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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 406 in total
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Munden, Fairfield University; Marcia Arambulo Rodriguez, Fairfield University; Djedjiga Belfadel, Fairfield University; Michael Zabinski, Fairfield University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
design would best assesscritical thinking skills. This course goal was separate from the engineering professionalismcourse goal. Initially, the individual technical writing assignment (ITW) and the individual oralpresentation (IOP) were chosen as the tools to assess the course outcomes tied to effectivecommunication, and the engineering professionalism goals. Critical thinking was seen more asthe domain of problem solving. However, this meant that the focus of the individual technicalwriting was very narrow in its purpose. The initial focus of that assessment was to demonstratecompetence in writing using a technical style, citing peer-reviewed work, and including correctinformation. These were all skills seen as necessary to proper engineering
Conference Session
Diversity and Inclusion: Concepts, Mental Models, and Interventions
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder; Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
comments about specific roles that each team member took on.Generally, women who took on non-technical roles were praised by their male peers. One malestudent said, in regards to his female teammate: “[Female teammate] did a lot of the work thateveryone else necessarily didn't want to do as well as making sure everybody else was doingwhat needed to be done and knew the upcoming deadlines. She took on kind a projectmanagement role.” Women themselves also responded positively to being in a non-technicalrole. One woman in ​First Year Engineering Projects​ said: For the final project, I feel like I learned a lot and and really grew as an engineer. I was in charge of a lot of the writing assignments and posters. In the past I have struggled
Conference Session
Research in Faculty Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tareq Daher, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Lance C. Pérez, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Wayne A. Babchuk, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Leilani A. Arthurs, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development Constituency Committee
, Dr. Leilani Arthurs AbstractFew studies have examined engineering faculty use of observation protocols to evaluate teachingin the classroom including those that specifically focus on the Classroom Observation Protocolfor Undergraduate STEM (COPUS). Toward this end, this ongoing pilot study exploresengineering faculty’s experiences utilizing the COPUS tool. Paired faculty teams trained in theuse of COPUS conducted multiple peer observations of instructors teaching both undergraduateand graduate classes within the College of Engineering at a large Midwestern research intensiveinstitution. Upon completion of the paired faculty classroom observations, researchers conductedfocus group interviews with the
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Retention
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado, Denver; Dakota Ryan Edmonds, University of Colorado, Denver
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
,students covered topics such as purposeful writing, revision and writing process, argument andanalysis, critical reading, research and technology, and multimodality. The course also utilizedthe book Writing in Engineering: A Brief Guide by Robert Irish for student reference. This bookgives guidelines for writing in engineering and was chosen because it was easy for students tounderstand and apply concepts from it. The assignments in the course were broken up into stepsfor the students which included a rough draft process with peer revisions. The ENGL 1020course also allowed students to get support for the research paper they wrote in the ENGR 1208course. Students peer reviewed their research papers in the ENGL 1020 course with the guidanceof the
Conference Session
Making, Hacking, and Extracurricular Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria Bill, New York University, Tandon School of Engineering; Anne-Laure Fayard, New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Innovation at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, and is affiliated with the Department of Management and Organizations at NYU Stern Business School. Her research interests involve commu- nication, collaboration, culture and space, with a focus on interactions, particularly those between people and technology. Her work has been published in several leading journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Information System Research, Organization Science and Organization Studies. She is also the co-author of a book on The Power of Writing in Organizations. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the Ecole des Hautes-Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), an M. Phil. in Cognitive Science from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University; Paul M. Yanik, Western Carolina University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
program’s UgR activities had helped them improvetheir writing skills and oral communication skills (96%).To offer peer feedback and to simulate a more professional review process, two UgR activitiesinvolving peer review sessions were conducted during year-three. The first peer review sessionwas conducted in the blind, with participants submitting their abstract and rough paper drafts tothe directors, who then removed all identifying entries and redistributed the works back out tothe participants for review and comment. The participant then conducted their blind reviews andreturned their comments and suggested edits for redistribution back to the authors. The secondpeer review session was conducted informally, with participants paring up and
Conference Session
Developing Teaching and Mentoring Skills
