looked to compare male and femalestudents throughout the essay, as there seemed to be a difference between the two genders. Theyfound that males are less likely to ask for help when needed and that female students had ahigher “trigger point” (the grade at which they decided to seek out SI). [3] With the use of theirfindings, they were able to further improve the SI in their class.A study in 2008 by T. Bowles, A. McCoy, and S. Bates focused on if the student will graduateon time instead of the student’s grade. They believe that it is more important to look at long-termoutcomes, such as graduation rates, rather than just course performance. [4] They had 3,905people fill out their surveys and they found that SI attendance increases the probability
Paper ID #30335The Challenge of Preparing iGen Students for Engineering and ComputerScienceDr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and
), quantity (number of ideas generated), and quality (feasibility of anidea and the degree to which it meets the design specifications), noting that “an engineeringdesign must not only be novel (unusual, unexpected) but it must also satisfy some intendedfunction(s) to desired specifications (have desired utility)” (p. 111). Creativity in engineering isalso discussed as “functional creativity” by Cropley & Cropley (2005) who also highlight thatengineering products typically need to serve a useful function.Challenges to Teaching CreativityCreativity in engineering has been identified as an essential skill, yet there are few engineeringprograms that offer courses that teach creativity (Charyton & Merrill, 2009). While there may beseveral
2014 he was awarded by FAPESP with a post-doctoral research at the Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs at the same university. His research focus relies on Engineering and Community Services; Socio-Legal Studies, Science and Technology Studies, Political philosophy, Sociology of Environment and Intellectual Property Rights.Dr. Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz, Aeronautics Technological Institute (Brazil) I currently develop a post-doctorate research at the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) with a schol- arship from FAPESP (#2018/20563-3). I hold a PhD degree in Philosophy (University of S˜ao Paulo, 2017), a bachelor degree in Philosophy (Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, 2008), a master degree in
the academic option that is kind of get really into my research lab, get publications in, go down the PhD track and having to deal with that like, going and teaching and kind of build my own research lab or to be one of the four P.I.'s of a research lab. Another option is after, on a graduate level, probably I join a small business just because I know that's more my working style. Working on something interesting that I can contribute to. Probably start somewhere and move somewhere else just knowing how industry kind of works a little bit. You're not usually set in stone at one place but as I go through and figure out who I work really well with and then branch off, kind
Cross Cutting Aspects Learn from Understand Hazards Manage Risk Commit to ProcessFoundation (Part 1) Experience (Part 2) & Risks (Part 3) (Part 4) Safety (Part 5)RBPS Key Context: Workforce Incident Investigations, Hazard Identification Training, Safe Work, Process SafetyElement(s) Involvement, Process Auditing, Continuous and Risk Analysis Management of Competency and Safety Information, Improvement Change, Emergency Process Safety Culture Conduct of Operations Management &
promote more collaboration projectsbetween faculty and librarians of this scale within SEAS at UB and beyond.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services (BVCPS) for theirinput on the budgetary portion of the standards case study assignment. The information sharedwas incredibly useful to the authors, as well as the students.References[1] G. Leckie and A. Fullerton, "Information literacy in science and engineering undergraduate education," College and Research Libraries, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 9-29, 1999.[2] S. Shanbhag, "Alternative models of knowledge production: a step forward in information literacy as a liberal art," Library Philosophy and Practice, vol. 8, no. 2, p. np, 2006.[3
gain an enhanced visual appreciation of how trusses behave.In the 2018/19 academic year, 166 first-year engineering students at the University ofSaskatchewan volunteered for a pilot study that examined the efficacy of TrussVR©. The studywas approved by the U of S Behavioural Research Ethics Board. Volunteers completed a “pre-survey” that examined knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding trusses, before trusses had beentaught in the classroom. Participants were then randomly assigned to one of three groups: no lab,regular lab, and TrussVR© lab. All participants then attended 2 weeks of in-class lectures ontrusses, frames, and machines, as they normally would. During this time, the “no lab” group didnot complete an experimental lab on trusses
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chemical engineering Safety engineering& Armament technology Automation3.5 CheckingThe three authors exchanged the new coding results, from which each authorrandomly selected 10 items for "triangulation", that is, author 1 checked author 2'scoding work, author 2 checked author 3's coding work, and author 3 checked author1's coding work. Author 1 calculated and reviewed the consistency level, which wasat 92.5% agreement at this stage. At last, the authors discussed the codingcontroversy at the next meeting, reached a consensus and revised the original code.3.6 QuantizingThe initial secondary question addressed is, “what has been the construction
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Section 2, the first step above (Establishing the Criteria) is also implemented in the control group, i.e. Section 1. II. List the Criteria in an Online Survey Following the class activity on Day 1, and using the list generated under task interdependence, the instructor creates a survey asking each student to self- identify their potential contribution to the project group, as well as their gender, race, and other aspects of their personality (e.g. collectivism vs. individualism, source(s) of motivation, view on engineering and social justice, etc.). In keeping with the spirit of Potosky and Duck [8], this survey should give
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engineeringworkplace skills development in favor of graduating engineers with stronger analytical skillsbased on their ability to apply sound scientific principles. Though laudable and well intentioned,it became apparent in the 80’s and 90’s with the emergence of globalized economies that thependulum had swung too far in this direction and that a correction was needed. ABET’sEngineering Criteria 2000 [2] approved in 1996 and used until recently for accreditingengineering programs, sought to achieve this by balancing the need for outcomes related toengineering problem solving with outcomes that promoted the societal context for engineering.This has resulted in a strong emphasis on introducing and assessing the professional skills intocurricula. There has been
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increasingly needed. Meanwhile, biomedical engineers are increasingly asked to developuser-centered solutions (i.e., desired by the end users). Nevertheless, the importance of user-centeredness is often neglected in the innovation process. It remains unclear about the interplaybetween thinking of solution novelty and desirability in addition to feasibility, and thus it ischallenging for biomedical engineering educators to balance the teaching of the above twoaspects in a BME design curriculum.This study aims to develop a preliminary version of a user-centered innovation potentialassessment instrument applicable to diverse biomedical engineering design projects. Theassessment instrument was adapted from File and Purzer (2014)’s definition of
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW’16 Companion, San Francisco, CA, USA, Feb 27 - March 02, 2016, pp. 333-336. 4. J. Perkel, “How scientists use Slack,” Nature, January 2017, vol. 541, pp. 123-124. 5. M. Gofine and S. Clark, “Integration of Slack, a cloud-based team collaboration application, into research coordination,” Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 2017, vol. 24, no.2, pp. 252- 254. 6. J. Gaines, O. Akintewe, and S. Small, “Engineering design instruction using Slack for project support and teamwork,” 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 16-19, 2019, Tampa, FL.7. X. Zhang, Y. Meng, P. Pablos, and Y. Sun, “Learning analytics in collaborative learning
discussed with any of the groups but isa possibility for further consideration. In order to determine if the outcomes of this project are reproducible, a version of thisproject will be introduced into Northeastern ’s fluid mechanics course in an upcoming semester.In order to better analyze the student’s self-reported enjoyment and improvement, a 4-point Likertscale will be used on the end-of-semester surveys to more accurately assess and quantify studentresponses. An ANNOVA analysis will also be utilized for better comparison between semesters.References(1) Vreman-de Olde, G.C., de Jong, T., Gijlers, H. Educational Technology & Society, 2013, 16(4),47-58.(2) Leeder, D. Education Media International, 2000, 37(4), 219–224.(3) Cherrett, T
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