summer all REU studentsparticipated in a poster sessionwhere they were judged by Figure 1. Images of student participants from the 2016 (left) andfaculty members, leadership 2017 (right) program. (Top) Photos of the group from that year.from the entrepreneurship (Middle) Students participating in the faculty/student softball gameinstitutes, and staff that (2016) and swamp tour (2017). (Bottom) Students presenting their posters during the end-of-summer poster session.participated in the weekly seminar series. Students were judged on their ability to present, theresearch findings, and the entrepreneurship potential of their research project. The top student(s)were awarded a travel
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completely new design to perform specific task(s); Modifying or improving an existing design; Solving problems with their current industrial operations.Each senior design team is advised by a faculty member and a company representative (advisor)who is usually an engineer or a manager at the company.This approach proved to be highly successful. This is evident from the fact that: 1) after theirfirst experience with our program, the companies come back and propose/sponsor more projects,2) in the last decade and a half, the vast majority of capstone senior design projects are nowsponsored by local and regional industry. In fact, in the 2016/2017 academic year, all sevenprojects were proposed and sponsored by local industry organizations
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