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2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Diana de la Rosa-Pohl; Catherine Horn
1 Session XXXX Endeavour S-STEM: Supporting High-Achieving Underserved Students in STEM Diana de la Rosa Pohl Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Houston Catherine Horn Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies University of HoustonAbstractStudents from underserved populations face many obstacles in their endeavor to obtain a bachelor’sdegree in STEM. The challenges are not
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Elsa Castillo; Joel Robinson; Kristine Denman; Anyssa Choy; Tariq Khraishi
/computer science students was conducted at the University of New Mexico. The scholarshipprogram involved elements such as faculty mentoring, career development activities and financial support foreach student scholar. In this paper, the program details are furnished and data on the positive impacts of suchactivities on student academic success is presented. IntroductionThe S-STEM (Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) project (NSFAward ID 1458854) at the University of New Mexico (UNM) officially started awarding scholarships in the fall2015. Funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation, the S-STEM project at UNM focuses onretaining and graduating
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Anna Zagrai; Mostafa Hassanalian
increase their efficiency1,2. Penguins as amphibious birds also have blackbacks and white fronts. Penguins generally live in the southern hemisphere. They live as far asGalapagos island. Antarctica is the main habitat of the penguins. Antarctica as the coldest place onEarth has a very short summer and a very long winter. In winter, the average temperatures rangebetween -20 ◦C in the coastal strip and -70 ◦C in the continent, while in the summer the averagetemperatures range between 0 ◦C along the coast and -35 ◦C in the continent3. The core temperatureof a penguin is about 36.9 degrees Celsius. Most of the penguins swim underwater at around 1.8 to3.1 m/s, but the fastest penguin, Gentoo (Pygoscelis Papua), can reach top speeds of 9.8 m/s
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Michael Brown; Christopher Medlow; Shuza Binzaid; Penrose Cofie; Warsame Ali; John Attia
speed and data analysis in the PVAMU area showed that the installation of wind turbines oncampus would be a very good reliable source of energy during the colder months and also adequatethroughout the year. The wind speed recommended for most wind turbines is around 3.5 m/s. In thisresearch, it was found that the campus's wind data was above 4 m/s. Also, by being able to recorddata at different heights here at Prairie View and comparing it to previous years were consistent. Amast was set up to collect wind speed at different elevations (Figure 3). The system was developedfor processing data faster (also combined utilized Equation 1) than the commercial system (Figure4). It used the Inspeed Vortex Anemometer (Figure 5
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Andrew Grossfield
dαAs examples, contrast two curves. On a circle, the curvature, κ = remains constant as the arc ds d2 ylength, s, varies but varies. On the second curve, a vertical geometric parabola, y(x) = x2, dx2d2 y dα is constant, but the curvature, , varies, being greatest at the vertex and decaying to zero asdx2 dsx increases beyond bound.Note 1: The equation κ = R-1 identifies the curvature of a circle with the reciprocal of its radius.A smaller circle has a greater curvature or rate of turn than a larger
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Robert Carrillo; Ricky Perez; Alex Sanchez; Ray Long; Okan Caglayan
safely store the LiPobatteries in a laboratory. Figure 1 (b) showed the hardware that included the PCM, temperature,humidity, carbon monoxide and gas/smoke sensors, which could trigger an alarm to alert thepersonnel if an abnormal condition was detected during storage. E.M.A.’s operational state isshown in Figure 2. a. b. Figure 2. ThingSpeak Dashboard (a) Normal operation (b) Detected abnormal conditionProject Volta was funded by the Autonomous Vehicle System (AVS) Laboratory under thesupervision of Dr. Michael Frye, PI and Director of the AVS Lab at the University of theIncarnate Word. This project provided the senior engineering students an invaluable opportunityto
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
M. Javed Khan; Chadia Affane Aji
college degrees awarded in STEM fields are much smaller in comparison to othercountries such as China2. While there was a steady rise in undergraduate enrollment in science andengineering (S&E) from 2000 (243,500 students) to 377,410 in 2014, this is in stark contrast toChina where in 2000 the undergraduate enrollment in S&E was 281,270 and in 2014 it was1,447,3303. In 2014, 40 percent of bachelor's degrees earned by men and 29% earned by womenwere in STEM fields. The engineering degrees were only 4.4% of all the undergraduate degreesawarded in 2014 as compared to for example, European countries (13%) or Asian countries (23%),according to a report by the National Academy of Engineering4.President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Irma Rocio Vazquez; Sakineh Chabi
