Paper ID #28879Work in Progress: Embedded Ethical Inquiry and Reflection in aBiomedical Engineering CurriculumDr. Sharon Miller, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Dr. Miller is the Undergraduate Program Director and Clinical Associate Professor of Biomedical Engi- neering at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). After earning her BS in Materials Science and Engineering from Purdue University (West Lafayette), she earned her MS and PhD degrees at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). Her current roles include teaching, assisting in program assess- ment, student advising, and helping
central to thelearning objectives. Anecdotally, students that receivedthe TRAD rubric while writing their reports appeared toscore similarly on the SBG rubric as those given the SBGrubric. One possible explanation is that the TRAD rubricexplicitly requested items that were inherently required tomaster the standard and unfortunately removed the necessity for students to contemplate whichdetails were important. Nonetheless, this preliminary finding supports call for reflection ongrading to enhance future mastery.7 Student weaknesses across quarters were the sameirrespective of the grading rubric (in the areas of “problem identification” and “interpretation”)and highlighted future teaching points. Anecdotally, students with the TRAD rubric appeared
[23] and fracture fixation devices [24].Written assignment. Students are given a week to read the article and turn in a 1-2 page writtenassignment detailing a summary of the article, an evaluation of the article, and a list of definedterms. In the summary section, students summarize the introduction, materials/methods, resultsand discussion sections of the paper. In the evaluation section, students are asked to reflect onhow the authors have interpreted the data, how the data are presented and the appropriateness ofthe experimental design chosen by the researchers. Furthermore, the students are asked toevaluate whether the authors’ claims are supported by the data as well as if there are any missingexperiments that they would recommend to
monitoring market) Pre-natal monitoring of pre- equipment and kit) eclampsia in Haiti Table 2. Project Topics and Sample ContributionsTeaching Methods. Our within-semester survey results (response rate=80%) reflect “stronglyagree” or “agree” in 100% of the student responses that the inclusion of case studies and externalspeakers support their learning in the course. 93% of the student responses also indicate“strongly agree” or “agree” that the interdisciplinary classroom environment and the groupproject support their learning in the course. Our final course survey results (response rate=80%)reflect “strongly agree” or “agree” in 100% of the student responses that
as availability of instructional resources to support this initiative.The course involves a 10-week project, along with weekly engagement and reflection activitiesthat are designed to promote critical thinking and collaboration. Students were required toparticipate in a moderated discussion forum at least twice every week.• Discussion Forum: Each student was required to initiate a new topic of discussion (initiation thread) related to the overall theme of the week as well as engage in a discussion with posts from one or more peers (engagement thread). Both initiation and engagement threads were meant to allow for weekly reflection among students and low-stakes assessment by course facilitators. Measures such as number of posts
bias score, and was -1.50 -0.50 0.50 1.50collected on a scale of 0-10. In Pre-course explicit career biasorder to compare these scores oncomparable scales, we generatedan explicit career bias score by Figure 2: Pre-course implicit bias is predicted by explicit bias. Positive values indicate a bias toward engineering over medicine.subtracting their interest inmedicine from their interest in engineering and dividing by 10. Positive values in either scorerepresent a bias toward engineering, while negative scores reflect a bias toward medicine.As a measure of validation of our implicit measure, we
were then asked to reflect on the how well the information was communicated andwhere gaps occurred in their understanding of how to replicate the original experiment. Studentsfrom both groups were assessed based their clarity and ability to reproduce results.Background:This study takes an interdisciplinary and cross institutional approach to achieving learningoutcomes and reinforcing the importance of professional communication in survey styleundergraduate Introduction to Biomaterials courses. The Biomaterials courses each cover a rangeof selected topics including an extended review of polymeric biomaterials starting withfundamental concepts surrounding polymer material properties such as viscoelasticity; a detailedanalysis of metallic alloys
found eachproject and reflected on the integration of prior coursework into their design projects. Finally,student design reports were scored by instructors and students self-reported design mastery,using a common rubric.Results and Discussion: After completing each integrated project, students demonstratedimproved design knowledge and cognizance of integrating prior coursework knowledge intotheir designs. Students also reported significant confidence gains in four major areas: (1) designprocess and approach, (2) working with hardware, (3) working with software and interfacingwith hardware, and (4) communicating results. Focus group responses support the observedquantitative improvements in student design confidence. Further, instructor scoring
KEEN student outcomes to assess curiosity, connections,value creation, communication, collaboration and character have been mapped to ABET studentoutcomes, as well as to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges ScholarProgram [10] to extend assessment applications. In future studies, we will present on theseintegration efforts, as well as the tools used in assessment and mapping of KEEN related outcomes. Student Reflection 5 4.5 4 3.5 Rating (1 = Not at All, 5 = Yes
