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2000 Annual Conference
Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla; Shreekanth A Mandayam; Anthony J. Marchese; John L. Schmalzel; John Chen; Ravi Ramachandran; Paris von Lockette; Kevin Dahm
thecoating thickness along the whole length of the spool will be provided, instead of just a measure ofa small portion at the end of the spool. This will allow for adjustments to be made in the amount oflubricant applied to the aluminum it is being coated. Ultimately, this device will save the companyprecious manufacturing time and provide a more accurate assessment of the distribution of lubri-cant on the aluminum. After examining four possible methods for monitoring the coating thickness, the studentschose an optical method. This method determines the thickness of the coating by utilizing the re-flections of a laser. In this method, a laser will project two reflections. Ideally, one beam will reflectoff the top of the coating and the other
2000 Annual Conference
Gene Moriarty
were often the sameperson. Individuals of high principle and integrity, who were honest, open-minded, and industrious – as championed by Smiles – could be entrusted tobring forth a world worth living in. “Smiles reflected his age and also Page 5.666.4influenced it. He wrote especially of engineers, inventors, and industrialists 4as they transformed their environment – and society – through rapidindustrialization.” [8]In his Lives of the Engineers, Smiles tells the story of several engineers,including James Brindley, John Rennie, and Thomas Telford. Brindley wasan interesting example of what I am calling a traditional engineer
2000 Annual Conference
Michael T. Hertz; Luna P. Magpilli; Michael E. Gorman
dedicated to transforming engineers into ethical practitioners who will reflect on theconsequences of their designs and discoveries. Most educators understand the need to provide engineeringstudents with ethical training lest these students find themselves ill-equipped and unprepared to handledifficult ethical problems in the workplace; however, few engineering schools feature even a single courseon ethics (Stephan, 1999).The Case Study Approach Case studies are being used increasingly to teach engineering design (Kagiwada, 1994) as well asethics (Harris, Davis, Pritchard, & Rabins, 1996). Case studies provide an opportunity for a kind ofvicarious mentoring, in which the student is taken through a compressed version of a real dilemma
2000 Annual Conference
Douglas Mattox; Bahador Ghahramani
broad range oflearning-style preferences of the students. Table 1 – Learning Style Categories Innovative Learner Analytic Learner Common-Sense Dynamic Learner Learner Learner Learner Learner Learner Seeks meaning Wants to know facts How do things work Needs self-discovery Wants reasons for learning Perceives abstractly, Seeks Utility Takes risks Processes reflectively Needs involvement Creates concepts, Hands-on Likes
2000 Annual Conference
William J. Hutzel
building automation vendors, areanxious to have their products seen and used on college campuses. Universities are a lucrativelong-term revenue source. Donating hardware and software to a student laboratory is one goodway for a technical salesperson to get a foot in the door. It is a good business decision to donateequipment for use by faculty and students, particularly when most contributions are taxdeductible.As reflected in Table 1, renovations to the Applied Energy Lab took full advantage of thegenerosity of HVAC manufacturers. Corporate donations totaled approximately 2/3 of theestimated $163,000 total renovation cost. Table 1 also shows that donations of personalcomputers, which have become an everyday commodity, were hard to come by. The
2000 Annual Conference
Clifford R. Goodwin; R. Andrew Schaffer
technology courses. At least 18 related technologycredit hours must be a set of courses from construction technology, computer technology,electrical engineering technology, or mechanical engineering technology. These coursesmust be related to a second degree, a minor, a certificate, or reflect some logicalcombination of courses.Along with the OLS academic counselor, students also develop a relationship with anacademic counselor from the appropriate technology department and work with thatcounselor to earn the A.S., certificate, or minor in that discipline. In this way, studentskeep abreast of career opportunities and the latest information from both disciplines. Atpresent, students may earn any one of the following technical credentials and apply
2000 Annual Conference
Scott D. Baldwin
• How to properly indent sections of code to show dependencies • Proper use of white space • Program organizationAn example section of a style guide is provided below and is taken from a style guide for a C++course taught at Oklahoma State.Start of Example:Identifiers Standard Identifiers must be meaningful names. The names of variables, functions and classes should be descriptive and easy to read. A variable name must reflect what the variable represents.For example, the name you use for a variable to represent resistance should be resistance,resistorValue or ohms, not r or o. You can abbreviate identifier names to a degree. Forexample, you could abbreviate resistorValue to resVal
2000 Annual Conference
Fred Haag
