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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 471 in total
Conference Session
Motivating students to achieve
2003 Annual Conference
Elizabeth Davis; David Socha; Valentin Razmov
Session 3475 Teaching Reflective Skills in an Engineering Course David Socha†§, Valentin Razmov§, Elizabeth Davis † Center for Urban Simulation and Policy Analysis § Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of WashingtonAbstractOne of the most effective tools for lifelong learning is the ability to reflect and learn fromexperience. Reflection helps to clarify our understanding of the world and to create newdistinctions and possibilities for the future. It is a way of
Conference Session
Student Teams and Active Learning
2003 Annual Conference
Helen Qammr; H. Michael Cheung; Edward Evans; Rex Ramsier; Francis Broadway
Session 2330 Reflective Journals: An Assessment of a Vertically Integrated Design Team Project Francis S. Broadway Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies Edward A. Evans, H. Michael Cheung, Helen K. Qammar Department of Chemical Engineering Rex D. Ramsier Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering The University of Akron Akron, Ohio 44325Abstract: The use of affective/associative reflective journals and skill
Conference Session
Teamwork & Assessment in the Classroom
2003 Annual Conference
Shamsuddin Ilias; Franklin King
Session 3613 Imbedding Assessment and Achievement of Course Learning Objectives with Periodic Reflection Franklin G. King and Shamsuddin Ilias North Carolina A&T State UniversityAbstractBy now, all engineering programs in the U.S. have a set of program outcomes (POs) that havebeen designed to meet the latest ABET requirements A critical issue related to implementing andsustaining the current ABET criteria is how to effectively use valuable faculty time to get theassessment data needed to evaluate a program and to make improvements in a program. In
Conference Session
Tools of Teaching and Learning
2003 Annual Conference
Elizabeth Davis; David Socha; Valentin Razmov
balance conflict with safety. Too much or the wrongtype of conflict can be detrimental to learning. The techniques we used, some of them borrowedfrom professional leadership training programs, had a positive impact on the students, asrevealed by their weekly reflective essays and by individual communication with them duringand after the course. Students, perhaps subconsciously, created conflicts that enabled them tolearn lessons they needed to learn.One aspect of safety is how to limit the damage of mistakes while encouraging learning frommistakes. To that end, we chose not to have a real-world customer whose dependence on theproject success would have increased the damage from a potential project failure. Our focus wason the learning – in the
Conference Session
Understanding Students: Cognition
2003 Annual Conference
Alene Harris; Monica Cox, Purdue University
during a lesson, (3) the lesson content, lesson context, and extenuating circumstances in a classroom, and (4) the global aspects of a class lesson. The VOS is a significant assessment tool because it identifies both the time and the duration of student group work that is occurring within a classroom, it parses out faculty and student initiation of higher order learning skills, and it reflects various elements of current “How People Learn” (HPL) learning theory4. In addition, the VOS captures differences among faculty’s teaching styles and identifies the effects of a classroom’s physical layout upon a lecture. Moreover, VOS generates
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Mark Wherley; David DiBiase; Eric Spielvogel; Jonathan Mathews; Sarma Pisupati
2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”II) Assessment & FeedbackQuizzing:Another feature of student-centered design is the shift towards a wider array of assessments andfeedback opportunities for students. In EGEE 101, we utilized numerous low-stakes quizzes,short reflective written assignments, and a few of the standard, high stakes exams. Computerbased testing is commonly used to evaluate student ability. It is less commonly used as anenhanced learning opportunity. In this course the commercial software TestPilot was used bothin an evaluation mode (40% of the exam score was based on multiple choice, select all that
Conference Session
Integrating HSS into the Engineering Curriculum
2003 Annual Conference
Dave Hergert; Ron Earley; Suguna Bommaraju
Session 502 INCORPORATING LIBERAL EDUCATION CONCEPTS INTO ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SENIOR DESIGN COURSE AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY Suguna Bommaraju, Ron Earley, Dave Hergert Miami University, OhioINTRODUCTIONThe LEC (Liberal education council) at Miami University monitors and guides the incorporationof liberal education component in capstone course in the engineering technology department.Specifically, the focus points of the liberal education outlined in Miami bulletin1 are criticalthinking, understanding contexts, engaging with others, reflecting and acting. The senior
Conference Session
Teaching Styles and Peer Review
2003 Annual Conference
Charles McIntyre
semester. Provide meaningful feedback to your peer related to his or her syllabus. Provide meaningful feedback to your peer related to classroom observations of his or her teaching strategies. Provide meaningful feedback to your peer related to the evidence of student learning that your peer collects from his or her students.Step 2.): Attend group meetings with your PRT leader. Page 8.103.3 “Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education”Step 3.): Write three reflective
