analytical training at the expense of fostering important skills in creativethinking (e.g., questioning, observation, reflection) that are fundamental to developinginnovative solutions to these engineering challenges. To help address this gap, there is anincreasing number of studies exploring the pathways by which engineering students developinterest and skills in innovation (e.g. Yasuhara, Lande, Chen, Sheppard, & Atman, 2012; Davis& Amelink, 2016; Gilmartin et al., 2017). These studies aim to understand where students aregaining innovation interests and skills and are finding that extracurricular activities play anotable role. Within engineering classrooms, there is a push to increase student exposure todesign and to teach creative
Paper ID #19626Integration of Critical Reflection Methodologies into Engineering Service-Learning ProjectsDr. Scott A. Newbolds P.E., Benedictine College Dr. Newbolds is an assistant professor in the engineering department at Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas. After graduating from Purdue University in 1995, Dr. Newbolds started his career in construction as a Project Engineer for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). He returned to Purdue for graduate school in 1998 and subsequently took a position in the INDOT Research and Development office. While completing his graduate degrees, Dr. Newbolds conducted and
2000. She received her M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. (2007) in Computer Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. Dr. Dave’s research interests lie in the field of High Speed Computer Arithmetic and Computer Architec- ture. Her research has been focused on the design high-speed multi-operand adders. In addition, she is also interested in performing research in VLSI implementation of signal processing algorithms, and low power integrated circuit design. Her teaching interests include Digital Logic Design, Computer Architecture, Computer Arithmetic, VLSI Design. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Reflection and Metacognition
Paper ID #18261Exploring School-to-work Transitions through Reflective JournalingMr. Ben David Lutz, Virginia Tech Ben Lutz is a PhD student in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. His research in- terests include innovative pedagogies in engineering design, exploring student experiences within design settings, school-to-work transitions for new engineers, and efforts for inclusion and diversity within en- gineering. His current work explores how students describe their own learning in engineering design and how that learning supports transfer of learning from school into professional practice as well
Paper ID #18779Elementary Student Reflections on Failure Within and Outside of the Engi-neering Design Process (Fundamental)Dr. Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Towson University Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at Towson University. She has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, worked briefly as a process engineer, and taught high school physics and pre-engineering. She has taught engineering and science to children in multiple informal settings. As a pre-service teacher educator, she includes engineering in her
life. The goals of product archaeology provide a strong foundation on which to developa classroom and project in which students can think critically both within and about engineering.MethodsWe used qualitative methods to explore how first year students’ perceptions of engineeringchanged during the course of a summer bridge program. When we desire to intimatelyunderstand a complex issue, such as changes in students’ perceptions of engineering, qualitativeapproaches serve as a particularly useful research strategy (Creswell, 2009). In order to betterunderstand the ways in which critical pedagogies can influence students’ perceptions of what itmeans to be an engineer, participants reflected on what it meant to be an engineer and how
feel solely through written communication so their team could correctlyidentify the liquid without ever seeing it.Reflection-based homework assignments were developed to obtain students’ perception of thesegame-based communication activities as prior research showed that use of these game-basedcommunication activities resulted in positive improvement in both students’ oral and writtencommunication skills. The coding scheme for the reflections was developed using a grounded,emergent qualitative analysis. The reflections were then content analyzed by two analysts. Aninter-rater reliability measure based on Cohen’s Kappa was calculated for each game-basedactivity. The inter-rater reliability for the “Professional Slide,” “ROYGBIV,” and
-related skills,and enables them to become more self-aware/mature independent thinkers. While many studentsengage in experiential learning activities voluntarily, some schools have formalized a creditedversion as an elective to ensure the learning includes the reflective and conceptual components,as verified by a deliverable outcome. A few schools such as Messiah College have also gone astep further to require an approved experiential learning activity of all students, includingengineering majors, to enhance their career preparation and community engagement beforegraduation. Students matriculating to Messiah College as of 2015 may now opt to fulfill theExperiential Learning Initiative (ELI) by either credited internship, practicum, service
