the best outcome is expected.AcknowledgementThis research was supported by the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) CARES GrantProgram, which is sponsored by UTA Libraries. The authors also wish to thank Michelle Reed,UTA’s Open Education Librarian, for providing the survey used in this study and offeringfeedback on this paper.References1. Kermanshachi, S. and Safapour, E. (2017), “Assessing Students' Higher EducationPerformance in Minority and Non-Minority Serving Universities,” Proceedings of Frontiers inEducation (FIE), IEEE, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 3-6 2017.2. Taneja, P., Safapour, E. and Kermanshachi, S., (2018), “Assessment of ImplementationTrends in Utilizing Innovative Teaching Techniques in Engineering” Proceedings
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capstone experience with industry, andexpanded teamwork and communication training / simulations planned for the capstone. Therecent addition of a major in Design and Construction Integration in the Purdue UniversitySchool of Construction Management will also provide an opportunity for multi-disciplinaryexpansion of the design-build capstone simulation. As DCI students from the CM programreceive design exposure by attending interior design or architecture studios and becomeintegrated in the capstone course in future years, a new trans-disciplinary environment willbecome available for study. References[1] J. C. Dunlap and S. Grabinger, “Preparing Students for Lifelong Learning: A Review ofInstructional
industry standards through theireducation [2].The ACCE standards, before the change to Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) were developed inthe 1990’s and were periodically revised and updated. A three-level structure (curriculumcategories, core subject matter & fundamental topical content) for setting the standards for thecurriculum content came into force in 2002 following almost 10 years of committee work [11].That curriculum standards were prescriptive that required a minimum number of credit hours tobe taught in specific core subject matter and all fundamental topical content to be covered.Within each curriculum category, there was a specific core subject matter that has to be includedin the curriculum. In most cases, a minimum number of
questionnaire questionsPresentation Questionnaire1. Instructor explanations were clear and carefully explained.2. The instructor(s) was knowledgeable in the subject matter.3. The use of a "roaming" lecturer helped me learn the software.4. This topic is very important to my career.5. I preferred the use of peer teachers to learn Microsoft Project.5. Results and AnalysisData collected from the pre and post questionnaires show that there was a large increasein preference of peer teaching over more traditional learning. In general all questionsdemonstrated an improvement after the intervention of the peer teaching methodology.Table 3 and Figure 1 summarize the results of the teaching group pre and postquestionnaire
: challenges andopportunities”, 25th CME Conference Proceedings, University of Reading, UK, July 14-17 2007.[4] IFMA, “New study finds US$1.12 trillion annual facility management market impact”,available at: details/2016/09/16/new-study-finds-us$1.12-trillion-annual-facility-management-market- impact (accessed Dec, 22 2017).[5] K. Sullivan, S. Georgoulis, and B. Lines,"Empirical study of the current United States facilities management profession", Journal of Facilities Management, Vol. 8 Iss 2 pp. 91 – 103 2010.[6], “Profiles 2007: Executive Summary”, available at: (accessed Dec, 22 2017).[7] IFMA Foundation
a variety of fields, and the requirements to obtain the desiredposition(s) within these fields also have significant range. Many of the requirements involvelicensing and certifications, whereas many of the higher-up administrative positions requirebachelor and master degrees. The incentive behind this research project was to investigate whyso many construction degree programs at the college and university levels are either closing, orat a minimum not meeting the demand of industry by providing sufficient graduates for thepositions available, and why most high schools in the United States are no longer offeringconstruction type courses. A survey completed by a state board of education in a western Statefound that even drafting and CAD high
million people [10]. Making the estimated 88.4% equate to justover 278.5 million people that owned a computer. By virtue of that assessment alone, thepopulation who own a computer has increased by 2,685% since the 1980’s. Conversely, testing in the field of Civil Engineering has remained relatively stagnant.OSHA provides videos and computer-based courses as can be seen on their website. However,these educational tools are not regularly updated or improved with technology [11]. Individualshear the risks, learn about the safety protocols, and see the injuries and deaths associated withfalls, but this is all occurring on paper or through videos. Being able to translate what is seen onpaper, or through short video clips to a person’s life is