. Jean L Bossart P.E., University of Florida Jean Bossart is an Associate Engineering Librarian at the University of Florida (UF). Ms. Bossart assists students with research, data support, and citation management. In addition, she investigates and integrates creative technologies, such as 3D printing into the STEM discipline library services. She has a BS in chemical engineering and MS in environmental engineering from UF, over 20 years of experience in industry and consulting, and is a licensed professional engineer in Florida.Dr. Neelam BhartiDr. Mickey S. Schafer, University of Florida lapsed linguist teaching discipline-specific prose c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018
Paper ID #22551Effective Methods of Engineering Information Literacy: Initial Steps of aSystematic Literature Review and Observations About the LiteratureMargaret Phillips, Purdue University, West Lafayette Margaret Phillips is an Assistant Professor of Library Science and Engineering Information Specialist in the Purdue University Libraries. Her research interests include technical standards and engineering and technology information literacy.Amy S. Van Epps, Harvard University Amy S. Van Epps is Director of Sciences and Engineering Services in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Li- braries at Harvard University. She was
support to continue to beembedded in specialized fields such as engineering, especially as the institutions expands andgrows programs.Conclusion(s)A new subject liaison can learn a good deal about collection development by reading seminalworks such as the book edited by Conkling and Messer. The article by Brin [8] is particularlyuseful for libraries such as DSU’s, given that it focuses on medium-sized libraries buildingcollections to support new programs. However, these often assume at least a basic level ofknowledge of the discipline on the part of the liaison and a generous level of funding. The DSUlibrary’s experience was different and may help others in similar circumstances. The library deanand subject liaison successfully worked with
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Research Council (NRC), in its report “Learning toThink Spatially”, refers to spatial thinking as a “universal mode of thinking”, and has recognizedit as an important skill in the 21st century, and further supports its integration in the K-12curriculum. 5GIS has long been recognized as having a critical role in enhancing students’ spatial literacy andas an important tool not only in the study of Geography, but increasingly across multipledisciplines and learning contexts. In her dissertation, Kim references the ongoing debate overhow to define the “S” in GIS (as either Systems, Studies, Science, or Service). 6 Several articlesdiscuss the importance of integrating spatial literacy in post-graduate/doctoral programs, andLuna and Miles report on the
International Drug Price Indicator Guide Database - General 2 Academic Search Complete Database - Government 2 Trade DataWeb (U. S. International Trade Commission) Newspaper - Business 2 Financial Times (London) Other 3 Miscellaneous Sources (e.g., Local Files)Chemical Pricing SourcesTable 4 lists the sources present on five or more of research guides examined and a completelisting of sources is shown in Appendix A. Of the 140 sources, 76 sources (or 54%) were uniqueto only one research guide.In tabulating sources, aggregation of similar sources was kept to a minimum to retain theuniqueness of the entries. For example, there are numerous entries for various
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and standards. Additionally, NFPA is acommon organization that develops codes and standards utilized within the design industry. Thispaper will report how well the initial module was received within an undergraduate course, suchthat the future modules can be improved upon.Utilizing Videos as a Supplement to Lecture The video format will be helpful for various learning environments. Undergraduate orgraduate students being introduced to codes and standards will be able to review the video(s)multiple times. Field professionals interested in only a particular module will be able to selectwhich video to watch based upon their need. Online tutorials have been found to help students’master key points or skills. For example, it was found that
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