required, 4 credit-hour, first-yearengineering course at a medium-sized, private university. Course learning outcomes includedtopics in design and intellectual property, among a range of other foundational areas.Coursework included a major team-based, design-and-build project. This project had a slightlycompetitive aspect in that bonus points were awarded to the team that built the best project.Three years ago, one of the authors conceived and implemented a “class patent” system wherebyteams could write and submit an application to patent a project idea. By patenting an idea, a teamcould hope to gain competitive advantage in achieving the best project. As a pedagogical study, we sought to determine the effects of the class patent system
is based on student's formal project report and the employer’s evaluationsurvey. The minor co-op employer evaluates the students’ performance based on the followingcriteria:1- Evaluation of Student Performance Expectations ● Specialized Knowledge ○ Basic knowledge and understanding of the theoretical aspects ○ Basic knowledge & understanding of the technical aspects ● Broad and Integrative Learning ○ Ability to explore concepts and questions that bridge different areas of learning ○ Ability to write effectively ○ Ability to communicate effectively ○ Ability to critically and creatively
, textbooks, and peers [2, 4, 6]. Situatedcognition theory offers a theoretical framework for studying this education-practice gap inengineering. Situated cognition theory proposes that the social and material contexts whereinknowledge is learned and applied influences our ability to apply similar knowledge in newcontexts [7]. Engineering education often focuses on transmitting conceptual knowledge tostudents in abstract formats with the intent of providing students a fundamental understanding ofconcepts so that they can apply these concepts to unique situations in their future coursework orengineering careers [5, 8]. Situated cognition challenges this ubiquitous notion of concepts andour ability to apply conceptual knowledge within novel
leaders of relevant organizations, providing students withengineering faculty as mentors, and finally, introducing them to the design process, working inteams, technical writing, and oral presentation.More specifically, cognitive stimulation was supplied by introducing the concept of engineeringdesign to the students early in their academic career. In some sections of the experimental US1100classes, a design project was completed after design theory was taught. Introducing students todesign early on in their academic careers has been shown to help students develop crucial skillsthat they would need throughout the remainder of their education and well into their career, suchas critical thinking, working effectively in teams, and technical
themselves as engineers, including elements related to gender and physicalcharacteristics (e.g., skin color, hair color and style), all of which students can customize using avariety of LEGO and craft material options.In the activity, we prompt students to imagine themselves as an engineer and doing engineering.Student write or sketch or write notes, then use a curated collection of LEGO bricks to build ascene of themselves doing engineering. Initially, student created themselves using LEGO mini-figurines and their scene with LEGO bricks; in future iterations, students will create themselveswith craft materials and their scene with LEGO bricks. At the end of the activity, studentsreflect on what they have created by verbally sharing their creation
under the any of the EAC program areas, so that program only had to meet the generalEAC curricular requirements.The general and program-specific EAC requirements set minimums for the size of the math andscience foundation and specified the inclusion of a small set of topics or courses, which still leftus quite a bit of flexibility for determining the content of each program, especially at the upperdivision. To make sure that we were not going far afield, we took the time to research otherprograms. Because EE is a very large field, we started with a list of 93 programs at similar uni-versities and then eventually narrowed that list to a set of six programs that we considered to beaspirational peers. MFGE, however, is a relatively small field
a fellow engineering Terp. She has been accepted to Johns Hopkins University to begin her studies towards a PhD in Civil Engineering this fall.Dr. Sharon Fries-Britt, University of Maryland, College Park Sharon Fries-Britt is a Professor of Higher Education at the University of Maryland, College Park in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education (CHSE). Her research examines the experiences of high achieving Blacks in higher education and underrepresented minorities (URMs) in STEM fields. Dr. Fries-Britt has published widely within peer-reviewed journals and she has served on c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019
Engineering in collaboration with the University of Oxford and Isis Enterprise. She has authored many peer-reviewed publications and has taught different courses in advanced robotics, mechatronics, signal analysis, computer environment, embedded systems, digital and electric circuits, and control systems. B. Lorena Villarreal’s research interests include both mobile robotics and artificial intelligence systems. Because technology is constantly changing, she always advocates for research in the use of new technolo- gies. She believes that professors should be able to evolve as well, providing students with up-to-date theoretical background, experience, and practical knowledge, all of which will help them to develop an
