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2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Emily Frazier; Rich Robles
that is considered active learning?Think: Take a moment and make a list of the activitiesyou are already doing that employ these characteristics:• Relevant• Learner centered• Participatory• Reflective• Intentional Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session CEED 412•• Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering EducationWhy Use Active Learning Techniques?• Research studies have shown that when instructors switch their teaching
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Frederick Berry; Anne Lucietto; Andrew Scott
in 2003 through the development of an instrument focused on peer and self-assessmentcalled the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness. The system enhancesteam development by creating accountability and feedback for team members, suggesting thatteam members and instructors have a positive team learning experience.Capstone Courses – Multi Institutional Collaboration. The previous work by the multi-institutional collaboration identifies the current work done in many capstone courses includingthose factors that are measureable1. Those measurable factors3 are included in CATME, thus theauthors have chosen to use note taking 4, filing 5, goal setting6,7, and other reflective open ended Proceedings of the 2018
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Jeffrey Evans; Davin Huston; Milan Rakita
into mastery learning,reflective learning, intrinsic motivation, and competency-based education. A competency can bethought of as the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that be observed, and thereforemeasured, by way of a demonstration of learning. This usually takes the form of a combinationof assesments and instruments. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018, American Society for Engineering Education Session ETD 305 By the fall of 2014 an initial collection of competencies was established that closelyaligned with course outcomes (and
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Daniel Davis
’, where the students are expected to develop anunderstanding of parallel and divergent canons and traditions of architecture, landscape andurban design.Since 2008, we have addressed this criterion with our Fall semester second-year graduatearchitectural design studio class. Our students are required to research, program, and design anIslamic Community Center, which includes amongst other things, a Mosque. This projectprovides a unique educational opportunity. Students must understand and appreciate howarchitecture reflects not only its place, program, and client, but also the politically andemotionally sensitive issues it can evoke. This class also engages the accreditation needs forethics and diversity.Our Graduate StudentsThe Architecture
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Robert Adams; H. Bora Karayaka
line configurations including bundled conductors and usage of standard conductor data tables for calculation of transmission line parameters are introduced. Transmission line equivalent circuit parameters, voltage, current, active and reactive power variations along the transmission line, π model and its approximations for short, medium and long lines are presented and discussed. 6. Power Flow in Power Systems: One-line diagrams, bus types, Ybus matrix calculations, power balance equations, iterative solutions such as Gauss and Newton Raphson methods along with examples are introduced. 7. Power Transformers: Ideal transformer current voltage relationships, turns ratio, reflected
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Muhammad Ummy; Yu Wang; Angran Xiao; Andy Zhang; Farrukh Zia
design and in factory automation.The creation of robotic concentration is also to address the requests made by ABET’smechanical engineering technology program evaluator and by the MET department’s industrialadvisory board. They all suggested that mechatronics/robotic technology be introduced in itsmechanical engineering technology curricula to reflect the future needs of the industry. A newprogram objective is added to the department’s current Program Educational Objectives whichstates: “students possess multidisciplinary knowledge and skills” before graduation.Robotic concentration will also help students in the MET department’s manufacturingconcentration as most manufacturing equipment such as CNC machines and industrial robots arerobotic
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Sally Conant
 and  market  student  to  the  global   • Curriculum  includes: • Resume  &  Cover  letter workforce • Applying  to  appropriate  positions • Interview  preparation• Prepare  students  for  work  abroad  through   • Professional  expectations  in  the  workplace culture,  language,  and  workplace  difference   • Goal  setting  &  Reflections
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Immanuel Edinbarough; Jesus Gonzalez; Adriana Rios Santiago
projects is to address a regional need.In order to achieve a capstone project in the fields of technology development, smartenvironments, and innovation in manufacturing, students are encouraged to promote asustainable development approach, the solution must reflect an intimate connection among theresearch, a clear understanding of the impacts by reducing any negative ecological and social Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018, American Society for Engineering Educationfootprint, and a continuous life-cycle analysis working to improve local and regionalcommunities7, to deliver a result that can be defined as environmentally responsible,economically
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Elizabeth Petry
