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Displaying results 601 - 630 of 861 in total
Conference Session
Instrumentation in the Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
Amir Karimi
, Albuquerque, New Mexico.2. Karimi, A., Bench, S., and Hodges, Suzan, “Improving Engineering Student Retention in an Urban University,” Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Gulf-Southwest Section of ASEE, March 28-30, 2001, College Station, Texas.3. Rogers, A.C., and Karimi, A.,“Design, Build, and Activation Experience in an Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Program,” ASEE-GSW-2003- IA, Proceeding of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Gulf- Southwest Section of ASEE, Arlington, Texas, March 19-21, 20034. Wells, L.K. and J. Travis, J., LabVIEW for Everyone, Prentice Hall, 1997 (ISBN:0-13-268194-3).Biographical InformationAMIR KARIMIDr. Karimi is Professor of and Mechanical Engineering and Associate Dean of
Conference Session
Innovations in Web Site Design
2003 Annual Conference
Amy Van Epps
Session 2241 Dynamically generated pages using database-to-web technologies: Enhancing library services and operations Amy S. Van Epps Purdue University, West LafayetteAbstractMuch of the information used in libraries is handled and processed through databases. Often anindividual has primary responsibility for data entry of information from many people. If thedatabase has restricted access or is stored on a local machine, then the data entry person may alsohave the responsibility for retrieving information. Database-to-web technologies can be used toallow
Conference Session
Issues for ET Administrators
2003 Annual Conference
Abi Aghayere
wascharged to report back to the ETC by June of 2003 at the ASEE Annual Conference in Nashville.In this paper, the authors will discuss what ET scholarship involves, the importance andrelevance of ET scholarship, appropriate Evaluation of ET scholarship, Faculty Workload(teaching, scholarship and service) Model(s), and the Challenges and Opportunities of ETscholarship. A web-based literature survey is carried out to determine the faculty workloadpolicy that currently exists at various colleges and universities across the country, and thisinformation is used in developing the proposed ET faculty workload model presented in thispaper.IntroductionThe issue of scholarship in Engineering Technology (ET) is becoming an important topic ofdiscussion within
Conference Session
New Approaches in Engineering Curriculum
2003 Annual Conference
John Doherty; Gerald Gannod
in exploring other markets. In their projects they were able toget a 75% rate of reuse while significantly reducing average product cycle time.National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and Raytheon. NRO was facing the prospect all gov-ernment agencies faced in the 1990’s, a reduction in their budget and staffing without a reductionin workload. One of the solutions they used was to incorporate a product line approach to thedevelopment of their satellite C2 software2, pages 443–483 . The NRO with assistance from SEI con- Page 8.1237.13tracted Raytheon to develop a package containing the core assets needed to develop any satellite Proceedings of
Conference Session
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
2003 Annual Conference
J.W. Bruce
Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society of Engineering Education8. M. Hedley and S. Barrie, “An undergraduate microcontroller systems laboratory”, IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 345, 1998.9. D.B. Kaufman, R.M. Felder, and H. Fuller, “Accounting for individual learning effort in cooperative learning teams,” J. Engineering Educ., pp. 133-140, 2000.10. D.L. Maskell , “Student-based assessment in a multi-disciplinary problem based learning environment,” J. Engi- neering Educ., pp. 237-241, 1999.11. W.J. McKeachie and G. Gibbs, Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teach- ers, 10/e, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.12. W.R
Conference Session
Assessment Strategies in BAE
2003 Annual Conference
Thomas J. Brumm; Larry F. Hanneman; Brian Steward; Steven Mickelson
 assessment results can help students to improveprofessionally, and help faculty to improve curriculum to help ensure student success in theengineering workplace. Page 8.1247.15“Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & ExpositionCopyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”Bibliography1, January 14, 2003.2 Development of Workplace Competencies Sufficient to Measure ABET Outcomes. S. K. Mickelson, L. F. Hanneman, R.Guardiola, and T. J. Brumm. Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &Exposition.3 Validation of
