Paper ID #27740Comparative Experiential Learning of Mechanical Engineering Concepts throughthe Usage of Robot as a Kinesthetic Learning ToolDr. S. M. Mizanoor Rahman, University of West Florida Mizanoor Rahman received Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineer- ing respectively from Mie University at Tsu, Japan. He then worked as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, a researcher at Vrije University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium, and a postdoctoral associate at Clemson University, SC, USA, and New York University
Paper ID #27735Instructing a Mechatronics Course Aligning with TPACK FrameworkDr. S. M. Mizanoor Rahman, University of West Florida Mizanoor Rahman received Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineer- ing respectively from Mie University at Tsu, Japan. He then worked as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, a researcher at Vrije University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium, and a postdoctoral associate at Clemson University, SC, USA, and New York University (NYU), NY, USA. During his period at NYU, Dr. Rahman served as
Paper ID #27738Instruction Design of a Mechatronics Course Based on Closed-loop 7E ModelRefined with DBR MethodDr. S. M. Mizanoor Rahman, University of West Florida Mizanoor Rahman received Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineer- ing respectively from Mie University at Tsu, Japan. He then worked as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, a researcher at Vrije University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium, and a postdoctoral associate at Clemson University, SC, USA, and New York University (NYU), NY, USA. During his
Paper ID #26412From Industry to the Classroom: A Low-Cost Hardware-In-Loop Simulatorfor Classic Controls ExperimentsMr. David S. Bowden, Lawrence Technological University David has over 20 years of experience in embedded system design in the automotive industry. He currently works for Fiat Chrysler Automotive in the Systemic Quality department. He has a B.S.E.E. from Oakland University and is currently completing his M.S. in Mechatronics at Lawrence Technological University.Dr. James A. Mynderse, Lawrence Technological University James A. Mynderse, PhD is an Associate Professor in the A. Leon Linton Department of Mechanical
Paper ID #24738Effectiveness of High-Impact Practices (HIPS) in an Engineering CourseMs. Sharon S. Wu, California State University, Fullerton Sharon Wu is currently a graduate student at California State University, Fullerton. She is conducting research in engineering design and STEM education research with focus on women and minorities,Dr. Yong Seok Park, California State University, Fullerton Yong Seok Park is an assistant professor in mechanical engineering at California State University Fuller- ton. He earned his Master’s degree at George Washington University and his Doctorate at the Virginia Tech. Prior to joining
operating bases, and wide area monitoring and control systems for power grids. He is an active senior member of the IEEE. He founded and served as chair in the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Young Professionals Committee, and currently serves in the IEEE PES Power and Energy Education Committee, IEEE PES Long Range Planning Committee, IEEE Young Professionals Committee, and has previously served as the faculty advisor to the USMA IEEE student branch.Lt. Col. Christopher Michael Korpela, U. S. Military Academy LTC Christopher Korpela is an Associate Professor and Director of the Robotics Research Center at the United States Military Academy at West Point. An honor graduate from West Point, he earned his M.S
Paper ID #27016Bilge Pumps as Introductory Mechanical Engineering Design ProjectsProf. Richard Wayne Freeman P.E., U.S. Coast Guard Academy Prof Richard Freeman is an Assistant Professor at the United States Coast Guard Academy in Mechani- cal Engineering. He is course coordinator for Engineering Experimentation. He is currently working on projects and capstones involving CubeSats and ThinSats. Prof Freeman has previously taught at North- western University, Valparaiso University and Iowa State University. Prof Freeman can be reached at Ronald S. Adrezin, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
retrieval from a T-s chart. Following the lecture, a group activity wasconducted to assess student comfort with paper-based property charts for property retrieval.When surveyed, student opinion was highly favorable towards the use of videos for instruction,review, and the visual approach. The direct outcome of the control and treatment activitiesshowed statistically significant advantage (p-value 0.038) of this approach. Students displayedadequate competence in solving water property problems using property charts. The results alsoshowed how the use of property charts reinforces the thermodynamic fundamentals, as opposedto the use of online databases or the steam tables. The implementation yielded a marked decreasein lecture time dedicated to
