Service-Learning Design CourseAbstractThe development and skill of empathizing with others has become a necessity for successfuldesign engineers. To develop this skill, learning experiences are needed that encourageengineering students’ understanding of their users and stakeholders. Studies have shown an“authentic” experience involving real-world contexts reflecting the work of professionals helpsto develop and foster empathy. At Purdue University, a service-learning design program partnersmulti-disciplinary teams of students with community organizations to address needs and solvereal-world problems. In previous research on the program’s design process, findings showed howstudents perceive the human aspect of engineering design and how they
lower empathetic designtendency scores? This study was conducted in a junior-level design course of 76 BME students.We collected and analyzed three data sources: students’ self-reflection reports about theirreframing processes, empathic design tendency scores, and interviews with selected teams andinstructors. The results demonstrated that more than half of the students perceived the connectionbetween empathy and their reframing decisions and that they usually had one reframing momentin the stages of problem definition and concept identification. Also, the findings suggested thetriggers for their reframing moments, information sources guiding their reframing processes,changes made through reframing, and influences of reframing decisions on team
Introduction module, students first learned about the National Academy of EngineeringGrand Challenges for Engineering. As part of discussion groups, they were asked to prioritize thechallenges and identify those that most interested them. Most students were previously unawareof these challenges. In reflecting what was learned in this module, one student stated: I learned the responsibility of engineering. With all the rewarding aspects of engineering comes responsibility. The grand challenges emphasized the responsibility engineers have to society. If engineers have the tools to create, they should use them to create good. This is important to acknowledge so that engineering can remain ethical and just.Students were then
, collaborate and build, monitor progress, and reflect on tasks. However, research onPBL engineering discourse has placed a stronger focus on self-regulation than shared regulationprocesses [6], [7]. Understanding how students jointly regulate efforts may help to structurecollaborative tasks and promote efficient regulatory and design processes—two critical learningoutcomes in PBL [1], [7].MethodsStudy setting & participants. The study is part of a series examining the relation betweenperceived social network and collaboration patterns in engineering design. We followed fourfirst-year student teams in a two-term project-based engineering course in California in the 2018-2019 academic year. The goal of this elective course is to introduce students
; Pictures of Final Prototype; Flowchart; CommentedCode; Design Limitations; and Appendix. The required sections and structure of the final designproject deliverables aim to facilitate students in reporting and reflecting on the integrative,iterative nature of the design project in this course. Figure 2: Module 01: Course Introduction and Makerspace Safety Figure 3: Module 02: Human-Centered Engineering DesignFigure 4: Module 03: Teamwork, Memos, Ethics & Environment Figure 5: Module 04: Solid Modeling & 3D VisualizationFigure 6: Module 05: Additive Manufacturing & 3D PrintingFigure 7: Module 06: Sensors, Microcontroller, & Actuators Figure 8: Module 07: Programming & Flow DiagramsFigure 9: Module 08: Final
be an impediment during the design process.In psychology, sketching and drawing has long been thought to reflect how individuals think.Children’s sketches of human figures (the Draw-A-Person Test) have been considered to reflecttheir developing intelligence [45], [46]. Cognitive milestones have been tied to featuresreflecting the complexity of spontaneous drawings, with older children including articulatedparts such as fingers [47]. Research has also identified drawing as a cognitive aid, showing it ishelpful in organizing and remembering information [48]. Because sketches reveal designers’thinking [49], we reason that designers’ mindset about HCD may be similarly evident in theirsketches.MethodResearch GoalThe goal of our research was to
based on our past experiences, cultural perspectives, innocuous misconceptions, orsubjective biases. Measuring these different mental models poses a unique challenge sinceconceptualizations are held in the mind and any description of them is simply a representation ofthe mental model and not the mental model itself; in other words, we are seeing a reflection ofthe mental model through a dirty mirror. In this work, the previously published instruments usedto elicit undergraduate students’ mental models [1-3] are deployed without intervention to makeprogress on validation of the instruments for future research studies, therefore cleaning thatmetaphorical mirror. Despite the impossibility of perfectly representing a mental model, thiswork takes a
others interested in the project to discuss skill sets and to make ageneral determination of their compatibility as teammates.During each lab time, up to 75 students mingled and placed sticky notes on up to 25 posters. Weallocated about 45 minutes for this mingling process. Students were encouraged to monitor thenumber of sticky notes, colors, and names on a particular project poster in order to gage the levelof interest and note which other students were interested in the project. Based on thisinformation, they had the opportunity to adjust their choices. Pictures of the activity as itprogressed are shown in Figure 5.After this first 45-minute round, we asked the students to stop and reflect: Did their first-choiceproject include people with