to guide you throughdeveloping and recording that experience. And the best part? You can start as soon as yougraduate from high school.ExaminationAnother key part of becoming an architect is completing the Architect RegistrationExamination® (ARE®). With exam divisions designed to reflect the current profession,the ARE ensures that you’re ready to practice architecture independently.Licensure and CertificationOnce you’ve met the education, experience, and examination requirements, as well asany additional requirements set by your licensing board, you can apply for a license topractice architecture in your jurisdiction. After you’re licensed, you can advance youcareer and streamline your ability to practice across borders by earning an
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Barry Lunt
(less than $10K), several provide scholarships(a few in the $5K-$10K range) and a few provide donations or research funding (< $10K).Research does not appear to be a major issue for ET programs as far as their IAB is concerned.Involvement in funding and tech transfer is low. The open feedback reflects that overall this type of involvement meets the program’sexpectations. Frustrations expressed largely reflect practical issues (EG scheduling). This suggests that overall ET programs are content with the status quo in the use of theirIABs. Only occasional remarks indicate that some would like to see a greater involvement infundraising. For this to change there would need to be a vision and model developed todemonstrate how the IAB
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Immanuel Edinbarough; Adriana Rios Santiago
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) is a comprehensive academic institutionthat serves a 150-mile region. In Brownsville, only one in ten jobs is related to personal healthcare assistance. According to the Labor Department and Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, thisnumber is the greatest concentration of home health supporters in the country, suggesting fivetimes the average in Texas. These statistics reflect the greatest need for improvement in thehealthcare assistance, opening an innovative research area in smart environments for the elderlyand disabled.The Engineering Technology (ENGT) program at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley(UTRGV), aims to prepare students to be professionals on diverse technology applications,within a
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Sidney Martin
process, teachers must feel that somepromising practices and procedures are being planned. The responsibility to reassure theseteachers falls on the P-20 leader. Integrity and creditability are needed for a leader to effectchange. (Dooley, 1999). Diversity and the Impact on P-20 Education P-20 includes principles of diversity and inclusiveness and will apply tools, techniques,and methods that reflect these convictions in their decision making as a P-20 leader. Withindiversity, the goal is to include all individuals and groups wanting to participate in the P-20education development and process. P-20 educators will strive to use creative methods toengage learners. These new education learning methods will lead to an
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
John Allen; Keith Berube; Brett Ellis
% improvement inthe reduction of single department capstone programs over 11 years indicates that more workremains in order to achieve multidiscipline engineering capstone programs.This manuscript documents and reflects upon the University of Maine MET program’s progresstowards multidisciplinary capstone. These efforts were realized via two distinct avenues: (1) theintroduction of five MET projects having significant electromechanical components; and (2) theintroduction of an MET-EET multidisciplinary project. Both types of projects are reviewedwithin this work.2. Background2.1 Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) ProgramThe University of Maine’s MET program capstone spline consists of 2 courses ‒ MET 464 (2credits) in the fall semester, and MET 465
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Cliff Mirman
technical areas is very low, and thus, companiescan have an in-road into hiring our graduates. In addition, through the projects, companies getinsight into new technologies and process which are used to solve their problems. Thisinteraction is an important part of the NIU Department of Technology operations and we havedeveloped great relationships with many of the regional companies. This avenue between NIUand industry is expanding in the types of projects undertaken and the numbers of companies withwhom we work. Through industry interaction all parties win!References1. Fornaro, R.J., Heil, M.R, and Alan L. Tharp, A. L., 2006, “Reflections on 10 years of sponsored senior design projects: Students win–clients win!,” The Journal of Systems and
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Peter Rogers
progressive educator John Dewey. John Dewey suggested that theprocess of learning was more important than goals or predetermined learning outcomes. Furtherhe suggested that if learning is to be successful it requires the learner to take an active role in thatprocess 3. John Dewey believed that “reflection involves not simply a sequence of ideas, but aconsequence—a consecutive ordering in such a way determines the next as its proper outcome,while each in turn leans back on its predecessors.” 4Evolution of Online EducationDistance education, defined as a method of delivering education and instruction to students whoare physically separated from the student, is certainly not a new concept. Today’s myriad ofonline education offerings, ranging from
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Mohsen Ayoobi; Ana Djuric P.E.; Mukasa Ssemakula
Style Model [16, 17]. Sensing learners (concrete, practical, vs. Intuitive learners (conceptual, innovative, oriented toward facts and procedures) oriented toward theories and meanings); Visual learners (prefer visual vs. Verbal learners (prefer written and representations of presented material) spoken explanations); Inductive learners (prefer presentations that vs. Deductive learners (prefer presentations proceed from the specific to the general) that go from the general to the specific); Active learners (learn by trying things out, vs. Reflective learners (learn by thinking working with others) things