of liquid at the nozzle port is calculated asfollows: 𝑝 𝜌𝑔ℎ (2) where ph = hydrostatic pressure (Pa, N/m2, or kg/m-s2) ρ = liquid density (kg/m3) g = acceleration of gravity = 9.81 m/s2 h = height of the liquid column (m)For this lab, multiple fluid heights are tested. The liquid flow rate through an orifice can becalculated as follows: 𝑞actual 𝐶 𝐴 𝑝 𝑝 (3) where qactual = actual liquid flow rate (m3/s) A2 = area of the port (m3) gc = conversion factor = 1.0 kg-m/N-s2
Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, her PhD degree in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California. She is a member of American Society of Engineering Education, American Society of Mechanical Engineering and American Educational Research Association.Dr. Gregory Mason P.E., Seattle University Gregory S. Mason was born and raised in Spokane Washington. He received the B.S.M.E. degree from Gonzaga University in 1983, the M.S.M.E. degree in manufacturing automation from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in multi-rate digital controls, from the
projects were well balanced. On average, the studentsshared that the biological concepts were a bit more difficult than the mechanical engineeringconcepts (65% v/s 62.5%). Standardized pre-/post-summer experience surveys were also usedto assess the impact of the course modifications on the participants’ scientific self-efficacy andimpression of research (Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences, SURE) [18]. Theresults from the SURE survey at the end of the Summer 2018 show that out of the 21comparative learning gains, the EGGN 122 freshmen and sophomore were higher than thenational average in 11 and lower than the average in 5 gains. In response to the survey results,the last semester of the program involved improving the students’ preparation
Paper ID #25824Advancd Design and Fabrication of Prosthetic and Medical DevicesDr. Gaffar Barakat Gailani, New York City College of Technology Dr. Gailani is an associate professor in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Tech- nology. Received his Ph.d in Mechanical Engineering from the City University of New York in 2009. His research work is focused on poroelasticity and its application in biomechanics, additive manufactruring, and medical devices.Dr. Andy Zhang, New York City College of Technology Dr. Andy S. Zhang received his Ph.D. from the City University of New York in 1995. He is currently the
communication skills.Presenting problem solutions in a clear and concise structured manner is an important skill for the studentto develop. This provides an opportunity to practice the language of the scientific method includingspecifying the knowns and unknowns, the assumptions and the applicable principle(s), the solution, aninterpretation of the results, and a discussion on the accuracy and the recommendations for further study.Working homework problems outside of class, whether done individually or in a study group, is also anopportunity for the student to engage in a self-evaluation of mastery of the concept and whether additionalhelp is required to develop the expected level of mastery. Learning is enhanced when homework is goal-directed
= 0.05 ± 0.01)compared with “Control” (average = 0.23 ± 0.08).No statistical difference was observed between the two methods for the other categories ofmistakes individually. p-values for categories 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 were found to be 0.8, 0.23, 0.25,0.13, and 0.43, respectively. Figure 1: Comparison of mistakes per student for the eight classesOther observations. Mistake type 2 shows a significant reduction with time for instructor 1.However, this is attributed not to AR, but to the collaborative problem-solving that was part ofInstructor 1’s teaching method. This effect relates to fundamental conceptual learning achievedfrom peer teaching and has been studied in a separate work of the authors. [23]Mistake type 6 was generally
workforce and empowering those interested in STEM, regardless of their background. Dr. Huderson was a 2015-2017 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science and Technology Policy (AAAS S&T) Fellow in the Engineering Education and Centers’ division (EEC) at the National Science Foundation, where she provided leadership on developing, coordinating, and im- plementing support for programs that foster an inclusive climate for pre-collegiate and collegiate STEM students. Currently Dr. Huderson serves as the Manager of Engineering Education at the American Soci- ety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), where she is responsible for advancing and managing the research, development, promotion, implementation