Conference Session
ET Capstone Projects
2003 Annual Conference
Douglas Acheson
student-designed and other vehicles), reflects on the academic benefits toparticipating students and faculty and culminates with an invitation to academic institutions tobecome involved in this life-changing initiative.The Institute for Affordable Transportation (IAT)The IAT's main initiatives include researching the need and feasibility of BUVs, administeringcollegiate competitions, and promoting the need for the vehicle to all stakeholders. As BUVdesigns finalize, the IAT will ensure that the end consumer is served by assisting stakeholders withlogistics, customs, financing and taxes.IAT's strategy utilizes college students for cost-effective market research and productdevelopment via competitions and projects. BUVs are designed around these
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Azzedine Lansari; Abdullah Abonamah; Akram Al-Rawi, McKendree University; Faouzi Bouslama, Université Laval
. They include thecorrelation between the selection of the evidence and the achievement of a specific learningoutcome, the students’ reflection on their learning experiences, and the subjectivity andconsistency in the assessment of student portfolio.In this paper, we give an overview of the Zayed University OBE model with a focus on the Page 8.860.2ZULOs component. We provide an overview of the learning outcomes assessment courses used Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Nashwan Younis
Session 1566 STRESS ANALYSIS EXPERIMENTS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS Nashwan Younis Department of Engineering Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499AbstractThis paper examines the experimental determination of assembly stresses in members utilizingthe optical method of reflected photoeleasticity. It is essential that students understand the basicconcepts in Mechanics of Materials; the paper discusses experiments that can be used byadvanced undergraduate
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Design
2003 Annual Conference
Stephen Peretti; Paula Berardinelli; Naomi Kleid; Deanna Dannels; Chris Anson; Lisa Bullard; Dave Kmiec
members who were unable to attend that module(members from other disciplines who had class at that time) were asked to relay information totheir team members during the team’s normal meeting times. Teaming instruction focused on fourcontent areas: creating team ground rules, the stages of team development (forming, storming,norming, performing), establishing team roles, and writing team minutes. Throughout the course,multidisciplinary teams had to complete three team assignments: team minutes and logs, peerreview sheets, and reflection assignments. Team minutes and logs detailed what happened atteam meetings in terms of the design progress. Peer review sheets were assignments wherestudents had to evaluate other team members so that the advisor
Conference Session
New Approaches in Engineering Curriculum
2003 Annual Conference
Jay K. Martin; Jay Martin; Dayle K. Haglund; Jennifer Kushner
suitable models for instruction. Itis also true that it requires effort and courage to make a change. And, it is not always apparentthat there is adequate support to make changes, even in the best of circumstances.Finally, our experience suggests that something important is missing for this process to besuccessful. There needs to be an overriding method or system that will assist faculty in makingdecisions about the curriculum. This mechanism may include a guiding educational philosophythat can be applied in the consideration of decisions regarding curricula. It may also include otherforms of feedback to the process, for example, feedback from students or employers. Theoretical FrameworkWhat we describe here reflects a belief that what is often
Conference Session
Trends in Construction Engineering Education
2003 Annual Conference
David Riley
newalternatives and depart from established comfort regions of their respective disciplines andpractices, they must simultaneously reconfigure their approaches to design processes.A widely accepted concept in green building design and construction is a shift away from linearand sequential design processes towards a more iterative and integrated process. This approachallows the relationships between building systems and features to be considered in more robustand efficient ways, and can lead to more minimalist design decisions in creating more elegantbuildings. For example, the decision to use a more reflective paint can improve the efficiency ofindirect lighting and as a result, lower cooling and mechanical system loads, thus minimizing ductand equipment
Conference Session
Global Issues in Engineering Education
2003 Annual Conference
Heinz Luegenbiehl
Page 8.1065.1duties.”3 In fulfilling their responsibilities, engineers are not only accountable, but also need to begranted professional autonomy as a necessary correlate. Autonomy requires engineers be able toexercise independent authority regarding the appropriateness of technical decisions, as well as aboutthe moral implications of those decisions. When making moral judgments, engineers have two explicit, and one implicit, sources onwhich to rely. The explicit sources are the professional codes of ethics and moral theory. Theimplicit source is the engineers’ cultural background in the form of moral intuitions. Codes of ethicsare historically evolving documents which reflect agreed upon standards within the engineeringcommunity
Conference Session
Assessing Teaching and Learning
2003 Annual Conference
