) ℎ = 𝑐𝑐 sin 𝛿𝛿 Figure 6: The dimensions g and h can be related to r through the angle θ3. Figure 7: The dimensions g and h can be related to s through the angle 𝜃𝜃3 .Next, going back to the variables r and s defined earlier, we can write 𝑟𝑟 = 𝑔𝑔 cos 𝜃𝜃3 + ℎ sin 𝜃𝜃3 (25) 𝑠𝑠 = ℎ cos 𝜃𝜃3 − 𝑔𝑔 sin 𝜃𝜃3as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. We now have two equations with one unknown, θ3. Eachequation is transcendental and difficult to solve on its own. Therefore, we will employ a fewtricks to isolate θ3. First
education. American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, 77.2. Lattuca, L. R., Bergom, I., & Knight, D. B. (2014). Professional development, departmental contexts, and use of instructional strategies. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(4), 549-572.3. Thomas, J. W. (2000). A review of research on project-based learning.4. Slough, S. W., & Milam, J. O. (2013). Theoretical framework for the design of STEM project-based learning. In STEM Project-Based Learning (pp. 15-27). SensePublishers, Rotterdam.5. Capraro, R. M., Capraro, M. M., & Morgan, J. R. (Eds.). (2013). STEM project-based learning: An integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) approach. Springer Science & Business Media.6
⇤ ⇤ ⇤ ⇤ ⇤ Q3: The scenario presented in this problem seems realistic.Figure 6 shows the electrical modeling problem presented to the system dynamics class. For thisproblem, the context-rich version contained narrative placing the problem-solver in the role of astudent dealing with data being contaminated by 60 Hz line noise and also identified the circuitas a band stop filter.A) Consider the circuit shown in the figure below. L Vin C R Vout (a) Write a transfer function that relates the input voltage Vin to the output voltage Vout . (b) Of the three circuit components, which one(s) might be changed to alter the natural frequency of this circuit?B) Please answer the following
representations listed in the two right columns include Pictorial, Symbolic, narrativeLanguage, Numeric, and Diagram. Item Relevant Vector Concepts Representations Question Answers 1 2D, position vectors, vector addition PL S 2 2D, cross product PLS L 3 2D, Cartesian components N D 4 2D, Cartesian components, vector addition DNS LN 5 3D, Cartesian components N D 6 3D
type of course content can be intensive. Our hope is that by presentingsome of our own work, methods, and tips, other Statics instructors are able to pave their ownpath towards contextualizing Statics in their own classrooms. While interested readers areencouraged to adopt the examples and projects we have presented here as a starting point, wehope our work will inspire others to develop their own context examples to, in turn, inspire theirown students to see Statics everywhere in the world around us.References[1] S. Moseley, “One Paragraph and a Few Simple Questions - Giving Statics Problems Human Context,” in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2017, p. 6.[2] G. L. Downey, “PDS: Engineering as Problem
described in this paper, we devised special courseassignments: we gave a group problem to the students in a given course on the first day of classand organized students in groups of three or four, depending on the size of the class. Groupingsof students were alphabetical, based on the first letter of their last names. The student at the topof each grouping was designated the convener and leader of the group. Students were asked tomeet weekly and work collaboratively to solve the assigned problem(s) as a group and to submitone report of their work as a group on the last day of class, which is about one week before theday of the final exam. This report was worth 10% of the course grade. Students were encouragedto collaborate on other assignments, as
convoluted set of equations requiring several intermediatesteps. as shown in section 2's typical textbook solution for the Timoshenko problem. Tosimplify, all vectors are represented in polar form. Five Simplified Integrated Methods ofSolution (SIMS) are developed and applied progressively to solve the ten types of basicplanar vector systems that occur in statically determinate engineering mechanics problems.SIMS will yield scalar equations each with only one unknown for solving basic vectorsystems with two or three unknowns. For use in SIMS, polar vectors are classified as below.Solutions to examples start by identifying the type and forming the vector system equations.1. Vector with known magnitude and direction 3 (20) Known
resource-rich contexts.AcknowledgementsThis study is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under GrantNo. 1525671. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. This workwas conducted with oversight provided by the PUWL Institutional Review Board.References:[1] Garrison, D. R., & Kanuka, H. (2004). Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 7(2), 95–105.[2] Gurmak, S., & Glenn, H. (2014). Barriers and enablers to adoption and diffusion of eLearning : A systematic review of the literature – a need for an integrative approach