with CDS alumni and current students may reinforce these observations of the advisors.Nonetheless, continual improvement is being sought with regards to the entrepreneurial mindsetof the students, and improvement to assessment techniques will be sought to ultimately producebetter graduating engineers.AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Dr. Arslan and Dr. Xie for their contributions as project advisors during thecourse of the work described. The authors also acknowledge support of this work at all levels ofadministration by Dr. Jawad, Dr. Grace, and Dr. Vaz.References [1] J. Mynderse, S. Arslan and L. Liu, "Using A Funded Capstone Project To Teach Fluid Power," ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2014.[2] J
the effects of changing variables. In this paper we discuss thefunctionality and capabilities of the tool and provide a few example use cases that can serve as alaunching point for instructors who may consider adopting it in their courses.Fig. 1 - Example of the single-point property calculator.Fig. 2 - Example T-s diagram for the state shown.4. SurveyWe implemented these PYroMat based calculators in a single undergraduate engineeringthermodynamics course as a pilot test and gathered usability data to help guide future tooldesign. Students in the course were trained using both traditional table methods and the onlinetool, and were asked to use the tool for completion of their homework assignments throughoutthe semester. A total of eight
goals of this research are to have colleagues from other departments createvideos for their areas and to make the videos public, so that any instructor or student has accessto the videos.AcknowledgementsThe research in this paper was supported by a Graduation Initiative 2025 Innovation Grant fromCalifornia State University, Fullerton.References[1] S. H. K. Kang, "Spaced Repetition Promotes Efficient and Effective Learning: Policy Implications for Instruction," Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 12-19, 2016.[2] S. B. Velegol, S. E. Zappe and M. L. Brannon, "Online modules enable prerequisite review and mastery during design courses," in Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference &
construct "JustRight?" Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 46(2), 103-128.6) Koehler, M. J. & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological content knowledge?ContemporaryIssues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 60-70.7) Koehler, M. J. & Mishra, P. (2012). TPACK ORG. Retrieved from Piaget, J. (1928). The Child's Conception of the World. London: Routledge and KeganPaul Ltd9) Carbonneau, K., Marley, S., & Selig, J. (2013). A meta-analysis of the efficacy of teachingmathematics with concrete manipulatives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(2), 380-400.10) Semerci, Ç., & Batdi, V. (2015). A meta-analysis of constructivist learning approach onlearners' academic achievements, retention and attitudes
hands-on fluid power exercises,” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, vol. 7, 5, pp. 81-88, 2018.[9] Purdue Polytechnic Institute (PPI), Purdue Polytechnic Employers Survey, 2013.[10] R. Wlodkowski, “Enhancing adult motivation to learn a comprehensive guide for teaching all adults,” San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008.[11] J.R. Weber, “Problem-based Learning Helps Bridge the Gap between the Classroom and the Real World,” Magna Publications, 2014. (Accessed online:[12] L. Springer, M. Stanne, and S. Donovan, “Effects of Small-Group Learning on Undergraduates in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology: A Meta-Analysis,” Review of Educational Research, pp
similar to doodling is that of “sketchnoting”, wherein notes are either presented ortaken using a combination of drawings and words. Proponents [7], [8] of sketchnoting supportthe idea that the learning benefits of sketching and drawing are tied to the need for a person totranslate ideas from one format (words) to another (pictures).Perhaps the most comprehensive resource related to the above, and this current paper, is thebook, The Doodle Revolution by S, Brown [9], which discusses the concept of the “Infodoodle”.An Infodoodle is a simple drawing that is created with the purpose of capturing and conveyinginformation. Brown explains not only how to create effective doodles, but also ties their use toimprovements in organization, engagement
developed for an undergraduate junior/senior robotics course;however, it is believed that its generic format makes it suitable for graduate level course adoptionas well. The deployment schedule may extend to allow for more time of discussions as seen fitby the instructor.References[1] C. Roberts, R. Olson, S. Lord, M. Camacho, M. Huang, and L. Perry, “WIP: Developing Changemaking Engineers (Year 2),” Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH, June 2017.[2] E. Reddy, B. Przestrzelski, S. M. Lord, and I. Khalil, “Introducing Social Relevance and Global Context into the Introduction to Heat Transfer Course,” Proceedings of 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018.[3] S. M. Lord, B