teachingnetwork will make initial small changes in their teaching, which will lead to increasingly largerchanges over time. For the second method, the principal investigators (PIs) applied self-study,2 aqualitative research method, to examine and reflect on their design-based decisions,implementation, and outcomes. Results indicated that the structures and practices supportedmediating processes. Mediating processes became proximal outcomes. Medial and distaloutcomes for faculty change may likely be a multi-year trajectory. Conjecture mapping and self-study proved to be useful methods in evaluating a process grant focusing on faculty change.KeywordsFaculty Development, Design-based Research, Conjecture Mapping, Self-Study Methods,Engineering
Paper ID #19581A Sea of Variations: Lessons Learned from Student Feedback about the Roleof Trust in First-year Design TeamsMs. Natalie C.T. Van Tyne, Virginia Tech Natalie Van Tyne is an Associate Professor of Practice at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer- sity, where she teaches first year engineering design as a foundation courses for Virginia Tech’s under- graduate engineering degree programs. She holds bachelors and masters degrees from Rutgers University, Lehigh University and Colorado School of Mines, and studies best practices in pedagogy, reflective learn- ing and critical thinking as aids to enhanced
at Clemson University, sought to support an open and iterativecollective effort: To bring the voices of those concerned with such study into a systematic andproductive encounter.Part of this project centered on the selection of participants eager to reflect on the directions theirresearch had taken and might take in the future, and to assure that a wide range of student andfaculty subject-populations would be represented in our conversation. A focus on intersectionalanalyses, stressing the shifting and contingent nature of identity, meant that participants wouldbe asked to consider the most fundamental features of their work and the conditions of“diversity” study and publication. We selected participants who seemed excited about
(Dym et al. 2005). At the start of the semester, students self-assemble into teams of 4-5,and each team chooses a lower-income country to explore. Over 14 weeks, teams use their chosencountry as a starting point to work through a cycle of biomedical device design, including broadscoping and needs assessment, problem definition, concept generation and iteration, CADprototyping, and design iteration based on peer, student instructor, and faculty feedback (see Table1). They also examine case studies of (successful and unsuccessful) biomedical device design,learn about healthcare innovation systems, and reflect on key challenges and best practices forbiomedical engineering design.Over 3 consecutive semesters, our students have developed a variety
the various preferences and styles bywhich students learn. As such, the purpose of this paper is to present evidence on the effect offormative assessment design on student performance, and whether this effect varies by studentlearning style. The results from this study can be used by engineering educators to eitherdiversify or personalize their assessment style.This work is grounded in the Felder-Soloman learning style model, a model that was developedwithin engineering education and has been validated and widely used within the field. Thismodel categorizes learning styles along four distinct dimensions: perception (sensing versusintuitive), input (visual versus verbal), processing (active versus reflective), and understanding(sequential
? Methodology We employed weekly academic classifications in an early warning system (EWS)for students in an undergraduate engineering course at a research-intensive university inthe Midwest. Coupled with the EWS, we used data from students’ use of variousinstructional technologies during the course through a digital coaching application calledE2Coach. The E2Coach system provides students with a variety of resources including:weekly help messages, exam preparation (before the exam) and reflection (after theexam) tools, a weekly checklist of tasks that will help students prepare for the class, agrade calculator so students can estimate their grade based on past and planned futureperformance, and various online systems for reviewing academic
traditional,descriptive ones. Furthermore, as new technologies continue to progress rapidly and coursecontent and laboratory instrumentation continue to evolve in order to keep pace, laboratorymanuals will also have to be revised frequently in order to stay relevant and effective. A laboratory manual revision process was developed in this study in order to supportthese new types of laboratory classes. It is a four-step process, which includes: 1) CollectingAudience Responses, 2) Scaffolding the Class Project, 3) Project Report Writing Requirementand 4) Peer-Review and Reflection. This development was carried out based upon the technicalwriting framework, as it is believed that technical writing can promote critical thinking andactive learning
