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Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Jarrett, Georgia Institute of Technology
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concerns inpractice, in the context of three green housing proposals located at Hulsey Yards, a 35-acre in-town, industrial urban site south of downtown Atlanta that is strategically placed along the BeltLine Atlanta Project, a 22-mile inner-city light rail loop and greenway currently the focus of amulti-million dollar study by the Georgia Department of Transportation [3].PART ONE:Identifying ConcernsOil-Centered DevelopmentThe U.S. faces an epochal predicament: global oil production will peak within the next couple ofyears, if in fact it hasn’t already peaked. According Kenneth S. Deffeyes, oil production peakedexactly on December 16, 2005, when cumulative production exceeded 1.0065 trillion barrels ofoil [4]. Regardless of when oil production
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology; Erin George, Rochester Institute of Technology
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linkage, lubrication, and proper closure should be verified. Dampersshould operate properly when stroked individually or as a unit. They should fully open and closeupon command. They should not squeak or otherwise indicate a lack of proper lubrication.Control pre-functional tests conducted include start/stop hands off auto, and freeze stat. Thestart/stop hands off auto (S/S H/O/A) will verify that the unit can be properly shut downremotely from the web-based control system. The freeze stat test verifies the system properlyreacts to freezing conditions as a safety measure to protect the coils. For the purposes of testing,the freeze stat is tripped with a false temperature as to not damage the coils.The team decided, with input from the FMS
Conference Session
Practice/Partnership/Program Issues
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edmond Saliklis, California Polytechnic State University
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. and Roth, M. (2004) “Undergraduate Research: The Lafayette Experience”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.(8) Saliklis, E., Kurtz, S. and Furnbach, S. (2003) “Finite Element Modeling of Guastavino Tiled Arches”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Halkidiki, Greece, pp. 257-266.(9) Saliklis, E., Billington, D. and Tregger, N. (2004) “Buckling Studies of the Trojan Tower” Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Natural Draught Cooling Towers, May 20- 22, Istanbul, Turkey, 115-120.(10) Saliklis, E. and Billington D. (2003) “The Hershey Arena: Anton Tedesko’s
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Dong, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo; Thomas Leslie, Iowa State University
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AVERAGE Arch 602 (control) Studio S 04 NA 3.83 3.67 4.33 4.33 3.83 3.50 3.50 4.33 4.17 4.50 3.67 4.33 4.17 3.83 4.00
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Arch Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Betz, SUNY-College of Technology
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the use of this new technological process for economic reasons?This paper will apply a series of existing theories developed from the post World War II periodto the pre CAD period of the 1980’s to explain technological changes and apply them tocomputer automation design process of today. These ideas will help to develop a theory tounderstand this new design process. It will outline characteristics of this new design process andpresent a framework to examine the effects in a Construction Design course. Student surveysand supporting data are presented. Recommendations for new assessment are offered. Thelarger goal of this paper is to obtain feedback for a more serious journal length article.Theoretical BackgroundThere is a substantial body of
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeanne Homer, Oklahoma State University
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being added or do not delay graduation. 2 ENGL 0123 ENGL 1113 ENGL 1213 BASIC SCI. (4) GENED (3) Bas ic Comp Fresh Comp 1 Fresh Comp II Bas ic Leve l “S” NOTE: The School of Architecture Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem requires a final grade
Conference Session
Practice/Partnership/Program Issues
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeong Woo; Robert Johnson, Texas A&M University; Mark Clayton, Texas A&M University
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evidence for thesoftware’s effectiveness. Because of this, a method for capturing knowledge should be developedin the future. When professionals handle knowledge of high value, they intuitively want tocapture it, but often they cannot spend adequate time to capture and store it appropriately.Reference1. Casakin, H., and G. Goldschmidt. 1999. Expertise and the use of visual analogy: Implications for designeducation. Design Studies. 20 (2): 153-175.2. Cross, N., and A. Cross. 1995. Observations of teamwork and social processes in design. Design Studies, 16: 143-170.3. Fruchter, R., and P. Demian. 2002. CoMem: Designing an interaction experience for reuse of rich contextualinformation from a corporate memory. AIEDAM 2002. 16: 127-147.4. Herring, S
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire Shigekawa, North Carolina State University
