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Conference Session
Promoting Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bruce Kovanen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ryan Ware, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Megan Mericle, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nicole Turnipseed, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; J. Patrick Coleman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Celia Mathews Elliott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John S. Popovics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; S. Lance Cooper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John R. Gallagher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Paul Prior, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Julie L. Zilles, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
-yearintervention project designed to enhance writing in engineering and STEM. The examplesdescribe reflective, writing-to-learn activities for first-year orientation courses; scaffoldedapproaches for laboratory and problem-based-learning classes; and directed peer review andresponse to reviewer comments in middle- and upper-level courses. The paper concludes byaddressing the vital role STEM faculty play in socializing their students into ways of thinking,being, and writing in their disciplines and demonstrates how a process orientation to writinginstruction can help faculty achieve that goal.Section I: IntroductionThe Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has identified effectivecommunication as a key criterion of engineering
Conference Session
Promoting Technical Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristine Horvat, University of New Haven; Judy Randi, University of New Haven
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Habits throughout Undergraduate Engineering CoursesAbstractThe ability to communicate well is an important skill for engineers in the workplace. Thisdescriptive study describes a collaboration between a writing specialist and an engineeringinstructor to integrate writing instruction into engineering coursework. The sample included all12 students in a junior level Chemical Engineering (CHME) laboratory course. These samestudents were followed through the next course in the sequence, taught by the same chemicalengineering instructor. Intensive guidance was provided to students in the junior level lab,including co-taught lectures, feedback on drafts, and required revision tasks. Scaffolds and team-taught activities were gradually faded for the
Conference Session
Promoting Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia; Judith Shaul Norback, Georgia Institute of Technology; Charlie Bennett, Georgia Institute of Technology; Benjamin J. Laugelli, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
were Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Brandeis University, and theMassachusetts Institute of Technology. The expertise and research interests within the group ofauthors ranged from rhetoric and composition, writing in the disciplines, and peer coaching tomicrobiology and chemistry. All of the authors had been trained in the Communication Lab(Comm Lab) program, “a STEM-specific writing center where students can meet face-to-facewith a peer knowledgeable in their discipline to get feedback on STEM writing andcommunication genres.” The research reported in the paper compared “adaptations of the CommLab across several disciplines and three institutions by drawing on quantitative and qualitativeComm Lab and institutional contexts.” The authors
Conference Session
Promoting Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa R. Volpatti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alex Jordan Hanson, University of Texas at Austin; Jennifer M. Schall; Jesse N. Dunietz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Amanda X. Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Rohan Chitnis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Eric J. Alm; Alison F. Takemura, U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute; Diana M. Chien, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
experiences for scientists and engineers. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020Evaluating Peer Coaching in an EngineeringCommunication Lab: A Quantitative Assessment ofStudents’ Revision ProcessesAbstract Communication is a crucial skillset for engineers, yet graduates ​[1]–[3]​ and theiremployers ​[4]–[8]​ continue to report their lack of preparation for effective communication uponcompletion of their undergraduate or graduate programs. Thus, technical communicationtraining merits deeper investigation and creative solutions. At the 2017 ASEE Meeting, weintroduced the MIT School of Engineering Communication Lab, a discipline-specific technicalcommunication service that is akin to a writing center, but
Conference Session
Technical Courses and Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dianne Grayce Hendricks, University of Washington
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
-directed inquiry to identify, critically evaluate, and cite relevant literature. 5. Provide feedback to others on their writing, speaking, and teamwork abilities. 6. Demonstrate ability to work in teams and manage team projects. 7. Design and deliver effective oral presentations. 8. Understand ethics and sustainability in engineering.ABET outcomes #4, 5, and 7 will be assessed as follows:(4) An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.Assessment: Communicate different engineering topics involving ethics and sustainability to avariety of audiences (public, peers, experts in field, etc.) in oral and written formats, consideringfeedback from peer review and instructor.Implementation: Using knowledge of the audience to
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Integration
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maysam Nezafati, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mel Chua, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joseph M. LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