introducingconcepts from mainstream economics so that engineers are better prepared to work in freemarket commercial environments. Page 5.245.4Acknowledgment and Disclaimer The author owes a large debt to numerous colleagues at the New York State Departmentof Public Service who helped him learn the concepts discussed in this paper; however, theopinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of eitherthe New York State Public Service Commission or the New York State Department of PublicService.Bibliography1 nd Wellington, A. M., The Economic Theory of
2000 Annual Conference
Thomas Litzinger
understanding of engine function, performance, emissions, and design constraints through their design projects reports and presentations. • Students will demonstrate their ability to use the thermal sciences in the analysis and preliminary design of engine systems by creating a thermodynamic model of a spark ignition engine and through their design reports. • Students will demonstrate their understanding of the interactions of technology and society through reflective essays and their reports on the ethical and societal impact of the regulation of small engine emissions. • Students will demonstrate effective team skills though successful completion of multiple team-based tasks and during in-class project sessions. • Students
2000 Annual Conference
Craig Johnson
) • Anisotropic metals • EtchantsTYPES OF OPTICAL MICROSCOPES: (pg 292) • Lighting (BF: bright field: light comes down the optical path and reflects off spec) • DF: Light originates at an incident angle external to the optical path. • P: Polarized light is generated by a grating next to the source. (Anodize, isotropic) • λ: UV, Fluorescence, IR • Interference: generates straight fringes on a flat specimen (two ray source).MICROGRAPH FEATURES: (pg 435) • Grains (ASTM E112), Shapes, Statistics, Phases, Volume Fraction (ASTM E562) • Example structures: Ferrite, Pearlite, Cementite, Page 5.680.6
2000 Annual Conference
Hajrudin Pasic; Gregory G. Kremer; Bhavin V. Mehta
these student deficiencies, leading to a situation where some students just “getthrough” the engineering mechanics courses without developing a real “feel” for dynamics.Further, the focus of Engineering Mechanics textbooks on simplified problems that can be solvedby hand does not truly prepare students to solve real-world dynamics problems. We believe thata student-centered learning environment would be a valuable addition to entry-level engineeringcourses, and that this learning environment should be problem-based for motivational purposes,should involve interactive visual displays of inputs and outputs to improve visualization skills,and should stress active learning paired with forced reflection to increase student understandingof good
2000 Annual Conference
Zenaida Otero Keil
Programs.Especially noteworthy are those partnerships involving undergraduate/graduate projectteams. These opportunities lead to enhanced learning for students and strong supportfrom industry for academic programs. Studies of powder flowability as a function ofparticle size and reengineering of toner cartridges have been especially successful.Introduction and Background: The importance of academic/industrial partnerships in an engineering curriculumcannot be overemphasized. These interactions lead to significant benefits for theacademic institution and the industrial partner. Students are exposed to engineeringpractice as part of their undergraduate experience, and the curriculum can becontinuously updated to reflect realistic technological advances
2000 Annual Conference
Kandace K. Martin; Carol Fulton; Barbara L. Licklider
as developers, helpfaculty learn about learning and reflect on their beliefs about teaching. We accomplish this goal bydesigning activities to help them develop an understanding of how people learn.We use this approach for specific reasons. First, this method is an effective one for accomplishing ourpurpose: that of linking student learning to faculty development. Second, it sends a message to professorsthat we believe they need to hear: their efforts to improve student learning are valued.In the remainder of this paper we describe: 1) the approach we use (background, mission,implementation) and 2) specific examples of how faculty have used their experience in our program topromote improved student learning opportunities in the College of
2000 Annual Conference
William H. Sprinsky
area, helping both the engineer and the client understand relationships between aproposed project and the land it effects.At Penn College, we teach Photogrammetry in both our Surveying associate’s (SUT) and CivilEngineering Technology bachelor’s (BCT) programs. We have divided the photogrammetrictechniques into analog and analytical photogrammetry. In analog photogrammetry, as the nameimplies, the position and attitude of the camera at the moment of exposure are recreated. At theinstant of exposure, light rays reflected from all objects enter the lens of the taking camera andcreate the image. In analog stereo-photogrammetry, projectors supply the light rays that gothrough the image. Once the attitudes of the taking cameras have been recreated
2000 Annual Conference
Stephen Simms; Jane M. Fraser
very hard going. Even the book we came to rely on9 is not an easy read.A shining exception to the rule of difficult reading is Qualitative Interviewing22 and werecommend it highly.The method of qualitative interviews builds on ordinary conversation, but differs in thatthe conversation is a tool of research, that it is usually between strangers, and that theresearcher guides the conversation. The researcher “intentionally introduces a limitednumber of questions and requests the interviewee to explore these questions in depth.The researcher encourages the interviewees to reflect, in detail, on events they haveexperienced.”22Qualitative interviewing is most appropriate for “topics that require in-depthunderstanding that is best communicated