. Materials for solar fuels and chemicals. Nat. Mater. (2016). doi:10.1038/nmat47782. Gust, D., Moore, T. A. & Moore, A. L. Solar fuels via artificial photosynthesis. Acc. Chem. Res. (2009). doi:10.1021/ar900209b3. Roger, I., Shipman, M. A. & Symes, M. D. Earth-abundant catalysts for electrochemical and photoelectrochemical water splitting. Nature Reviews Chemistry (2017). doi:10.1038/s41570-016-00034. Zhang, T. & Lin, W. Metal-organic frameworks for artificial photosynthesis and photocatalysis. Chemical Society Reviews (2014). doi:10.1039/c4cs00103f5. Chabi, S., Papadantonakis, K. M., Lewis, N. S. & Freund, M. S. Membranes for artificial photosynthesis. Energy and Environmental Science (2017). doi
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Ryan Campbell; Danny Reible; Roman Taraban; Jeong-Hee Kim
reflection through arts- and humanities-basedactivities. Work is ongoing to support this claim (e.g., see [9] and [10]).This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1806889. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. References1. Yenawine, P., & Miller, A. (2014). Visual thinking, images, and learning in college. About Campus, 19(4), 2-8.2. King, P. M., & Kitchener, K. S. (1994). Developing Reflective Judgment. San Francisco, CA USA: Jossey-Bass.3. Grant, A. M., Franklin, J., &
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Siavash Nikravesh; Donghyeon Ryu; Yu-Lin Shen
challenges in computationallymodeling film-substrate instabilities. The current approach enables increased accuracy andversatility in predicting instabilities over a wide range of material and geometric conditions. References1 Huck, W. T. et al. Ordering of spontaneously formed buckles on planar surfaces. Langmuir 16, 3497-3501 (2000).2 Nikravesh, S., Ryu, D., Shen, Y.-L. Direct numerical simulation of buckling instability of thin films on a compliant substrate. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 11, 1687814019840470, doi:10.1177/1687814019840470 (2019).3 Nikravesh, S., Ryu, D., Shen, Y.-L. Surface Instability of Composite Thin Films on Compliant Substrates: Direct Simulation
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Tamara Stimatze; Jacqueline Zeiber; Patricia Sullivan; Steven Stochaj; Luis Vázquez
Counseling and Educational Psychology New Mexico State University IntroductionIn the early 1980’s Congress requested that the National Science Foundation (NSF) provideeducational and professional development opportunities for people of color, women, and peoplewith disabilities pursuing a career in the sciences and engineering [1]. Although the number ofunderrepresented groups pursing degrees and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, andMathematics (STEM) is increasing – the number of people from underrepresented communities,such as Hispanic or Latino, as well as women, remains unequal [2].Engineering is a STEM domain in which underrepresented groups continue to remain
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Brett Johnston; Danny Logan; Shuza Binzaid; John Attia; Warsame Ali
theappropriate equations and code to our program. To be specific, the thermophilic and mesophilic gasproduction curves can better define by the process. At the end of week 8, there was no methane gasproduction in the collection bag due to perceived contamination issues, but it did have a measurableamount of methane in the control digester vessel. As stated before, greater care will be needed whileoperating and maintaining the digester vessel. This emphasizes the importance of this study and isexactly why remote monitoring and adjustment of process parameters can be so valuable to thisrenewable energy source. References[1] S. Sutaryo, A.J. Ward, H.B. Møller Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Roli Varma
. technology sector, AsianIndian engineers differ significantly in their working conditions and socio-economic experiences.The paper is based on both primary data and secondary sources. Primary data comes from aNational Science Foundation (NSF) funded study on return migration of Asian Indian engineersfrom the United States. IntroductionSince World War II, foreign-born population in science and engineering (S&E) has beenincreasing in the United States. In 2015, foreign-born accounted for almost 30% of college-educated workers employed in S&E occupations in the United States1. This is an outcome ofmajor alterations in the U.S. immigration policies in 1952, 1965 and 1990. Among otherchanges, immigration
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Roli Varma
Computing, MIT Press, Cambridge. 9. Varma, R., 2002, “Women in Information Technology: A Case Study of Undergraduate Students in a Minority-Serving Institution”, Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, Vol. 22, pp. 274-282. 10. Beyer, S., Rynes, K., Haller, S., 2004, “Deterrents to Women Taking Computer Science Courses”, IEEE Society and Technology, Vol. 23, pp. 21-28. 11. Irani, L., 2004, “Understanding Gender and Confidence in CS Course Culture: An Alternative to Big O Notation”, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 36, pp. 195-199. 12. Varma, R., 2007, “Women in Computing: The Role of Geek Culture”, Science as Culture, Vol. 16, pp. 359-376. 13. Varma, R., 2007, “Decoding the Female Exodus from Computing
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Angela Attia; Sierra Johnson; Shuza Binzaid; John Attia; Yusuf Isa-Yusuf; Warsame Ali