research sources from prior classes, but also knew this might be a newerskill for most. Consequently, the teaching team provided students with a brief guide reviewinghow to search library databases and find relevant literature.After first-round submissions had been turned in, students were tasked with writing peer reviewsof the submissions of other teams. Several reasons were given to them for this, including theopportunity to see more examples of bias and a variety of ways of presenting information, aswell as practice with providing helpful feedback to others. Students were given the opportunityto revise and resubmit their conceptual models based on peer feedback.Intervention phase 2: Proposing a new design/research to create valueThe next phase
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Integration
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John A. Nestor, Lafayette College
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Immerwahr at Villanova University [36] andshown in Table 5 [40]. A copy of this rubric was included in the course syllabus to communicatediscussion expectations to students.All FYS courses at Lafayette College are writing courses, and the St. Martin’s Handbook [41] isused as a secondary text for students learning academic writing skills. They employ a process-writing approach in which students submit first drafts which they then revise after feedback froma peer Writing Associate and the instructor.The first writing assignment, which is given out during the first week of class, asks students toreflect on their own lived experience with semiconductor technology in terms of how they learnand work, communicate with friends and family, and seek
Conference Session
Programmatic Integration of Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David Robert Bruce P.E., Fulbright University Vietnam; Sebastian Dziallas, Fulbright University Vietnam
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
learninginclude that students dislike forced interaction, dislike the increased responsibility for their ownlearning, and prefer instruction solely from an expert perspective [7]. The distribution ofcriticisms of active learning techniques are adopted as identifying elements of their practice inthe corresponding three categories: ‘Increased Interaction’, ‘Increased Responsibility’ and‘Decreased Expertise’. Decreased expertise in this context involves removal of the professor asthe primary authority for information as presented from the peer-directed activity; their peers areviewed as having decreased expertise compared to the knowledge of the instructor. It is ofinterest if there is parity in the criticism of the presented active learning activities in
Conference Session
Novel Strategies for Studying Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University; Karen A. Thole, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
at Urbana- Champaign and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.Mr. Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Michael Alley is a professor of teaching for engineering communications at Pennsylvania State Univer- sity. He is the author of The Craft of Scientific Writing (Springer, 2018) and The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Springer-Verlag, 2013). He is also founder of the popular websites Writing as an Engineer or Scientist ( and the Assertion-Evidence Approach (www.assertion- American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020Work In Progress (WIP): A Systematic Review of
Conference Session
Programmatic Integration of Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rebecca Balakrishnan, University of Manitoba; Jillian Seniuk Cicek, University of Manitoba; Priya Subra Mani
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #30819Program: Study DesignMs. Rebecca Balakrishnan, University of Manitoba I am a career development professional with 8 years of experience working with post-secondary students at University of Manitoba on all aspects of career exploration, planning and job search. This takes a variety of forms, including one-on-one appointments, facilitating workshops, and writing resources. Recently, as part of my Master of Education in Counselling Psychology thesis, I have collaborated with faculty in the Faculty of Engineering to integrate career development activities into the Biosystems Engineering curriculum.Dr
Conference Session
Novel Strategies for Studying Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicola W. Sochacka, University of Georgia; Christian Michael Culloty, University of Georgia; Jacob Hopkins; Julie R. Harrell, University of Georgia; Joachim Walther, University of Georgia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
website, the “division provides a vital forum for those concerned with integrating thehumanities and social sciences into engineering education via methods, courses, and curriculardesigns that emphasize the connectedness between the technical and non-technical dimensions ofengineering learning and work” [1]. To our minds, SenseMaker is a method that works to theseends. It is an approach that provides a way for actors in the social system of engineering1 We note that, at the time of writing, a search of the ASEE PEER document repository for theterm “SenseMaker” yielded zero exact to make sense of their experiences and decide, for themselves and in collaborationwith others, how to nudge the system closer toward a state that
Conference Session
Technical Courses and Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Linda Vanasupa, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Lizabeth T. Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
to create such opportunities, Dr. Zastavker’s re- cent work involves questions pertaining to students’ motivational attitudes and their learning journeys in a variety of educational environments. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and implementation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences (e.g., Critical Reflective Writing; Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering, etc.) All of these activities share a common goal of creat- ing curricular and pedagogical structures as well as academic cultures that facilitate students’ interests, motivation, and desire to persist in