the course, after a key milestone;and the third interview set was between 1-3 months after the end of the course project. Thisspread allowed data collection which would capture temporal and situational contexts toinfluence the data, as well as allow the liaisons to regularly reflect on the value of the project,enabling rich data.The interview methodology used followed the semi-structured, intensive interviewingapproach, where the premise is to create a directed conversation with individuals who haverelevant experiences, which – with the help of the interviewer – are reflected upon in-depth ina way that is rare in everyday life [36]. Broad open-ended questions were devised toencourage interviewees to explore the notion of value for themselves
strive forin their own learning, monitor their progress towards those goals, and adapt and self-regulatetheir cognition, behaviors, and motivation in order to reach those goals. Students who believethey can learn (personal efficacy) and perceive their efforts to learn will result in desiredoutcomes (outcome expectancy) [18], [19] are more likely to report the use of self-regulatorystrategies associated with task orientation [23], [24].Self-regulatory strategies are important because they can be used by learners to manage theiracademic time on projects or tasks, prioritize and reflect on their progress towards learning goals,and seek help when experiencing difficulty [20]. By contrast, students with low self-efficacymay perceive that they aren’t
sets were significant across the classroom types (p < .05).Figure 2. Sprint Retrospective Reports Analysis. Error bars indicate standard deviation. *indicates significant difference with Pro Mentor classroom type (p < .05).Sprint Retrospectives are progress report documents generated by the student team every 2weeks. These reports include a list of tasks committed and completed during the last workperiod (a two-week "sprint"), a breakdown of the relative effort of the team members, descriptionof the feedback received by the team from their project sponsor, and a reflection on teaminteractions.As seen in Figure 2, across the Sprint Retrospective averages, the ProTA mentored students hadthe highest average score, followed by the Fall 2019
reflects the individual student’s average rating acrossall five categories as compared the average of the team overall. This factor can then be used toadjust team deliverable scores to individual grades. CATME has been widely used in engineeringeducation across a range of disciplines and levels of students, with use at over 1000 institutionsby nearly 6000 instructors and over 300,000 students ( is important to understand the extent to which peer ratings may be influenced by unconsciousor implicit bias [8]. Studies of unconscious bias have established the following situationalelements as being more likely to result in unconscious bias: lack of information, time pressure,stress from competing tasks [9
diverse workplace are often assumed and not carefully considered. Extantliterature finds that while there certainly can be benefits from diversity, it can also be a source ofconflict and misunderstandings [8], [9]. Increasingly, new types of pedagogy and learning thatrelies on reflection and understanding one’s own identity in comparison to others can lead toincreased group performance [9]. In order to benefit from diversity and inclusion, intentional 4planning and learning opportunities need to be considered. As we plan for a new makerspace, wemust be intentional in order to reach our goals of inclusion and diversity.In thinking about the benefits
chosen for the design. 3. You always have to expect the unexpected when designing for human use. The original plan for the project was to work on the foot/ankle, pylon, and socket component of the transtibial prosthetic limb. However, the stump of the client was not aligned axially and render the prosthesis ineffective in walking straight. A universal joint compensator that could readjust the alignment of the stump/leg vertically was necessary and, therefore, an extra year was added to complete the project.The lessons learned from the service-oriented project reflects what others reported [20]-[23] thatengineer students need to interpret non-technical needs from client into technical constraints forthe
, novelty, and quality in order to evaluate thestudent’s level of design ideation expertise.BackgroundThe phases of engineering design are often taught as having a circular, iterative nature. Anengineering product or process is designed through phases of (i) defining the problem, (ii)brainstorming solutions, (iii) planning a solution, (iv) prototyping, (v) evaluating the solution, andfinally (vi) reflecting for iteration, shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Simple infographic conveying six phases of engineering design iteratively.In practice, the activities associated with each engineering design phase are highly interdependentand do not simply progress in a neat iterative circle, as implied by common infographics for theengineering design process
