. collaborated on thedevelopment of a software package based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) to facilitateseamless communication and transfer of location information between robots. To effectively setupa distributed network (see Figure 7) and enable information transfer between the robots, they hadto understand the concept of custom messages in ROS. Later, using fiducial marker-based tracking,they extracted localization information and constructed a custom message that is transferred topeer robots. The project further involved reflecting the localization information of the robots intoan iPad app for user interaction.4.6. Game-based tele-rehabilitative solutions for stroke patients: The goal of Mr. A.R. in thisproject was to iterate through the
Python on top of the Django framework. The low level of design skills wasnoted by faculty teaching the following design course, SWEN-262 Engineering of SoftwareSubsystems, which emphasizes design abstraction and design patterns. Students were talkingabout design information learned in their first-year CS course and not the Introduction toSoftware Engineering course. The department's Industrial Advisory Board also identified this asa problem after having discussions during our annual meeting with students at all year levels.Learning Goals for the CourseIn considering yet another redesign of our Introduction to Software Engineering course, we gavesome reflection on why we had so much trouble getting this course "right". We were
connectionbetween parts one and two.The quantum dot data collection went very smoothly, and all three students were able tobuild a spreadsheet with their data and results without issues. It is possible that afreshman or sophomore may experience more difficulties when reading the theory andcollecting data due to less experience in a laboratory setting.6 AcknowledgementsThis project is supported by the National Science Foundation through the ATE program,Award No. ATE 1700695. Any opinions, findings, and recommendations expressed in thispaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References [1] Klaus D. Sattler, Ed., Handbook of Nanophysics: Nanoparticles and Quantum Dots - Google Books. Boca
. Throughout most of the projectFollowing the questions above, the students were also asked about their team dynamics: s. To what extent did you work as a team?Answers were provided in five scales: 1. Almost never 2. Rarely 3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Almost alwaysDirect assessment about students’ technical learning was conducted using a PBL rubric that theinstructors used to grade their design reports. This score indicates the quality of their design andhow much actually they satisfied their customer. Sometimes there is a discrepancy between howmuch the students believe they learned and how much the instructor determines they learned.One of the contributing factors is that the students’ perspective reflected from the survey aboveis
. However, students’ exposure to intuitive reasoning, which plays a role in all decision-making, is limited during their undergraduate engineering formation. In an effort to generate abaseline for how we can operationalize intuition in the context of engineering education, thepurpose of our current research was to synthesize characterizations and portrayals of intuitivereasoning. We focused on literature from the field of management because intuition isconsidered in the context of complex, strategic decisions, which are reflective of the designdecisions central to engineering. The specific research questions addressed in this study are 1)how does extant management literature characterize intuition?, and 2) how does extantmanagement literature
inundergraduate engineering programs. However, reported survey results depend on how questionsare asked and how results are interpreted. Outcomes involving design of experiments, theNavier-Stokes equations, static equilibrium in 3D, and teamwork could be assessed to someextent on the FE, but they are not; is this a reflection of the consensus of faculty surveyed or aconsequence of the survey process? How do we confirm that the content and emphasis of the FEreflects the opinions of the surveyed faculty members? Additionally, how are the specificationstranslated into questions? How is the handbook developed? Is it involved in determining examcontent? What do the numbers on the subject matter reports even mean?The FE might be reliable but it is not
analysis techniques. (level: analysis) 3 Model and test virtual circuits. (level: application and analysis) 4 Construct and test circuits on a bread board. (level: application and analysis) 5 Design, construct and test a multi-output DC power supply circuit. (level: synthesis) 6 Analyze a basic AC circuit using mathematics and circuit analysis techniques. (level: analysis) 7 Analyze AC/DC motors and generators. (level: analysis)`The ABET outcomes associated with the CLOs are listed below. Note that these will have to beupdated to reflect the ABET changes that will go into effect for the 2019-20 accreditation cycle.(a) Ability to apply knowledge of math, science
byexplaining that, “if I get something wrong when I’m taking the quiz, I think there’s somethingwrong with the quiz or the rubric.” This participant is not reflecting on the results of the trainingin a way that will improve consistency. They perceive training as being quizzed to prove abilityrather than the calibration process it is intended to be.Implications and Recommendations Each of the themes identified in the previous section indicate potential root causes forinconsistencies in grader interpretations, decisions, and behaviors. While some of these issueshave been identified previously in the literature, these findings present a few new ideas andprovide additional nuance to refine or extend upon old ideas. Notably, these findings
, the VIP Program is intended forstudents of sophomore rank and above. Freshmen who participate are exceptions to the rule, who oftenhave related experience and high motivation. The higher means reflect these traits. If the programactively recruited freshmen, the mean would likely approach that of or be lower than the sophomoremean.Analysis of variance on giving help also showed statistical significance for the number of semestersstudents were in VIP, with groupings of one, two, and three or more semesters. However, VIP experienceis related to academic rank, as both increase over time. The correlation is not one-to-one, because studentscan begin VIP at any academic rank, but they are related. This can be seen by visually mapping upperoutliers
necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation or the US Department of Education.REFERENCES1. NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics. 2017. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. Available at https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/2017/nsf17310/.2. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest for Education Statistics, Available at https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d16/tables/dt16_219.70.asp.3. Joint Venture Silicon Valley (2012). The 2012 Index of Silicon Valley p. 36, Available at http://www.jointventure.org/images/stories/pdf/2012index-r2.pdf.4. NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics. 2017. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering
