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Displaying all 29 results
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
coordination with other faculty.The first research question examined by this paper is to determine if students can be objectiveand constructive through peer assessments to make a positive difference in team members’leadership skills. It is important to point out that students enrolled in the sophomore levelTechnical Writing Course are mixed with students from four different engineering majors andtwo science majors. Additionally, these students are primarily residence-only students and sharemany campus activities: dorm life, dining facility meals, etc., and have increased contact witheach other.A quick comparison of the averaged individual score at week one and five indicates over 37.5%of the students had improvements in their overall peer leadership
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 9
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, including device general research, Troubleshooting wikis, and future Repair Guides. 4) Milestone 3: Provides a tutorial in the proper pairing of device photography and technical prose, such that both are semantically redundant, and either could be followed in isolation to correctly execute a repair process. Students create 5-7 Repair Guides for various device components that they identified in their Project Proposal. 5) Milestone 4: Provides standards for usability testing and peer review of the three resource pages described above (Troubleshooting wiki, Device page, and Repair Guides) [14].Student Feedback and PerformanceThe Citadel’s Technical Writing and Communication students strongly fit learning
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Ware, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nicole Turnipseed, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; John R. Gallagher, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Celia Mathews Elliott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John S. Popovics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Paul Prior, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Julie L. Zilles, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
indisciplinary activities – not as a simple skill that can be learned once, and transferred to new,disparate, inter-and-extra-disciplinary situations. Altering entrenched constructs of writing-as-product and writing-as-discrete-skill-set, WAC activities can introduce faculty and graduate TAsto best practices from Writing Studies, helping them think through basic tenets of “good” writingpedagogy (i.e., writing-as-process and writing-as-knowledge-making, effective and efficientinstructor and peer response practices, and more clearly elaborated assignment design).WAC has traditionally employed workshop models to convey its principles to faculty acrossdisciplines. WAC programs are usually housed in whatever department administers first-yearwriting, and
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer C. Mallette, Boise State University; Harold Ackler P.E., Boise State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
10more about practice. Two, this understanding could help them to feel less anxious about writingoverall and thus more able to try approaches that would help them write effectively.Additionally, students came to understand the benefits of having a process in mind when theyworked. Many of the student comments focused on time management and needing sufficienttime to be able to revise their work before submitting, indicating a stronger focus on process,particularly revision. They also began talking about revising as part of that process, includingseeking out and receiving feedback from instructors and peers as they revised. This emphasis onprocess is visible in the two top goals for the spring semester: writing more concisely and usingrevision (see
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mathew D. Evans, Arizona State University; Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
important reasonsfor engineering students to learn to use multiple mediums to communicate with the public. Forone, self-promotion; it is becoming more common for research journals to invite or requireauthors of peer-reviewed work to write summaries for the public. For instance, authors acceptedto PLOS journals are required to submit a non-technical summary of their work, and scientists’social media presence is increasingly recognized by university promotion and tenurecommittees29. Finally, there is an increased need for an informed and scientifically literatecitizenship in democratic societies due to the grand challenges of the 21st century24, and anincreasing expectation for scientists and engineers to take responsibility for contributing to
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Summers, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Anique Julienne Olivier-Mason, Brandeis University; Marina Dang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Diana M. Chien, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
institutional contexts. In this paper, we analyze the adaptation of one such intervention,the Communication Lab (Comm Lab), a peer-to-peer coaching resource for writing, presenting,and other forms of technical communication [4]. By analyzing three institutions’ iterations of aComm Lab, we argue that a balance between core pedagogical strategies and attention to clientneeds makes the Comm Lab model both identifiable across institutions and flexible enough toadapt to new institutional contexts. For example, the client-based model relies on using peerswith disciplinary expertise to ensure quality feedback. However, the definitions of “peer” and“disciplinary expertise” become more multidisciplinary across institutions according to thestudent population