beenmeasured through the use of student surveys and improved student passing rates [16]. Within theHCRD course various methods to ensure student knowledge gains and perceptions towards theircareer preparedness and progress towards degree completion will be assessed through pre andpost-semester surveys, reflections, and final exam/presentation scores. At the two south valleycampuses, students will be primarily be assessed to identify the length to which FC-E-POGILpedagogy is successful in improving knowledge gains. The impact of the two pedagogies onknowledge gains will be evaluated by conducting a one-way repeated measure analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). The ANOVA analysis will assess the difference in participants’ summativeknowledge gains based on final
, which completedthe transition from curriculum-center to activity-center [8]. In this kind of collaborativeand interactive environment, engineering students can consolidate professional knowledgeand skills by applying and practicing what they have learned in the actual engineeringdesign process and strengthen self-reflection about projects by considering how to makefurther adjustments in the next period of projects. In response, Liu also indicated thatcollaborative, experiential, project-based and service-based learning forms in capstone 3design and its courses could contribute to improving engineering students’ employability[4]. In addition, numerous studies also explored mutually beneficial
essential for the creation of attitudesrelated to solving social problems as well as for developing the abilities that could help them. This vision has been appropriated for American engineering curricula considering thatengineering can have a humanistic approach through specific courses or methodologies, theassessment of their activities from a perspective of the ethics, and the reflection about therelationship between engineering and technology, including its impacts [8]. In that sense, themain objective is deconstructing engineering from a utilitarian perspective, based on effectivityand loyalty to institutions, to reconstruct it in a libertarian or communitarian perspective based
improvements to first-year experiences. One example skill category thatemerged in each class standing category was teamwork skills. Students who participated in thissurvey after taking the course found skills related to teamwork as useful. The skills developedfrom working in a team are an important outcome of first-year design experiences. We found thatas students reflected on the course with more time removed from taking the course theyidentified different aspects of teamwork as useful. For example, freshmen included timemanagement, sophomores highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of working in a team, andjuniors liked how the team project simulated real-life work experience. The multiple perspectivesimply that the team-based component of the
. By the end ofthe semester, 75% of the students reported being satisfied with their assigned teams while 7%were not satisfied (there was decrease in the number of students with neutral opinions).Overall, these results are very encouraging, since it reveals an overall positive perception and itdoes not reflect a drastic change of opinion as the semester progresses. Indeed, based on anecdotalfeedback, instructors have noticed a decrease in the number of interpersonal conflict within thestudent teams compared with previous versions of this course. Unfortunately, the instructors didnot collect any data prior to the use of junto for a more rigorous comparison.Figure 2: Survey results illustrating student’s perception about the team selection and
storage spaces, build spaces, andworkbenches. High-resolution tool-use data collection is set to begin spring of 2020 at TexasA&M, including details that will remove some of these limitations.Because of these limitations a hypothetical dataset was created to reflect student-toolinteractions. This hypothetical dataset is guided by current data and engineering curriculum forTexas A&M, so the results are reasonable. These results present a picture of the design advicemodularity analyses will be able to provide once additional data is available.Hypothetical student-tool network creation © American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 2020 ASEE ConferenceA hypothetical-realistic
without fear of repercussions [18]. When groups lack voice safety, the benefitsof incorporating diverse perspectives cannot be realized [19].Voice safety is an important aspect of good group decision making, and it is related to thehierarchical decision making described above. An individual might perceive a lack of voicesafety for a variety of reasons, including actual enforcement of power differences within a groupbut also including differences in expectations regarding conversational rituals [20]–[22]. Items inthe survey were based on validated items from [18], though language was changed to reflect theproject team context.Sense of Belonging and CommunityA sense of belonging is when a student feels as if they fit in and belong to a community
Information Foundation. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Engineering Information Foundation. Work CitedAeby, P., Fong, R., Isaac, S., Vukmirovic, M., & Tormey, R. (2019). The impact of gender on engineering students’ group work experiences. The International Journal of Engineering Education, 35(3), 756–765.Apesteguia, J., Azmat, G., & Iriberri, N. (2012). The impact of gender composition on team performance and decision making: Evidence from the field. Management Science, 58(1), 78–93.Atman, C. J., Adams, R. S., Cardella, M. E., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., & Saleem