prompts in ill-structured tasks for collaborative problem solving in undergraduate engineering courses. Ill-structured tasks are important to engineering courses because they are similar to authenticproblems that students will encounter in their future workplaces [1], [2]. Solving ill-structuredtasks collaboratively allows students to expand their learning beyond “drill-and-practice”-typeproblem solving and engage in higher order thinking and co-construction of knowledge [3].Nevertheless, studies have indicated that it is necessary to scaffold ill-structured tasks becausethey are complex [4], [5], and students do not naturally implement effective collaborativeinteractions while solving these tasks [6]. However, it is not clear what type(s) of
. Haim, “Lab at Home: Hardware Kits for a Digital Design Lab,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 46-51, Feb. 2009.[4] R. V. Krivickas and J. Krivickas, “Laboratory Instruction in Engineering Education,” Glob. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 191-196, 2007.[5] S. K. Starrett and M. M. Morcos, “Hands-On, Minds-On Electric Power Education,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 93-99, Jan. 2001.[6] P. Y. Furlan, “Engaging Students in Early Exploration of Nanoscience Topics Using Hands- On Activities and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 705- 711, Jun. 2009.[7] J. K. Burgher, D. Finkel, O. O. Adesope, and B. J. Van Wie, “Implementation of a Modular Hands-on
males, however the males were aware of what the productwas and how it was generally used. Each group was given a handout with seven questions listedhere: 1. How does a hair dryer work? 2. Label the relevant parts of the following image [5] 3. The fan pulls quiescent air from the outside and moves it through the front nozzle. If there is 1 kg/s of air brought in and the air moves at a rate of 10 m/s through the nozzle, how much energy is required to run the fan? It can be assumed that you are holding the dryer horizontally, and atmospheric pressure occurs throughout. 4. If you wanted to increase the speed of the air exiting the hair dryer, how would you change the design? Think of more
improve student performance in MEEN 221and lower the number of students that repeat the course. Ultimately this should improve graduationrates and retention of students in the non-MEEN engineering majors.References[1] H. Vasquez, A. A. Fuentes, R. A. Freeman. “Improving Student Retention and Engagement in Statics through Online Formative Assessment and Recitations”. Proceedings of the 119th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, 2012.[2] X. K. Brandon, B. M. Holloway, B. Pierson. “Engineering Education and Quantified Self: Utilizing a Student-Centered Learning Analytics Tool to Improve Student Success”. Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, 2019.[3] S. L. Fiore, S. P. Fagan, D
. Kastner, T. Levin, T. Nguyen, and C. Irvine, “Moats and drawbridges: An isolation primitive for reconfigurable hardware based systems,” in 2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP ’07), May 2007. [2] A. Carpenter, “A hardware security curriculum and its use for evaluation of student understanding of ece concepts,” in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018. [3] A. Carpenter and R. Hansen, “Supervising undergraduate cybersecurity projects,” in 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019. [4] S. Bratus, A. Shubina, and M. Locasto, “Teaching the principles of the hacker curriculum to undergraduates,” in Proceedings of the 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ser. SIGCSE ’10, 2010
Technological University S. Henson’s career includes working as a chemist, finishing engineer, and materials scientist. In this re- spect, her expertise focused on material analysis and selection. After obtaining her Masters in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), she went on to teach GIS to civil engineering students at Lawrence Tech- nological University. After training in entrepreneurial engineering, she began teaching Fundamentals of Engineering Design Projects. She also acted as the civil engineering capstone coordinator. She is now a project engineer working in the Entrepreneurial Engineering Design Curriculum.Matthew L. Cole, Lawrence Technological University Dr. Matthew Cole is a tenured Assistant Professor in the
think the students benefited from the lesson? Can you provide any examples? 5. Do you like the lesson’s placement within the course? Would you move it to another time? 6. Do you like the lesson’s content, or would you suggest another means of reinforcing? 7. What else do you do in your classes (including non-Design I) to help students revisit research concepts through the semester?The Reinforcement lesson - Did not Utilize the Pilot 1. Why did you choose not to pilot the lesson? 2. What do you do in your section(s) of Design I to help students revisit research concepts throughout the semester? 3. Do you reinforce these lessons in other courses? If so, how? 4. Based on your perspective, do you think students
not easily altered without someimpetus to make the change. The introduction of individuals into the industry that are moreinclined to act collaboratively could act as a catalyst for change.Purpose of the StudyGender diversity has been connected to increased profits across multiple industries.8 Thesefindings have led to the creation of the value-in-diversity perspective, which contends that adiverse workforce has a distinct benefit to business.8 However, these benefits are not limited toincreased earnings.8 For example, there is evidence that the inclusion of women in CM maydecrease conflict and increase collaboration. Brahnam, et al.’s study suggests that women maypossess more effective conflict resolution attributes than their male