process moves through ‘empathize,define, ideate, prototype, and test’1 and the biodesign process described by Yock, et al.2Our college has been introducing DT concepts in our first year Introduction to Engineeringcourse (ENGR 1101) and our senior design (SD) series (ENGR 4169 and 4269) since 2014.These courses are required for every engineering student in our college. As a bioengineeringdepartment, we have also included design thinking within our required, introductorybioengineering course since 2014, as well as, two newly developed elective Biodesign coursesstarted in 2018. Our goal is to determine if our intervention has made an impact on the designthinking mindset of engineering students as reflected in their culminating design experience
were normalized for each major. They were divided by the total number ofenrolled students in that specific major for that academic year-. This normalization reflects the percentage ofstudents in a major that attended or were recruited. In some cases, this percentage is higher than 100%, due tothe presence of pre-major students in both attendance and recruitment numbers. Pre-major students are notconsidered students of a specific major, but often reflect a desire for a specific major. The use of majorenrollment instead of total enrollment was intentional as the scope of the work looks explicitly to understandundergraduate students in their major. It also allowed identifying instances in which a major went above theirenrollment numbers
, BME has been recognized as an engineering discipline unique in itspurpose and practice. Early on, BME was recognized for being more deeply aligned withtraditional science, biology in particular, than other engineering disciplines [4]. BME’s uniqueposition is illustrated in the varied structures of BME programs at institutions around the world.BME programs stem from electrical, mechanical, and materials engineering departments andmany programs partner with medical schools [1]. Across different institutions, BME career pathsvary, ranging from medical school, graduate school, the medical device industry, thepharmaceutical industry, and more. The broad interpretation of a BME degree is also reflected instudents’ perceptions of BME. When asked
plotted with error bars representing standard deviation.The qualitative survey results indicated student perceptions on intervention related activities andtheir overall confidence in knowledge gained. For the survey statement “Completion of theequipment specific worksheet helped me feel more confident in equipment specific expertisenecessary to troubleshoot the associated device”, 73% of the students agreed or strongly agreedon its utility (Figure 2). Overall, majority of students recognized the effect of tear down activitiesin improving confidence as reflected by survey results (Figure 2).Because this data is representative of 3 males and 12 females, additional data needs to becollected before any statistically significant difference can be
Regulation IP Market like more of this AccessDiscussion: Results indicate that the expert office hours model was a scalable way to achieveeffective and efficient project-specific guidance in the domains of IP, regulation and marketaccess. The positive impact of personalized feedback from industry experts wasqualitatively reflected in the quality of domain strategy discussion during team check-ins.Intimate team meetings with domain experts also resulted in continued deeper relationships withexperts that were maintained after the course ended. The opt-in nature of this model allowedteams that were ready access to just-in-time guidance during office hours. Opt-in rates varied bydomain, with
eightworkspaces.piloting the technologyPreliminary analysis of student feedback and teaching team (faculty instructor and graduatestudent teaching assistants) reflections in regard to teaching aseptic technique indicates anopportunity to improve instructional methods. General themes that emerged from the analysisinclude negative emotions and students reported feeling “frustrated by the sometimes slow paceof the class” and “wanting more immediate feedback.” The teaching team members reportedfeeling “underutilized” and would often facilitate when a student could not hear or see theinstructor (the student did not feel comfortable speaking up in order to point out instructordeficit).The gamified first-person perspective was achieved purchasing a GoPro Hero 8 Black
1 2% 1 3% Total 43 38DiscussionThe research question for this study was concerned with the breadth of students’ interest in theBME field as expressed through their proposed topics for a term paper. These interests are asnapshot in time that likely reflect not only actual interest but other mediating factors such astime in the semester, design of the assignment (e.g., references to devices in the wording ofassignment), guidance provided by the instructor on topic selection, ease of access to literatureon potential topics, current events, and personal experience. A few of these mediating factorswill be touched on in this discussion of the results.As can be seen
nature.Through analyzing the data collected in the study and conducting self-reflection on theworkshop, we suggested the following to BME design learning educators. To promote user-centered thinking, information should go beyond the statement of medical needs and includedetails on the circumstances where the solution would be applied. Instructors thus would becrucial to helping students develop self and social awareness during their design thinkingprocess. This would create an opportunity to improve student skills of thinking broadly about thedesign context and recognizing their responsibility for promoting better engineering practices.This initial attempt of the instrument development will pave the way to detailed refinement ofthe study protocol scaled