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 9
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Q. Li, University of New Haven; Judy Randi, University of New Haven; Jenna Pack Sheffield, University of New Haven
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
traits, theCollege’s writing instructor (second author) teaches a first-year online introductory course intechnical writing, Short Engineering Reports (SER). In SER, in addition to learning aboutstylistic traits that distinguish technical writing from other styles, students learn to plan, writeand revise technical memoranda. Students are expected to apply this knowledge and skills, whenthey compose the two memoranda assigned in the co-requisite engineering course, Methods ofEngineering Analysis (MEA). After the students submit the first memo to their engineeringinstructors, the SER instructor provides students feedback and assigns revision tasks. Studentsalso learn to self and peer review their memos, using an analytic “feedback” rubric that
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
) .Project-based Learning as a Vehicle for Social Responsibility and Social Justice in Engineering Education.Silvia de Freitas, C. C., Beyer, Z. J., Al Yagoub, H. A., & DeBoer, J. (2018). Fostering Engineering Thinking in a Democratic Learning Space: A Classroom Application Pilot Study in the Azraq Refugee Camp, Jordan.Smith, J. M., & Lucena, J. C. (2018). Social Responsibility in Engineering Education and Practice: Alignments, Mismatches, and Future Directions.Svihla, V., Hubka, C. A, & Chi, E. (2018). Peer Review and Reflection in Engineering Labs: Writing to Learn and Learning to Write.Tang, X. (2018). From 'Empathic Design' to 'Empathic Engineering': Toward a Genealogy of Empathy in Engineering
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session 11
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park; Jennifer Radoff, University of Maryland, College Park; Ayush Gupta, University of Maryland, College Park; Hannah Sabo; Andrew Elby, University of Maryland, College Park
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, Walden, & Trytten, 2007; Secules, Gupta, Elby, & Turpen, 2018). Our team has been engaged in the iterative redesign of a pedagogy seminar for engineering peer educators working within a college-level introduction to engineering design course. Using tools of discourse analysis, we analyze how technocratic stances are reproduced or challenged in engineering peer educators’ talk during pedagogy seminar discussions. We study peer educators, in particular, because they are in a unique position to do harm if the ideologies of meritocracy and technocracy aren't challenged. Likewise, they are in a unique position to do good if they actively disrupt these ideologies in
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 12
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder; Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #26448Examining How Skill-building Workshops Affect Women’s Confidence overTimeMs. Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder Megan Keogh is an undergraduate student studying environmental engineering and environmental policy at the University of Colorado Boulder. Megan has been involved in education outreach and mentorship for much of her college career. She completed a STEM education class in which she shadowed a local 5th grade teacher and taught three of her own STEM lessons. Megan has also been a new-student mentor through her department’s peer mentoring program. Now, Megan is interested in researching
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 12
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Kasson Fiss, Michigan Technological University; Lorelle A. Meadows, Michigan Technological University; Mary Raber, Michigan Technological University; Kari B. Henquinet, Michigan Technological University; Richard Jason Berkey, Michigan Technological University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Community,thinking not only about your own contribution but also how you would like to interact withothers within this Community, including your peers and your instructors.”At the end of that first seminar students were asked to write reflections responding to that initialletter, “Go back and read that letter to yourself and then write a reflection about your experiencethrough the lens of your expectations.[…] Share how this experience has affected the way youlook at yourself, others, your education, your goals, and your success. Is there anything that younow look at or approach differently due to your experience in this course?” In addition, studentswere asked to write a letter to an incoming student about the first seminar experience.At the end
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Evans, Louisiana Tech University; Kirk St.Amant, Louisiana Tech University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
, and STEM education. She has published 20 peer-reviewed publications in these areas, and her research has been funded by the NSF, AFRL, and LA-BOR. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the American Control Conference and the Conference on Decision and Control, two premier conferences in the controls community. She is a member of the IEEE, SIAM, and ASEE.Prof. Kirk St.Amant, Louisiana Tech University Kirk St.Amant is a Professor and Eunice C. Williamson Endowed Chair in Technical Communication at Louisiana Tech University (USA) where he is also a Research Faculty member with Tech’s Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science (CBERS). He researches how cognition affects usability and the