Conference Session
Promoting Communication Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Gabrielle Orbaek White, Swansea University ; Patricia Xavier, Swansea University; Catherine Groves, Swansea University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
education, and as Cech argues, one class is notenough to move the needle on developing the necessary “reflexes for social justiceconsiderations” amongst engineers [15].Kim et. al. worked on a multi-disciplinary team from engineering, psychology and educationwith the aim to “enable engineering students to become reflective thinkers who develop the habitof critically thinking about the broader social, human, environmental, and ethical context” [10].Using the philosophical concept of phronesis (ethical judgement or practical wisdom) as aguiding theoretical framework, reflective practice was used to assist students in navigating theirdevelopment of ethical judgement in the face of ambiguous situations. The course required thestudents to write an
Conference Session
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bryn Elizabeth Seabrook, University of Virginia; Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia; Kari Zacharias, Concordia University; Brandiff Robert Caron, Concordia University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
engineering schools or Canadian faculties ofengineering and tend to employ faculty with training in STS or related disciplines. They aremandated to teach STS concepts to undergraduate engineering students, often fulfilling specificaccreditation requirements. The embedded STS department model can thus be understood as aresponse to these requirements chosen by a small number of engineering programs from among avariety of other avenues of response. Perhaps the most common response chosen has been torequire engineering students to fulfill the non-technical accreditation requirements by enrollingin ethics courses or writing courses offered by departments outside of engineering. Anothercommon response has been to require that engineering professors include
Conference Session
Creating a Supportive and Nurturing Academic Culture
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joseph F. Mirabelli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Allyson Jo Barlow, University of Nevada, Reno; Evan Ko, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Kelly J. Cross, University of Nevada, Reno; Karin Jensen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
EER, yet who are experts within their own engineeringdiscipline. Engineering faculty frequently have little experience conducting rigorous researchusing established social science theories and methods. RIEF mentors are experiencedengineering education researchers. Mentorship in the context of a RIEF grant is unique, as it isdifferent from graduate student training or peer mentorship between faculty in the samediscipline. Common conceptions of mentorship include a novice receiving guidance from anexpert, whereas RIEF PIs and co-PIs are both experts in their own domains. Mentoringrelationships between faculty are understudied, especially in the context of faculty with expertisein different disciplines that have unique training needs. Therefore
Conference Session
Technical Courses and Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University; William M. Jordan, Baylor University; Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
systems design, development, and consultation firm. She joined the faculty of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University in 1997, where she teaches a variety of engineering and computer science classes, she is the Faculty Advisor for the Women in Computer Science (WiCS), the Director of the Computer Science Fellows program, and is a KEEN Fellow. She has authored and co- authored over fifty peer-reviewed papers. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 The Challenge of Preparing iGen Students for Engineering and Computer ScienceAbstractA recent suicide by an engineering student began
Conference Session
Ethical and Global Concerns
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alison Wood , Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Robert Martello, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
interdisciplinary courses.Change the World: Olin’s First GCSP CourseOlin’s GCSP redesign culminated in the creation of a new course, Change the World: PersonalValues, Global Impacts, and Making an Olin GCSP. It was co-designed by Assistant Professor ofEnvironmental Engineering Alison Wood (who is also Olin’s GCSP Director) and Professor ofthe History of Science and Technology Robert Martello to serve as the cornerstone of theprogram. The main goal of the course is to provide structured support for a culminating reflectivesynthesis. As mentioned above, in the early years of Olin’s GCSP, graduating seniorsaccomplished their reflection through mentored writing outside of any course, which workedwell for students in the early years of the program but less so
Conference Session
Sociotechnical Integration
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jacquelene Erickson, Colorado School of Mines; Stephanie Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines; Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
40 peer-reviewed papers, co-author of Engineering and Sustainable Community Development (Morgan and Claypool, 2010), and editor of Sociotechnical Communication in Engineering (Routledge, 2014). In 2016, Dr. Leydens won the Exemplar in Engineering Ethics Education Award from the National Academy of Engineering, along with CSM colleagues Juan C. Lucena and Kathryn Johnson, for a cross-disciplinary suite of courses that enact macroethics by making social justice visible in engineering education. In 2017, he and two co-authors won the Best Paper Award in the Minorities in Engineering Division at the Amer- ican Society for Engineering Education annual conference. Dr. Leydens’ recent research, with co-author Juan C