by Young andcolleagues [6] collected data on African American engineering students in a variety of co-curricular activities that the researchers classified into three categories (engineering clubs,underrepresented minority (URM) clubs, and other clubs). The study analyzed the perceiveddevelopment of communication, professionalism, lifelong learning, teamwork, and reflectivebehavior skills related to co-curricular participation. Some findings from the study include higherreported teamwork and reflective behavior related to participation in any of the three categoriesof co-curriculars, lower reported communication skills for students participating in URM clubswhen compared to peers who did not, and higher reported teamwork skills with
supported with resources and the use offacilities at the Salem VA Medical Center, Salem, VA. The views expressed in this abstract arethose of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Uniformed ServicesUniversity of the Health Sciences, the U.S. Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Defense,U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, nor the United States Government.References[1] D. L. Waszak and A. M. Holmes, "The Unique Health Needs of Post-9/11 U.S. Veterans," Workplace Health & Safety, vol. 65, no. 9, pp. 430-444, 2017, doi: 10.1177/2165079916682524.[2] M. Olenick, M. Flowers, and V. J. Diaz, "US veterans and their unique issues: enhancing health care professional awareness," (in eng), Adv
Northwestern and Director of the Northwestern Center for Engineering Education Research. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Required Computer Science Education in BME Undergraduate ProgramsAbstract Data collected for the Biomedical Engineering Education Summit Meeting in 2019 showedthat computer programming was required of undergraduates in biomedical engineering andbioengineering at more than 98% of the 57 accredited BME programs that responded to asurvey. This is an increase over an earlier dataset from 2004, reflecting the increased need forengineers to be competent in programming. However, education in computer programming cantake many forms, and there has
ofobjectives, CATME peer evaluationdata from both years was used toevaluate whether students believetheir team members i) possessedrelated knowledge, skills, andabilities and ii) contributed todeliverables (objective 1). CATMEalso rated how efficiently the Fig. 2: SPOC subteam communication dynamicsubteams communicated relative to 2018-2019 results with the embedded ID team structure.End-of-semester reflections for both years and a survey in the fall of 2019 (Appendix B)provided more data on task allocation and subteam communication.Results and Discussion:Objective 1: CATME peer evaluation data reported that engineers scored higher than IDs (bothyears) and point differentials were slightly but not statistically less (two-sided t-test, α
formats. i. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 7. CATME Team Assessments were beneficial in giving feedback to my team members. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 8. CATME Team Assessments were beneficial in receiving feedback from my team members. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 9. CATME Team Assessments accurately reflected my contributions to the team. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 10. Viewing the CATME Team Assessments helped develop my self-awareness as a member of a team. a. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly
mentor-student interaction time.This is due to each student pair having a graduate student mentor for three of the six weeks, whichis reflected in the greater number of personnel involved in the six-week program (Figure 3D). Thebreakdowns in Figure 3 showcase the overall cost reduction of the three-week program incomparison to the six- and ten-week programs.Assessment of ProgramWhile the cost assessment determined the 3-week program optimized overall program costs,student learning outcome results were needed to compare the effectiveness of each program tojudge whether cost cutting measures were detrimental to the overall objectives. To determinewhether students learned the concepts taught throughout each iteration, pre- and post-surveys(included
. “Design versus research in BME accreditation [ABET requirements and why research cannot substitute for design],” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 80–85, Apr. 2008.[15] “BME Design Course Syllabus and Outline,” Jan. 14, 2020,[16] G. N. Svarovsky and D. W. Shaffer. “Design meetings and design notebooks as tools for reflection in the engineering design course,” Frontiers in Education. 36th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2006, pp. M2G-7-M2G-12, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2006.322548.[17] “Google,” 2020,[18] “Google Scholar,” 2020,[19] IEEE. “IEEE Xplore Digital
know has a correct answer,and I think this made a big impression on the students.”These issues reflect the underlying challenges and misconceptions of the scientific method forstudents who are new to research. Because students are typically given close-ended problems intheir high school courses, where there is a specific “right” answer, it is difficult for them tounderstand that most real life applications of engineering and science are open-ended and thatmultiple solutions can produce the same result. This has been evident in prior research [15],showing that restricted lab procedures in high schools frequently result in moderate learningprocesses, as students do not spend adequate time in sense-making (i.e. making sense of orgiving meaning to