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie A. Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder; Alyssa Miranda Boll, Colorado School of Mines; Jenifer Blacklock, Colorado School of Mines; Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
demonstrated in the remainder of this paper, we also saw this collaborativeassignment-writing as an opportunity. We believe that it was the very process of workingclosely with peers that enabled us to create an assignment that was both effective atsociotechnical integration and transferable across diverse contexts.Assignment Version 1In our initial meeting, we focused on creating a space for problem redefinition (or at leastconsidering how problems are defined and what factors influence problem definition), inspiredby prior work in this area [25]. Problem redefinition was something we agreed had relevanceacross our diverse course contexts. For example, traditional engineering science courses oftenpresent well-defined, closed-ended problems for
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Melissa G. Kuhn, Old Dominion University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #25386WIP: Common Practices in Undergraduate Engineering OutreachDr. Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University Dr. Garner is the Executive Director of The Center for Educational Partnerships at Old Dominion Univer- sity in Norfolk, VA.Mr. Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Michael Alley is a professor of teaching for engineering communications at Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. He is the author of The Craft of Scientific Writing (Springer, 2018) and The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Springer-Verlag, 2013). He is also founder of the popular websites Writing Guidelines for
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chrysanthe Demetry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Paula Quinn, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Stephen James Kmiotek P.E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
confidence and design thinking.Only one ePortfolio was assessed at the capstone level (4) for all competencies forboth reflection and integrative learning. Although no ePortfolio rated 1 or less forall competencies for either reflection or integrative learning, two ePortfolios wererated no greater than 2 for all competencies, for both reflection and integrativelearning.Students saw value of the ePortfoliosAnalysis of interviews revealed that student perspectives were broadened in anumber of ways through creation of the ePortfolio. The ways they werebroadened differed depending on which of the following two purposes theePortfolio served: 1) as a prompt for students to demonstrate— through reflectionvia writing—their achievement in the five
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session 11
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alison Wood , Olin College of Engineering; Selin Arslan, Lawrence Technological University; Jason Barrett, Lawrence Technological University; Sarah Aileen Brownell, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Andrew Mark Herbert, Rochester Institute of Technology; Matthew Marshall, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Karen Kashmanian Oates, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; David Spanagel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; James J. Winebrake, Rochester Institute of Technology; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
(e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learningin Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creat-ing curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests,motivation, and desire to persist in engineering. Through this work, outreach, and involvement in the com-munity, Dr. Zastavker continues to focus on the issues of women and minorities in science/engineering. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Work in Progress: Transformation through Liberal Arts-Focused Grand Challenges Scholars ProgramsAbstractThe National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenges Scholars Program
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matti Izora Ibrahim, Arkansas Tech University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
2018 mid-term elections. With campus gun rampage beingthe motivating factor behind their vote, voters under age 29 heavily influenced the outcome ofthe 2018 mid-term elections [1], [2]. Since the March for Our Lives protest, there has thus been arenewed effort to strengthen gun control laws, and in 2018, lawmakers around the countrysubsequently enacted fifty new laws restricting access to guns [3]. As of this writing, ten states have enacted legislation permitting the concealed carrying ofhandguns on university campuses. In sixteen states, concealed carrying of handguns onuniversity campuses have been banned, and in twenty-three states, the decision to allowhandguns on campus has been left up to the university’s discretion [4]. On
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 9
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth A. Myers, University of Colorado Boulder
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
staff who are not theinstructor of the course, allowing students to discuss strengths of the course and suggested courseimprovements with their peers prior to voting individually on their level of agreement anddisagreement with each proposed strength or improvement. Open-ended comments are alsorequested from students as part of the group interview process.The second offering of the pilot just concluded at the time of writing this paper; thus we arelooking mostly at raw data to confirm what the authors saw as emerging themes from thepost-assessments and overall research dataset.Research Limitations.​ Of the 99 students enrolled in the class at the end of the term, 92 took thepost-survey, 63 of which consented to participate in longitudinal