S. Michael Kilbey; Richard Rice; Scott Husson; Graham Harrison; Douglas Hirt; David Bruce; Charles Gooding; Debi Switzer
the hierarchical cognitive model and key aspects of this research. Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Education In our research to-date, we have designed and used activities in our sophomore and juniorcourses to involve students in the lower levels. Table 1 lists some of these activities, categorizedaccording to the cognitive level in the hierarchy that they exercise. Some activities, such as theself-reflections, provide opportunities for the students to evaluate their metacognitivedevelopment, that is, their evaluation of the process(es) by which they learn material mosteffectively
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2003 Annual Conference
Peter Idowu
‘teaching situation’ is identified in widely varying ways by therespondents within the sample. This is revealed in the conceptions of teaching identified in thestudy. The conceptions range from student-focused strategy aimed at students changing theirconceptions to a teacher-focused strategy with the intention of transmitting information tostudents. The former, in a two-way transmission leaves students in control of portions of contentand learning, while the latter reflects a one-way transmission where the instructor controlscontent, and may not take students’ conceptions into account.The effect of curriculum organization on study progress in engineering studies was recentlydocumented by Hulst and Jansen 7. Curricular characteristics were shown to
Conference Session
Innovative Curricula and Outreach
2003 Annual Conference
Bruce Berdanier
the beginning of the course and at the end that focuses on theirconfidence in teaching the subject. The quantitative data from the survey will be enhanced bythe second part of the assessment, that of written reflective journaling. Teachers will be askedto reflect on their perception of their confidence in teaching and how participation in the courseenhanced (or did not enhance) their confidence. Teachers will also be asked to reflect onlearning in their classroom that resulted from implementation of content and pedagogicalstrategies gained through their participation in the course. These reflections will be posted on thecourse management system for review by all participants and will be included in the materialsdeveloped as a result of the
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Jessica Matson
Criteria now requires that program constituentsare involved in the strategic planning process. In the Self-Study Questionnaire, the ABETdefinition of well-defined processes necessary to administer engineering programs is: “Processes for all elements of criteria are quantitatively understood and controlled; clearly tied to mission, program objectives, and constituent needs; seen as benchmarks by other institutions.”Using the current ABET Criteria, a program emphasis should now reflect participation byprogram constituents. Typical differences in constituents include, but are not limited to: • Number and interests of the faculty. • Amount and type of research. • Number and academic preparation of students
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Mary Huba; Frank Peters; Sarah Ryan; John Jackman; Sigurdur Olafsson
students perform a self-evaluationthat encourages them to reflect on their work.In formulating a problem-solving action plan (window shown in Figure 1), students select frompossible student and system actions listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, and shown to the leftof the main window in Figure 1 (some possible actions are intentionally spurious). Choosing themarket research option in the first year precluded any expansion alternative during the first year.However, the problem description suggested that hiring the marketing firm would both tightenthe demand forecast and increase demand somewhat. Page 8.703.3 Proceedings of the 2003 American
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2003 Annual Conference
Matthew Campbell
the results to the public. Second, students will be able to use theportfolio not only to keep track of courses they have taken, but also to reflect on their Page 8.1293.1 Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2003, American Society for Engineering Educationdevelopment as engineers. This reflective aspect of the portfolio system will facilitate theadvising process between faculty and students and give the Department valuable information inassessing our effectiveness as educators. Finally, an electronic portfolio gives students a chanceto
Conference Session
Student Learning and Research
2003 Annual Conference
Paul Lin; Harold Broberg
styles used by the majority of your students.For instance, are your students primarily Active or Reflective, Sensing or Intuitive,Visual or Verbal, Sequential or Global learners? If you are not familiar with thisterminology, you can test your own learning style at the North Carolina State web site2.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI ®) purports to determine a person’s personalitytype among sixteen possibilities. This instrument has also been heavily used and reportedin the literature in relation to teaching methods for engineering students. Literature andexperience are used to formulate differences in personality types between engineeringand engineering technology students. Suggestions are made with respect to teachingmethods that should be
Conference Session
Assessing Teaching and Learning
2003 Annual Conference
Michael Doran; Leo Denton; Dawn McKinney