playing field can help combatthose disparities. For instance, inclusion of service learning has also been shown to increaseretention of women and underrepresented minorities in engineering 10,11. Other approaches suchas pairing female students with mentors and creating discussion groups that explore diversity andinclusion have also been shown to help, as was done in this study.Methodology:Participants shared experiences during weekly discussion and through journaling about howgender norms in engineering and the sciences tend to reflect masculine values, experiences andlife situations. Through these discussions, participants learned to address underlyingassumptions, norms, and practices to change the culture for all members, men and women
utilizing evidence-based teachingpractices and case studies. Figure 1. Student responses to their perception of greatest challenge.Resonance Resonates: Predict, Experience, ReflectAn effective approach for implementing an interactive lecture demonstration involves threestages: predict, experience, and reflect [10]. This Section defines each stage and how it wasexecuted in a lecture with the objective of teaching students about resonance in buildings duringan earthquake.PredictIn a study by Crouch et al. [11], it is shown that students who just passively observe ademonstration do not have a better understanding of the subject than students who do notobserve the demonstration at all. However, involving students by asking them to predict
, stakeholder analysis, mass balance, sewagetreatment, material properties and selection, sewage properties and conveyance, staticsand stress, filtration and chemical precipitation, and so on). These engineering concepts,though, are not abstracted from social, political, and economic considerations. Rather,engineering is imbued with social context. Through class events like town hall meetings,debates, and stakeholder analyses, students in character, are exposed to differentperspectives, values, priorities, and constraints. Additional out-of-class work such asindividual reflective essays and team-based projects also engaged them in ethicalreasoning and complex cognitive tasks related to empathy, ethics, and social justice. Inthe follow-on course
spirit, we contend that in design, build, and test courses studentslearn when they are required to reflect on their experiences and identify theirlearning explicitly. Further, we posit that utilization of an assessment instrument,the learning statement (LS), can be used to both enable and assess studentlearning. In our course, AME4163: Principles of Engineering Design, a senior-level,pre-capstone, engineering design course, students learn by reflecting on doing bywriting statements anchored in Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. In Fall 2016we collected over 11,000 learning statements from over 150 students. To addressthe challenge of analyzing and gleaning knowledge from the large number oflearning statements we resorted to text mining
epistemology, teamwork and equity). While seminar goals aligned with the goals ofLA programs nationally, our seminar design team also articulated several values which guidedthe design of our seminar: a) helping LAs reframe their role as supporting growth rather thanevaluation, b) valuing a broad set of metrics of success from day one, c) celebrating that differentstudents bring in different expertise, and disrupting overly simplistic expertise/novicedichotomies, d) acknowledging that we all have different starting points and valuing a pluralityof goals, e) helping our students track their own progress through reflecting on concreterepresentations of their thinking, and f) supporting LAs in developing deep disciplinaryknowledge of design thinking. This
abilityto transfer the closed-ended skills used on a typical math problem to an open-ended problem.The Reflective Practitioner. A study by Valkenberg and Dorst discussed the use of descriptive andreflective practices in design [6]. This paper drew heavily on Schön’s paradigm of reflective practice [7].Schön contends that every design problem is necessarily a unique challenge. Teaching students the skillsto reflect on their design while innovating, in order to advance the design, is essential to teaching design.This also can lead to problems, since if every problem is unique, and the students want a single concreteroadmap for how a project should go, there is bound to be conflict. Valkenberg and Dorst discussed fourdifferent design activities
new modules we plan to develop shown in Figure 1. Therefore, it emerged as the mostappropriate model to use and became our primary framework.Multicultural awareness focuses on an individual’s understanding of their own social identities incomparison with the identities of members from other groups (Pope, Reynolds, & Mueller,2004). The competency of awareness encourages students to engage in critical reflection abouttheir own underlying assumptions to ensure that individuals with differing cultural perspectivesare not invalidated. Multicultural knowledge focuses on the pursuit of cultural knowledge andthe comprehension of new and or existing theories regarding race, class, and gender (Pope,Reynolds, & Mueller, 2004). This competency