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prominence and the line thatseparates the different roles in the construction industry has already become blurred. Thetwo professions are so interrelated that the industry values a background in both fields.Increasingly more universities across the country and the world have an ArchitecturalEngineering curriculum. However, most existing programs emphasize training inArchitectural Engineering with significantly less emphasis placed on structuralengineering. In this report, I devised an undergraduate curriculum(s) at NC StateUniversity to build a professional career in building/bridge design with strong emphasisin both the structural as well as the architectural aspects. This plan may serve as a modelfor programs interested in a similar training path
Conference Session
Technical Issues in Architectural Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suining Ding, Indiana University Purdue University-Fort Wayne (Eng)
Tagged Divisions
goals of appreciation the difference in life styles / living patterns across time and space, as well as the nurture an appreciation of cross cultural comparison of architecture. Students will learn a great deal from this freshly new and carefully crafted course.References[1] Ching, Francis D.K. Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1996[2] Liu, Laurence. Chinese Architecture. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. 1989[3] Kurtich, John, Eakin, Garret. Interior Architecture. York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1993[4] Rapoport, Amos. House Form and Culture. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1969[5] Timpson, W, Canetto, S, Borrayo, E & Yang, R. Teaching Diversity. Atwood Publishing
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cowan, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
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that would involve more participantswould enable the data and conclusions to be further reaching in conclusions andrecommendations. As it now stands the conclusions can only be attributed to this small samplegroup. However, given the encouraging results from this study it appears that using an adoptedbuilding as a case study within this context could prove to be a valuable method for teachingstudents about commercial construction.References:1. Grabow, S. & Alexander, C. (1983). The Search For A New Paradigm In Architecture. Boston: Oriel Press, p. 88.2. Scott Brown, D. Breaking Down the Barriers between Theory and Practice, p.43.3. Cuff, D. (1991). Architecture: The Story of Practice. Cambridge: MIT Press, p. 7.4. Berg, B. (2001
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Architectural Engineering I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne Bilbeisi, Oklahoma State University
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byrecording factual information (draw the plan and sketch the important space(s) in perspective).They then must think of the architectural vocabulary terms and organizational concepts discussedin class (based on Francis Ching’s Form, Space and Order3), and use these terms with a fewdiagrams to illustrate the concepts of form, space and order exhibited in the building or spacethey have selected. They must identify what formal transformations have occurred, documentone open space and one closed space, and decide which of the five ordering systems – linear,grid, centralized, radial, or cluster have been employed.The primary goal of this exercise is to force students to look at the architecture they experienceeveryday with a critical eye. They must
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Arch Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Erich Connell, East Carolina University; David Batie, East Carolina University
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Future for Architecture Education andPractice, Carnegie Foundation.Burke, L. (2005). Transitioning to Online Course Offerings: Tactical and Strategic Considerations.Journal of Interactive Online Learning, Vol. 4, No.2, Fall 2005.Harrison, A., Bramson, R., (2002). Art of Thinking, Berkley Publishing Group, New York.Tomei, L. (2004). The Impact of Online Teaching on Faculty Load: Computing the Ideal Class Size forOnline Courses. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, January., S. (2003). Cost to Instructors in Delivering Equated Online and On-campus Courses. The Journalof Interactive Online Learning. Vol. 1, No.4, Spring
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Arch Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stan Guidera, Bowling Green State University
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studies. They also found that STSA influenced perceptions regardingglobalization. Structuring the course as a short-term offering is also aligned with current trendsthat indicate that there has been declining enrollment in full semester study abroad programsover the last decade. Approximately 56% of U. S. students studying abroad in 2005 selected Page 11.793.3programs with a duration that was less than one semester [7].Short-term study abroad programs have been proposed to be of particular benefit to studentsstudying in professional fields, which would include a field such as architecture. Klahr and Ratti[9] stated that while “it is generally