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bret Austin Arnold, University of Tulsa; Alison J. Kerr, University of Tulsa; Bradley J. Brummel, University of Tulsa; Michael W. Keller, University of Tulsa
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
, taken several classes with the ratee, listened to rateepresentations, read ratee writing, been involved with ratee lab research, and worked with theratee on any form of the professional project.An organization called Reliant Talent Management Solutions provided a platform for surveysurvey distribution. Raters provided scores for each ratee using the previously constructedBARS. In an open response section below each BARS, raters were asked to provide concreteexamples of the ratee behavior to justify their ratings. The Reliant software then generated areport for each of the ten students that compared self, supervisor (advisor), peer, and subordinateratings side by side. An example of the score comparison is presented in Figure 1.Figure 1. Example
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Freshman and Sophomore
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Joe Branch, University of Utah; Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. From these analyses, twovariables emerged as highly predictive of student performance: scores on peer evaluations andhomework submission timeliness. This relationship remains strong even when the measure ofstudent performance is adjusted so that student peer evaluations and late penalties on homeworkassignments do not directly factor into their adjusted overall score. We discuss potentialexplanations for and practical implications of this result.BackgroundBeginning in Spring 2013 we implemented a new freshman-level chemical engineeringlaboratory course [1, 2]. In this course, students work on open-ended product and process designprojects in teams of three to four. We use many different presentation techniques in order to caterto different
Conference Session
Motivation, Identity, and Belongingness
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Lee Perkins, North Carolina State University; Matthew Bahnson, North Carolina State University; Marissa A. Tsugawa-Nieves, University of Nevada, Reno; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Cheryl Cass, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
significantly more likely to skip at least one offour items: three items which asked about their salient identities when writing peer-reviewedpapers, and one that asked about participants’ overall identity as a scientist (see Table A6 foritem text and regression values).Positive and Negative AffectA 3x2 MANOVA (survey type x affect type) was run to test for effects of survey type onparticipants’ emotional state (i.e., positive or negative affect). Results indicated there was nosignificant effect of survey focus (i.e., engineering identity, identity-based motivation, and futuretime perspective) on positive or negative affect, F(4,646) = 1.075, p = .368 (see Table 1 for fullmeans, standard deviations, and univariate effects). These results indicate that
Conference Session
The Best of Computers in Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joe Michael Allen, University of California, Riverside; Frank Vahid, University of California, Riverside; Kelly Downey, University of California, Riverside; Alex Daniel Edgcomb, Zybooks
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
. Flipped classrooms have shownvarious benefits including improved performance, fewer drops, and happier students.Studio-based learning [15][16] emphasizes student communication, collaboration, and criticalthinking skills; showing improvements in student attitude and content mastery.Researchers have examined how student collaboration and instruction affects the studentexperience. Rodriguez [28] examined how pair programming and student collaboration affectedlearning outcomes, finding that if pair programming is done properly, collaboration increaseslearning and understanding. Blaheta [4] studied cooperative learning and found that students hada positive reaction. Simon [24] found that peer instruction had a positive impact on studentperception of
Conference Session
Teamwork and Student Learning in Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erin Jobidon, University of Waterloo; Maria Barichello, University of Waterloo; Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Mehrnaz Mostafapour, University of Waterloo; Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Jason Grove P.E., University of Waterloo
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
settings, the workshop provides studentswith an opportunity to learn about and practice giving and receiving feedback on peers’ projectplans, and chosen design methods and artifacts.In the remaining sections of this paper, we describe the contents of the workshop in detail andsummarize student feedback on each implementation. Further, we reflect on how the workshopcan be further developed to better meet its intended learning outcomes and suggest ways inwhich instructors can alter it to suit different student disciplines, academic levels and courseobjectives.Importance of FeedbackFeedback is reaction or opinion regarding a product, the performance of a task, etc., that is usedto support improvement or confirm success. The education literature
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
PS Dhanasekaran, University of Minnesota, Duluth; Ping Zhao, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
engagement. Inshort, active learning is any activity that engages students in a classroom, and demands studentsto do significant learning activities and analyze what they are doing, rather than simply focusingon traditional lecture. Student engagement in classroom via review, discussion, application andpractice, demonstrated that the students learn more than in traditional classrooms. In-classreading and writing exercises also, improve student engagement in learning process even in largesize classes.To improve student engagement in the class size of up to 40, in senior mechanical engineeringcourses, such as machine design. Every student was provided with similar problem havingdifferent variables to solve. The instructor was solving a similar problem
