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the open-source CFD code (OpenFOAM).Dr. Jason E. Butler, University of Florida c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 2018 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference Work in Progress: Peer-Led Research Methods Workshop for First-Year Ph.D. Students (Student Paper) Vincent J. Tocco1, Kevin E. Buettner1, Madeline Sciullo2, Jennifer S. Curtis3 and Jason E. Butler1 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville FL; 2Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville FL; 3Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
rubric, Watson et al.’s sustainable design rubric,Nagel et al.’s design process rubric, and the creativity-measurement rubrics and matrices ofGenco et al. and Moss.1. Background and Relevant LiteratureDesign for the Environment is a class of approximately 30 undergraduate engineering studentsand is comprised of juniors and seniors from all disciplines. The class size is maintained at amaximum of 30, in part so the school’s maker spaces can be utilized for in-class activities andprototyping. The course covers fundamental concepts, including sustainability designframeworks, the design process and the role of innovation, life cycle assessment, and toxicityand risk, as well as focused case studies on topics such as energy, water, agriculture
seek to gather data from large sample sizes that provide strong evidence for possible trends.We recognize that our current methodology is not feasible for a larger-scale study implementedby course instructors nationwide, as it requires work on the part of the instructor. We aredeveloping standardized problems and an accompanying questionnaire that can be easilyintegrated as a homework problem in the appropriate course(s). We will use online datacollection, and point-of-collection consent, to minimize any work for the course instructor.To further support standardization, we will not be using previous simulation tools such asGMAT but rather are developing simulation tools that can be run on software commonly used byengineering students, such as
toengineering education because of the link between identity formation, critical for entry andretention into a discipline, and the lack of diversity in United States engineering: “undergraduateengineering education is dominated by [w]hite males. The majority of all bachelor degreesawarded in engineering are to [w]hite males”[4],[5]. Thinking about students’ meaningful writingexperiences as related to enagement may be a way to further examine engagement as a “precursorto persistence”[6].Defining meaningful writing is important to understand its distinction. In the Meaningful WritingProject, Eodice, Geller, & Lerner [3] define meaningful writing as Agentive: develop[s] a sense of agency about [students] as writers, learners, and thinkers
mentoring and online assessments, in order to help thestudents.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the National Science FoundationScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) Graduate10K+ program (grant number DUE-0311349) with special funding from Intel and General Electric,under which this project is carried out.References 1. Pierce, V. U., & Kypuros, J. A., & Mills, S. J. (2016, June), Small-Scale and Large-Scale Interventions to Improve Texas Students' College Readiness Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.27344 2. Vasquez, H., Fuentes, A. and Kypuros, J. 2016. Enriched Student
] D. N. Shah, J. E. French, J. Rankin, and L. Breslow, “ASEE annual conference & exposition proceedings.,” in 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2013, p. 23.1347.1-23.1347.13.[2] R. L. Falkenstein-Smith, J. S. Rossetti, M. Garrett, and J. Ahn, “Investigating the Influence of Micro-Videos used as a Supplementary Course Material,” in 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.[3] K. R. GREEN, T. PINDER-GROVER, and J. M. MILLUNCHICK, “Impact of Screencast Technology: Connecting the Perception of Usefulness and the Reality of Performance,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 717–737, Oct. 2012.[4] M. Richards-Babb, R. Curtis, V. J. Smith, and M. Xu, “Problem Solving Videos for
TECHNOLOGYaddress this gap in technological F I G U R E 1 : H O W C A N T E C H N O L OG Y A S S I S T C O M M U N I T I ES I N S U P P O R T I NG S O C I E T Y A N D N AT U R E?education. Drawing on pedagogicalresearch related to sustainable development and social justice, especially regardingengineering education, the framework asks faculty to help students understand how 2technology can assist or empower communities in their efforts to create places in whichpeople and nature flourish, now and in the future (see Figure 1