the problem. This focus is appropriate for the specific material ofthe course, but it misses how and why one gets to the point where the course material is needed.It also misses more general aspects of engineering and technology. Courses with project workmove beyond this to some degree, but are unlikely to succeed in covering some facets oftechnological and engineering literacy (TEL).Many approaches have been documented for teaching technological and engineering literacy [4,5]. A search for technological and engineering literacy in the ASEE PEER database in February,2019, resulted in a list of 60 papers from technical sessions of the Technological and EngineeringLiteracy/Philosophy of Engineering (TELPhE) Division alone; 163 are listed for
Manufacturability course (ME 350)was moved to the sophomore year and renumbered as ME 270 to have a required hands-ondesign experience in all four years of the curriculum. Because of the longitudinal nature of thetask, the team also decided to address other identified opportunities in the curriculum, such asimproving technical writing instruction and team skills.As a result, students began to see common graphics for the design process for each course in thesequence. The team began their development of the curriculum by formulating a unified designprocess flowchart for use in all courses. While students in the formative courses may not beexpected to memorize the design process flowchart, by the time they have reached their capstonecourse, they will have
phenomena. For each lesson, they select the SEPs that are key to the lesson. 3. Write a learning performance—Teachers write a single statement of a learning performance describing the objective of the lesson while considering the three dimensions together. A learning performance statement has a similar format and structure as a PE. However, unlike a performance expectation, a learning performance focuses only on a portion of a PE, usually a single step in the instructional sequence. 4. Ask the right questions—When writing learning performance statements, the following questions recommended by the NSTA may be helpful for consideration. What prior knowledge is needed to understand the DCIs and what are the
, and Learning. Student responses were most often coded as InterpersonalRelationships (67% of responses) as their greatest success and Acclimating (38%) as theirbiggest challenge (Figure 1).Most student successes coded as Relationships reflected building community with their peers asa success. For example, one student commented ‘I consider my greatest success for my first year, which was this year, was all of the different people I have met, and the connections made whether it’s been the classmates in my [ASMT] classes or the friends I made from joining Alpha Gamma Rho. Coming here from California
academic support on both campuses was also identifiedas a way to better provide access to academic resources. Drop-in tutoring with graduateassistants as well as peer tutors was organized on both campuses. The attendance at these drop-insessions is tracked for scheduling and assessment purposes.Through review of first year seminars, relevant topics and activities to help students developappropriate learning skills were identified [7-9]. These topics were prepared into a series ofmodules that could be used in a first-year seminar. To add a credit for a mandatory first-yearseminar required a broader overview of the engineering foundations courses (required forsecondary admission into the engineering programs). This review is being completed as part
on problem solving and STEM related. 3. Doing activities that hands on, messy, relevant to the girls’ world, and age appropriate (11yo to 14yo).Engineering is based on design that includes identifying a problem and finding a solution whileconsidering constraints and trade-offs. While students are introduced to STEM concepts andnotions, there is a stringent need to present them with design principles blended with open-endedproblem-solving approaches faced by engineers in real life applications.The activities presented aimed to tap into the natural curiosities of the young women for inquiry,communication, construction and expression. Inquiry into the topics presented below for processunderstanding of design, communication through peer
well as the type of math coursestaken during the student’s first year. Chen [5] discovered that taking a lighter course load withless challenging math courses while having a poor performance in those courses lead to ahigh chance of switching out of STEM. Another noteworthy result from this study: All other factors being equal, bachelor’s degree STEM entrants who first attended public 4-year institutions had a higher probability of leaving STEM by switching majors than those who started at private nonprofit 4-year institutions. Bachelor’s degree STEM entrants who were male or who came from low-income backgrounds had a higher probability of leaving STEM by dropping out of college than their peers who were female or came from