2000 Annual Conference
Karl Smith
failed teamdynamics.”Strategy OneAcknowledge that not all teamwork is successful by showing group performance curve (Figure1). This typically resonates with some of their experiences. Ask students to reflect onsuccessful and effective team experiences, share them with one another in small groups, and tolist common characteristics. Develop a joint list of characteristics of effective groups.Comment on the different types of groups and their characteristics, and compare students’ listwith Katzenbach and Smith’s (1993): A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.Types of Teams
2000 Annual Conference
Jennifer Temple; Cynthia Atman; Jennifer Turns
. Page 5.566.4In presenting the results of the coding, we focus on the coded results of five subjects. These fivesubjects were selected to represent a range in terms of number of items listed in the wordassociation task. By focusing most of our attention on just these five subjects, we were able toexplore individual students’ conceptions of civil engineering.ResultsAcross the group of thirty subjects, thesubjects generated a mean of 51 items, with a 7standard deviation of 5.2 items. The median 6number of items generated, 42, reflects the Number of Subjects
2000 Annual Conference
Maarij M. Syed; Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley
relative strength of the magnetic field inside and outside thecoils. They also test the same idea with tightly wound coils of different length to diameterratio, and understand the concept of an ideal solenoid. With some simple exercises withdifferent shapes made with pieces of paper they can grasp the idea of electric or magnetic fluxmore easily.The optics activities are very popular with the students. The concepts of Law of Malus,polarization by reflection and refraction, total internal reflection, and many such concepts aremore clearly understood with the help of the various related activities. These topics are notgenerally covered in the laboratory part of the traditional course. In particular, whiledemonstrating the Law of Malus, the students
2000 Annual Conference
Rosa Betancourt de Perez; Rosa Buxeda; Moises Orengo; Lueny M. Morell; Jose R. Lopez
% interviews, making d e 10% microbiology n t models, portfolio s 0% sensory intuitive visual verbal active reflective sequential global and projects. All PERCEPTION INPUT MODALITY PROCESSING UNDERSTANDING classroom activities make use cooperative learning. Besides the change in teaching/learning methodology, this strategy also entailed a change in student performance assessment. Therefore, in
2000 Annual Conference
Robert D. Knecht; Barbara M. Moskal; Michael J. Pavelich
requirements reflect a philosophical shift that is consistent with thebroader education community 2. In the past, the demonstration of a quality program wasexamined through in-direct measures, such as faculty qualifications and student placementinformation that are related to student learning. Current requirements place an emphasis uponthe direct demonstration that the program has an impact upon what students know and can do.Although indirect measures continue to be a portion of the evidential base, they are nowconsidered to be only a small piece of a broader requirement.ABET’s shift in assessment emphasis is consistent with recent developments in the field ofengineering education 3. Curriculum reform in engineering education is underway that
2000 Annual Conference
James Rehg; Jamie Rowe; Donald Lambing
a successful solution on the VMS, the programis moved over the network to a PLC at a station that has a single hardware implementation of themanufacturing system; and 5) the students verify that the program developed for the VMS worksequally well on the real manufacturing system.The Virtual Manufacturing SystemThe VMS was developed using Wonderware’s capability to link data generated in the PLC toimages displayed on the computer screen. Using DDE, a change to an input, output, binary bit,integer, or analog value in the PLC causes avariable in Wonderware to reflect the samechange. The Wonderware variables are linked toproperties of the screen images, causing theimages to change their visiblity, color, orienta-tion, or position. The
2000 Annual Conference
Patrick E. Devens
. The problemstatement and diagram steps set the problem’s stage from which all other deductions are madeand the solution is derived.. Although the identification of units is not a common problem, thetwo steps reflect a consistent oversight in significant digit accountability. If the problemstatement and diagram do not clearly define the given situation, the student must rely uponassumptions, step #4, to clarify the problem definition. For example, note the following exampleproblem from a college engineering textbook: 1 The force vector F has a magnitude of 650 lb and acts through point A at a slope of 2 vertical to 5 horizontal. Determine the x and y components of F.The problem statement immediately presents the student with
2000 Annual Conference
James E. Fuller
innovative forms, it can no longer be taken for granted that buildings will last. What appears to be an admirable and provocative architectural statement today may be shown with the passage of time to have been a misguided and flimsy attempt at novelty. Oddly, architecture criticism is unaffected by such considerations.” “The importance of buildings, it seemed to me, was not what they said about the vision of individual architects, but how they reflected the values of the society of which they were a part.” “But appearances (of recreation of Victorian and other historical styles), like fiberglass columns and polyurethane moldings, can be deceiving. When we look at these comfortable and
