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2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Elizabeth Kurban, Women in Engineering, University of Maryland College Park; Mary L Bowden, University of Maryland College Park
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(FYEE) Conference Facilitating Pathways to Engineering: First Year Summer ExperienceProposal AbstractThe [SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING] is a limited enrollment program at the [UNIVERSITY].Unfortunately, not all students who are interested in studying engineering are directly admittedinto the [SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING], but instead are admitted into [UNIVERSITY]’sDivision of Letters and Sciences (L&S). There are many students of minoritized identities (suchas women and racial/ethnic minoritized students) who are not directly admitted into the[SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING], but instead are admitted to the L&S division. Students notdirectly admitted will later have the opportunity to re-apply to the
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Briana M Bouchard, Tufts University; Kristen B Wendell, Tufts University; Ethan E Danahy, Tufts University
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, 2007.[2] L. L. Bucciarelli, Designing Engineers. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1994.[3] M. T. H. Chi, S. Kang, and D. L. Yaghmourian, “Why Students Learn More From Dialogue- Than Monologue-Videos: Analyses of Peer Interactions,” J. Learn. Sci., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 10–50, 2016.[4] M. D. Koretsky, D. Gilbuena, S. B. Nolen, G. Tierney, and S. E. Volet, “Productively Engaging Student Teams in Engineering: The Interplay between Doing and Thinking,” in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, 2014.[5] S. Michaels and C. O’Connor, “Talk Science Primer,” Terc, pp. 1–20, 2012.[6] M. R. Banaji and A. G. Greenwald, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, 1st ed
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Lisa Lampe, University of Virginia; Blakeley Calhoun
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is anresearchers to utilize Critical Race Theory (CRT) to advising office that provides general academic informationexamine systems and processes within higher and referral for students, but all advising transactions musteducation, how these institutions perpetuate racial be approved by the student’s faculty advisor.Split: There is an advising office that advises a specific activities. In sum, they switched how they advise firstgroup(s) of students (e.g., those that are undecided about a year students but not how they advise students beyondmajor, underprepared, etc.). All other students are assigned the first year. At this institution, all first-yearto academic units or
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Jacqueline Ann Stagner P.Eng., University of Windsor; Jennifer Sears, University of Windsor; Giselle St Louis, University of Windsor; Jennifer L Johrendt, University of Windsor
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Engineering Students using Classification and Regression," in 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Memphis, TN, 2013.[6] "My Student Support Program," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 9 February 2020].[7] "TAO Office of Student Experience," n.d.. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 March 2020].[8] "Self Help Resources (Campus Wide & Groups) Checklist," February 2019. [Online]. Available: Help%20Resources%20(Campus-Wide%20%26%20Groups)%2FTAO%20Pathway%20Checklist. [Accessed 31 March 2020].
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
James Lenn, Wayne State University; Fatmir Menkulasi P.E., Wayne State University; Marcis Jansons P.E., Wayne State University; Jessie Mazin Yousif-Dickow; McKayla Kleinschrodt; Jeffrey Potoff, Wayne State University
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EngineeringEducation, vol. 82, Apr. 1993. [2] H. Lei, F. Ganjeizadeh, D. Nordmeyer, and J. Phung, “Student learning trends in a freshman-level introductory engineering course,” 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference(EDUCON), April 2017, pp. 152–156.[3] L. A. Meadows, R. Fowler, and E. S. Hildinger, “Empowering students with choice in the firstyear,” 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, Jun. 2012. [Online].Available:[4] L. L. Wu, R. M. Cassidy, J. M. McCarthy, J. C. LaRue, and G. N. Washington,“Implementation and impact of a first-year project-based learning course,” 2016 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, Jun. 2016. [Online]. Available:[5] B. C
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
AJ Hamlin, Michigan Technological University; Amber Kemppainen, Michigan Technological University; Brett Hamlin, Michigan Technological University; Norma L Veurink, Michigan Technological University; Jon Sticklen, Michigan Technological University
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futurepaper. We also intend to undertake direct comparisons between students outcomes prior to ourprogram reboot and after the reboot. The learning goals we set for the new program differ fromthe prior outcome goals. Hence we will need to treat Before/After comparisons very carefully. Inthe long story, our next large task is to undertake a longitudinal study through engineering degreeprograms to determine the effect our enhanced FYEP is having on the BS degree graduates ofMichigan Tech.References[1] S. Sorby, A. Monte, and G. L. Hein. "Implementing a common first-year engineering program at Michigan Tech." Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM.[2] G. L
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Danny Luecke; Austin James Allard, Turtle Mountain Community College; Michael Maloy Parker, Cankdeska Cikana Community College; Ann Vallie; Teri Ann Allery; Robert V. Pieri, North Dakota State University; Karl Haefner
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affected at varying rates and different occupationswithin our society are affected in different ways, so too, no universal ‘silver bullet’ for remedialmath is shown by our data but rather our decisions need to be made in a fuller context.Further work seeks to share the data and analysis from two other TCUs in North Dakota thatwere halted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, a deeper dive into relationship and context-dependent pedagogies is appropriate which may perhaps intersect with culturally responsive andsustaining pedagogy.References[1] T. Bailey, D. W. Jeong, and S.-W. Cho, “Referral, enrollment, and completion in developmental education sequences in community colleges,” Econ. Educ. Rev., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 255–270, Apr. 2010, doi