Conference Session
Assessment of Graphics Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Thomas Krueger; Theodore Aanstoos; Ronald Barr
activities and presents the results of thesepreliminary surveys, which universally showed a positive learning trend in the course.IntroductionThe freshman “Engineering Design and Graphics” course at the University of Texas at Austincontinues to evolve from its inception many decades ago. In its early days, and up until about1985, the course was primarily a drafting course that taught engineering students how to makemanual board drawings and how to solve spatial geometry problems. The advent of affordabledesktop computers ushered in a short-lived era of “electronic” drafting. In the 1990’s, theEngineering Graphics program at the University of Texas at Austin received a series of NSFeducation grants1-3 to develop a new graphics curriculum based on 3-D
Conference Session
Multimedia Engineering Education,Distance, Service, & Internet-Based Approaches
2003 Annual Conference
Alan Adams; Nick Safai
. Figure 22. Seat acceleration at 0.06 second (Note: acceleration units in m/s2) Figure 23. Seat velocity at 0.06 second (Note: velocity units in m/s) Page 8.430.16 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2003, American Society for Engineering Education Figure 24. Seat global horizontal displacement at 0.06 second (units in meters)5. Multi-body Technique (MADYMO Simulation)A Multi-body seat and ATD were modeled as shown in Figure 25. This model consists of a rigidbody seat defined by planes, which are connected with
Conference Session
Best Zone Papers
2003 Annual Conference
Mary Anderson-Rowland
. Engineering Workforce Commission of the American Association of Engineering Societies, Inc., Engineering & Technology Enrollments, Fall 2000, Washington, DC, 2000. 3. Engineering Workforce Commission of the American Association of Engineering Societies, Inc., Engineering Degrees & Technology Degrees, 2000, Washington, DC, 2000. 4. Sax, L.J.; Astin, A. W.; Korn, W. S.; and Mahoney, K. M., The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2001, Higher Education Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, December 2001. 5. Anderson-Rowland, Mary R.; Baker, Dale R.; Secola, Patricia M.; Smiley, Bettie A.; Evans, Donovan L.; and Middleton, James A., “Integrating Engineering Concepts under Current K-12
Conference Session
Innovative Hands-On Projects and Labs
2003 Annual Conference
David Hall; Kelly Crittenden
. Nelson, J. D. and S. A. Napper. 1999. Ramping Up an Integrated Engineering Curri culum to FullImplementation. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, PuertoRico.4. Nelson, J.D., S. Napper, B. Elmore, J. Carpenter, B. Deese. 1998. An Integrated Freshman EngineeringCurriculum. Frontiers in Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ.5. Hall, D., P. Hadala, and F. Roberts. 2000. Laboratory Exercises for Statics and Mechanics of Materialson a Shoestring. Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Meeting, St. Louis,Missouri.6. Hyams, D.G. 1997. CurveExpert 1.3. InformationDr. David Hall is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University
Conference Session
Aerospace Engineering Curriculum
2003 Annual Conference
Abdel Mazher
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Surya Mallapragada; Maureen Griffin; Mary Huba; Jacqueline Shanks; Kevin Saunders; Charles Glatz
sharing communication rubrics.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award:EEC-0087696. Page 8.1256.7 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering EducationReferences1. Wilkerson, L. and Gijselaers, W. H. (eds). Bringing Problem-Based Learning to Higher Education: Theory and Practice. Jossey-Bass Pub., San Francisco, 1996.2. ABET Web Site 3. Barrows, H. S. Problem-Based Learning in Medicine and Beyond: A Brief Overview. pp. 3-12.4. Huba, M. E., & Freed, J. E
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
George List; Stacy Eisenman