authors senior capstone project partner and Paul Henriksenfor his diligence and effort in reviewing and editing this paper.References [1] M. C. et al., “Network virtualization in multi-tenant datacenters,” in 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI ’14)., 2014. [2] M. Casado, “Origins and evolution of openflow/sdn,” in Open Networking Summit, 2011. [3] M. Casado, “Keynote: Make sdn real,” in Open Networking Summit, 2017. [4] N. Mckeown, “How sdn will shape networking,” in Open Networking Summit, 2011. [5] S. Shenker, “The future of networking, and the past of protocols,” in Open Networking Summit, 2011. [6] J. H. Cox, J. Chung, S. Donovan, J. Ivey, R. J. Clark, G. Riley, and H. L. Owen, “Advancing software
specific software selected by the instructor, and may be uploadedinto spreadsheet software for analysis.Description of the ADS-B ReceiverThere are two types of FAA-compliant physical layers to support ADS-B Out – Mode SExtended Squitter (Mode S ES) working on 1090 MHz, and the Universal Access Transceiver(UAT) working on 978 MHz; the selection of solutions depends on the aircraft operation altitudein the U.S. [1]. Theoretically, the ADS-B Out device broadcasts a data frame once per second,which contains the basic flight parameters, such as aircraft identity, surface position data,airborne position data, airborne velocity, and other operational data [12]. The ADS-B receiverremains operational constantly to intercept the ADS-B Out messages for data
Paper ID #21184A Summer Immersive Program for Global Engineering Education with Fo-cus on 3D Design and Structural AnalysesProf. Soondo Kweon, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Education Ph. D. in Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (08/2004 – 04/2009), 3.96/4.0 Thesis advisor: Armand J. Beaudoin Thesis title: Edge cracking in rolling of an aluminum alloy AA2024 M. S. in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Feb 1995, Seoul National University, South Korea (03/1993 – 02/1995), 4.0/4.3 Thesis advisor: Sooik Oh Thesis title: A study on radiation effects in high
wasminimized, when possible, to keep students engaged on the discussion and not reading slides. Ifpossible images of text meanings were created, often with animations. A similar format was generatedfor the activities where students are given a scenario description and students are to complete as if theyare in a professional setting. Figure 1 shows representative slides. Listed here is the format outline fora standard module: Cover Title Slide Learning objective Graphical outline of the Module Sub Topic Group: o Basis of Topic o Code o Ideal Example(s) and /or Real Example(s) o Activity Slide Next Sub Topic Group Module Summary Table 2: Structure of a Self-Contained Module Main
. [Online]. Available: https://www.asme.org/career-education/articles/undergraduate-students/engineering-still-needs-more-women. [Accessed Feb. 3, 2018].[7] N. A. Fouad, R. Singh, M. E. Fitzpatrick, and J. P. Liu, "STEMming the tide: Why women leave engineering," University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Oct. 2012. [Online]. Available: UC Davis ADVANCE: http://ucd- advance.ucdavis.edu/post/steming-tide-why-women-leave-engineering. [Accessed Feb. 3, 2018].[8] S. Singh, "Self-restrain or discrimination - Participation of women engineers in India," in Fourth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2014), Bali, Indonesia, January 7- 9, 2014. pp.733-9. [Online]. Available: http://iieom.org
engineering design and engineering entrepreneurship. a. Did the things you learned in the course about engineering design and engineering entrepreneurship help you with the designing your life course activities? Please explain. b. Did the designing your life course activities help you in the course about engineering design and engineering entrepreneurship? Please explain.The DYL activities used in the course were taken from the text and minimally modifiedto suit a classroom setting. The activities used in the course included: • Creation of a life-design team • Identification of key mentor(s) • Creation of health/work/play/love dashboard • Descritption of workview • Lifeview reflections • Good
. Perdigones, D. Valera, G. Moreda and J. Garcia, "Competences in demand within the Spanish agricultural engineering sector," European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 527-538, 2014.[13] H. Passow and C. Passow, "What Competencies Should Undergraduate Engineering Programs Emphasize? A Systematic Review," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 106, no. 3, pp. 475-526, 2017.[14] A. González-Marcos, Alba-Elías F. and J. Ordieres-Mere, "Learning project management skills in engineering through a transversal coordination model," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 894-904, 2016.[15] S. Haase, H. Chen, S. Sheppard, A. Kolmos and N. Mejlgaard, "What does it take to become a good
withsignificantly more participants would allow the validation of the assessment tools used. Thiswould better help fill the gap in the literature of quantitative data supporting the use of EML, asdiscussed in Section 1.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the Kern Entrepreneurial EngineeringNetwork (KEEN) for funding which partially supported this work.References[1] Svihla, V., and Reeve, R., 2016. “Facilitating Problem Framing in Project-Based Learning”.Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 10(2).[2] Mikesell, D. R., and Yoder, J.-D. S., 2011. “Teaching dynamics with a design project.” ASEEAnnual Conference and Exposition.[3] Bigelow, K., 2016. “Creating Assignments that Excite and Empower Students: The