, 2018.2. A. Lantero, “How Microgrids Work,”, 17-Jun-2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jul-2019].3. “Foundations,” Arduino. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 08-Jul-2019].4. L. Rosencrance, S. Shea, and I. Wigmore, “What is internet of things (IoT)? - Definition from,” IoTAgenda. [Online]. Available: [Accessed:08-Jul-2019].5. V. Beal, “Wi-Fi (wireless networking),” What is Wi-Fi (Wireless)? Webopedia Definition. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09-Jul-2019].ANGELA ATTIA AND SIERRA JOHNSONMs. Angela
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Chadia Affane Aji; M. Javed Khan
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Copyright ã 2020, American Society for Engineering Education 4with a p < 0.05, thus rejecting the null hypothesis (Ho). A summary of the mean (µ), and thestandard deviation (s) of the responses for each dimension is provided in Table I.Table -I: Summary of Pre-Post AnalysisDimension Pretest Posttest p µ s µ sMath importance (I) 3.83 0.65 4.22 0.46 < 0.0005Math enjoyment (II) 3.44 0.69 3.72 0.63 < 0.005Science enjoyment (III) 2.96 0.62
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Ulan Dakeev; Recayi Pecen; Faruk Yildiz; Ali Aljaroudi PhD
collection of data. Figure 4. Data collection process to demonstrate full setup of the trailer from ARM Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Copyright © 2020, American Society for Engineering Education 8 References[1] P. Berke, J. Cooper, M. Amino and S. &. H. J. Grabich, "Adaptive planning for disaster recovery and resiliency: an evaluation of 87 loval recovery plans in eight states", vol. 80, J.Am.Plan.Assoc., 2014.[2] M. Imran, C. Castillo and F. &. V. S. Diaz, “Processing Social Media Messages in Mass
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Chadia Affane Aji; M. Javed Khan
indicate that the US education enterprise is unable to respond to this labor-reinstatement need. The Smithsonian Science Education Center projected that over 2 million STEMjobs will go unfulfilled in US in 20183.According to the latest report by the National Science Board (2019), not much has changed on thenational Science and Engineering (S&E) landscape since 1995, especially in case of underrepresentedminorities ( In 1995, 32.4% of all freshmen entering a 4-year college intended to pursue STEM. By 2012, a 13% increase was registered in the number ofprimarily non-African American freshmen intending to pursue STEM. However, this numberremained flat at around 36% from 1995 to 2012 for African
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Roy Issa; Reinhard Puffing; Emad Manla
both WTAMU and FHJ students. Theinternational and multidisciplinary focus of this project gave the students on both sides theopportunity to continue improving their problem-solving, teamwork, and communications skills. AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the following students for their contributions: B. Haller, S. Bombek, L. Paulesich, D.Praxmarer, T. Bruchmann, A. Garrido, M. Ranftl, S. Soklaridis, D. Turvey, H. Vallant, R. Reiner, G. Seemann, N. Seith,P. Gerard, K. Welzk (at FHJ), and R. Graves, S. James, D. Rivera, Z. Roberts, S. Smith (at WTAMU
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Iftekhar Basith; Jeremy England; Lance Sebesta
, American Society for Engineering Education References1. Integrated Circuit”,, S. Sanguri, “Uses of Integrated Circuits”, Bright Hub Engineering, https://brighthubengineering.com3. “Logic Gate”,, T.L. Floyd and D.M. Buchla, Electronics Fundamentals Circuits, Devices, and Applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010, pp 780-817.5. Burch, C. “Logisim 2.7.1”. 2011, IBNE BASITHDr. Basith is an Assistant Professor in the department of Engineering Technology at Sam Houston State University,Huntsville, Texas
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Gokul Venugopal; Moges Mequanint; Michael Anjorin; Andy Appau; Nawal Elsadig; Andres Escobar; Hao Zhang
afflictions such as lowering one’s risk of heart disease,diabetes, debilitated muscles, weight gain, and poor blood circulation. Although we haveimplemented basic operations, there are scope for improvements such as adding speakers,customization for each user and using the user’s medical history and his environment for adjustingthe desk with a better formula. This smart desk will ease the lifestyle of people using it. The deskwill simply benefit the person allowing them to reduce their health risk while improving workquality. References1. URL: Garrett, G., Benden, M., Mehta, R., Pickens, A., Peres, S. C., Zhao, H
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Javad Shahmoradi; Pedram Roghanchi; Mostafa Hassanalian
. 4462).3. Bachrach, A., Prentice, S., He, R. and Roy, N., 2011. RANGE–Robust autonomous navigation in GPS‐deniedenvironments. Journal of Field Robotics, 28(5), pp.644-666. Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Copyright  2020, American Society for Engineering Education
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Niyem Bawana; Amir Mirzaeinia; Mostafa Hassanalian
equal to the sum of the self-induced drags of each bird and as many mutuallydrag as there are permutations of their wings in pairs. The total induced drag for n flocking migratorybirds is expressed as: 𝑛−1 𝑛 2 (1) 4𝐷𝐼11 2𝑎 𝐷𝐼 = 𝑛 × 𝐷𝐼11 + 2 ∑ ∑ log [1 − ( ) ] 𝜋 |𝑖 − 𝑗|(𝑏 + 𝑠) 𝑖=1 𝑗=𝑖+1where DI11, b, and s are the induced drag of a bird, wingspan, and distance between adjacent birdperpendicular to the flight path, respectively