instructor.Successes and Lessons LearnedThis class seems to satisfy many of the learning objectives quite well. When assessing their ownabilities, students who completed both the intro and the exit survey over the last two years showeda 20% improvement in their ability to “communicate STEM to younger students”, a 23%improvement in their ability to “manage a classroom”, a 51% improvement in “developing STEMlessons”, a 32% improvement in “classroom time management”, and a 39% improvement in“working with peer instructors.” Students were also asked about how extensive and how unjustsocial, economic, and educational injustice is (i) world-wide, (ii) nationally, (iii) in the Bay Area(California), (iv) in neighborhoods surrounding SCU, and (v) at SCU. In almost all
affecting the ability of different students to feel socially included among theirclassmates and strive academically. To answer this question, we sent a survey to all Computer andElectrical Engineering students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo asking about their experiences withthese types of expenses. Ultimately the survey collected responses from 114 students across theeconomic spectrum, from students facing homelessness due to education costs, to those who donot face financial burdens or the need to work to support their education.Overall some of the results of this paper were promising. Students of lower means largely do notreport feeling ostracized from their peers based on laptop ownership or the need to rely on coursepartners to pay for components
, students would not realize the need, or whether it is even possible, to write a reallycompact code desired by miniature embedded controllers. Additionally, students see real-world usageof the topics they have learned in digital electronics classes, particularly logic circuit blocks such asALUs (Arithmetic and Logic Units), registers, and data direction control blocks, etc. High-levellanguages typically do not expose students to the architecture of processors and their atomic actions.There are many concepts and techniques in high-level programming that can only be analyzed andscrutinized by assembly level actions. Assembly coding teaches them details about the processor andmicrocontroller functions, and builds their confidence to use embedded
understanding together and are working with common interests for theirteaching even if they are teaching different classes.Faculty development groups were designed to follow the SIMPLE principles, which had beendeveloped and refined during a prior project that studied a network of ongoing faculty learningcommunities in a single discipline but across multiple institutions [8]. The SIMPLE principlesare: Sustainable – groups are small, ongoing, relevant to participants; Incremental change –participants identify and implement small, manageable changes that can require only modesttime and are not overwhelming; Mentoring – participants receive mentoring from the groupleader, as well as peer mentoring form other members of the group; People-driven
Pi Epsilon honorary society.Dr. Cliff C Zou, University of Central Florida Dr. Cliff Zou received his PhD degree from Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in 2005, and MS and BS degree from University of Science & Technology of China in 1999 and 1996, respectively. Currently he is an Associate Professor in Department of Com- puter Science and the Program Coordinator of Digital Forensics Master program in University of Central Florida. His research interests focus on cybersecurity and computer networking. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed research papers, and has obtained more than 5800 Google Scholar Citations. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE
or teaching assistant support, as well as by providing students who take the course as partof their graduation, professional development, and/or teaching requirements. Finally, external in-dustry sponsors offer additional, sustainable financial support as well as some industry-perspectiveinstruction in return for the opportunity to recruit from a pool of graduate students.ActivitiesThe course consists of a weekly seminar that can be taken for one or two credit hours. Seminarsare taught in an active-learning style, with plentiful group discussions and in-class activities suchas think-pair-share. Some seminars are supplemented by reflective writing assignments. Studentswho take the course for two credits also complete a research project and
emphasizes learning withoutthe burden of assignments and without assessment through intimidating exams and tests unlike atraditional classroom environment. Oliveira adopted active learning approaches to encourageactive learning and engagement among students in face-to-face electrical engineering technologycourses. The assessment results demonstrated that the active learning strategies havesuccessfully met the teaching requirements (Oliveira, 2015). Cooperative learning activitiespromote peer interaction and assist the development of engineering course in terms of betterlearning of concepts and content. Akili developed a cooperative learning method in a large-scaleengineering education, in which the cooperative learning has been proven to be