Annual Conference Proceedings (2), pp. 2039-2043, June 25-28 1995.[6] P.S. Chinowsky and J.A. Vanegas, “Facilitating Interdisciplinary Civil Engineering Education through aLiving Laboratory,” Proceedings of the 1995 Annual ASEE Conference, Part 1(of 2), pp 596-600, Anaheim, CA,June 25-28, 1995.[7] S. Eisenman and G.F. List, “The Admiral Combs Design Retreat,” paper submitted to the 2003 Annual ASEEConference, Nashville, TN, June 22-25, 2003.[8] G.L. Fiegel and J.S. DeNatale, “Hands-On Geotechnical Engineering at the Undergraduate Level,”Geotechnical Special Publication 109, GeoDenver 2000 Conference ‘Educational Issues in GeotechnicalEngineering,’ pp 71-85, Denver, CO, August 5-8, 2000.[9] R.L. Kolar, K.K. Muraleetharan, M.A. Mooney, B.E. Vieux
Conference Session
Using IT to Enhance Design Education
2003 Annual Conference
Karthik Ramani; Anderson David; Alexander Lee
instructordecides on the learning objectives, the sequence, the reading materials, and the evaluationprocedure. The classroom is a way of aggregating students and creating an effective distributionchannel for moving knowledge from the instructor to the student(s). The web model of learningand team-based project we have developed for ME444 is based on a different set of principles:Both the instructor and students are co-developers of the course and the learning experience.This pooling of knowledge is critical to creating an exciting learning experience, especially whenit comes to bringing the experiences of each student to the classroom, allowing cross-fertilizationto occur.Finally, our goal is to create frameworks and tools that are appropriate to the new
Conference Session
Retention of Minority Students
2003 Annual Conference
Claire Lynne McCullough
Page 8.650.3 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Copyright 2003, American Society for Engineering Education … has never been a threat to science or mathematics, because when we need more scientists or mathematicians, we import them, and science and mathematics lives on. That’s the way we, as a nation, have dealt for decades with SMET shortages…[The United States] imported scientists during World War II; math faculty in the 60’s from England (and questionably left England in a bad situation); graduate students since the 70’s; and faculty today. Yet now our quick-fix importation strategy fails us. We can’t
Conference Session
Programmatic Curriculum Developments
2003 Annual Conference
W.B. stouffer; Jeffrey Russell
Session #2615 Too Liberal or Not Liberal Enough: Liberal Arts, Electives, and Professional Skills W.B. Stouffer and Jeffrey S. Russell Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-MadisonIntroductionA well conceived liberal arts education is essential to developing the professional skills neededfor 21st century engineering practice. Currently, the liberal arts comprise a component of mostundergraduate engineering curricula, though as a recent study indicates, not necessarily asignificant or well
Conference Session
What Makes Them Continue?
2003 Annual Conference
Staci Provezis; Mary Besterfield-Sacre; Larry Shuman; Siripen Larpkiattaworn; Obinna Muogboh; Dan Budny; Harvey Wolfe
,” Computer Applications in Engineering Education, September, 2002, 10(2), pp. 88-97.9. Besterfield-Sacre, ME, LJ Shuman, H. Wolfe, A. Scalise, S. Larpkiattaworn, OS Muogboh, D. Budny, RL Miller, and BM Olds, “Modeling for Educational Enhancement and Assessment.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2002.10. Ibid.11. Callison, R., D. Budny, and K. Thomes, “Simulated Conference Meets Academic, Advising, and Library Goals for Freshmen Engineering Students,” American Society for Engineering Education 2002 Annual Conference, June 2002, pp 1 - 23, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.12. Hein, TL and D. Budny, “Learning the ‘Write’ Way in Science and Engineering. 2001 IEEE
Conference Session
Student Chapters - Formulas for Success
2003 Annual Conference
Russell Mills; Tonya Emerson
Session 3215 Student Chapters – An Adjunct to Engineering Education Tonya L. Emerson, Russell S. Mills California State University, ChicoAbstractNew engineering graduates are expected to possess an ever-expanding array of skills. Yet,classroom synthesis is not conducive to many of these proficiencies. Student professionalsocieties can help cultivate valuable interpersonal, professional and technical skills through avariety of extracurricular activities.The success of a student chapter can be as valuable as the curriculum in defining the quality ofan engineering department
Conference Session
Women in Engineering: New Research
2003 Annual Conference
Donna Riley