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Burns, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bob E. White P.E., Western Michigan University; Azim Houshyar, Western Michigan University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
college features a built-in plagiarism checker and peer evaluation system, and thesetwo systems can dramatically reduce the burden of evaluation for the writing component. Theuse of such systems allows instructors to maintain the focus on class discussions.One last factor that contributed to the use of a module-based approach is the mathematical natureof the material. It was assumed that when teaching mathematical concepts, instructors willnaturally gravitate toward using familiar examples and techniques in order to explain thematerial thoroughly. Approaching ethics using a micro-insertion approach would mean eitherrelying on individual instructors to develop several of their own ethics-based problems, orprescribing problems for instructors to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean S. VanderGheynst, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis; Alin Wakefield, University of California, Davis
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
! 1 The Graduate Student's Guide to Personal Finance 1 Establishing Presence in the Classroom: How to be Successful with Challenging Students 1 and Situations Writing National Science Foundation Grants: Part 1 1 Feeling Good About Your 24 Hours 1 Grand Slam 1 Negotiating Your Job Offer 1 Responsible Research of Conduct: Peer Review 1 Publishing in the Academy: Introduction &
Conference Session
COED: Issues Impacting Students Learning How to Program
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University; Phyllis J. Beck, Mississippi State University; Amy K. Barton, Mississippi State University; Donna Reese, Mississippi State University; Bryan A. Jones, Mississippi State University; Monika Jankun-Kelly, Mississippi State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
she was selected as an ASEE Ed- ucational Research and Methods Division Apprentice Faculty.Ms. Phyllis J. Beck, Mississippi State UniversityMs. Amy K. Barton, Mississippi State University Amy Barton is Technical Writing Instructor in the Shackouls Technical Communication Program at Mis- sissippi State University. In 2013, she was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Teachers for the Bagley College of Engineering. She is an active member of the Southeastern Section of ASEE. Her research focuses on incorporating writing to learn strategies into courses across the curriculum.Dr. Donna Reese, Mississippi State University Donna Reese is currently a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Mississippi State
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn R. Gosselin, San Jose State University; Nicole Okamoto, San Jose State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
, primarily-undergraduate institution. These changes were made with the goal of improving alignmentbetween in-class assessment practices and ABET assessment requirements. The first majorchange involves reviewing and revising the Performance Indicators for all Student LearningOutcomes. Specifically, the PI’s were rephrased for strong alignment with the revised Bloom’sTaxonomy, with a focus on higher order learning. The second major change is the developmentof descriptive rubrics for several major assessment tools. Two rubrics will be examined asexamples: one for peer assessment of team members’ contributions in the program’s capstonedesign project and the second for a position paper on contemporary issues related tothermodynamics. Initial results from
Conference Session
Investigating Instructional Strategies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Pringle, Vantage College, University of British Columbia; Gabriel Potvin, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
had been produced by the students themselves.One of the final classes had the students revising their own reports in a workshop setting withinstructor and peer support. In this setting, common errors could be identified and corrected andshared with the whole class. The relative popularity of this particular activity may be reflective of the students’ motivationto improve their own writing to secure a higher grade. However, the grade weight attached toeach report (3% for the first draft and 2% for the second, for a total of 15% of the whole coursein term 1) is small. In fact, the instructors were somewhat surprised by the degree of dedicationto this revision process, given the low weight attached to each assignment. Anecdotally
Conference Session
Faculty Development Lessons Learned Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angelica Burbano, Universidad Icesi; Gonzalo V. Ulloa, Universidad Icesi; Juliana Jaramillo JJO, Universidad Icesi; Norha M. Villegas, Universidad Icesi; Lina M. Quintero, Universidad Icesi; Alvaro Pachon, Icesi University
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development Constituency Committee
the portfolio has two parts, the collectedevidence and the reflective memorandum. For them, the reflective memorandum is the mostimportant component of the portfolio and they would like to use it as a reflection tool, howeverthe current document format does not invite such reflection. The current form requests too manydetails about the course and does not provide a space where the faculty member can write in heror his own words. Faculty members would like to share their findings with their peers afterfinishing a course, and would like the opportunity to also hear about the experiences of others,and further to be able to reflect on and learn from it.The final report will be discussed by the school administrators, and each Department Head
Conference Session
The Evolving Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Riley P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology; Sharon L. Beaudry, Oregon Institute of Technology; Aja Bettencourt-McCarthy, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