other than academic difficulty. Building on priorwork, our enhanced approach began with the definition and integration of specific affectiveobjectives which supported the internalization of cognitive objectives and professional practices.Affective-cognitive growth was pursued through methodologies which included active and Page 8.955.1cooperative learning, student self-reflection, classroom discussion, and student incorporation into Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2003, American Society for Engineering Educationacademic communities
Conference Session
Assessment & Quality Assuranc in Engr Ed
2003 Annual Conference
Jiangqiao Lan; Donghai Xie
. The first one is the pattern with theexperts` assessment as the major form. Since the end of 1980`s, in order to curb the fallingtendency of teaching quality, Teaching Inspection Groups have been formed in many collegesand universities in China, which consist of the experienced teaching experts in all subjects (themajority of whom are retired or retiring professors) who will be in charge of the inspection ofthe teaching quality. The experts make assessments on the courses and the class teachingthrough attending the lectures. The result of such assessment will be reflected to the TeachingAffairs and Administration Office, who will inform the leaders in charge of teaching in thecollege and departments of the results, which can work as the
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Arch Engineering
2003 Annual Conference
Stan Guidera
for final presentations. Both approaches are aligned with thepremise that the studio may be an inappropriate venue for learning to use. Marx stated that“students are struggling to learn how to design, much less to design on a computer” [6].However, it is also possible that these approaches may reflect a lack of expertise in the use of thedigital media among faculty. Marx also suggested that student’s struggle to learn to design on acomputer is “compounded by the current lack of digital skills on the part of design faculty” whichtherefore “makes it difficult to create a level of consistency in teaching digital design.” This resistance to the role of computing in design is rooted in a range of issues. Oneargument that has persisted is
Conference Session
Engineering Education Research
2003 Annual Conference
Jolly Lesley; David Radcliffe
a high degree of individual competitiveness, the valuingof long work hours for their own sake and the sacrifice of other aspects of self and life to theprofessional identity23. These are all traits that militate against the development of theprofessional self through reflection. These characteristics have profound implication forengineering education and research into its practice.The ability to visualise and "see" things in the mind's eye24 before they exist in the physicalworld, is a defining characteristic of traditional engineers. It remains central to the culture and artof engineering, challenged but not discarded in the scientification of engineering. With theadvent of CAD and the shift in engineering to less tangible products (as in
Conference Session
Assessment in BME Education
2003 Annual Conference
Chad Washington; Alene Harris
of the VaNTH Engineering Research Center at Vanderbilt University have worked to develop an observation instrument to capture specific elements in lesson delivery, including (1) various types of teacher-student interactions, student engagement levels related to type of instruction, levels of indicators reflecting HPL learning theory (knowledge-centeredness, student-centeredness, assessment-centeredness, and community-centeredness) (Bransford et al. 1999), and specific indicators of effective teaching. After three years of testing and revision, we have developed valid, quantitative measurements of the teaching of a lesson. We then set about to organize this data into categories that would
Conference Session
ASEE Multimedia Session
2003 Annual Conference
Leonhard Bernold; Joni Spurlin; Cathy Crossland; Chris Anson
Observation Accommodators Divergers Reflective Active Processing Info Convergers Assimilators Receiving Info Type 3 Type 2 (How
Conference Session
Current Environmental Issues
2003 Annual Conference
Cynthia Veit; Chris Swan
) in Massachusetts, who have recycling programs, and were tasked with developinga Material Reuse Information Guide for community residents.The projects were successful in a number of areas. Since they were real problems, they carriedmore meaning and encouraged greater student learning, enriching the students’ educationalexperience. Additionally, the projects not only benefited the students, but also the affectedcommunities, providing additional information that could be delivered to their residents. Thispaper will also discuss the student’s reflections of what they learned about recycling by doing theproject.IntroductionWhy recycle? This question was posed to students in a course entitled “Waste Not, Want Not”,an introductory engineering
Conference Session
Women in Engineering: New Research
2003 Annual Conference
Donna Riley
only in our classrooms, but also across the profession and insociety. Liberative pedagogies hold a great deal of promise for changing not only engineeringeducation, but also the nature of the profession as a whole. We must support this fundamentalvalues shift if we are to be advocates for full participation of traditionally underrepresentedgroups.What are pedagogies of liberation? Liberative pedagogies are radically student-centered approaches to learning, whichdevelop in students the capacity for critical thinking and reflective action (praxis). The ultimategoal of these pedagogies is liberation, of the students first through ending oppressive educationsystems, but ultimately society through the reflective action of students. I use the