2000 Annual Conference
Rita L. Endt; Eyler Robert Coates
collected as a statistic and tabulated bythe simulation software.Step 7 – Analyze the outputThe output of the simulation program is given in Fig. 6. Because each entity was created onetime unit apart, the current time on the Arena report also reflects the number of replications inthe study (5000). The output reporting capabilities of simulation packages are used to advantagehere. Summary statistics are automatically generated. The student can see that the future worthof the 5000 scenarios ranges from $61,366 to $397,660. Based on the histogram, the student candetermine any prediction (tolerance) interval. For example, it appears that 90% of theobservations fall between $90,000 to $230,000. This means there is a 90% confidence that thefuture worth
2000 Annual Conference
Karen Horton
personalrealities. Students made and accepted comments reflecting stereotyping at various pointsthroughout the term.Students displayed increased depth of understanding of the “technical” syllabus topics throughtheir written reports when compared to homework questions of the previous term requesting“definitions.” After visiting the pilot paper plant students wrote and presented team reportsabout papermaking. Individual students performed similar assignments about using casting,forging, and non-traditional machining methods to fabricate metal parts. In each assignment theywere required to describe how a specific process from a family of processes could be used tomanufacture a part. Teams made summary oral presentations based on the individualassignments
2000 Annual Conference
Mahmood Nahvi
human’ssimple reaction time. This makes the simulation close to real-time and harmonious with theoperator’s sensory-decision-motor acts.iii) Circuit parameters and input-output variables are displayed simultaneously. The operatorviews the computer monitor and by his/her short term visual memory maintains immediate andsimultaneous access to the displayed information. In a physical circuit the interaction between itselements and input is often instantaneous. Simulation of a circuit generally involves a set ofinput, output, models, and states that are related to each other at every moment. Their display islikewise instantaneous and coordinated at all times to reflect this relationship.iv) A total simulation contains many small steps, which we call mini
2000 Annual Conference
Tracy L. Chandler; John A. Petersen; Janet M. Sharp
knowledge. The teacher designs tasks so he or she can help the students teaseout the intended mathematics or science inherent in the task.This clarification of the mathematics and science content enables the students to connectimportant information to their existing knowledge. Although this clarification often plays out ina whole class discussion, the fact of the matter is that each individual student must participate inthe discourse. The act of doing an activity is insufficient to ensure the process of learning. It iswhen each student individually reflects on his or her experience with resolving the task that thereal learning occurs4. Therefore, teachers must grapple with the notion that each individualstudent will have individual needs which
2000 Annual Conference
Peter Milne; Pascal Rol; Jean-Marie Parel; Fabrice Mann
optical components - Law of refraction - Total reflection Image formation by a lens Measurement of focal length- Measurement of transmission Basic optical systems Laser beam expansion and focusing - Beam steering Fiber optics Fiber cleaving and polishing - Laser to fiber coupling Fiber-optic illumination system - Fiber optic delivery system Measurement of fiber transmissionBME 546 Laboratories Interference/Diffraction Measurement of speed and displacement with a Michelson interferometer Spatial filtering Lasers Measurement of laser beam divergence and intensity distribution Laser delivery systems Tissue optics - Laser interactions
2000 Annual Conference
Patricia B Spencer; Kathryn Hollar
favorable.The midterm evaluation process is an integral component of cooperative learning workshops.Not only does the process provide administrators information on the success of the workshops, itis the most personal and direct feedback facilitators receive. Facilitators distribute evaluationforms to their workshops mid-semester and discuss the results in a consultation with a memberof the training team. Facilitators are asked to reflect on strengths and weaknesses and identifygoals for improving their teaching. Students taking the course for a grade formalize this exercisein a learning contract and reflection paper.Throughout the semester-long training, facilitators are encouraged to present their ideas andexperiences in front of their peers
2000 Annual Conference
J. Arvid Andersen
asked twiceduring the course. Students are asked to circle the numbers from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) thatmost accurately reflect their opinion:1. Technical contribution in major field (quality) 1 2 3 4 52. Technical contribution in major field (quality) 1 2 3 4 53. Willingness to build upon the idea of others 1 2 3 4 54. Understanding of the team process 1 2 3 4 55. Leadership at the appropriate times 1 2 3 4 56. Positive attitude 1 2 3 4 57. Initiative