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in the instrumentation or devices courses butnot in a course primarily focused on the PLC. Not considering these courses for EECSstudents is a mistake.While the equipment of these labs is useful for the PLC courses, specific experimentsmay also have potential use in other courses including Automatic Controls. Theequipment has use in a number of different courses and can be given over to a multitudeof uses as need arises.While the courses described are difficult and time consuming for student and instructoralike, the enjoyment that the professor may have after teaching these courses should benoted. As the student moves through the course(s), they begin to enjoy the challenge ofthe next lab and what lies ahead while seeing the potential for
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, Assessment, & Data Adminis- tration in the College of Engineering & Computer Science at the University of Central Florida. She is Co-PI of 2 NSF-funded S-STEM programs and program evaluator for 2 NSF-funded REU programs. Her research interests include factors that impact student persistence, identity formation, and career develop- ment in the STEM fields.Salih Safa Bacanli, University of Central Florida Salih Safa Bacanli is PhD student at Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida (UCF). He received his MS degree in Computer Science from UCF and BS degree in Computer Engi- neering from Bilkent University, Turkey. His research interests include opportunistic networking routing, wireless
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projects that the participant would like to conduct in the 1-3, 3-5, and beyond five-yearrange.The “Motivation/Background of Research” peer review was added to help participates begin todraft the introductory portion of their research statement. Participants would receive constructivefeedback to help hone in on what research problem(s) they identified and would seek to addressin their future research.We have added both a peer review and panel session for “Outlining Specific Aims”. The goal ofthese sessions is to help participants begin to begin to identify the broad research themes in theirstatements. We have scheduled the peer review before the panel session so that participantscould receive constructive feedback and guidance from faculty after
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place students into courses. TheAssessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is an assessment tool created byMcGraw-Hill with a mathematics placement module. Similarly, CollegeBoard’s ScholasticAptitude Tests (SAT) and ACT Inc.’s ACT Assessment college entrance exams are used as abasis for admissions into higher education. Since 2012, data has been collected for Engineeringand Technology programs to determine if these exams used for admissions and placementactually serve as a predictor for success. This study compares the ALEKS and ACT scorespredict success in a comparison to grades achieved in Engineering and Technology classes.Similar studies compared the high school grade point average (GPA) with the ACT as predictorsof college
EAC GeneralCriteria.* Thus, while UCSD offers the twelve courses specified in the NCSEA curriculum, theprogram is not subject to any explicit accreditation standards for its structural engineeringcontent.* The relevant ABET policy is stated in paragraph I.C.4.c.(2) of the ABET Policy and Procedure Manual, as follows:“If a program name implies specialization(s) for which Program Criteria have been developed, the program mustsatisfy all applicable Program Criteria.“11Given the inability of most baccalaureate civil engineering programs to provide all requiredcoursework for structural engineering practice, structural engineering firms with more than tenemployees now hire primarily at the master’s level. For this reason, in our definition
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