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Farkas Mogul, University of Maryland, College Park; David Tomblin, University of Maryland, College Park; Timothy Duane Reedy, University of Maryland, College Park
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
suggests that that the divide between socialjustice (SJ) concerns and technical knowledge in engineering curricula is an important reasonthat students with SJ concerns leave engineering [1, 2]. In their recent book, Engineering Justice,Leydens and Lucena [3] present criteria they hope “can be used to guide educators [to render] SJvisible within the engineering sciences without compromising valuable course content.” Oneapproach is the so-called “Problem Re-write Assignment”: students write a context for atraditional “decontextualized” engineering science problem. We undertook this pilot study tounderstand how students frame their thinking about “contextualized/decontextualized”(Con/Decon) problems and what resources they would use to write a social
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 12
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Danielle Corple, Purdue University; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Sean Eddington, Purdue University; Andrew O. Brightman, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Patrice Marie Buzzanell, University of South Florida
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
conceptualized as contacts that lead to internship or job opportunities, peer relationshipsthat provide emotional or academic support, connections to faculty that can provide opportunitiesin research labs, letters of recommendation or mentoring regarding graduate school, or similarresources. Previous studies of social capital in engineering education reveal that social capital islinked to increased retention [14], and many other benefits such as “academic achievement,academic performance, and engineering identity” ([15], p. 823).Cultural and Social Capital in Engineering EducationResearch has increasingly demonstrated that the social and cultural capital of first generationcollege (FGC) students and under-represented minority (URM) students differs from
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Karlin, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Rebecca A Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Cheryl Allendoerfer, Shoreline Community College; Dan Ewert
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
helping to make the positivechange we want to actually happen. Further, using stories to make this connection also createsan organizational legitimacy for the new practice, identity, or other innovation.When we systemically storymake with intention, we can, as Sunstein and Thaler [8] put it,“influence behavior while also respecting the freedom of choice”. We see the use of stories todrive behavioral change in many fields. Pennebaker [9] has done extensive work on usingguided writing – or telling one’s own story to one’s self – to help individuals who haveexperienced trauma find resolution. Wilson [10, 11] used stories from students whosuccessfully navigated a difficult course to create a 30-minute intervention that significantlyimproved the
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica R. Deters, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Christopher Zobel, Virginia Tech; Margaret Cowell, Virginia Tech; Jennifer L. Irish, Virginia Tech
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, National Association of Counties, and the United States Economic Development Administration. She is the author of Dealing with Deindus- trialization: Adaptive Resilience in American Midwestern Regions (Routledge 2014) and has published numerous peer-reviewed articles focused on economic resilience, economic restructuring, and economic development.Dr. Jennifer L. Irish, Virginia Tech Dr. Jennifer Irish, professor of coastal engineering at Virginia Tech, is an expert in storm surge dynamics, coastal hazard assessment, and nature-based infrastructure for coastal hazard mitigation. Since entering academia in 2006, as lead Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI, Irish received research grants from agen- cies
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramiro Jordan P.E., University of New Mexico; Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon University; Kamil Agi, SensorComm Technologies Inc.; Donna M. Koechner, eNova Solutions, LLC
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
reviewer in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program. Dr. Agi received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He received his MBA from the Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program.Donna M. Koechner, eNova Solutions, LLC Donna Koechner earned her BS in Electrical Engineering at Kansas State University and her MS in Elec- trical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico. She has worked in academia, research and industry on products and projects including image segmentation and pattern recognition, software design, software specification, development and testing, product engineering, technical writing, course
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maggie Swartz, Colorado School of Mines; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Jacquelene D. Walter, Colorado School of Mines; Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
