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Librarian for Engineering and Entrepreneurship at the North Carolina State University Libraries. She provides research support for the College of Engineering, College of Textiles, and entrepreneurship initiatives at NCSU. Shelby received her B.A.’s from Pennsylvania State University and her MSLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s iSchool. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Work In Progress: Healthcare Economics and Information Literacy: Resources for Success in Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering EducationThe pathway to successful medical innovation includes a labyrinth of business hurdles includingregulatory approval, reimbursement strategy, intellectual property
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(using sprint components) ofbiomechanics, biomaterials, bioelectric, and bioinstrumentation phases.The main steps within the Google Sprint include:• “Lightning Demos” - 3 minute presentation of important findings after research/inspiration• “ 4 Step Sketch” - Collecting ideas from research and lightning demos, creating initial sketches, performing crazy 8’s, and creating an individual final solution sketch• Group Decision - Determining as a group their best collective idea.The five-day breakdown (Figure 3) of activities introduce the students to anemphasis area, determine a problem they are personally interested in,explore what has been done to combat the problem, determine individualsolutions, decide on a group solution and present their
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Paper ID #29602Design thinking concepts in Undergraduate Engineering Capstone ProjectsMr. Michael A Phelan, Department of Bioengineering, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA I am a PhD student in Bioengineering at Temple University and a predoctoral fellow at the National Eye Institute supported through the Intramural Research Program of the NIH.Mr. Aratrik GuhaMr. Brandon K Harrison, Temple UniversityGeorge Moukarzel, Temple UniversityMs. Abigail A. TettehDr. Yah-el Har-el, Temple University Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of BioengineeringDr. Ruth Ochia P.E., Temple University Ruth S. Ochia received her B.S
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grow [9]. Students are entrusted with a great amount of freedom: from choosingwhich problem(s) to tackle and pitching their ideas, to recruiting other classmates to join theirteam, setting up meeting times via online conferencing tools, and working together to createdeliverables from various locations across the U.S. [10]. This model aims to produce qualitydeliverables, which students can own as their personal intellectual property and innovation. Thejournal publications, poster presentations, business plans, outreach activities, inventiondisclosures, awards, and products developed are among the deliverables students can produce[8]. The students gain experience working within a team that includes students from othermajors, universities
universities.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the Edwards Lifesciences Center for Advanced CardiovascularTechnology for the use of its facilities and Assistant Director Ann Fain for making this programpossible.References[1] T. Roberts, C. Jackson, M. J. Mohr-Schroeder, S. B. Bush, C. Maiorca, M. Cavalcanti, D. Craig Schroeder, A. Delaney, L. Putnam, and C. Cremeans, "Students' perceptions of STEM learning after participating in a summer informal learning experience," Int J STEM Educ, vol. 5, p. 35, 2018.[2] C. Kovich, M. Carapezza, and A. M. Kyle, "Hk Maker Lab: An Engineering Design Summer Program for High School Students," The Journal of STEM Outreach, vol. 1, 2018.[3] (2019, 28 August). What is Tissue Engineering