with Coulomb frictionData collection methodology: All the ISMs were posted on the online course managementsystem, which is Canvas at this institution, at the beginning of the semester to allow the studentsto download and run any of the ISMs at their time of choosing. When the lecture arrived at atopic that is animated in an ISM, the instructor would run that ISM in class to explain keyconcept(s). The students were told that the ISM was developed by one of the authors.The surveys, which were deemed to be IRB-exempt at the institution where the course is taughtsince they fall under the category of “anonymous surveys or interviews”, were developed withthe intent of covering the key concepts that each ISM demonstrates. Students were told that
-through examples are presented in each chapter that can be used to reinforce students’ learning.3 - Results and discussion The eBook has been utilized in three consecutive semesters as a supplementary ALS inMechanics of Materials, a course offered at Missouri S&T. Missouri S&T is one of four collegesin the University of Missouri system. In total, there are 76,000 students in the system; MissouriS&T is the campus with the most emphasis on science and engineering. There are about 9000students studying at this campus, 77% of which are pursuing undergraduate degrees, with mostof them majoring in engineering. Mechanics of Materials is a core introductory course for many engineering disciplines,including civil, mechanical
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student use of the free-body diagram representation on their performance,” Edu. Research, vol. 1 (10), pp 505-511, 2010.[4] D. Rosengrant, A. Van Heuvelen, and E. Etkina, “Do students use and understand free-body diagrams?,” Phys. Review. Special Topics - Physics Education Research, vol. 5(1), 13p, 2009.[5] D. Rosengrant, A. Van Heuvelen, and E. Etkina, “Free-Body Diagrams: Necessary or Sufficient?,” in 2004 Physics Education Research Conference, Sacramento, California, August 4-5, J. Marx, P. Heron, S. Franklin, Eds. American Institute of Physics, 2005, pp 177-180.[6] P. Kohl, D. Rosengrant, and N. Finkelstein, “Strongly and weakly directed approaches to teaching multiple representation use
and interpretation of viewing data recorded by Kaltura.References[1] J. L. Bishop and M. A. Verleger, “The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research”, in Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 23-26, 2013. Available: https://peer.asee.org/22585[2] J. O'Flaherty and C. Phillips. "The use of flipped classrooms in higher education: A scoping review." The Internet and Higher Education, vol. 25, pp. 85-95, Feb. 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2015.02.002[3] L. Christopher, “The flipped classroom in further education: literature review and case study”, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, vol. 20:3, pp. 265-279, Aug. 2015, DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2015.1063260[4] S. L. Dazo, N. R
, we find it to be an oversimplification of how forcesinteract with the object (surface vs. body forces) and believe that this method of introducingstudents to the FBD (which is primarily done in Physics) could lead to more misconceptionsinstead of being a stepping stone to understanding rigid-body equilibrium. An example of thispoor habit is demonstrated for a two-block setup connected by an inextensible cable (modifiedSample Problem 5.03 from Halliday and Resnick [20]). Example: Determine the largest mass m where block A would remain stationary if M 10 kg, s 0.20 and k 0.15 . Figure 3. (a) Problem statement figure, (b) Halliday and Resnick’s FBDs, (c) Better FBDsHalliday and Resnick’s FBDs for this problem are shown in Figure 3
complex problems, because you can only talk to yourself so much before you need someone else's input to really make a breakthrough on a problem.”Table 2 - Students’ suggestions for setting up environments to create optimal interactions Suggestion Freq. Example(s) Creating an 22 “I think that setting up an environment that doesn’t just cater to one “type” of inclusive person is the most important aspect of this. Not every person fits into the same environment, box, so why should they have to work in an environment that isn’t
demonstration presents idealized support models that are commonlyencountered in engineering mechanics and subsequent coursework in the civil and mechanicalengineering disciplines. Although considerable preparation time is initially necessary to buildthe support mock-ups, they can be used for many years with little to no maintenance.Student Learning Outcomes: ability to: recognize each fundamental type of support (pin, roller,and fixed), and identify the scalar reaction(s) imparted to a body due to the supportResources: 1" diameter PVC pipe, various pieces of wood, assortment of bolts and screws,demonstration tablePreparation time: > 4 hoursDemonstration time: 10 minutesProcedure: Prior to the classroom demonstration, the various supports are
. The challenge lies inbuilding a box in which the pigeons can learn. How to design learning so it becomes natural,commonplace, even predictable?The show goes on to consider the role of the teacher:Now, you might think that this makes teachers unimportant. You'd be completely wrong. Theteacher is anything but a bystander. That's because it's the teacher who designs the world inwhich the student learns.The goal of this paper has been to present the design of a better box in which students can learn.The work is ongoing.References[1] L. Spence, “The Case Against Teaching”, Change, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 10-19, 2001.[2] L. D. Fink, Creating Significant Learning Experiences, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.[3] D. J. Wheeler, and D. S. Chambers