at the university level and as they pursue careers in industry. Graduating this December, she hopes to retain this knowledge for the benefit of herself and other women engineers as she pursues an industry career.Dr. Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines Jon A. Leydens is Associate Professor of Engineering Education Research in the Division of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the Colorado School of Mines, USA. Dr. Leydens’ research and teaching interests are in engineering education, communication, and social justice. Dr. Leydens is author or co- author of 40 peer-reviewed papers, co-author of Engineering and Sustainable Community Development (Morgan and Claypool, 2010), and editor of Sociotechnical
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University; Lidia Herrera-Rocha, University of Texas at El Paso
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
]. Unfortunately, it is also perceived as an area of under-preparation by recentgraduates [26]. Women’s experiences in engineering design teams has been the subject of a number ofstudies, with several studies noting that women’s experiences in teams could potentially“recreate sexist environments already found in the university environment for undergraduatewomen if they are not properly managed” [28, pp. 82]. Negative experiences in teams (not beingaccepted, heard, or respected by her peers) could have significant long-term impacts, i.e., it couldbe the difference between staying or abandoning engineering after graduation. During teamwork activities, students negotiate their identities, status, and authenticity.[29] showed that gender is a
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen L. Sanford Bernhardt P.E., Lafayette College; Jenn Stroud Rossmann, Lafayette College
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
University.Dr. Jenn Stroud Rossmann, Lafayette College Jenn Stroud Rossmann is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Lafayette College. She earned her BS in mechanical engineering and her PhD in applied physics from the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining Lafayette, she was a faculty member at Harvey Mudd College. Her scholarly interests include the fluid dynamics of blood in vessels affected by atherosclerosis and aneurysm, the cultural history of engineering, and the aerodynamics of sports projectiles. She writes the essay series ”An engineer reads a novel” for Public Books. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 An Integrative Education in Engineering and
Conference Session
Understanding Students' Narratives of Grand Challenges Scholars Program as a Nexus Between Liberal and STEM Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Abigail M Fry, Olin College of Engineering; Holly Nguyen; Gretchen Rice, Olin College; Sydney Ross, Lawrence Technological University; Sebastien Zenzo Selarque, Rochester Institute of Technology (CET); Bridgit Spies; Margarite Vaccaro; Jason Barrett, Lawrence Technological University; Sarah Aileen Brownell, Rochester Institute of Technology; Matthew Marshall, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Karen Kashmanian Oates, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; David I. Spanagel, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; James J. Winebrake, Rochester Institute of Technology; Alison Wood, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
- cation with specific emphasis on innovative pedagogical and curricular practices at the intersection with the issues of gender and diversity. With the goal of improving learning opportunities for all students and equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities, Dr. Zastavker’s re- cent work involves questions pertaining to students’ motivational attitudes and their learning journeys in a variety of educational environments. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gail Baura, Loyola University Chicago; Leanne Kallemeyn, Loyola University Chicago
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
. The joint case study grade is worth 10% of the final grade for ENGR 321. Each student writes a 700 word essay about the assigned topic and a 300 word essay about how the sophomore class can realistically contribute to solving the problem. Both essays require citations: at least five citations for the 700 word essay and at least one citation for the 300 word essay. Each group gives a five minute presentation, and then the entire class discusses the problem. When the joint case study debuted in Spring, 2018, class of 2020 sophomores investigated these elements of Hurricane Maria: how individuals have coped, political representation, electrical infrastructure, island finances, effect of climate change on hurricanes, and response
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Jacquelene Erickson, Colorado School of Mines; Alyssa Miranda Boll, Colorado School of Mines; Stephanie Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Barbara M. Moskal, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
several wind energy and control systems classes and began engineering education research related to social justice in control systems engineering in fall 2014.Dr. Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines Jon A. Leydens is Associate Professor of Engineering Education Research in the Division of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the Colorado School of Mines, USA. Dr. Leydens’ research and teaching interests are in engineering education, communication, and social justice. Dr. Leydens is author or co-author of 40 peer-reviewed papers, co-author of Engineering and Sustainable Community Development (Morgan and Claypool, 2010), and editor of Sociotechnical Communication in Engineering (Routledge, 2014). In 2016, Dr