeter, A. P., & Dukerich, J. M. (2002). Leadership, Team Building, and Team Member Characteristics in High Performance Project Teams. Engineering Management Journal, Vol 14, No. 4, Pages 3- 10.Ardichvili, A., Cardozo, R., & Ray, S. (2003). A Theory of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Development. Journal of Business Venturing, Vol 18, Pages 105-123.Boni, A. A., Weingart, L. R., & Evenson, S. (2009). Innovation in an Academic Setting: Designing and Leading a Business Through Market Focused, Interdisciplinary Teams. Academy of Management Learning &
mathematical problems are now includingsymbolic capabilities, transforming them into symbolic-assisted numeric computational tools. Inthe area of power systems, pioneer work was performed in the late 80’s at the University ofWisconsin-Madison in the application and use of symbolic computing or symbolic-assistednumeric computational tools in power engineering education 3-7. There are four CAS featureswith potential for changing and improving engineering education1-9:1. Active student learning involvement;2. Experimentation and simulation as a means of understanding concepts;3. Solution visualization; and4. Solving real-world problems.These themes have continued as the principle set of arguments for CAS using, in the teachingengineering disciplines
familiesFurther DiscussionThis paper sheds light on protective factors, as well as risk factors that may impact the academicsuccess in STEM for American Indian youth. It also provides insight into some complicated, yetcritical, relationships that impact both teacher and student persistence in schools in Indiancountry. Further research on pre-service and in-service teacher development that highlights andleverages the strengths of the American Indian culture in an effort to engage youth and theirfamilies in academic endeavors should be conducted. References[1] KewalRamani, A., Gilbertson, L., Fox, M., and Provasnik, S. (2007). Status and Trends in theEducation of Racial and Ethnic Minorities (NCES 2007-039
potentialcourse restructuring.References[1] KEEN Engineering Unleased, Retrieved from[2] KEEN Framework, Retrieved from[3] K. Thoroughman, A. Hruschka, and P. Widder, “Engineering virtue studio keen modules to fosterentrepreneurial mindset in an integrative first-second year online course”, Proceedings of the 121st ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana.[4] K. Reid, D. M. Ferguson, “Enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset of freshman engineers”, Proceedings of the118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 26-29, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.[5] S. Condoor, M. McQuilling
should be a clear line for the students that literacy is notcapability, is it the know how.The following are highlights of 4 retired and established faculty in engineering who were kind toshare their thoughts. They have extensive experience trying to understand engineering andtechnology, and also trying to train students. Some of the faculty mentioned that in 70’s theycreated seminars and activities to reach out the non-engineering students. Q1: What is Tech lit? a. A technologically literate person is able to read articles in magazines such as Scientific American, Discovery, and Science News and understand perhaps 20% to 50% of it b. Should be able to intelligently discuss technological information with other people with
project from the host organization and developing their initial project plan underthe close guidance of their project mentor. The team then moved to the partner site to conduct aRIE to create positive change for the organization. The team was responsible for facilitating anagreed upon definition of the problem, observing and documenting process flows for relatedareas, and collecting and analyzing key data related to the problem. This information was thenutilized to generate potential solutions, finalize and implement the selected solution(s), anddesign and implement appropriate controls to ensure that the problem stays fixed followingsolution implementation. These activities were run as a PDCA cycle consistent with thehealthcare approaches of
four years (2cohort groups) from the first cohort program start. On graduation, of the first cohort, nearly 20%of the graduating students from Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, found funding to fly to the United Statesto attend their graduation ceremony with other campus-based graduating M.S. students. Toquote one of these many students “…I have learned a lot from this program. The knowledge islike a burning fire within my bones. I have to judiciously, efficiently and effectively disseminateit.”References1 Springer, M. L., Terruso, L., Speer, M., Ekeocha, Z., Byrn, S., & Clase, K. (2016). Administering a U.S. Based M.S. Degree in Kilimanjaro, Africa –A Global Benchmarking in Regulatory Science. ASEE 2016 Annual Conference Proceedings. New
, G. (2016). Strategies and techniques for new tenure-track faculty to become successful in academia. Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 26-28 June. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education.Boice, R. (1992). The new faculty member. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Boice, R. (2000). Advice for new faculty members. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Brent, R., & Felder, R. M. (1998). The new faculty member. Chemical Engineering Education 32(3), 206- 207. Retrieved from, R., Felder, R. M., & Rajala, S. A. (2006). Preparing new faculty members to be successful: A no- brainer and yet a radical concept. Paper presented at
Mechanical Engineering Design”, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill 2016.[3]. Brown, S., & Montfort, D., & Findley, K. (2007, June), Student Understanding Of States Of Stress In Mechanics Of Materials Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii.[4]. Brown, S., & Lewis, D. (2010, June), Student Understanding Of Normal And Shear Stress And Deformations In Axially Loaded Members Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky.[5]. Coyle, M., & Keel, C. (2001, June), A Combined Stress Experiment Using A Hacksaw Paper presented at 2001 Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.[6]. Szaroletta, W. (2002, June), Enhancing Learning Opportunities In A Combined
to get ideas for new products). Studentswere asked “How confident are you in your ability to do each of the following at this time?” andranked their answers on a five point Likert scale from “not confident” to “extremely confident”(on a scale from 0 to 4). The scale was presented and discussed as ISE.6 construct in a recenttechnical report on the EMS (Gilmartin, S., et al, 2017). The construct shows a Cronbach’s alphaof 0.79, and the score for each students’ innovation self-efficacy is calculated by taking theaverage of these six items.3.3.2 Venturing self-efficacyThe item is adapted from Lucas et al.’s (2009) Venturing Self-Efficacy scale. Schar et al. (2014)found that there is a strong correlation between this item and engineering