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Gabriel Acosta; Mostafa Hassanalian
minimum number of variables to keep into consideration. As a generalapproach, calculations of thrust loading were performed for different altitudes and wing loadings ona fixed-wing UAV with a rectangular wing shape that has an aspect ratio of 4, Oswald number of0.85, a cruise speed of 10 m/s, and chord length of 1 m. The equation used to calculate thrust loadingas a function of wing loading and the changing variables based on changing altitude is Equation 1 Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Copyright © 2020, American Society for Engineering Education
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Krista Nicklaus; Daniel Puperi; Patricia Clayton
. & Schaefer, D. Training Engineering Faculty to be Educators: History, Motivations and a Comparison of US and International Systems. in 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition (American Society for Engineering Education, 2015).3. Ciston, S., Cerretani, C. & Went, M. S. Teaching with graduate teaching assistants: Tips for promoting high performance instructional teams. in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings vols 2016-June (2016).4. Behrouzi, A. Developing a robust teaching portfolio as a doctoral student in a research-intensive engineering program. in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings vols 2017-June (2017).5. Connolly, M. R., Lee, Y.-G. ; & & Savoy, J. N. The
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Cody Crosby; Anita Patrick; Margo Cousins; Laura Suggs; Mia Markey
extent to which you agree with the following statement. a. Society views engineers as an asset. 9. To what extent does your sense of who you are (i.e., your personal identity) overlap with your sense of what an engineer is (i.e., the identity of an engineer)? [Scale 1= not at all, to 8= to a great extent]. ReferencesAnderson, C. B., Lee, H. Y., Byars-Winston, A., Baldwin, C. D., Cameron, C., & Chang, S. (2016). Assessment of Scientific Communication Self-efficacy, Interest, and Outcome Expectations for Career Development in Academic Medicine. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(1), 182–196., C. C. (2017). An Analysis of
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Amir Karimi
), Electrical Engineering (EE), and Mechanical Engineering (ME). Up to 2000, thetotal ME enrollment was below 300 students. The ME program experienced rapid enrollmentgrowth starting in 2000 and the enrollment has reached to a current enrollment exceeding 1200students. Typical class sizes in the ME program gradually increased from 10-20 students in 1980’s,to 20-40 students in 1990s, 30-60 students up to 2002, and finally to 40-130 students beyond 2002.The author has observed that 95-100 % students attend classes when class size is less than 30students. Attendance decreases with increasing class size. Attendance also decrease if it is not afactor on the final grade. In very large classes attendance can be as low as 60% in a given day, evenif it has a
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Gokul Venugopal; Moges Mequanint; Gabriella Rodriguez; Jenniffer Rodriguez; Valerie Cua; Maria Gloria Obono
images we have andthere is space for improvement. With this project, we hope to make everyone realize that we can’tbelieve everything we see and hear and give everyone that edge against the people who are makingthe deep fakes. References1. Howcroft, E., 2018 – Bloomberg QuickTake - videos-became-easy-and-why-that-s-so-scary-quicktake Proceedings of the 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Copyright © 2020, American Society for Engineering Education
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Martha Mitchell; Paola Bandini
graduation of the students.. IntroductionBeginning in 2016 at New Mexico State University (NMSU), a one-on-one mentoring program wasintroduced as part of a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded S-STEM grant designed tosupport academically talented engineering students who demonstrated financial need for up to eightsemesters. The full program included individualized self-assessment and monitoring academicsuccess workshops, metacognition and self-efficacy training, and self-study skills in addition to thefaculty mentoring.The goal of the faculty mentoring program was to be one component of creating a supportiveclimate for the cohort students. Specifically, the faculty mentoring was to allow each student
2020 Gulf Southwest Section Conference
Micaela Olivas; Mostafa Hassanalian
off, itwill be heated to -162°C, creating methane gas, while the ethane and any other hydrocarbon willremain a liquid and be expelled from the drone through the extension tube. The containmentchamber of the methane, as well as the entire drone, will need to be airtight, as the methane’sexposure to air could cause an explosion, and the electronics will need to be protected from allenvironmental hazards. This research could produce a tested proof of concept as early as a year fromnow. References[1] Detweiller, C., Ore, J.P., Zhao, B. and Elbaum, S., NuTech Ventures Inc, “Aerial water sampler”, U.S. Patent9,606,028, 2017.[2] Ribeiro, M., Ferreira, A.S., Gonçalves, P., Galante, J. and de Sousa, J.B