structural practices translate wellto the institutional level and lay the groundwork for a sustainable teaching certificate program,an institutional teaching model, and formalized faculty teaching assessment and peer observationprograms. This paper will describe and document the successes and challenges of theinstitutional workshop as well as the modifications made from the ExCEEd materials and format.IntroductionTwo years ago, the Commission on College Teaching (CCT) at the Oregon Institute ofTechnology was considering developing a teaching certificate program to support facultyprofessional development and high quality instruction. While many of the commission membershad participated in teaching certificate programs at other institutions, the
Conference Session
Embedding Sociotechnical Systems Thinking II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne-marie Nickel, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Jennifer Kelso Farrell, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Alicia Domack, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Gina Elizabeth Mazzone, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Associate Professor at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. She has a PhD in English Literature (Science Fiction) from Louisiana State University (2007), an MA in English from Montana State University, and a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana. At LSU, Jennifer was part of the Communication Across the Curriculum (CxC) and worked in the Engineering Communication Studio. Jennifer has published articles in The Leading Edge, Carbon, The Journal of Popular Culture, and Foundation.Dr. Alicia Domack, Milwaukee School of Engineering I am associate professor and chair of the Humanities, Social Science, and Communication department at MSOE. I am also the IRB Director at MSOE. My background is in Developmental
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James P. Becker, Montana State University; Carolyn Plumb, Montana State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
the MSLQ were scored and assembled into fifteen groups as per [19], andincluded among other groups: intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value,control of learning beliefs, self-efficacy for learning and performance, test anxiety, rehearsal,organization, critical thinking, time and study environment management, and peer learning forexample. Only the self-efficacy for learning (Pearson correlation = 0.31, n = 42) and time andstudy environment management (Pearson correlation = 0.37, n = 42) rose to the marginalcorrelation level with exam 1. The MSLQ was not selected as a tool for identifying at-riskstudents on two accounts. First of all, for lack of a strong correlation between the MSLQ andexam 1, it does not seem
Conference Session
Evidence-based Practices in Faculty Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vittorio Marone, University of Texas, San Antonio; Robin L. Nelson, University of Texas, San Antonio; Stephanie Ann Garcia, University of Texas at San Antonio; Emily Peterek Bonner, University of Texas, San Antonio; Timothy Yuen, University of Texas, San Antonio; Joann Browning P.E., University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development Constituency Committee
UTSA.Ms. Stephanie Ann Garcia, University of Texas at San Antonio Stephanie Garcia is a Graduate Research Assistant with a MAED from the University of Texas at San Antonio with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction. Her work with TRESTLE involves training Peer Assisted Learners (PALs) and supporting engineering faculty in implementing culturally relevant pedagogy and other course transformation projects.Dr. Emily Peterek Bonner, University of Texas, San Antonio Emily Bonner is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction specializing in mathematics edu- cation. Her research interests focus on professional development and equity in schools.Dr. Timothy Yuen, University of Texas, San Antonio Timothy T
Conference Session
ChemE Curriculum: Junior, Senior, and Graduate
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick S. Vasquez, University of Dayton; Zachary J. West, University of Dayton; Matthew Dewitt, University of Dayton; Robert J. Wilkens, University of Dayton; Michael J. Elsass, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Effective Teamwork Dynamics in a Unit Operations Laboratory Course1. IntroductionThe Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory is a unique course that relies heavily on acooperative team effort for successful learning that leads to a compelling laboratoryexperience[1-3]. In this course, team assignments play a critical role in the performance of agroup because every laboratory session involves peer interactions, hands-on experimentationfrom start to finish, data analysis and discussion, and a significant amount of writing time, i.e., aworkload that is intentionally more than one individual is expected to manage. The dauntingworkload for this course should
Conference Session
Aerospace Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
presenting it to the class. f. The Special Topic handout was sufficient to 3.22 prepare for the exam questions. g. Writing multiple choice questions that would be 3.39 used on the exam was a good approach to identifying key information with our topicCATME was used to pick teams and to provide student peer-to-peer feedback but the students didnot feel that was CATME was effective. Part of the disconnect lies with the author’s inexperiencewith the software and the lack of peer-to-peer comments. The peer-to-peer feature has since beenadded to the current version of CATME and will be used in the future. The introductory lessons assessment, shown in Table 2, did
Conference Session
Active learning in BME, Session II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dianne Grayce Hendricks, University of Washington; Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington; Alyssa Catherine Taylor, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