S-STEM grant to recruit rural stu- dents from Iowa and Illinois into STEM. Dr. Prosise mentors the collegiate chapter of SWE and organizes many outreach events encourage girls to go into STEM. She leads a study-abroad trip for engineering students to Brazil every-other-year, where students design, build, and implement assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Her research focus is to develop affordable upper limb prosthetics.Dr. R R Romatoski, Saint Ambrose UniversityDr. Susa H Stonedahl, St. Ambrose University Susa Hardwick Stonedahl is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering and Physics at St. Ambrose University. She received her BA in Mathematics and Physics from Carleton College and her
document any conflict of interest.Forming a CompanyThere are several types of companies (LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp, etc.) and your SBDC probably hasresources to help explain the differences. An LLC is quick and easy to form either through yourSBDC, online via sites like LegalZoom.com, or through a startup-friendly lawyer, and can beconverted to a C-Corp later. However, if you plan to take on venture capital early, you may wantto start with a C-Corp. Some incubator and accelerator programs facilitate this process, and otheruseful startup sites have templates to help with the paperwork [12].If you are a solo founder at this point, the paperwork is straightforward. However, if you haveco-founders, you will likely want to set up an operating agreement early
and basicmanufacturing processes. Industrial experience in the form of internship(s) is alsodesirable to appreciate the factors affecting the fuel economy.Literature and proposed topics of coverageCurrently, to the knowledge of the author, there seems to be no single textbook under thetitle or keywords on “Automotive Lightweighting Technologies” that is targeted forundergraduate and master students. However, material related to some or all topicscovered in the proposed course are available in different textbooks, short courses and inmany research papers. For example, Case Western University offers certificate program(LIFT Curriculum) that covers topics on lightweighting using polymers, additivemanufacturing and metals [2]. University of
experience may lead them to share or disclose information they maynot have, potentially leading the interview process. The process of developing and validating aninterview protocol has proved to be an excellent opportunity to introduce engineering researchersto qualitative, educational research.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.#1738209. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. ReferencesAmerican Academy of Arts & Sciences. (2017). The future of undergraduate education, the future of
automatedassessment by increasing marking granularity and feedback units," ACM Technical Symposiumon Computer Science Education, pp. 9-14, 2014.[12] S. Findlay-Thompson and P. Mombourquette, "Evaluation of a Flipped Classroom in anUndergraduate Business Course," Business Education & Accreditation, v. 6 (1) p. 63-71, 2014.[13] M.B. Gilboy, S. Heinerichs, G. Pazzaglia, "Student Engagement Using the FlippedClassroom," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 47(1), 109–114, 2014.[14] M. Guzdial, "A Media Computation Course for Non-Majors," ITiCSE annual conference onInnovation and technology in computer science education, pp. 104-108, 2003.[15] D. Hendrix, L. Myneni, H. Narayanan, M. Ross, "Implementing studio-based learning inCS2," ACM
to effective teamwork.References 1. Ritter, Barbara A., Erika E. Small, John W. Mortimer, and Jessica L. Doll. "Designing Management Curriculum for Workplace Readiness: Developing Students’ Soft Skills." Journal of Management Education 42.1 (2017): 80-103. 2. ABET. "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2018 – 2019." Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2018 – 2019 | ABET. N.p., Apr. 2017. Web. 05 Feb. 2018. 3. Loignon, Andrew C., David J. Woehr, Jane S. Thomas, Misty L. Loughry, Matthew W. Ohland, and Daniel M. Ferguson. "Facilitating Peer Evaluation in Team Contexts: The Impact of Frame-of-Reference Rater Training." Academy of Management Learning & Education 16.4 (2016
of Learners Classroom,” Cogn. Instr., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 399–483, Dec. 2002.[3] S. Freeman et al., “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 111, no. 23, pp. 8410–8415, 2014.[4] B. Means, Y. Toyama, R. Murphy, M. Bakia, and K. Jones, “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning,” Structure, p. 66, 2009.[5] S. W. T. Choe and P. M. Drennan, “Analyzing scientific literature using a jigsaw group activity,” J. Coll. Sci. Teach., vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 328–330, 2001.