these two learning tools to enhancestudent learning.References[1] D. M. Bunce, “Teaching Is More Than Lecturing and Learning Is More Than Memorizing 1 2007 James Flack Norris Award,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 86, no. 6, 2009.[2] J. E. Lewis and T. D. Rockaway, “Using MyEngineeringLab for Learning Reinforcement in a Mechanics 1 : Statics,” Am. Soc. Eng. Educ., 2017.[3] J. Penner, E. Kreuze, S. Langsam, and J. Kreuze, “Online Homework versus Pen and Pencil Homework: Do the bensfits outweigh the costs?,” 2010.[4] R. O’Neill, A. Badir, L. D. Nguyen, and D. J. Lura, “Homework methods in engineering mechanics, part two,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo. Conf. Proc., vol. 2016–June, 2016.[5] G. Kortemeyer, “Gender differences in the use of an
pairingmechanical engineering and kinesiology students, to promote teamwork and interdisciplinaryskills.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by a grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation. Opinions, interpretations,conclusions, and recommendations are those of the authors.References[1] P. Klein, S. Gröber, J. Kuhn, A. Fleischhauer, and A. Müller, "The right frame of reference makes it simple: an example of introductory mechanics supported by video analysis of motion," European Journal of Physics, vol. 36, p. 015004, 2014.[2] W. M. Wehrbein, "Using video analysis to investigate intermediate concepts in classical mechanics," American Journal of Physics, vol. 69, pp. 818-820, 2001.[3] P. Laws and H. Pfister, "Using digital video analysis in introductory
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necessary to reach a broader audience. The author hopes that from here readers may beable to develop other innovative uses of rotation operator. The solutions for the combinedrotations are verified so it is safe to use. A ball joint for the support is proposed so the rotationcan be done according to any axis through the center of the ball in the space.REFERENCE1) Ying, S. J. “Advanced Dynamics “ Book, AIAA Education Series 1997.2) Siemens, M. Hancock, J. Siminovitch, D. “Beyond Euler Angles: Exploiting the Angle-Axis Parametrization in a Multipole Expansion of the Rotation Operator” in Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2007 31(1) pp.35-543) Greenwood, D. “Advanced Dynamics” Book, Cambridge University Press 2003.4) Bourne, D. “Vector
lbm ,lb 4 ft , 45 , and 0 . Accordingly, mb 50/32.174 1.554 (lbf s 2 )/ft .Constraints and RelationsAs a direct result of the geometric constraints on the bar motion, simple vector relationships andtwo successive time-differentiations yield rG 12 (rA rB ) aG 12 (a A a B ) (16)Other kinematic constraints for the two-dimensional motion of the falling/sliding bar include a A aA i aG ax i a y j , (17) a B aB [(cos ) i (sin ) j] α kWhen selected relations from Eqs
grade. Students,however, will be quizzed on a weekly basis to check their learning performance and the quizzesaccount for 30% of the final grade.Let us use a particle kinetics problem as an example to explain how this problem is presented tostudents as different assignments. Table 4 An example of different types of assignment on KD. Problem Statement: The smooth 2-kg cylinder 𝐶 has a pin 𝑃 through its center which passes through the slot in arm 𝑂𝐴. If the arm is forced to rotate in the vertical plane at a constant rate 𝜃̇ = 0.5 rad/s, determine the force that the arm exerts on the peg at the instant 𝜃 = 60∘ [1]. Online Assignment Choose a coordinate system for the problem. (Assigned
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, and positive student comments in Appendix C), instructorsmust excite students to take ownership of the questions and work independently on modeldevelopment. One way to do this is to introduce applications right from the dynamics or, fluidscourse which students regularly use or, have seen before, and prepare a mathematical modelaround it [18]. Note that the first two questions in Appendix A are attempting just that. Sincestudents would not recall the speed of sound and Mach number (M) check for incompressibility,the second question provides the value of the limiting airspeed of 102 m/s. It does give theinstructor opportunity to address the M < 0.3 limit while discussing the solutions with students.The location of stagnation points, the
100% rational and easy to follow solution process, Meets Minimum including required diagrams and figures Competency Incorrect answer due to one or two minor errors II 80% but supported by a correct solution process as described in Level I Does Not Meet Minimum III 0% Incorrect answer due to conceptual error(s) CompetencyIn Level II scores described in Table 2, there are two necessary conditions for classifying anerror as minor: 1. The mistake is a minor algebraic error, computational error, error in units or significant digits, or other human mistake such