course for undergraduate mechanical students. The main focus presented in this paper willbe for teaching fundamental concepts of FEM theory utilized in the first 3 weeks of the semester.At the end of the course in 2018 spring semester, students participated in a class survey and tookthe CSWA-S certification exam (Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate – Simulation). Analysis ofthe collected data indicated that teaching the fundamental concepts of FEA theory significantlyhelped students to have a better understanding of FEA and facilitated them to use FEAcommercial software.2. TEACHING FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS 22.1 THE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MECH4200-SIMULATION-BASED
Exposition, 2004.[2] Hertzberg, J., “Seeing Fluid Physics: Outcomes From a Course on Flow Visualization,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Paper # QE3, 55 (16), 2010.[3] Poon, M., Todd, J., Neilson, R., Grace, D., Hertzberg, J., “Saffman-Taylor Instability in a Hele-Shaw Cell,” Physics of Fluids, 16 (9), p. S9, 2004.[4] Settles, G. S., “On the Fluid Dynamicist as Artist,” Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Gottingen, Germany, 2006.[5] Kleine, H., Settles, G. S., “The Art of Shock Waves and Their Flow Fields,” Shock Waves, 17, pp. 291-307, 2008.[6] Samuel, M., Henley, J., and Shakerin, S., “Development of a Wet Wall: An Undergraduate Research Project,” Paper #37677
the study reported inthis paper. In the future, we will use factor scores derived from factor analysis to evaluate themediation relationships between the variables in our study, and we will employ learning andmotivation theories to further explore these relationships.References[1] L. Tian, T. Yu, and E. S. Huebner, "Achievement goal orientations and adolescents’ subjective well-being in school: the mediating roles of academic social comparison directions," Teaching for understanding at university: Deep approaches and distinctive ways of thinking., vol. 8, p. 37, 2017.[2] M. V. Covington, "Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement: An integrative review," Annual review of psychology, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 171-200
enthusiastic and came prepared to discuss their own ideas to the class.Expected attributes for choosing an idea for the capstone project: Keeping in view that acapstone course is an assimilation of the knowledge gained from several of the undergraduateclasses that they took, the students were given guidelines for choosing a project idea. Some ofthese are: (a) is it a new or original ideas and design of the system? Or, (b) is it based on designimprovements and/or modification(s) of an existing design? (c) complexity of the problemchosen, (d) relative complexity of projects chosen between the teams, number of members in agroup (work load), (e) anticipated depth of analysis using math and CAE tools to carry outmultiple analyses – structural, dynamic
results of the pre- and post-surveys are shown in Table 1. The results improved from pre- topost- in all nine skills. Furthermore, the difference in the averages was shown to be statisticallysignificant (p-value < 0.01) in all nine skills.Table 1. Pre and Post Survey Results. The increase in the averages from pre- to post- werestatistically significant (p-value < 0.01). S# Skill. Each skill starts with “I feel confident about my abilities in…” Pre Post Avg. Avg. S1 Skill 1: Figuring out the magnitudes and directions of external loads acting 3.1 4.3 on the system. Textbook problems usually give the external loads but in
Physics[4] Garofalo, Joe, and Frank K. Lester Jr. "Metacognition, cognitive monitoring, andmathematical performance." Journal for research in mathematics education (1985): 163-176.Teachers, 2011.[5] Woods, Donald R. "An evidence‐based strategy for problem solving." Journal ofEngineering Education 89.4 (2000): 443-459.[6] Woods, Donald R., A. N. Hrymak, R. R. Marshall, P. E. Wood, C. M. Crowe, T. W.Hoffman, J. D. Wright, P. A. Taylor, K. A. Woodhouse, and C. G. Bouchard. "Developingproblem solving skills: The McMaster problem solving program." Journal of EngineeringEducation 86.2 (1997): 75-91.[7] Wankat, P. C., and F. S. Oreovicz. Teaching engineering. McGraw-Hill, 1993.[8] Montfort, Devlin, Shane Brown, and David Pollock. "An investigation of
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Figure 8: Zoomed in view for inflation layer Table 1: CFD Parameters Chord Length 100 mm Turbulence Model Spalart Allmaras Momentum Second Order Upwind Pressure-Velocity Coupling Simple Inlet Velocity 30 m/s Air Temperature 300 K Air Density 1.225 Kg/m3 Air Viscosity 1.7894x10-5 Kg/(m*s) Outlet gauge Pressure 0 Pa Wall