thinking needs further attention.2The complexity in defining and understanding critical thinking is one of the major challenges forengineering educators and students.25-27 Hicks, Bumbaco, and Douglas argued that exploration ofinterconnection between different philosophical concepts, in particular critical thinking,reflective practice, and adaptive expertise, may help educators to better understand and applyeach concept.28 Yet, some scholars critique the traditional viewpoints on critical thinking. Clarisand Riley identified four major themes that engineers generally have given too little attention, orno attention at all: power/knowledge relationships, transgressive validity, reflection andreflexivity, and praxis and relationality.29In this paper
module. The students are required to write a short reflection covering thefollowing three questions: What are the main points?, How is the material useful to you?, Whatmore information do you think should be included?.LaboratoryThe three-hour laboratory each week developes a diversity of hands-on skills covering the basicsof each discipline and associates the lecture and laboratory exercises toward the guided designproject, a physical prototype of a medical research device. Laboratory topics were developedthrough interactions with and input from our student advisory committee (BSAC), studentsurveys, industry including co-op and employer surveys and the external advisory board. Theskills that were utilized most frequently by students in their
anengineering degree and write a reflective comprehensive report at the end of the course.Previously published results reported a positive impact on first-year engineering studentretention and performance after the first year of implementation of the DYP program. The resultsof the four-year longitudinal study confirm an increase in overall GPA and persistence for thefirst-year, but more remarkably it shows that the DYP program has a long term sustainable effecton student success. Results show statistically significant differences in GPA and persistence ratesbetween the DYP cohort and control cohort for all years. The DYP cohort showed higher overallGPAs: +0.53 year one, +0.33 year two, +0.31 year three and +0.26 year four (p<0.001, exceptfor year
engineering course is feasible without wholesale rethinking of the content.Hopefully, this paper will encourage statics instructors, and engineering instructors in general, toconsider taking steps to balance the EPS approach with acknowledgement of the human andsocial context in which engineering work takes place.MethodI identified example problems based on real-world situations that illustrate core technical ideaswithin the Statics curriculum. I then elaborated the problem description to place the situation in ahuman and social context. While keeping the technical questions basically unchanged, I added“Reflect” questions at the end of the problem.These questions require the student to move beyond the numbers, think about the relationshipbetween the
, David K. Probst Department of Physics and Engineering Physics Southeast Missouri State University Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 AbstractMany concepts in physics and engineering courses cannot be understood easily. Althoughpowerful computers with advanced software can generate fancy animations, students still cannotgrasp these concepts without spending time reflecting on them. In the past, homework was thetool used by instructors to challenge students and enforce their learning. Unfortunately, nowmany students can bypass this challenge and directly go to the solution manual for answers,which is widely available from the
Demanding Organized Engaging Approachable Patient Exciting Interested Motivating Prepared Respectful Energetic Understanding Fun PersonableImpact of Gender in ClassroomGenerally, gender is perceived as a negative for women in the classroom as it pertains tostudents’ perceptions of instructor effectiveness, as reflected in student evaluations. Forinstance, MacNell et al. (2014) found that students rated an instructor with a male identity higherthan female instructor possessing a female identity for online courses regardless of theinstructor’s actual gender. When female
situated learning perspective has been deemed to offera theoretical rationale for ‘inquiry-based’ and ‘problem solving’ approaches to science teachingand learning, where scaffolding and other forms of social support serve a prominent role in students’learning process.26 A model of instruction employing situated learning theory has been proposedand proven to yield a practical framework for classroom practice.25,27 Ref. 25 suggested that thekey components of this model include: (1) cognitive apprenticeship and coaching; (2)opportunities for multiple practices; (3) collaboration; (4) reflection; and (5) technology. Cognitiveapprenticeship methods allow students to enculturate into authentic practices through socialinteraction. Cognitive
an employment agreementbetween pipe fitters and the city’s engineering department. Each team learns how toprepare for the negotiation by exploring each other’s needs, interests, and positions.Then, the students negotiate and experience the challenges of reaching an agreement thatsatisfies both parties. Our assessment materials include the outcomes of the negotiationsthemselves (whether teams reached an agreement and whether they met their ownrequirements) as well as student reflective essays on the experience and what theylearned. We present this course module as a case study that can be adapted in differentclassrooms. Introduction and statement of the problemIn 1970, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) created a unique and innovative