Conference, June 14, 2014,Indianapolis, IN, USA. 3. Next Generation Science Standards,, accessed on 12/10/2014. 4. F. C. Berry, P. S. DiPiazza and S. L. Sauer, “The future of electrical and computer engineering education," IEEETransaction on Education, Vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 467-476, 2003. 5. G. Gross, G.T. Heydt, P. Sauer P. and V. Vittal, “Some reflections on the status and trends in power engineeringeducation, IERE Workshop: The next generation of power engineers and researchers”, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,10 Oct. 2003. 6. G. Joós, “Training Future Power Engineers”, IEEE Power and Energy, Jan./Feb. 2005, pp 38-47. 7. D. Ray, and F. Wayno, “Collaboration to Facilitate Research and Education in a
Science.Dr. Susan Niki Ritchey, Texas A&M University Dr. S. Niki Ritchey is an Associate Professor of Practice at Texas A&M University. She earned BS and MS degrees in Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M University and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. She worked as a Research Engineering for Heat Transfer Research, Inc. conducting experimental research on condensation in heat exchangers. She currently teaches students how to program using Python in the first year engineering program. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Work in Progress: A Project-Based Learning Alternative for First Year Engineering StudentsAbstractSome
teachersto explain their drawings by answering open-ended questions at the end of the DAET. Infuture, expanding the number of researchers who conducted the analysis would improvethe inter-rater reliability of the study. Finally, it should taken into consideration thatparticipants might provide positive results after the intervention because of being in aresearch study and receiving attention from the researchers [23]. References[1] X. Chen, S. National Center for Education, and R. T. I. International, "STEM Attrition: College Students' Paths into and out of STEM Fields. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2014-001," ed: National Center for Education Statistics, 2013.[2] A. M. Ortiz, L. R. Amaya, H. K. Warshauer, S. G. Torres, E
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placement, career progression, and leadershipresponsibilities as compared similar graduates not in the leadership program. In addition, followup work will aim at better understanding where improvements can be made within the leadershipdevelopment curriculum.ReferencesABET (2020) Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs. Retrieved from: engineering-programs-2020-2021/.Antonakis, J., Bendahan, S., Jacquart, P., & Lalive, R. (2010). On making causal claims: A review and recommendations. The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 1086–1120.Avolio, B. J., Reichard, R. J., Hannah, S. T., Walumbwa, F. O., & Chan, A. (2009). A metanalytic review of
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: Programs, best practices, and recommendations," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 89-122, 2011.[2] M. Bussey, M. Mei Song, and S.-H. Hsieh, Anticipatory Imagination as a Tool for Rethinking Engineering Education. 2017.[3] R. S. Adams and R. M. Felder, "Reframing Professional Development: A Systems Approach to Preparing Engineering Educators to Educate Tomorrow's Engineers," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 239-240, 2008/07/01 2013, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2008.tb00975.x.[4] R. M. Felder, D. R. Woods, J. E. Stice, and A. Rugarcia, "The future of engineering education II. Teaching methods that work," Chemical engineering education, vol. 34, no
, concise, and straightforward; being sure thatthe item was directly assessing what needed to be assessed; and considering the relevance of theitem to the student experience [22]. Items were all written to be statements that students couldrate agreement with on a Likert scale, where 5 = strongly agree and 1 = strongly disagree. Thesurvey developed now provides the foundation for a future pilot study, in order to analyze thesuggested constructs and determine factor loading to pick the best survey item(s) that relate toeach theme.Results: Survey Items to Assess Women’s Dissatisfaction in TeamsOne goal of the survey is to be able to use the resultant data to determine whether themesidentified in the interviews are related to the gender makeup of the
. Given that student perceptionswere generally positive toward the different interventions, the instructors will continueimplementing these practices but will examine ways to clarify the utility or improveupon the techniques with lower ratings.References[1] H.J. Passow, “Which ABET Competencies Do Engineering Graduates Find Most Important in their Work?,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 101, pp. 95-118. 2012.[2] L. K., Alford, R. Fowler, and S. Sheffield. “Evolution of Student Attitudes Toward Teamwork in a Project-based, Team-based First-Year Introductory Engineering Course,” in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2014.[3] B. Oakley, R. Felder, R. Brent, and I. Elhajj, “Turning Student Groups into Effective
learning.Recent Studies of the Cloud-Based SRSs in Engineering EducationStudies on the use and impacts of traditional SRSs on learning are not new and in fact have beenreported for a few decades. Similar studies about cloud-based SRSs have been conducted in thelast ten years, if not earlier. Table 1 summarizes recent studies regarding the implementation ofthe cloud-based SRSs in engineering education. Most of these studies reported on students’perceptions and some faculty reflection and did not have a baseline or a control to compare with.Table 1. Recent studies of SRSs in engineering education Course(s) SRS Brief Description Introductory Electric Top Hat Several multiple-choice questions were asked with Circuits7