), AAAS (Fellow), ASME (Fellow), RAeS (Fellow), and ASEE (member). Dr. Pidaparti will move to University of Georgia in January 2014 as a professor of mechanical engineering.Prof. Christopher Stewart Rose, James Madison University I do research on the development and evolution of amphibian anatomy and I teach courses on comparative anatomy of vertebrate animals, animal development, human development and evolution, scientific writing, and biology in the movies.Ms. Elizabeth Marie Tafoya Elizabeth Tafoya is a fourth year engineering student at James Madison University. In addition to engi- neering, Elizabeth has a minor in geology. She has participated in Bio-inspired Design for Dr. J Nagel since the Spring of 2017 to
.O’Sullivan, D., 2003. Online project based learning in innovation management. Education+ Training, 45(2), pp.110-117.Shaffer, C.D. et al. (2010). The Genomics Education Partnership: successful integration of research into laboratory classes at a diverse group of undergraduate institutions. CBE Life Sci Educ. 9, 55-6.Shaffer, C.D. et al. (2014). A Course-Based Research Experience: How Benefits Change with Increased Investment in Instructional Time. CBE-Life Sci. Educ. 13, 111–130.Tamim, S.R. and Grant, M.M. (2013). Definitions and uses: Case study of teachers implementing project-based learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 7(2), pp.3.Van Den Bogaard, M.E. and Saunders-Smits, G.N., 2007, October. Peer &
harbor beliefs about what theirmajor or field of study indicate about themselves, and likewise what other students’ decisionssay about them. For example, it is widely accepted that many engineers believe nontechnicalskills to be easy and subsequently less valuable in the grander scheme of things [10]. A belieflike this could potentially impact the way that an engineering student interacts with a teammatein a nontechnical major like political science or creative writing. By encouraging students tocollaborate with a diverse team in a capstone environment, they are given the chance toexperience interdisciplinary interactions prior to entering the professional world. Further,observing and gaining an understanding of the impact that this pre
,” “relatable” and“engaging” (p. 196) [44]. Students in a social science department in the U.K. described viewingtheir TAs as near-peers and therefore more approachable and better positioned to providestudents with support and advice [8]. In a study of students in inquiry-based chemistry courses,Wheeler et al. [18] found significant correlations between student perceptions of TAs (as “moresupportive,” “more interactive,” “asked thoughtful questions”) and student-reported learninggains. Similarly, Trenshaw et al. [17] posited that “students take motivational cues from theTA,” (p. 1202) with students reporting higher motivation in a second-year engineering coursewhen they perceived their TA as caring about their learning. A TA’s sense of self-efficacy
in academia and research, broaden my knowledge base, engage in evidence-based practices to promote the quality of life, and ultimately be an avid contributor to the world of academia through research, peer reviews, and publications. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Negotiating Identity as a Response to Shame: A Study of Shame within an Experience as a Woman in EngineeringAbstract: This research paper presents the findings of an interpretative phenomenologicalanalysis (IPA) case study of the experience of shame in a woman engineering student. Ouroverarching research question that framed this study was: How do woman students with multiplesalient identities
class.But the reality is that some students will exploit this. New instructors are forewarned that theyshould expect heartrending emails and face-to-face begging from students who want to passwithout learning. Some students will do almost anything to get a grade changed. Instructorsshould be open to show a student how the final grade is computed, yet should not alter any gradesbecause the failing grade with bring dire consequences. All students must be graded using thesame grading criteria. Examples of recent emails are shared to help prepare new teachers, one isincluded here: Professor XXX, I have tried my best to do everything except write you and bother you again. I have truly become desperate and I want you to know that I have
Paper ID #26352Factors Influencing the Interest Levels of Male versus Female Students goinginto STEM Fields (Evaluation)Dr. Murad Musa Mahmoud, Wartburg College Murad is an Assistant Professor at the Engineering Science Department at Wartburg College. He has a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Utah State University. Research interests include recruitment into STEM, diversity in STEM as well pedagogy and instruction.Ms. Jessica Marie Faber, Wartburg College Jessica is a student at Wartburg College studying Engineering Science with a minor in Creative Writing and Mathematics. She is active with soccer at Wartburg and works
Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.Dr. Kang Xia, Virginia Tech Kang Xia received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997), M.S. from Louisiana State University (1993), and B.S. from Beijing Agricultural University (1989). She was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997-1998), an Assistant Professor at Kansas State University (1998-2001), University of Georgia (2002-2005), and Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Mississippi State University (2006-2010), an Associate Professor at Mississippi State University (2010- 2011) and at Virginia Tech (2011-2016). She also served as Director for Re