bioengineering, service learning, universal design, tissue and protein engineering labs, bioengineering ethics, leadership, and capstone proposal writing and design. She is committed to enhancing diversity and inclusivity in en- gineering, and creating opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in K-12 educational outreach. Dr. Hendricks has over a decade of experience leading educational outreach and summer camp programs at both Duke University and the University of Washington.Dr. Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington Ken Yasuhara is an instructional consultant and assistant director at the Office for the Advancement of Engineering Teaching & Learning (ET&L) at the University of Washington. He completed an
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Tech; Veronica van Montfrans, Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Gary R. Kirk, Virginia Tech; Cheryl Carrico P.E., Virginia Tech; Andrew L. Gillen, Virginia Tech; Sarah Anne Blackowski, Virginia Tech; Holly Larson Lesko; Tawni Paradise, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
stories pertaining to the curriculum to each other, the industry partners, and the VT-PEERS implementation team.Student Reflections: At the closing of all lessons and activities, students are asked to reflect onwhat they learned about the content and about engineering in general. Unfortunately, these oftenbecame rushed in many of the sessions. While an open-ended questions generally invite thegreatest variety of answers, we learned that it also provides difficulties in extracting answersfrom 6th grade students. Some of the challenges included the reading and writing level ofstudents, the time allotted for students to write their reflections, and the understanding of thereflection question itself. While some student answers showed a direct
Conference Session
Faculty Development Medley
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael J. Reese Jr., Johns Hopkins University; Eileen Haase Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Ahmed Ibrahim, Johns Hopkins University; Jane Brock Greco; Kelly F. Clark, Johns Hopkins University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, Faculty Development Constituency Committee
framework for critique by our peers so that we can incorporate their feedback duringthe pilot. We also hope to raise awareness of this project to encourage additional colleges toadopt the framework in the future.We define research-based teaching practices as pedagogical strategies that have been tested usingeducational research methods and published in peer-reviewed literature. Future faculty aregraduate students and post-doctoral fellows who aspire to faculty positions that include teachingresponsibilities, however, current faculty will also be invited to participate in the DLCs.The motivation for this NSF-funded project is that research-based teaching practices have beenshown to improve student learning compared to traditional methods like
Conference Session
Mentoring Practices and Project Teams
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzette R. Burckhard, South Dakota State University; Joanita M. Kant, South Dakota State University; Francis Arpan; Ross Peder Abraham, South Dakota State University; Gregory J. Michna, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
conducted research into heavy metals concentrations in plants and soils on Pine Ridge Reservation and ethnographic research on Rosebud Reservation. That reservation research is part of an ongoing National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored Pre-Engineering Education Collabora- tive led by Oglala Lakota College (a tribal college) in cooperation with South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and SDSU. She has recently served as a principal investigator for a South Dakota Space Grant Consortium project designed to create interest in STEM education and careers among high school girls at Flandreau Indian School. She has publications in peer-reviewed regional conference proceedings and international journals and has recently
Conference Session
Teamwork and Student Learning in Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly B. Demoret P.E., Florida Institute of Technology; Kyi Phyu Nyein, Florida Institute of Technology; Jessica L. Wildman, Florida Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
studentleaders on how to deal with management issues within their team, and to introduce team timecards in conjunction with an instructor evaluation and peer feedback to increase individualaccountability. Our goals were to improve the capstone design experience for the aerospaceengineering students, and to better understand the evolution of students as individuals and intheir team relationships.Changes to the Aerospace Capstone Design Course during the 2016-2017 Program.Increased Student Choice in Topic Selection.Marin identified student ownership as one part of designing an optimal experience forcapstone design [1], and we hypothesized that if students were allowed a chance to researchpossible topic areas, propose projects to their peers, and
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Self Efficacy
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brenda Read-Daily, Elizabethtown College; Kurt M. DeGoede, Elizabethtown College; Stacey L. Zimmerman, Elizabethtown College
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
EngineerThroughout the Introduction to Engineering I course, students explore the field of engineeringand consider their reasons for pursuing an engineering major. The One-Minute Engineer is athree-part assignment where students first write a 300-400 word essay about why they arestudying engineer, conduct a peer-edit to reduce the word count to approximately 150 words, andfinally, present their One-Minute Engineer orally in front of their classmates. This assignmenthelps students articulate why they want to be an engineer while honing their technical writingand presentation skills. In their written drafts and presentations, students were required to reflecton at least one of their top-five Strengths.Results and DiscussionTeam formationIn general, the four