Year I and II Growth for P5:Before participating in the our CTE course, P5 had some experience in Making through workingwith his uncle on small everyday electronics projects like reassembling smart phones or repairingvarious electronics in their ranch. Owing to P5’s experience in electronics, he felt comfortablewith taking on the role of project manner for the first production cycle for year 2. During the firstyear, P5 was quiet and introverted, yet he demonstrated a significant interests towards thetechnology-centered elements of the production process, often partnering with P4 in theseactivities. While P5 was comfortable in technology oriented roles, when tasked to take onproduction management, he was fully engaged in the role for the
. 14Dr. AC. Megri 2020 ASEE Annual Conference Figure 14: Outcome 3 from ABET 15Dr. AC. Megri 2020 ASEE Annual ConferenceReferences:[1] Abou Hashem, Y., Dayal, M., Savanah, S., & Strkalj, G. (2015). The application of 3D printing inanatomy education. Med Educ Online, 20, 29847.[2] Berry, R. Q., III, Bull, G., Browning, C., Thomas, C. D., Starkweather, K., & Aylor, J. H. (2010).Preliminary considerations regarding use of digital fabrication to incorporate engineering designprinciples in elementary mathematics education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and TeacherEducation, 10(2), 167-172.[3
. ReferencesAccreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs (2020). Retrieved from content/uploads/2018/11/E001-19-20-EAC-Criteria-11-24-18.pdfAmerican Management Association. (2012). AMA 2012 Critical Skills Survey. Retrieved from, R. T., Gilbreath, G. H., & Stone, W. S. (1998). The interdisciplinary needs of organizations. Journal of Management Development, 17(3), 219-232.Bers, M. U., & Portsmore, M. (2005). Teaching partnerships: Early childhood and engineering students teaching math and science through robotics. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 14(1), 59
like to thank Prof. Ken Youssefi, instructor for ME 20course, for his support in conducting the study at San Jose State University.References[1] J. V. Ernst, D. Lane, and A. C. Clark, "Pictorial Visual Rotation Ability of Engineering Design Graphics Students," presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2014.[2] R. P. Springer, C. H. Dobrovolny, and J. S. Hoelscher, Graphics for Engineers, Visualization, Communication and Design: John Wiley & Sons, 1968.[3] S. A. Scribner and M. A. Anderson, "Novice drafters' spatial visualization development: Influence of instructional methods and individual learning styles," 2005.[4] G. R. Bertoline, E. N. Wiebe, C. L. Miller, and J. L. Mohler, Technical
-class activities such as video lectures, text-based materials, and online exercises and quizzes, in-class activities including methods such astraditional lectures, reviews of pre-class assignments, and active learning exercises, and post-classactivities such as quizzes or other homework exercises [4]. According to a meta-study performed byKarabulut-Ilgu interest in the technique was first observed the early 2000’s and, beginning around 2011,academic interest has grown rapidly, evidenced in both conference proceedings and journal publications[5]. Several substantial meta-studies have been published in the past few years attempting to distill theresults of this near decade of study [4-6]. While a distillation of relevant aspects of these studies
can vary by regions because of their proximity togeographic locations close to AI sectors (e.g. Pittsburgh or Silicon Valley) that have a highimpact on the communities/culture. Therefore, there is a necessity to expand this study with alarger population of participants from various ethnic backgrounds, professions and regions.AcknowledgmentThis research is funded by the National Science Foundation NSF DUE #1941782. Any opinions,findings, or conclusions found in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the sponsor.References(1) Nadelson, L. S.; Seifert, A. L. Integrated STEM Defined: Contexts, Challenges, and the Future; Taylor & Francis, 2017.(2) Boston, M. D.; Smith, M. S. A ‘Task-Centric
held accountable, but have no formal authority to execute. Likewise, authorityand responsibility, without accountability, promotes subjectivity in decision making.Enrichment, Empowerment, Responsibility and Accountability [1, p. 6]A fee-based self-funded organization has to be particularly attuned to any organizationalexpenditures that might impact the overhead rates for the organization. Overhead rates for anadministrative self-funded organization are an additional burden against gross revenue thatresults in a reduced profit/residual to the academic department(s); the home department foradministered academic programs.Coupling the need for controlling overhead rates with the theoretical employment vulnerabilitiesof being employed in a self
Societal Impact and Increase Diversity in Bioengineering.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. (2017) [05] M. Mollica, H. Feldner, A. Caspi, K. Steele, S. Israel, and D.G. Hendricks. “Toy Adaptation for Recruitment of Underrepresented Students to Bioengineering.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. (2018) [06] M.Y. Mollica, A.M. Spomer, B.M. Goodwin, S. Israel, A. Caspi, H.A. Feldner, K.M. Steele, and D.G. Hendricks. “Engagement in Practice: Toy Adaptation for Children with Disabilities: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach and Toy Donation”, American Society for
faculty who attend an OTNworkshop and write a review ultimately intend to adopt an OER for their course(s) [15].Much of the discussion of OER use in STEM disciplines focuses on the implementation of OERin high enrollment introductory courses [16]. Hendricks et al. utilized the Physics 100 course intheir study because it is a large enrollment, introductory course, and they were already revisingthe course and reorganizing course learning materials [6]. At the University of California Davis,ChemWiki was piloted as a replacement for a traditional textbook in one general chemistrycourse. Researchers found that students in the pilot section had comparable overall performancewith students in the control section and self-reported spending more time