thedata collection and analysis process, with coding in cycles and frequent reflection as described inthe following sections. Cycle 1: Initial read-through with attribute coding. Silverman (1993) assertedsuperior qualitative research must draw interpretations and remain consistent with the dataIMPACT MENTORING PROGRAM 12collected. Therefore, an initial read-through of the transcripts was independently conducted usingthe basic deductive concepts of thematic content analysis to develop attribute codes. This processallowed for detection and identification of factors that potentially influenced any issuesgenerated by the participants that aligned to the conceptual
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DRL- 1543175. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. 14The PictureSTEM curriculum that was implemented as part of this study was developed byTamara Moore, Kristina Tank, Elizabeth Gajdzik (and everyone else…). We would also like toacknowledge the other members of this project team who contributed to the design of this studyand collection of the data: Sean Brophy, Annwesa Dasgupta, Elizabeth Gajdzik, Morgan Hynes,Tony Lowe, Tamara Moore, Muhsin Menekse
at Duke University than they were about being successful inthe engineering industry after graduation. As was reflected in the open-ended responses fromSurvey 1 and Survey 3, participants in the focus group also listed math as their most difficultSTEM course. As far as their opinions on the Engineering Design and Communication course,students had a positive experience to date in the class. They appreciated learning a quantitativeapproach to choosing a design solution as well as the unique opportunities the course providedwhich they might not find elsewhere at Duke. Students elaborated on learning the engineeringdesign process, saying the process is different than expected as it took much more time than theythought would be necessary for
inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. The authors wish to thank the STRIDE team and the interview participantsfor their participation in the study.References[1] The United States Department of Education, “Stem 2026 A Vision for Innovation in Stem Education,” U.S. Dep. Educ. Work., p. 55, 2016.[2] D. P. Giddens, R. E. Borchelt, V. R. Carter, W. S. Hammack, L. H. Jamieson, J. H. Johnson, V. Kramer, P. J. Natale, D. a. Scheufele, and J. F. Sullivan, Changing the conversation: messages for improving public understanding of engineering. 2008.[3] N. S. Foundation, “Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2017
on a Google sheet that the instructor manages.Tasks include grading daily quizzes, running critique workshops of three to six students, gradingmajor assignments, and special assignments, such as creating a format template in MicrosoftWord for the proposal.Background: Rather than having students bring drafts to class for on-the-spot critiquing,the course runs more formal critiquing based on the Iowa Writers Workshop One feature that distinguishes the course is the course’s peer critiquing, which follows theIowa Writers’ Workshop for creative writing [11]. In this approach, the students submit theirassignment excerpts at least two days before the workshop so that the peers and often a mentorhave the chance to read, reflect, edit, and
to working as a civilengineer requires passing two exams (FE and PE) and M/30 that other engineeringdisciplines do not require. So more clear communication on these issues is important.Clearly outlining the necessity for requiring an M/30 prior to professional licensure will beimportant. The reasons that students used in their writings may provide insight into thearguments that they found most compelling. It is important that this message comes fromindustry and practicing engineers rather than academia. A number of the seniors usedlanguage that reflected their belief that the M/30 requirement was motivated by greedyuniversities. Some students proposed changes in the BS degree or changes in the PE examthat could ensure competency. There
tofirst reflect upon and identify HC and then to respond and react to HC from an emotional, self-efficacy, and self-advocacy standpoint.C. Preliminary considerations for appropriate interventions for HC in engineeringRecent literature has indicated that when engineering educators and students fail to recognize thepersistence of a cultural influence in engineering education, undesirable consequences can result[51]. For example, a lack of culturally-responsive and holistic curricular content may limit students'understanding of their future professional roles [52], which may hinder students’ sense of"ownership" (i.e., self-efficacy) of their professional actions and beliefs [53], [54]. In addition, a lackof social capital for underrepresented groups
style: Sufficiency of Originality, Efficiency, and Rule/GroupConformity. These sub-factors are also normally distributed within the following theoreticalranges: SO (13–65), E (7–35), and R/G (12–60) [26, 27]. Sufficiency of Originality (SO)highlights differences between individuals in their preferred ways of generating and choosingideas. The more adaptive tend to generate more highly detailed ideas that remain more closelyconnected to the original constraints of a problem, while more innovative individuals tend togenerate ideas that challenge the problem definition and constraints. Efficiency (E) reflects anindividual’s preferred methods for managing and organizing ideas as they solve problems. Themore adaptive prefer to define problems and
Remarks d. Forward Work and Evaluator Conclusions 4. Conclusion 5. References 6. Appendix 1 Listing of Student Research Abstracts 7. Appendix 2 Program Evaluation Survey InstrumentsThe West Houston Science and Engineering Center The West Houston Center for Science & Engineering (WHC) is part of the HoustonCommunity College District (HCC), a designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), with anannual enrolment of 114,000, across a 630 square mile district service area [1]. For fall 2016,58% of the students were female, and the racial and ethnic demographics reflected 15% Asian,30% Black, 37% Hispanic and 14% White. In general, about 10% of the semester credit hourstudent population is
15 10 5 0 Excel PYTHON MATLAB Excel and MATLAB Figure 7. Student submittal typesExample student realizations / spread sheet formThe students were instructed to keep the standard notation for four bar linkages shown in thelecture notes. Figure 8 shows the numbering conventions for a typical linkage, shown in the openposition [12]. A crossed or closed configuration would be realized with all links remaining at thesame lengths shown in Figure 6, with link 4 reflected across the horizontal axis with link 3 stillconnecting the ends of links 2 and 4. Figure 8. Link, angle