takes away from quantitative instruction; on the contrary, it often provides bothcontext and motivation for students to pursue the quantitative aspects with more enthusiasm. Wemust remain steadfast in challenging the elevation of reductionism to the exclusion of integratedand interdisciplinary thought, and remind detractors that ABET and many engineering educationcritiques call for consideration of exactly these issues. A second criticism of hooks’s pedagogy is that the teacher loses control of the classroomwhen s/he adopts a classroom style (more) grounded in mutuality and respect. I have found theexact opposite to be the case – that students were “out of control” when I used a top-downteaching style because they weren’t taking
Conference Session
New Faculty Issues and Concerns
2003 Annual Conference
Heidi Diefes-Dux; Robert Montgomery; William Oakes; Deborah Follman
experiences. Further, TAs are responsible for all of the grading forthe course. They need to be able to grade consistently but also be flexible to different problemsolving approaches. Prior to the start of each fall semester, the TAs attend a combination ofPurdue University Center for Instructional Excellence TA training modules and departmentspecific training modules.Course PoliciesHigh student enrollments necessitate a consistent course materials delivery system that is, for themost part, paperless. For the last four years, ENGR 106 has delivered materials using WebCT,Inc.'s course management system. This system offers a number of features that are ideal for alarge course. First, minimal training is required to build and maintain a respectable
Conference Session
Introduction to Engineering: The Present State
2003 Annual Conference
Stephanie Velegol; Ronald Ziemian; Richard Zaccone; Richard Kozick; James Baish; Margot Vigeant
engineering:digital logic design and digital information processing. The digital logic topic was treated inconsiderably more depth, but the lab project helped to make the 0’s and 1’s that we discussed inthe digital information processing segment a “bit” more tangible.2.D. Engineering and SocietyThe final segment of the course was again similar to the previous version of the course, wherestudents in the large lecture typically spent the last few weeks of the class learning about ethicsand the relationship between engineering and society. The key difference was that this year theethics section was made more personalized than in years past by using laboratory sections fordiscussion of specific ethical situations and writing about the ethical implications of a
Conference Session
Assessment of Entrepreneurship Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Thomas K. Miller; Catherine E. Brawner; Matthew Ohland; Guili Zhang
; n=32 freshmen, 19 sophomores, 33 juniors, 9 s eniors, 27 senior leaders Figure 4. Confidence in Engineering Survey Results (Earlier Study)Students said that they learned a great deal from the EEP (Figure 5). About 30% had taken thecourse more than once. One student had taken it all seven semesters it has been offered. Most ofthe students said that they had learned a lot from the project experience. As would be expected,seniors all seem to have learned a lot because they had more to put into the program. I learned a great deal from my work on this project Percent of each class giving response 100
Conference Session
ECE Online Courses, Labs, and Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Andrew Blauch
results displayed the correct answers. The average score on the online reviewproblems was 98.7%, compared to an average of 93.1% on the written final exam. As expected,the online assessment scores were very high since the students could retake it multiple times. Thehigh score on the written final exam indicates that the students actually learned the material.ConclusionThis paper described the online assessments incorporated into the Introduction to DigitalSystems course at Grand Valley State University. The assessments were used as a mechanism toprovide practice problems with immediate feedback. The students were able to use the onlineassessments to improve their problem solving skills and thus their performance in the course.Bibliography1. S
Conference Session
Unique Laboratory Experiments & Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Mike Oelschlegel; Rafic Bachnak
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2003, American Society for Engineering Education”Bibliography1. R. Ramachandran, R. Ordonez, S. Farrell, Z. Gephardt, and H. Zhang, “Multidisciplinary control experiments based on the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) concept,” 2001 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 1526, 17 pages.2. A. Eydgahi and M. Fotouhi, “A fuzzy knowledge-based controller to tune PID parameters,” 1999 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Session 2520, 11 pages.3. Vance J. VanDoren, “Understanding PID Control,” Control Engineering, June 1, 2000.4. Vance J. VanDoren, “Self-Tuning Controllers Auto-Select P, I, D Values,” Control Engineering