engineering education, like engineers, remain overwhelmingly White and middleclass,[9] we argue that additional validation strategies are needed for these researchers whenworking with underrepresented groups. This theoretical paper draws from our own experiencesin working with culturally diverse youth, as well as methodological literature on qualitativeinquiry writ large, to expand Walther et al.’s framework by making it account more robustly forlinguistic and culturalism pluralism, and specifically for linguistic and cultural differencesamong researchers and participants in engineering education.In this paper, we use Walther, Sochacka, and Kellam’s framework as a starting point foridentifying strategies for ensuring quality in qualitative research
CURE section. For thisreason, we did not advertise or inform students about the planned difference between thesections. Out of a total of 134 students (40 in the CURE section, 94 in the traditional lecturesection), only two changed sections after the first day of class, and this was for schedulingreasons. We note that for this pilot semester, the CURE section started with 110 available seats,and the traditional section had 100 available seats. We think the large difference in studentsregistered was a function of schedules for the S’18 semester.Pilot Program: Research Activities & AssignmentsIn the CURE section of IE271, there are now four research experiences involving the followingtopics: time study and line balancing, ergonomic risk and
ethics.” Proc. of the 36th Frontiers in Education Conference. NewYork: IEEE, 2006. [Online]. Available: doi: 10.1109/FIE.2006.322284.[6] M. Leistner, “The Times Beach story,” Synthesis/Regeneration, vol. 7-8, 1995. [Online]. Available:www.greens.org/s-r/078/07-09.html[7] “Business sideline puts oil dealer in the spotlight in Missouri’s dioxin case,” The New York Times. Jan. 24,1982. [Online]. Available: www.nytimes.com/1983/01/24/us/business-sideline-puts-oil-dealer-in-thespotlight-in-missouri-s-dioxin-case.html[8] “U.S. v. Bliss.” May 14, 2015. [Online]. Available: www.justice.gov/enrd/us-v-bliss[9] Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides, Veterans and AgentOrange, Health effects of herbicides used
this study. (Note: the original TAS was on a4-point Likert scale and the enjoyment of teaching STEM subjects (Enj) was inadvertentlyomitted from this survey.) Subcategories in the survey include relevance of engineering (RoE),pedagogy for teaching engineering (Ped), when to teach engineering (WtTSE), characteristics ofengineers (SoE), and improving abilities to teach engineering (IAtTE).In general, the Teacher Attitude Survey for this group of summer camp team lead participantswas slightly higher than the teachers in Lachapelle et al.’s sample [14]; for each subcategory,scores were 2-5% higher for the summer camp teachers than post-tests for teachers who hadengaged in Museum of Science engineering professional development (see Table 2). This
leak-free or airtight systems such as in plastic(micro) fluidic systems, e.g., for point-of-care lab-on-a-chip systems.An ultrasonic weld is made by bringing the working surface of a horn (sonotrode) connected toan ultrasonic transducer in close contact with two workpieces that have been positioned andaligned. The vibrating horn pressed onto the surface of the workpiece(s) creates ultrasonic(10,000 to 30,000 Hz) waves that travel through the workpiece. The ultrasonic waves incombination with applied force, create a vibration-induced frictional heating at the matingsurfaces of the parts, leading to surface melting and subsequent fusion.Ultrasonic welding is a relatively fast (1 sec per weld), clean process that does not requireadhesives
results in lower performance averages by students compared to PSVT:R problems forthis population. It is expected, based on Reusch et al.’s results [22], that there is a higherdifficulty level on the MCT problems used. This, in turn, may have been reflected by themoderate increase in EDA when we consider dividing this value by the time expended on theMCT problem-set as can be estimated from the two Figure 3 graphs (e.g., 0.05microSiemens/minute for MCT). The preliminary results of this pilot study corroborate thesefindings by suggesting a higher normalized arousal (or mean range-corrected EDA/timed event)found in these types of problems compared to PSVT:R (0.13 microSiemens/minute) and Staticsproblems (0.01 microSiemens/minute) (Figure 3).Parallel
Engineer in NJ, NY, and PA with over 25 years of design experience. He is the PI of the NSF S-STEM program ”Scholarships Advancing Mercer STEM Students (SAMS)” and well as the PI for two Innova- tion Grants: ”Transforming Engineering Access for Mercer Students (TEAMS),” and ”Engineering TLC- Tutors and Learning Communities.”Prof. Laura Blinderman, Mercer County Community College Laura Blinderman is a Professor of Biology at Mercer County Community College. She received her MS degree in from San Diego State University where she studied molecular evolution. She has served as Science department Chair since 2016 and is a co-PI on a Robert Noyce grant to increase STEM educators in middle and high schools.Prof. Helen Tanzini