Conference Session
Using IT to Enhance Design Education
2003 Annual Conference
Edward Vavrek
. Wt ⋅ Pd ⋅ SF sat = ⋅ Ko ⋅ Ks ⋅ Km ⋅ K B ⋅ Kv ⋅ K R F ⋅ J ⋅ YN (1) K R ⋅ SF Wt ⋅ K o ⋅ K s ⋅ K m ⋅ K v sac = ⋅ Cp ⋅ Z N ⋅ CH F ⋅ Dp ⋅ I (2)The spur gear program will assist the user in selecting a material based on bending stresses andcontact stresses. This is a long and involved process to select a material. There are many factorsand inputs that must be determined, as can be seen from the two
Conference Session
Unique Laboratory Experiments & Programs
2003 Annual Conference
Nghia Le
. Budak, A. (1974). Passive and active network analysis and synthesis. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.3. Malvino, A. P. (1999). Electronic Principles (6th ed.). Ohio: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.NGHIA T. LENghia T. Le is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology of Purdue University. Heteaches at Purdue University, School of Technology at New Albany, Indiana. He earned his B. S. and M. E.E. E. degrees from the University of Louisville. He specializes is instrumentation and controls. He can bereached at: Page 8.1107.13 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Information Literacy
2003 Annual Conference
Jeanine Mary Williamson
engineering specialties, such as IndustrialEngineering.8 Because average scores rather than percentages are generally given forHolland types, no percentages are provided here. Since tests measure individuals’ scoreson all six Holland categories (R, I, A, S, E, C), the highest two or three scores are theindividuals’ types. Realistic types (who enjoy building and repairing things and working outdoors)are described as: Emotionally stable and reliable Practical, thrifty, and persistent Shy, modest Likely to avoid being the center of attention Uncomfortable talking about themselves Inclined to take physical risks Likely to maintain traditional values Slow to accept radical new ideas9These descriptors
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Electrical ET
2003 Annual Conference
. Triebel and A. Singh, the 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors, Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications, 3 rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000. 4. S. Oualline, Practical C++ Programming, 2nd Edition, O’reilly, 2003. 5. Data Sheet, 6. R. F. Coughlin and F. F. Driscoll, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. Biography AHMAD M. FARHOUD is currently an assistant professor in the Engineering Technology Department at the University of Toledo. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Toledo in 1985, 1987 and 1991 respectively. His research and teaching interests cover the areas of
Conference Session
Advancing Thermal Science Education
2003 Annual Conference
Joseph Schroeder; Figen Lacin; Craig Somerton
) x x+∆xPerforming an energy balance on this element yields q cond, x (@x) = q cond, x (@x + ∆x) + q conv (@x)To make this useful we now need to use our constitutive equations to relate the heat flows totemperature. Then we have ∂T ∂T - kA c (x) = - kA c (x + ∆x) + h c ∆A s (T(x) - Tf ) ∂x at x ∂x at x + ∆xThe differential surface area in general can be given by ∆As = P(x)∆xwhere P(x) is the perimeter of the fin. Substituting ∂T ∂T - kA c (x) = - kA c (x + ∆x) + h c P(x)∆x (T(x) - Tf ) ∂x at
Conference Session
Design Experiences in Energy Education
2003 Annual Conference
Travis Harrington; Keith Coleman; J. Douglas Sterrett; Robert LeMaster
temperatureWelectric_h.p.'s Power required to operate the electric heat pumpsWelectric_other Power required to operate all other electrical equipment in the guildWgeo_pump Power required to operate the geothermal loop circulation pumpBibliography1. Herb Stonebrook, Energy Management Administrator with the State of Tennessee Department of Finance & Administration, Nashville, Tennessee.2. Hughes, Pl J., Shonder, J. A., “The Evaluation of a 4000-Home Geothermal Heat Pump Retrofit at Fort Polk, Louisiana: Final Report”, ORNL/CON-640, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, March 1998.3. Shonder, J. A., Martin, M. A., Hughes, P. J., “Geothermal Heat Pumps in K-12 Schools, A Case Study of the Lincoln, Nebraska, Schools